Lydia Kazeda

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Lydia Aisumi Kazeda
Lydia Relaxing.
A.K.A. Aisumi, Sailor Betelgeuse, (Behind her back) Rich Bitch.
Age 16
Voice Actor Orisaka Ai
Relatives Shuuichi Kazeda, Father; Megumi Tenjou, Mother;
Series Sailor Moon
Player Frank
  • Name: Lydia Aisumi Kazeda
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: March 6th
  • Parents: Shuuichi Kazeda, Megumi Tenjou
    • Place of Birth: Crystal Tokyo
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Social butterfly.
    • Hobbies: Shopping, Archery, School President, Running, Swimming
    • Likes: Success, Nobility, Discipline
    • Dislikes: Laziness, people who don't know their place, rudeness
    • Favorite Food: Anything gourmet
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything greasy.
    • Favorite Music: J-Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Archery and Swimming.
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: High School, advanced classes.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Orisaka Ai
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 115lbs
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: White


Dresses in fancy but functional clothing, always has a prim and proper, socialite appearance. Is proud of her looks and will flaunt them but will not demean herself by wearing 'slutty' or otherwise overly revealing clothes. she carries herself with an aura of confidence and nobility. Otherwise, see picture.


Disciplined, polite, well-behaved, social and outgoing. Some kind of renaissance woman when it comes to social norms and trends. Is generally good natured and kind, and likes to meet new people.. provided they behave like she does. Lydia is incredibly quick to judge others who act inappropriately. She can turn from friendly to ice cold to even mean spirited in a second if someone is unable to even attempt to act like a good, well mannered person in her presence. Expects others to hold themselves to the high standards she has. She can be made to see past those flaws but she'll always have a bit of a snarky side to those who let themselves go, so to speak.


Lydia is the oldest daughter to the Kazeda household, an old money family descended from noblemen in the Saitama perfecture. She was raised with the discipline and pride in her family and station, as well as reared to take charge of the family when she gets older, in either politics or business. However, she developed early on an interest in the stars. She let her secret hobby be astrology, because she found that she was usually right to follow her own reading of her horoscope. She kept this to herself, due to the bad reputation this could give her in class.

To this end, Lydia's always made it a point to be at the top of her class, both in popularity and academics. Her social life was mostly spent entertaining with guests of the family and their children, as well as being made to excell at all she attempted in extra curricular activities. She has such developped an attitude where not living up to your potential makes you a wasteful.. and wasted.. person.

However, her true destiny was to be a guardian for one of her classmates, Sagiko Tsukino, as Sailor Betelgeuse. After a few events happened, everything came together. Her natural talent for leadership and archery. Her ability to see the future from signs in the stars, and eventually the power to become a Sailor Senshi, changed her future forever. Lydia may have wanted to do things for her family and herself, but she had her higher calling now, and as anyone of her station and breeding would, she had responsibilities to live up to.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Good (+2)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible (+4)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)
  • Leadership: Incredible (+4)
  • Expression: Incredible (+4)
  • Etiquette: Amazing (+5)
  • Performance: Very Good (Piano) (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Academics: Very Good (+3)
  • Computers: Abysmal (-1)
  • Finance: Incredible (+4)
  • Occult: Good. (+2) Amazing with Astrology (+5)
  • Politics: Incredible (+4)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good (+2)
  • Empathy: Very Good (+3)
  • Animal Ken: Abysmal (-1)
  • Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, German.

Special Abilities

Kyudo: Aisumi has spent several years practicing traditional Japanese archery, and has become quite proficient at it, able to go to national championships and score in the top 5. She can use a bow even in a fight, and is quite able to hold her own against any other long range fighter.

Powers & Merits

Betelgeuse Star Power, Make Up!: Lydia can access all her powers by transforming into Sailor Betelgeuse. She gets surrounded by a quick swirling wind, like a heat haze, and when it dies down, she has completed her transformation. This grants her the ability to fight various types of enemies, and the power to protect the Princess as well. Transforming summons her weapon, Orion's Bow.

