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(Operation #148: Lacking Love From The Planet)
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!width=150|Current Season
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The Missions Agents have Accomplished during Season Three.
The Missions Agents have Accomplished during Season Three.
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==Missions #121-130==
==Missions #121-130==
===Operation #121: A Brilliant Ultimatum===
*'''Description:''' The rogue Planeswalkers Corvin and Velspar have been seeking information about the former Seekers of Carmot.  Whatever their intentions are, PARADIGM would prefer them thwarted.
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Investigation
*'''Location:''' Vectis, Esper, Alara
*'''Client:''' Efrain, Vectis Agent
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Yoko S.]]
**[[Letty Carmichael]]
**[[Sheska Mustang]]
*'''Synopsis''':Agents arrived in the undercity of Vectis in Esper on the plane of Alara.
:Their contact Efrain told them that two old enemies, the Planeswalkers [[Corvin]] and [[Velspar]], had been seeking the writings of the Seekers of Carmot, although this group was not named to the Agents directly.  Agents were tasked with locating and removing the intruders before they could uncover anything dangerous.
:Although initially short on leads, the Agents caught a break when they encountered a young pickpocket, who knew little of the Planeswalkers but was able to inform the group of activity at what was thought to be a deserted Seaside Citadel. after some soft persuasion for Agents [[Loki]] and [[Letty Carmichael|Carmichael]].
:Using the Epoch for a swifter approach, the group entered the Citadel and found a magical signature, which led them to a teleportation circle.  After teleporting into the abandonned Arcane Sanctum, the group encountered the rogue Planeswalkers, who summoned a Rune-Scarred Demon to stall them while they searched the upper library.  After defeating the demon, Agents [[Letty Carmichael|Carmichael]] and [[Lynde]] confronted the two 'walkers, who used a fire set during the battle to escape.  Quickly extinguishing the flames, the Agents returned to the contact, informing him that while the enemy was gone, they did manage to escape with a white box.  Satisfied with the results, Efrain thanked them by adding some Bottle Gnomes to their payment.
===Operation #122:One Favor for Another ===
===Operation #122:One Favor for Another ===
*'''Description:''' Fakir has managed to convince his contact into giving out some low end weapons for the Twisted Metal Tourney ...However.
*'''Description:''' Fakir has managed to convince his contact into giving out some low end weapons for the Twisted Metal Tourney ...However.
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:The agents then left the hospital with the child and found that the Yin gate outside had been sealed. Tonic sensed another figure outside and everyone came face to face again with agent [[Setsuna Mikagami]]. Setsuna was now dressed in Makai Priest robes and had completed a great deal of her training - now feeling it was time to rejoin the agents. The group then returned back to the Epoch and went home.
:The agents then left the hospital with the child and found that the Yin gate outside had been sealed. Tonic sensed another figure outside and everyone came face to face again with agent [[Setsuna Mikagami]]. Setsuna was now dressed in Makai Priest robes and had completed a great deal of her training - now feeling it was time to rejoin the agents. The group then returned back to the Epoch and went home.
===Operation #128: New Metal Alchemist===
*'''Description:''' Crossgate technology has been used in the far future and on a terraformed moon of Jupiter, Ganymede. Reports have shown suspicious activity around one the Royal Citadel in the city of Kemet and now it seems that a shipment of their precious by-product mineral, Thaumaline, has been stolen. Retrieve the stolen goods and bring back the hand of the thief for a bonus reward.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action/Sci-Fi
*'''Location:''' Kemet, Ganymede
*'''Client:''' Darius Al-Ebrahimi
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Sachiko Uchiha]]
**[[Faustlin Fontaine]]
**[[Seijou Yuzaki]]
**[[Maya Brea]]
**[[Mai Kaneda]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents arrived on a space elevator that quickly took them down to the city of Kemet, Ganymede... there a young man named Darius was waiting for them.
===Operation #129: The Shattering===
*'''Description:''' A massive creature has burst from it's confines and is going on a rampage not just through it's dimension, but many others! If no one stops it soon, it could lead to the end of all we know! (Note: This is a Campaign)
*'''Rank:''' SSS
*'''Genre:''' Action/Adventure/Horror/Martial Arts/Western
*'''Location:''' Multiple Locations! Ravenloft, Deadlands, Exalted!
*'''Client:''' Kaguya-Hime
*'''Status:''' <font color=Green>Closed</font>
**[[David Morris]]
**[[Cassandra Aulin]]
**[[Daichi Niwa]]
**[[Takeo Masaki]]
**[[Mori Motonari]]
**[[Bayushi Houten]]
**[[Bartiel Onyx]]
**[[Suzumura Riki]]
**[[Keiko Langley]]
**[[Hayate Uzumaki]]
**[[Buzz Jones]]
**[[Prae Shinra]]
*'''Synopsis''': http://mi2f.gubaba.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=359
===Operation #130: Bound for Earth===
*'''Description:''' A request has come in in regards to extremely violent human and animal attacks that they believe to be caused by something long-since believed to be defeated.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Intel/Action/Sci-Fi
*'''Location:''' Various locations in North America
*'''Client:''' Robert Andonuts
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed, but Ongoing</font>
