Vladimir Serebro

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Vladimir Serebro
Vladimir Snezana Rustovich Serebro
A.K.A. The Silver Czar
Age 60
Voice Actor Akio Ohtsuka
Relatives Nadia Rustovia, daughter;
Alexei Serebro, First Son;
Dmitri Serebro, Second Son;
Loki, grandson.
Series Operation Darkness
Player Frank
  • Name: Vladimir Serebro
  • Age: 60
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Power. Control.
  • Dislikes: Things going wrong.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 200lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Silvery white.


An older, well built gentleman who acts like nobility, and looks the part.


Imperious. Domineering. Passionate. Powerful.


  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Politics: Amazing
  • Subterfuge: Amazing


Vladimir Werewolf.

Werewolf: Vladimir is a Werewolf of the Silver Tribe. He has shapeshifting, superhuman strength, superhuman speed and regeneration.
Blessings: As a member of the Silver Tribe, Vladimir has several Blessings available to him.

  • King of Kings: The Silver Tribe's natural leadership abilities practically shine through. When they stand with people pledged to follow them, these people's resolve is strengthened, making their wills as of iron, shielding them from both fear and other attacks on their morale or their fears, making sure they will stand and fight to their last breath.
  • King of the Moon: The Silver tribe's name comes from this incredible blessing. A Lord of the Silver Tribe can turn his fur into silver, allowing them to slay any other werewolf in battle, and most of all, resisting silver attacks. While blessed, they are immune to silver's debilitating affects on them and will not actually take damage from it. However, they can only call upon this once a day.
  • Sense the Unnatural: Vladimir can sense corruption or the unnatural.
  • Sense Truth: Vladimir can detect lies from his foes.
  • Falcon's Grip: Vladimir 's bite does not let go. Like a Wolverine's.
  • Mindblock: Vladimir can seal off his mind to anyone, becoming immune to any mental things.
  • Halo of the Sun: Vladimir can ignite himself with a silvery, glowing aura, which not only purifies his mind and body, but also causes serious damage to anything trying to touch him, especially vampires.
  • Weak Arm: Vladimir can analyze his enemy's weakness instantly.
  • Geas: Vladimir can force any one person who agrees to it into a command they MUST obey at all costs.


Spear of the Czar: Vladimir's personal weapon. It is a powerful, wind-spirit based spear, which when thrown, never misses its mark. Once it stabs into its prey, the spear grows spikes and will not be removed, biting into the victim harder with every attempt to remove it. It also increases his natural presence.


Silver: The biggest weakness of them all. Silver destroys a werewolf. They cannot heal damage done by silver, and the mere touch of it burns them, which is why the Silver Bullet legend is accurate. If a bullet pierces the werewolf, it's presence in the body will kill him, even if it only hit the hand or foot, from it's sheer presences. A Werewolf struck by silver will need to get medical or magical attention immediately and will need rest to heal, like a normal person with the same type of wound. Any limb or organ damaged or severed by silver is gone forever.
Full Moon: Werewolves have to change during the full moon. More importantly, they also become FAR more bestial in that case, and a lot more dangerous. True werewolves can shapeshift any night of the month, but they have to change on the full moon. Only Lords can avoid transforming, but even they are influenced by it's presence.
Wolfsbane: In the presence of Wolfsbane, werewolves will flee. The smell and presence of it will drive them off. Nobles and Lords can stay in the same area, but only Lords can resist being poisoned by its contact with his blood. A Lord will be made sick if he ingests it, but otherwise, he will be fine. HOWEVER, wolfsbane will prevent any werewolf from transforming, no matter which.