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Velspar, Blighted Agent
Age ???
Voice Actor
Relatives none
Series Magic: the Gathering
Player Radical
  • Name: Velspar, Blighted Agent
  • Age: ???
  • Sex: M
  • Likes: Compleation
  • Dislikes: Incompleation
  • Home Plane: New Phyrexia

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 160 lbs.
  • Eyes: blue crystal
  • Hair: none


Hairless body, cyborg face with large jeweled eyes and faceplate over mouth and nose, lean and muscled, has a cybernetic third arm attached to right shoulderblade and a fully mechanized left arm.


Driven only by his desire for Compleation, Velspar has no respect for life, human or otherwise, and will do anything to please his new master, Temir Tepes.

Special Abilities

  • Infect: Glistening oil is a strange substance used to both compleat creatures into Phyrexians and power Phyrexian machines. Glistening oil is both a contagion and a means of colonization, a viral substance resembling oil engineered to spread Phyrexian corruption wherever it travels. Forming Velspar's blood, the substance can be discharged from his claws or from any wounds he suffered, attempting to infect any organic or machanical life it somes in contact with. Wounds inflicted on Incompleat creatures will be resistant to treatment and healing, reuiring extraction of the Glistening Oil before full recovery can be made.
    • Countersquall: a tained wind which can counter a non-summoning spell of up to moderate power. Will also cause minor wind damage to the spells' caster.
    • Tragic Slip: Causes a grave-like pit to open under one target creature. Morbid: if a creature died or was defeated during the current round of combat, Tragic Slip causes the target to be suddenly buried alive instead.
    • Surgical Extraction: One special ability used by the target is chosen at random and disabled for the rest of the battle (Materia, Jutsu, Magic, etc).
    • Shape Anew: Transforms one Artifact under the control of the caster to another Artifact the caster owns at random.
    • Deny Reality: Unsummons a summoned creature or object. Cascade: When this spell is cast, choose another spell at random from the caster's spell list. That spell may be cast concurrently if it's converted mana cost is less than the cost of the Cascading spell.

Notable Items

  • Mox Opal: An amulet inset with all the colors of the rainbow. Metalcraft: if the owner of this object controls three or more artifacts, Mox Opal can be used to create a small supply of mana of any color.

  • Skinwing: A pair of leather bat-like wings attached to a partial exoskeleton. Can be magically equipped and used to grant the ability of magical flight along with a slight strength increase. Living Weapon: when first summoned, this equipment will be attached to a small symbiotic creature. If unattached, this creature (known as a Germ) will perish.
  • Darksteel Axe: Formed of Darksteel, this weapon is all but impervious to damage, heat, acids and can cut through all but the hardest and strongest materials when Equipped.
  • Livewire Lash: a whip crackling with arcane red lightning. Whenever someone Equipped with this weapon becomes the target of a spell, this weapon will instantly retaliate
  • Mask of Riddles: When Equipped, this mask inspires supernatural fear in any who look upon it. One struck by the wearer of the mask will also feel a sense of confusion.
    • Behemoth Sledge: A massive war sledgehammer of epic proportions. Able to deal shock damage even through most armor, and provides slight magical healing to the wielder with every landed blow along with a noticable strength increase. Must be summoned and Equipped.
    • Shield of the Righteous: A large tower shield embossed with depictions of battle, made of magically enhanced metal, it will turn aside most non-magical weapons and projectiles. Additionally, whenever a melee attack is thwarted by the shield, enchantments on it will slow down the attacker for a few seconds (about the length of one action). Must be summoned and Equipped.


  • Phyrexian: With Glistening Oil for blood, Velspar is susceptible to Tolarian weapons and detection methods.