** [[Buzz Jones]]
** [[Takeo Masaki]]
** [[Lumina Twilight]]
** [[Aaron Weber]]
** [[Sakumo Hatake]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents traveled to the mission location and were told of a device called the Happy Box, and asked to investigate.<br>
:Angered citizens were investigated and attacked the party. Some device was found at a place known as a 'Sanctuary' for its inspirational qualities. A mechanical soldier known as a Starman was fought by the group and defeated. They are currently discovering the ability of the machine they found.
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** [[Suzume Yamida]]
** [[Suzume Yamida]]
** [[Keiko Langley]]
** [[Keiko Langley]]
*'''Synopsis''': Mission synopsis TBA
*'''Synopsis''': PARADIGM agents showed up in the City of Townsville! To help with a sudden problem of everyone being turned into dogs! DOGS!
===Operation #132: Winter's Heart===
===Operation #132: Winter's Heart===
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[[Elias Jerico]] (with interference from [[Izumi Saotome]]) vs The Amazon - WHY WAS THIS THE MAIN EVENT? To get the crowd to go home happy. Likely going to be the dark match because this was tough like a $2 steak, as JR would put it. DUD.
[[Elias Jerico]] (with interference from [[Izumi Saotome]]) vs The Amazon - WHY WAS THIS THE MAIN EVENT? To get the crowd to go home happy. Likely going to be the dark match because this was tough like a $2 steak, as JR would put it. DUD.
===Operation #144: Air Raid Castle===
*'''Description:''' We found something rather strange on one of the land masses we pulled in from the rubble of Parma.. Please investigate!
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
*'''Genre:''' Scifi/Action
*'''Location:''' Neo Parma, Strange Castle
*'''Client:''' Freyna
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Maggie]]
** [[Buzz Jones]]
** [[Akio minamino|Akio Minamino]]
Our Agents headed off to Neo Parma! There they would meet with Freyna and discuss a few things like why there is a random castle on this uninhabited planet. They learned it must have been brought here on accident during the Landmass retrieval phase of construction. It was place heavily connected to the Profound Darkness .. an evil Diety that seeks a way to return the world to nothing.After a bit of a wander though the castle, encountering various security forces of the building they frond there way into what seemed to be a biolab filled with Numan prototypes ...and this is where they also met [[NeiFourth]] a recently awaken Numan who has a strange hate for the world even though it's ways have drastically changed. They Found out she was guarding a very dark secret. There is something left of the Profound Darkness even after it was destroyed by Chaz Ashley about a millennium ago...They managed to defeat the frenzyed numan .. but she also escaped... this perhaps will not be the last time she is seen 
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:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forthe.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forthe.
===Operation #146: Unintended Consequences (Campaign)===
*'''Description:''' It has been reported that a sample extracted from a PARADIGM agent during a previous mission to this universe has become active and has taken over a large bio-research station, infesting the wildlife and staff alike.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Sci-Fi Horror
*'''Location:''' Galactic Federation research station
*'''Client:''' Dr. Anton Graves
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Complete</font>
**[[Venus Highwind]]
**[[Luca Sparda]]
**[[Prae Shinra]]
**[[Lumina Twilight]]
Agents arrived on the station to find the command block in complete quarantine. Dr. Graves referred us to Dr. Albert Hall.  Our first mission was to be sent into the aquatic/oceanic environmental section to search for the station's director, Dr. Amanda Bullock. The station's environmental pylons were all well infested with xenomorphs, and Director Bullock was the only survivor we found that was not impregnated and soon to die. We found that Director Bullock was hiding in the room where the original xenomorph specimen, which had been extracted from Agent Highwind, was kept before it escaped.<br>
One we recovered Director Bullock, we were dispatched to the pylon containing jungle and forest enclosures for the purpose of search and recovery of a datapad that belonged to Dr. Graves. As we moved towards the datapad's signal, we began encountering xenomorph strains that were not birthed from humans, as well as a birthing chamber containing a few facehuggers, some empty eggs, and a lot of dead people. When we found the enclosure containing the pad, Agent Fakir moved ahead to grab it while other agents distracted the xenomorph hoard. As he picked up the pad, Fakir was attacked by a pair of PMCs.<br>
The next foray was into the subterranean and nocturnal section, to try and find the source of the hive. Agents found a huge egg chamber and the discarded ovipositor but no Queen. After some difficulty with numerous lurking xenomorphs, we found the body of Dr. Graves, who had been betrayed by Director Bullock, who he proved was responsible for the infestation and in league with the Space Pirates. Before we could relay this information back, Dr. Hall called us, telling us that the quarantine had broken and the remaining staff had retreated to the arctic sector.<br>
