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Cicero Geraldine
A.K.A. Zero
Age 18
Voice Actor Nobutoshi Kanna
Relatives Edward "Edge" and Rydia Geraldine
Series Final Fantasy IV/After Years
Player Brandon
  • Name: Cicero "Zero" Gerladine
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: April 6
  • Parents: Edward "Edge" and Rydia Geraldine
    • Place of Birth: Eblan, Blue Planet, Alternate Universe
    • Nationality: Eblan
    • Specialty: Ninjitsu
    • Hobbies: Sneaking out of the castle
    • Likes: Being a ninja, freedom
    • Dislikes: Stuffy people, boredom
    • Favorite Food: Buckwheat noodles
    • Least Favorite Food: Squid
    • Favorite Music: Taiko
    • Favorite Sport: Free-running
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Fire Scarf
    • Level of Education: N/A
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Nobutoshi Kanna

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 143 lbs
  • Eyes: Blue-green
  • Hair: Dark Forest Green
  • Special: Much of the extreme left side of his face is marred by a burn scar


He is slim and tone, preferring to dress in loose fitting clothes. His hair is thick and shaggy and he can't do a goddamn thing with it, so rarely tries. The left side of his face, from his eye and over and down to his neck sports a nasty burn scar from a bad experience fighting a Bomb.


He is bold, friendly, and bright. He tries to keep positive, and is incredibly sure of himself, as far as his abilities. While this can get him into trouble, he's not easily shaken when he turns out to be not as good as he thinks he is, he just rolls with it and keeps going.


The first born child of the newlywed couple, he was raised to eventually become both Eblan's king and her finest Ninja. To supplement his fighting abilities, he extensively trained with his mother to see if he could establish contact with Eidolons. It turned out that he could, but in a strange way; he summoned them into his body and transformed. To help utilize this, he was sent to Fabul to learn the art of unarmed combat from the monks there, spending years training under Princess Ursula Fang Leiden. Recently he was put in to become a member of the cream of the crop of Eblan's ninja, the Eblan Four.


Athletics: Very Good
Stealth: Incredible
Performance: Very Good
Survival: Very Good
Alertness: Incredible

Special Abilities

Throw: With thrown weapons, he has unerring, deadly accuracy. He can throw weapons from nearly any position and courtesy of his father's training, 'thrown weapons' also constitutes pretty much any melee weapon that can be carried and used in one hand, or other improvised objects of sufficiently small size and weight.

Eblan Ninjitsu: A comprehensive style of fighting and acting taught to him by his father. It stresses ambidextrous use of lightweight weapons, the aforementioned throwing ability, stealth, keen senses, speed, acrobatics and grace. Is NOT however trained in proactive assassination as the Eblan ninja are more of a defense force.

Pickpocketing: His ninja training allows him the stealth and deft touch needed to filch items from a target without their knowledge.

Mug: A technique of pickpocketing where he attacks a target with a nonlethal attack with one hand to distract the target from what the other hand is doing.

Powers & Merits

Daredevil (3 pts)
Graceful (2 pts)
Ambidextrous (2 pts)
Catlike Balance (2 pts)
Double-Jointed (1 pt)

Henshin: Though his heritage of both ninja and summoner, Cicero can evoke Eidolons like his mother but in a very unique way. He summons them into his own body and merges with them, transforming into something entirely different for a few minutes. Each form lasts for a few minutes, or until the signature attack of the form is used. As he trains and develops, his ability to hold forms for longer periods of time, transform more often and take on more forms will increase.

Standard Summons: These are the summons Cicero is familiar with and can summon at will.

-Chocobo: In Chocobo form, Cicero's hair goes gold. He grows feathers from his arms, small claws form his hands and large birdlike talons from his feet. This form's signature move is Choco Kick, a series of sweeping kicks that utilize the talons on his feet to do slashing damage. In this form, he is fast, can glide and his kicks are very quick and powerful.

-Mist Dragon: In the Mist Dragon form, his skin becomes pale and his hair long, white and voluminous and he grows two thin horns from the top of his head, on either side, jutting back up and out of his hair. His body exudes a fine, cool mist constantly while in this form. It can become mist and move about quickly and discretely, but while in mist form, he cannot attack. This is a balanced upgrade of all of his general stats. The signature ability of this form is Radiant Breath, a holy elemental breath attack.

