Alexander Argeades

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Alexander Argeades
Age 19
Voice Actor
Player Radical
  • Name: Aleander Argeades
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: M
  • Likes: Justice
  • Dislikes: Too many things to list

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 170 lbs.
  • Eyes: Red
  • Hair: Black


Alexander is of average build, with alabaster skin, blood red eyes which glow when using his powers, and long black hair. His features are quite delicate, though he virtually never shows any emotion.


Cold and uncompromising. A skilled field commander whose principles are even thicker than blood.


Alertness: Excellent

Leadership: Excellent

Intimidation: Very Good

Politics: Very good

Special Abilities

Psychic Techniques
Psychokinesis: Alexander is a supremely powerful telekinetic, able to hover, to create powerful barriers and with enough raw power to flip a main battle tank or to rend metal with a thought.
Telepathy: Can sense surface thoughts of anyone within 10 meters, though with multiple people around, this can become quite difficult. Can read the thoughts of an individual by establishing eye contact, causing his eyes to glow, though this can usually be overcome if the target concentractes or has a high level of willpower. Rarely uses this ability for the stigma it can cause.
Empathy: Like a Newtype, Alexander can sense intense contentration, powerful emotions and killing intent, giving him an edge on the battlefield as he can occassionaly anticipate an attack before it happens, or predict the movements of an enemy. Outside of combat, it aids his knowledge of psychology by giving him something other than verbal cues and body language to detect anxiety or deception.
Ocular Techniques
Suggestion: By making eye contact with one opponent, Alexander can make a verbal suggestion that has a higher than normal possibility of being accepted. Suggestion is very unlikely to make anyone do anything against their will, however it can make what would normally be an unreasonable request seem much more reasonable, as in getting an enemy to accept parley in the heat of battle, or to convince someone to accept terms in a negotiation when they intended to hold out for more. Can be resisted by concentration or force of will.

Notable Items

  • LSZ-11 Aspis: A round shield 1m in diameter. Polished to a mirror sheen, this silver shield can stop kinetic rounds, but is specially designed to stop plasma weapons, and can deflect and even reflect standard beam weapons.
  • LSZ-22 Xyston: A lance-shaped weapon, it is actually an anti-armor plasma weapon. Carrying a three-shot magazine, the shape of this weapon allows it to be used as a melee weapon after it's rounds are exausted.
  • LSZ-90 Linothorax: The armor of the Argyspides, usually a lighter, more silvery grey than ISF LACCRA, it is undoubtedly based on the design of the LACCRA, with a larger visor and an extra 'tunic' of reflexive armor covering the torso and upper legs, adding extra protection as the expense of some mobility.