Upon arrival at arctic, we told Dr. Hall what we had found, and he relayed that Director Bullock had entered the locked down 'Sector One,' which was a reproduction of the Metroid home world of SR388. We persued Graves, battling with PMCs and evolved Metroids along the way, finally confronting and escaping the egg laying Metroid queen. When cornered, she surrendered. Dr. Hall then sent us into primary engineering to find and destroy the true hive, as well as to set the station to self-destruct. When we arrived at the hangar bay, the Xenomorph empress killed Dr. Hall, and nearly killed Agent Highwind before it was beaten back enough to allow agents time to escape and go home.<br>
===Operation #147: True Alpha of Omega - Lab Rats===
*'''Description:''' The Bio-lab where the Blood Pack mercenaries who joined the Space Pirates are being experimented on has been found!  Wipe it out.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Sci-Fi Action
*'''Location:''' Omega
*'''Client:''' Aria T'Loak
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Lucy]]
** [[Venus Highwind]]
** [[Alys Ashley]]
** [[Jackal]]
*'''Synopsis''': Aria greeted agents in the midst of an....aggressive interrogation of a Space Pirate regarding the location of their bio-lab on the station.  She then pointed agents towards the lab and went on her merry way.
Agents entered the facility and battled with a number of vorcha, previously of the Blood Pack mercenary group, that had been augmented with weapons and in some cases cloaking devices by the space pirates.  After we dealt with these guards we advanced to the lab itself, where a single pirate straggler was trying to destroy the lab and wipe the computer data.  While securing the prisoner, the agents were beset by a krogan warlord wielding a massive hammer that it could energize for some devastating hits. The krogan proved to be an incredibly resillient opponent, shrugging off many wounds and regenerating fast enough to pose a problem in open combat.  After he had bought sufficient time for his extra-planar employers to escape, the krogan opted to end the fight and leave, citing he hated the venue in which they were fighting. Hoping to battle PARADIGM again, it is believed the Warlord will remain with the Space Pirates.  In the remaining lab data, we learned a chilling secret; vorcha, with their HIGHLY adaptive physiologies, were being fitted with pharamonal glands and being conditioned to act as handlers for xenomorphs being breeded by the pirates.
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*'''Synopsis''': Asked by the [[Turks]] to investigate a sea lab which had reported a proximity alarm, the agents went on their way to find what was happening.<br>
*'''Synopsis''': Asked by the [[Turks]] to investigate a sea lab which had reported a proximity alarm, the agents went on their way to find what was happening.<br>
:Upon arriving at the lab, they found the door had been slashed open. Finding the security room door rusted shut, and signs that the plce had been abandoned for years. The agents made their way down to the laboratory area, where they found naked men in tubes. Unfortunately, agents made a noise which awoke the men, who all looked exactly alike. They broke free of the glass, and attempted to defeat the agents, but were quickly dispatched due to lack of armor and weaponry. As agets [[Zane]] and [[Lynde]] retrieved intel from the computers, a large fireball erupted from under the lab, sending agents in disarray, and from the hole caused by the explosion, several well armed assassins (G Assassins) came out, being led by a different colored but still identical man called [[Apocrypha]].<br>
:Agents were contacted by Solomon of the Turks and he quickly explained that a security trigger had gone off on one of the underwater SOLDIER labs that had been decomissioned almost 30 years ago. Agents then proceeded to the lab and were able to break in (the lock had been conveniently sliced open already by someone...). During their exploration, Agent [[Ciel Strife]] started getting flashbacks though he was not able to concentrate on a single memory of the area. Agents also noticed that a few of the SOLDIER tanks were empty and a few were still occupied. While agents tried to go past, the inhabitants of the tanks broke out, showing that each of them had a single dark wing. Agents then fought the SOLDIERs and were able to take them down. Agents [[Lynde]], [[Zane]], and [[Faustlin Fontaine|Faustlin]] then started browsing through some of the old files scattered around and were able to assess that the lab was trying to work with something called the 'G-cells'. <br>
:A battle began between the newly armed clones and the agents. Due to their surprise attack, the clone soldiers did a good job of harming and damaging the agents, causing some level of distress to many of them before they were finally dealt with, but Apocrypha then hit them all with a bolt of lightning, stunning them and deactivating agent [[Faustlin Fontaine|Fontaine]]'s nanomachines. The clone soldiers attempted to pick up and cart off
:The group then continued to check other parts of the lab, though being on guard. Not too far along they were attacked again, only this time with clothed SOLDIERs ([http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130318163128/finalfantasy/images/5/5b/GAssassin_TCG.png G Assassins]) who unfortunately now had their gear. A [[Apocrypha|man]] was also with them. A fight then began again with all of the agents versus the Man (now calling himself 'Apocrypha') and the G Assassins. The G Assassins were able to be taken down and Apocrypha summoned Hades on the group after leaving. Agent [[Izumi]] then tried to counter with her Anima spell which successfully helped take care of Hades, but by then Apocrypha was already gone. All other things in the lab were either destroyed or barren so the agents left with the data they had accumulated earlier. The agents then returned to Solomon and offered the data to him, but Doctor Valentine took it instead, saying that this was more under her expertise. Agents then went back to the Inn.