-Ifrit: When Ifirt is invoked, his skin becomes a tan color, and dark auburn fur grows out of his lower legs, forearms and shoulders. His hair becomes a fiery orange mane, and two large horns jut out from his forehead and curve back over his head. His arms and legs get longer and his hands and feet grow sharp claws. In this form, he spit fire and his strength and overall mobility are increased. The signature attack of this form, Hellfire, calls a 10' wide pillar of magma to explode up from the ground under his target.

-Shiva: When Cicero summons Shiva, his skin goes a pale blue, his lips a dark indigo, and his hair goes silver and extends into dreadlocks. His fingernails elongate and turn into claws of natural ice that freeze the area they slash through. Magical energy can be gathered up to snap freeze a target with a grappling move. Stat wise, the Shiva form is all about speed, creating ice paths the zoom around on (akin to Ice man from the X-Men). This form can create and launch icicles or small fields of extreme cold. The signature attack, Diamond Dust, sends a flurry of tiny icicles into an area about 20' wide, snap freezing the entire area.

-Ramuh: When Cicero summons Ramuh, he becomes taller and much thinner, his hair growing long, thin and white. He also grows a long, full beard, and a staff falls from the sky. Once he grasps the staff, he is able to levitate and call down thunderbolts on his enemies. The drawback is that this form is physically frail. Judgement Bolt, the signature move, calls a HUGE lighting bolt into his staff, which explodes out into a swarm of smaller bolts which home in on any hostile targets within 10' of him.

-Titan: When Cicero takes on the Titan form, he becomes massive and muscular, his skin going bronze and becoming hard as rock. He is extremely strong and resilient in this form, but very slow. His signature move in this form is Gaia's Wrath, which opens the earth in a 20' line in front of him, shaking the ground mightily and hurling rocks and opponents alike into the air. The attack is nigh-useless against airborne opponents.

Advanced Summons: These are the summons that Cicero has yet to learn, and are more powerful than his standard summons. He himself is not sure as to how he will attain them, just that he ought to at some point because he thus far has the same summons as his mother. His mother had to battle these creatures or otherwise pass some sort of trials to earn their trust...

-Odin: When Odin is summoned, his skin goes a golden tan color, and one eye closes up, the other glowing read. Large bullhorns grow out of whatever headgear he is wearing, and the magic lance Gugnir falls from the sky to be wielded against his foes. In this form, all of his stats are increased, making him a powerful warrior. Odin is unique in that it has two signature moves. He can throw Gugnir, causing an explosion of holy energy where it impacts, or he can can hurl Gugnir into the air, a massive curved sword known as Zantetsuken falling in it's place. For a few precious seconds, Cicero can wield Zantetsuken, which is so sharp it can cut through nearly anything, provided he can actually hit the target, or make the attack in time, rendering this powerful attack somewhat unreliable if not used wisely.

-Asura: In this strange summon, Cicero's head is wrapped in three masks, that can rotate so that any given mask is facing forward. His hair goes blonde and flowing, seeming to defy gravity, flowing upwards. He also grows a second set of arms. The three masks are Happy, Serene and Angry. When the Happy mask is shown, Cicero can cast healing spells on his comrades. When the Serene mask is shown, he can cast defensive buffs on his comrades. When the Angry mask is show, he can cast elemental black magic against his enemies. The level of magic that can be cast depends on how far in his development he is and how much energy he has left in him (Asura at the end of a long, hard fight will not cast particularly powerful magic). There is no physical upgrade from this form, aside from the second set of arms, which he has full control of. Asura's Boon, the signature move of this form, will full-heal and put a barrier against physical damage upon any allies within 10' of him.

-Leviathan: In the Leviathan form, his skin goes blue and his hair becomes greenish spines. He has two long feelers the same color as his skin growing from his "hair" line and curving back over his head, down to about waist level. He grows a tail with a shark-like tail fin in pinks and purples on the end. He also has spiny fins of the same colors trailing down his back. His hands and feet become webbed, and he has the ability to move with impunity in water. On land he can spit jets of water with incredible force, and in water, he spits pressure waves through the water. While not any faster on land, this form has decent physical strength. The signature move of this form, Deluge, summons a massive wave of water to slam into and wash away anything in front of him.

