Artemisia Argeades

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Voice Actor
  • Name: Artemisia Argeades
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: F
  • Likes: Helping people
  • Dislikes: Violence

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 125 lbs.
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Blonde


A beautiful young woman with warm green eyes and a shy smile. Has a very alluring figure usually concealed by drab clothing.


War, caring, gentle, shy, quiet


  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Very Good
  • Empathy: Amazing

Special Abilities, Powers

Mild telekinesis
Powerful telepathy and psychometry
Extremely powerful Empathy, passively cognizant of the emotional states of those around her to a wide radius, ably to subtly influence those states unless resisted
White Magic (Slayers)
Recovery - A single-target sustained healing spell. This draws upon the target's own innate natural healing ability and makes it work harder to heal wounds faster than normal. This in turn can cause the target to become tired or worn out just from the healing process, if sustained for a heavy injury.
Sleep - A spell that puts someone to sleep upon physical touch and casting.

Notable Items

  • Sword of Light: A powerful magical artifact weapon which, when activated, summons a blade of raw astral energy which barely harms humans but severely damages supernatural or magically animated creatures. The Sword of Light also has the secondary function of acting as a powerful magic amplifier by channeling additional raw astral energy into any spell cast using the sword as a focus.


Pacifist: Artemisia abhors violence and will go to great lengths to avoid harming anyone. Is more than willing to heal anyone, even an enemy who would kill her given the chance.

Mute: Artemisia almost never speaks, though why is unknown