Latest revision as of 21:49, 3 November 2022

Current Season Season One Season Two Season Three Season Four Season Five Season Six

The Missions Agents have Accomplished during Season Three.


Missions #101-110

Operation #101: Follow the Rrrrrules! (Or Get Out!)

  • Description: Two demons are trying to take over the city!
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Comedy/Erotic
  • Location: Daten City
  • Client: Garterbelt
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: The agents arrived during the day when it was lightly raining. They were quickly approached by the strangest priest of them all, Garterbelt, and informed of the demons trying to take over the city. The demons in question were stationed on the tallest building in the city, setting up a mind control device. With this information in hand, agents set off towards the building.
[show details]

Operation #102: The Left Hand Path

[show details]

Operation #103: Polaris

  • Description: The town of Kingsmouth is in need of supplies, a nearby Pharmaceutical company recently had a ship run ashore on a nearby insland. Secure the supplies to assist the town in their fight.
  • Rank: Rank A
  • Genre: Action/Supernatural
  • Location: Alternate Earth
  • Client: The Illuminati
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:
[show details]

Operation #104: Clash of the Thunder King

  • Description: The King of the Thunder Pagoda has requested Paradigm's assistance dealing with some local mad scientists' abominations
  • Rank: Rank B
  • Genre: Action/Comedy
  • Location: The Netherworld
  • Client: The King of the Thunder Pagoda
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents were summoned to the Thunder Pagoda, where they met none other then the King of the Thunder Pagoda himself, Huan Ken, who tasked them to be his champions and to send the Architects a message.
[show details]

Operation #105: Pray for Absolution

Agents upon returning to the planet were sent to investigate a civil war. After talking with both sides of the conflict came to a compromise between both forces.