Riders on the Storm: Sailor Betelgeuse can ride the winds, moving incredibly fast from point to point provided she's outside.
Celtic Frost: Sailor Betelgeuse can summon a chilling, bitter wind which cuts to the bone, bypassing most natural defenses, and slowing down her targets, leaving them prone for a follow up attack by herself or her fellow Senshi, preferably the latter.
Oingo Bongo: Sailor Betelgeuse can generate a sudden and intense storm, the violent and intense winds picking up anything that's not nailed down and throwing them at her target, battering them from all sides with debris and refuse.
Winds of Change: Sailor Betelgeuse can fire arrow after arrow from her bow, and each of these arrows will ride the winds, aiming at her targets at incredible speeds.. like the wind. These can be aimed at any part of the target, all at the same one, etc, all by her control of the winds.
Raika Hurricane: Sailor Betelgeuse can generate gale force winds, releasing a tornado and then eventually a hurricane in a single area, causing massive amounts of damage and hopefully lifting and throwing the enemies around in the middle of it. She can let the cyclone run free at a group of enemies, with herself as the eye of the storm.
Showtime!: Any of the Senshi, or especially Sailor Moon, can make Lydia aware that they need her help by saying her name three times. The third time, she will instinctively know where they are, and teleport to them when she transforms (see 'Betelgeuse Star Power, Make Up', above).

Team up Attacks

Be My Valentine
Participants: Sailor Moon & Sailor Betelgeuse
Description: Sailor Betelgeuse and Sailor Moon get back to back together. Then, Betelgeuse holds out a Valentine's Day Card, and Moon holds out a pen to sign it with. When the card is signed, both of them throw the card and pen at their target. When the items get to the enemy, it shatters into an incalculable number of Wind Crows, which then either grab onto and hold in place multiple opponents, or, in the case of a single target, surround them and consume them with purification, either making them vanish or curing someone who is possessed/corrupted by an outside force.

Song of Stormbringer
Participants: Sailor Sirius & Sailor Betelgeuse
Description: Sailor Sirius begins to play on her instrument, creating her musical notes in the air as Sailor Betelgeuse summons up a breeze. Both then coalesce their powers, Betelgeuse forming a Howling Wing which mixes perfectly with Sirius' symphony, sending out her notes all over and battering enemies all around them, or attacking a group ahead of them, simultaneously hitting them with the notes and knocking them around with the winds, intending to weaken and possibly paralyze them for a follow up attack, most likely from Sailor Moon.


Precognition (4pts): By looking at the stars, Lydia can get glimpses and flashes into the future, often warning her of danger and disaster, or just what's on the horizon.
Code of Honor (1pt): Lydia follows very strict rules of behavior. First and foremost is her loyalty and responsibility to the princess, but she will also not act uncouthly or break her vows. She has an image and a code to uphold.
Danger Sense (3pts): Lydia is very hard to surprise, partly due to her gifts, and mostly due to luck.
Concentration (1pt): Lydia has a lot on her plate. Thankfully for her, she can keep her different interests focused all at once.

Unique Items

Betelgeuse Star Wand: Lydia's transformation wand, which she uses with Betelgeuse Star Power.
Orion's Bow: Sailor Betelgeuse's weapon, a complex and well maintained bow, which generates it's own arrows, lighter than the wind.

Items Of Note

Rich girl clothing and items.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Dark Secret (1pt): Is Sailor Betelgeuse. She does NOT want this to be public knowledge.
Intolerance (1pt): Lydia has NO patience for rudeness or people who act out of place, and especially for laziness.
Nightmares (1pt): Lydia's prophetic abilities often come with disturbing nightmares, which can be pretty intense.
Overconfident (1pt): Lydia was raised as the heir of a rich and long-historied family. She has excelled at all she's tried. As such, she expects to be good at everything. She isn't.

NPC(s) to go with char

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