-Sylph: In the Sylph form, his body becomes slimmer, and his hair and skin become paler. Shiny insect like wings grow out of his back. While physically weak, this form is incredibly fast, and he can generate small pressure 'blades' out of wind. The form's signature move, Whispering Wind, creates a flurry of tiny pressure blades, and the damage done to targets is given as a healing effect to Cicero and nearby allies.

-Bahamut: Cicero's most powerful summon, his skin becomes hard like steal and a dark indigo color, except for his palms, chest and face, which are a steel grey color. He has a series of horns growing out of his head, neck and back, and grows a long reptilian tail and large wings. In this form he can attack with tail or claws, fly, and uses a non elemental breath weapon resembling a laser. Megaflare, Bahamut's signature attack, is a scaled up version of that breath weapon and does massive damage to a target.

Special Summons: These are summons that can only be used under certain conditions and are somewhat unusual in nature.

-Bomb: This is a special summon that he developed in secret. It allows him an ability he calls Mijin Gakure, also known as Self Destruct when used by it's namesake. IT does massive explosive damage to a target in close range to him, and does a fair amount of damage to Cicero himself. While not an outright suicide attack, it hurts him enough incapacitate him and he generally needs medical attention immediately after using this. He can only call upon Bomb when he is absolutely desperate and cannot think of another way to win the day or save his friends.

-Imp: Imp is the summon that Cicero calls when he attempts to call another Eidolon and fails. Imp offers no special abilities, other than that it increases his physical abilities somewhat and makes him look slightly beastly, with wilder hair, sharp teeth and features, and a darker complexion.

-Cockatrice: Cockatrice is a randomly occurring mutation of Chocobo. Rather than gold feathers and hair, Cockatrice brings in green with red highlights. This form us otherwise identical to Chocobo, except his attacks have a chance of petrifying an opponent, Choco Kick having a higher probability.

-Mindflayer: Mindflayer is a randomly occurring mutation of Ramuh. It is shown when the hair and beard take on the appearance of tentacles. It is otherwise identical to Ramuh, except that Judgement Bolt is replaced by Mind Blast. Affecting the same area of effect, Mind Blast inflicts paralysis and mental turmoil on any intelligent targets it hits that cannot resist it.

-Gilgamesh: Giglgamesh is a randomly occurring mutation of Odin. Unlike the other mutations, this completely changes the form. Gilgamesh has blue skin, gold eyes and crimson red hair. He has a muscular body and four arms, a sword in each arm. His signature move is Sword Soul, which activates one of his four swords at random for a sort of finisher, much like calling Zantetsuken, which is one of the four. The other three are Excalibur, which creates a massive blast of holy energy, Ultima which creates a massive blast of non-elemental energy, and Excalipoor, which is a complete dud and does next to nothing.

Unique Items

Fire Scarf: The scarf that used to protect the Elemental Archfiend of Fire, Rubicante. Inherited from his father as a sign of adulthood, the Fire Scarf is a protective garment with descent defensive abilities, the most notable of which is it grants the wearer immunity to fire (this is only in effect when the scarf is being worn, obviously).
Summoner Horn: A horn of unknown make fixed onto a piece of headgear that helps the wearer focus his mind to properly establish contact with an Eidolon.
Masamune: A legendary katana, sister sword to Murasame, inherited from his father, who now wields Mutsonokami in it's place.
Murasame: A legendary katana, sister sword to Masamune, inherited from his father, who now wields Sasuke's Katana in it's place.

Items Of Note

Domino Mask - A mask that can be changed to fit whatever color that the wearer chooses it to be (though in full solid, cannot be leopard print or something). The appearance of the mask is very much like Tuxedo Kamen's party mask. The mask will protect the wearer's eyes from debris, dust, and other gasses that would harm the eyes directly. This does not prevent the eyes from tearing up or protect against any gasses that can be inhaled. Eblan elite ninja gear
Eblan royal signet ring

Weaknesses & Flaws

Overconfident (1 pt)
Isolated Upbringing (1 pt)
Phobia: Explosions or noises that sound like explosions (1 pt)
Curiosity (2 pt)

All of his summon forms are limited in that he can only use them for short periods of time, and they terminate immediately upon using the signature technique. He can potentially fail the summon, or in some cases get a mutated form of the summon, all out of his control. Due to the fact that he is pulling sentient entities into his body, they influence his mind and alter his personality somewhat, and if he's rendered unconscious, the Eidolon's personality takes over entirely until the summon dissipates.

NPC(s) to go with char