[show details]

Operation #106: The Guns of Colorado

  • Description: A resistance organization is conducting an evacuation of a persecuted civilian population. Silence the nearby artillery bases so they can conduct their relief effort.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Sci-Fi/Action
  • Location: Colorado Territory, Earth 010
  • Client: Ptolemy
  • Status: Closed
Agents were called to an outpost in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies where they met their contact.
[show details]

Operation #107: Residence of the Deceased

  • Description: Ancient Horrors have been reborn and unleashed on an unsuspecting Berlin, and the problem must be stopped at the source.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Horror
  • Location: Berlin
  • Client: Agent G and Captain Isaac Washington
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents were called to a meeting of several branches of monster hunters in Europe, where their contacts, G and Washington, told them of the situation, and that their job was to locate and get intel from their agents already on the field.
[show details]

Operation #108: The Crimson Forest

  • Description: The Barankas Fruit is ripe and ready to retrieve. Let's get that fruit and save Setsuna!
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Horror
  • Location: Crimson Forest
  • Client: Saejima Kouga
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents were called to a country home owned by the Saejima family, built near the entrance to the Crimson Forest. Saejima Kouga and Priest Hakoda were there to greet them and brief them on the nature of the forest.
[show details]

Operation #109: That Which Remains

  • Description: Bud had entered the strange ruins on his own and has dissappeared ... please I know he is stupid but help me find my brother.
  • Rank: Rank B
  • Genre: Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Continent South of Domina. City of Farlia
  • Client: Lisa
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Tough love.
[show details]

Operation #110: Ancient Horrors

  • Description: Cassandra has opened the prison of Eternal Punishment, and with Davids creation of the Amulets of protection. they can go safely enter the prison, PARADIGM Agents! Go forth and slay the Demons with in!
  • Rank: Rank A
  • Genre: Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Prison of Eternal Punishment
  • Client: Cassandra Aulin
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: We came We saw We kicked it's ass
[show details]

Missions #111-120

Operation #111: Echoes In the Darkness

  • Description: (Update) The Investigation has turned into a search and rescue mission!. Locate and Evac the surviving crew of the Magellan. Good luck out there!
  • Rank: Rank A
  • Genre: Scifi/Horror/Action
  • Location: Cartographer Vessel Magellan
  • Client: Melody Kalad
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
[show details]

Operation #112: Swimmin' in Gold like Scrooge McDuck

  • Description: The Final Demon Stone has been located! The Campus Guardians cannot penegrate the barrier of an old Chapel located past Rainbow Bridge. Please seal the power of this stone and restore order to our city! .. YEAH!!
  • Rank: Rank C
  • Genre: Comedy/Action
  • Location: Tobira High School
  • Client: Hazumi Jinno
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived at Tobira Highschool and were greeted by Hazumi and Hime. They explained that the last demon stone would be found in a church..
[show details]

Operation #113: Stay Tuned

  • Description: Young recruits have disappeared and a nefarious device has been mailed to our doorstep with instructions on how to retrieve them. Hero ranks have thinned down and PARADIGM agents are requested to help.
  • Rank: Rank C
  • Genre: Comedy/Action/SciFi/Horror/Supernatural
  • Location: Xavier Institute
  • Client: Emma Grace Frost
  • Status: Complete
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: After getting involved with destroying the Sentinels.. PARADIGM has caught the eyes of a particularly creepy individual..
[show details]

Operation #114: Doll Collection

  • Description: A dangerous man may have gotten his hands on Epoch's technology from a previous mission. Agents are to ascertain, and repossess the information.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Metropolis General Hospital
  • Client: Batman
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents were contacted to retake the supposed technology theft that occurred the last time they were on this world (Earth-1).
[show details]

Operation #115: You're Too Slow

  • Description: A rampaging blue hedgehog with incredible speed is trying to gather Chaos Emeralds! PARADIGM has been tasked with securing the Chaos Emeralds from those that would use them for evil!
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Sci-Fi
  • Location: Outer Mobius
  • Client: Ivo Kintobor
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents were deployed atop a giant flying carrier to meet their client, the incredibly obese Ivo Kintobor - reportedly also known as the Eggman.
[show details]

Operation #116: Bringing Down The House

  • Description: A contest hall is suspicious that some of its contestants may be cheating! PARADIGM has been asked to go undercover and find out the truth. They will be given the necessary partners!
  • Rank: D
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Location: Hearthome City
  • Client: Fantina
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: The Agents landed in the middle of a courtyard in front of a large auditorium-type place, with the words "Contest Hall" on it. A woman in purple, Fantina, the contact, greeted them and immediately whisked them away into a room behind closed doors, where she told them they would be competing, but keeping an eye out for people who were trying to cheat the contest. They each got a Pokemon, and all competed. It turns out, no one was trying to cheat, but two contestants were trying to use the contest to steal Pokemon to release them back into the wild. The Agents apprehended the thieves, and returned the Pokemons to their rightful owners! The end!

Operation #117: Twisted Something (Part 1)

  • Description: A vehicular combat tournament responsible for worldwide destruction and chaos needs to end by any means necessary. PARADIGM is tasked to begin with an overall briefing and familiarization of the event.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Los Angeles
  • Client: Officers Jamie and Carl Roberts
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:

Operation #118: Dragon of the East Star

[show details]

Operation #119: Where'd the Gifts Go?

  • Description: Metropolitan City is getting ready for Christmas! But, citizens are reporting that their presents are disappearing... right before their eyes! The police has already attempted several methods to try and trap the thief, but all attempts have failed! Commissioner Reed has again contacted PARADIGM to help figure out what's causing this latest unease during the yuletide!
  • Rank: Rank D
  • Genre: Action/Investigation
  • Location: Metropolitan City
  • Client: Commissioner Reed
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: PARADIGM has been called back to Metropolitan City to investigate a series of thefts around high end stores. The packages are there one minute, and then gone the next.
[show details]

Operation #120: Libertatis Aut Mors

  • Description: The resistance organization Liberty has requested humanitarian relief from PARADIGM.
  • Rank: Rank C (upgraded to B due to extenuating circumstances)
  • Genre: Sci-Fi/Action/Investigation
  • Location: Colorado Territory, Earth 010
  • Client: Ptolemy
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents returned to the Colorado Rockies to provide humanitarian support to the civilians of Liberty.
[show details]

Missions #121-130

Operation #121: A Brilliant Ultimatum

  • Description: The rogue Planeswalkers Corvin and Velspar have been seeking information about the former Seekers of Carmot. Whatever their intentions are, PARADIGM would prefer them thwarted.
  • Rank: Rank B
  • Genre: Fantasy/Investigation
  • Location: Vectis, Esper, Alara
  • Client: Efrain, Vectis Agent
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:Agents arrived in the undercity of Vectis in Esper on the plane of Alara.
[show details]

Operation #122:One Favor for Another

  • Description: Fakir has managed to convince his contact into giving out some low end weapons for the Twisted Metal Tourney ...However.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Scifi/Action
  • Location: Sentinel III.
  • Client: Fred Luo.
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation #123: Balance

  • Description: The village home of the Yukioka clan is under attack by elemental forces! PARADIGM has been requested to lend aid.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Martial Arts/Action
  • Location: Rural China, Ranma World.
  • Client: Yukioka Clan Matriarch
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: It went alright. Then it went better. Then it went horribly wrong.
[show details]

Operation #124: Danse Macabre

  • Description: Agents are asked to come to a public soiree of an art mogul to find information on Felicity. The party is being hosted by a reclusive 'fan' of the arts, Christian L'Amoureux. He is a vampire and is very particular about his social circles - He will refuse to talk to anyone who seem unworthy to his station. The party is very reminiscent of European High Society so agents are asked to blend in and try to get as much information as possible on either the location of Felicity or where one might find another piece of her work.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Intel
  • Location: Barcelona, Spain
  • Client: Lacroix
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation #125: Infestation Detected. Apply Pesticide Here.

  • Description: Some nasty 'bugs' have been found crawling around in Aperture Laboratories.
    GLaDOS wants them gone so she can resume testing.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Comedy/Action/Sci-Fi
  • Location: Aperture Laboratories
  • Client: GLaDOS
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation #126: I want to be you.

  • Description: A strange supernatural wave has been triggering at an abandoned school. There have been peculiar sightings of a ghost girl and a demon-dog making the locals uneasy. Investigate and possibly purge the source.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Horror/Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Seito Sannomiya Private School
  • Client: Mikage Takeshi and Sumeragi Hokuto
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived to a very dreary-looking scene; an abandoned school. The clients, Takeshi Mikage and Hokuto Sumeragi, were waiting there to brief everyone about sightings of a demon dog and a ghost girl on their property.
[show details]

Operation #127: Sweet Child of Mine

  • Description: In the past two months children have been vanishing from the Shinagawa district with the only clue being a cryptic message left on an online 'Craigs List'-like site. A lot of hype has been going through the internet making this case go viral and has been making investigation for authorities almost impossible. Agents are asked to meet with a contact who believes that the one responsible is a demon.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Horror
  • Location: Cyberia Bar
  • Client: Lain Iwakura
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived to the Cyberia bar and went inside to find their contact, Lain.
[show details]

Operation #128: New Metal Alchemist

  • Description: Crossgate technology has been used in the far future and on a terraformed moon of Jupiter, Ganymede. Reports have shown suspicious activity around one the Royal Citadel in the city of Kemet and now it seems that a shipment of their precious by-product mineral, Thaumaline, has been stolen. Retrieve the stolen goods and bring back the hand of the thief for a bonus reward.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
  • Location: Kemet, Ganymede
  • Client: Darius Al-Ebrahimi
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation #129: The Shattering

Operation #130: Bound for Earth

  • Description: A request has come in in regards to extremely violent human and animal attacks that they believe to be caused by something long-since believed to be defeated.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Intel/Action/Sci-Fi
  • Location: Various locations in North America
  • Client: Robert Andonuts
  • Status: Closed, but Ongoing
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents traveled to the mission location and were told of a device called the Happy Box, and asked to investigate.
[show details]

Missions #131-140

Operation #131: The Dog Days of... Winter?

  • Description: A mad scientist has gone off to take over the world! PARADIGM has been requested to help! Help!
  • Rank: D
  • Genre: Action/Adventure/Comedy
  • Location: The City of Townsville
  • Client: The Mayor of Townsville
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: PARADIGM agents showed up in the City of Townsville! To help with a sudden problem of everyone being turned into dogs! DOGS!

Operation #132: Winter's Heart

[show details]

Operation #133: The Sinister Snakes

  • Description: A Highly-Trained Special Mission Force has been kept in their HQ by a ruthless terrorist organization in order to allow them to rule the world.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: United States of America - Worldwide
  • Client: Conrad S. Hauser
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization, has placed a pyramid of power over GI Joe Headquarters, and the two freed Joes asked PARADIGM to help save them.
[show details]

Operation #134: Bathed In Blood

  • Description: A village has been attacked by forces of darkness, villagers are being dragged off into the night, drained of there blood and left hanging from rooftops, please come end this madness before it spreads.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Horror/Action
  • Location: Romania
  • Client: Charles Vincent
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Yoink~
[show details]

Operation #135: Emporio of Tease

  • Description: The Spice Tea Islands have had their expensive and precious spices stolen from them and taken to Momoiro Island.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Comedy/Action
  • Location: All Blue
  • Client: Sanji
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: When agents arrived at Sanji's restaurant, two other figures were standing there and asking for help. King Boba and Queen Pearl were there to originally ask for Sanji to help find their missing son, Prince Balls. Due to the particular location.. Sanji suggested PARADIGM to go instead.
[show details]

Operation #136: Body, check it out. Look at my body, baby.

  • Description: A newly built gymnasium has been having reports of patrons going missing. Some have been thinking it's some awful April Fool's prank gone wrong..
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Horror/Action
  • Location: Hirasashi Gym
  • Client: Mr. Sendo
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation #137: Serpents and Stars

  • Description: Ninjas have broken into a high-tech science lab and are annexing its technology for unknown purposes. They must be stopped. [Inspiratio Involvement]
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Cadmus Nevada
  • Client: Amanda Waller
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: The top secret government facility, Cadmus, has been invaded by a group using mercenaries using Lexcorp technology, and somehow snuck past the world's topmost security.
[show details]

Operation #138: A Knight's Conviction

  • Description: Infighting has broken out among the members of the Galbados church. Innocent people are getting caught in the crossfire, please help stop the fighting. [Inspiratio presence detected]
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Fantasy
  • Location: Small town in Ivalice
  • Client: Agrias Oaks
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation #139: The Pious and Pernicious

  • Description: Lady Oaks has found out one of Ophelia's next target... [Inspiratio presence detected]
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Fantasy
  • Location: A town in Ivalice
  • Client: Agrias Oaks
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Cúchulainn: Hail to the king, baby
[show details]

Operation #140: Amazon Bitches on the Moon

  • Description: Someone is in the Lunar Depths, tampering with the Lunarians' stasis chambers.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Fantasy
  • Location: The Red Moon
  • Client: Fusoya
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Missions #141-150

Operation #141: Behind the Circuits

  • Description:We have been getting strange readings from The Neo Parma Core ...as well Demi has gone missing within the Planet core.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Scifi
  • Location: Neo Parma Planet Core
  • Client: Searren
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation #142: The Princess is in another Castle

  • Description: The Princess has gone missing! The Queen and King of Alexandria fear that their daughter has been kidnapped by a Black Waltz in hopes to use her body's abilities for nefarious purposes.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Fantasy
  • Location: Alexandria
  • Client: Queen Garnet Til Alexandros XVII
  • Status: Closed

Operation #143: Wednesday Night Slam Masters

  • Description: The VWA Wresting Promotion is in dire straits, and needs PARADIGM to fill in for their missing members!! The global economy is at stake!!!
  • Rank: D
  • Genre: Pro Wrestling
  • Location: Federation City, USA.
  • Client: James Crockett Jr.
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: What an epic event in the Showcase of the Immortals - a live VWF extravaganza! Was it worth $69.95? Let's find out!
[show details]

Operation #144: Air Raid Castle

  • Description: We found something rather strange on one of the land masses we pulled in from the rubble of Parma.. Please investigate!
  • Rank: Rank B
  • Genre: Scifi/Action
  • Location: Neo Parma, Strange Castle
  • Client: Freyna
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
[show details]

Operation #145: The House on Whateley Hill

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Operation #146: Unintended Consequences (Campaign)

  • Description: It has been reported that a sample extracted from a PARADIGM agent during a previous mission to this universe has become active and has taken over a large bio-research station, infesting the wildlife and staff alike.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Sci-Fi Horror
  • Location: Galactic Federation research station
  • Client: Dr. Anton Graves
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis:
[show details]

Operation #147: True Alpha of Omega - Lab Rats

  • Description: The Bio-lab where the Blood Pack mercenaries who joined the Space Pirates are being experimented on has been found! Wipe it out.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Sci-Fi Action
  • Location: Omega
  • Client: Aria T'Loak
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Aria greeted agents in the midst of an....aggressive interrogation of a Space Pirate regarding the location of their bio-lab on the station. She then pointed agents towards the lab and went on her merry way.
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Operation #148: Lacking Love From The Planet

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Operation #149: In The Name of Love and Justice!

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Operation #150: The World

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