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Claire in her usual outfit.
A.K.A. The White Witch, Warlock
Age 21
Voice Actor Yumi Kakazu
Relatives None.
Series WoW/FSN/Demonbane
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Claire
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Demons, Learning more
  • Dislikes: Not being in control

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 135
  • Eyes: black with a slight bluish tinge
  • Hair: stark white


Profile of Claire.
Claire is very mystical looking, she keeps her hair rather long with french curls adorning the bottom of her hair, she usually sports clothes that are white (leather being her favorite) and feather and fur coats that are flowing.


polite, sweet, and somewhat clueless sometimes.


Claire started out from a wealthy family, her mother was English and father was she had some major family fights at home. Her mother drank and Claire wasn't really a planned pregnancy, when she was born she was gifted, gentle, and beautiful. She had stunning black eyes and dark black hair and was always quiet and demure. She never cried but made sounds rather akin to whimpering.

The reason was that Claire could see the paranormal.. she could see demons, but in ghoulish and scary appearances. They were everywhere and at night she could hear whispers in her ears that drove her to near madness. She often wandered out of her house and aimlessly walked down the streets.. one pitch black night where the moon wasn't even visible, she found herself walking to a dark alley..a group of 'demons' had been there around a bonfire, chanting..wailing.. singing to their hearts desire in complete abandon. They caught sight of Claire and she couldn't run from them, she just stared like a moth drawn to a flame. The demons in their grotesque magnificence closed in on her and for miles people could finally hear her blood curling screams.
Young Claire with the different grimoires and books in the attic. The only times she could find solace when she was ostracized by her husband and her family.

When Claire awoke from her 'nightmare' she was back at home, her parents had told her she had passed out for a week straight. She felt weak and as she looked at herself in the mirror she could see that her hair had gone completely white.. whatever she witnessed scared her to that extent. Her family was worried for her and her parents fights escalated until they ended up getting a divorce. Claire's mother took her to Morocco where they stayed there for a while. Claire's popularity there grew higher, she became fascinated with the occult.. trying to read tarots and learning about horoscopes and such. Her white hair made her stand out and from that she was given a proposal from a wealthy family. Claire's mother seeing this as a good opportunity agreed with the engagement..and Claire was married.

However Claire's husband was only nice and kind on the outside, inside he wanted to learn about her gifts and use them for his own benefit. He was insane with superstition and often had Claire locked up in her room, afraid to touch her.. and only wanted her as a trophy. Rarely being allowed out of the house, all she had left were her tarots and readings. And her thoughts. Claire always secretly wondered what it would be like to leave and be free.. to know what it was like to be in the arms of another man. To laugh, to cry, to -FEEL-. The darkness and the side of evil deeply fascinated her.. and she seems completely compelled towards it. Now she has the perfect chance to see just what she's capable of. Before long, her husband in his mad throes decided that he couldn't take it anymore. Armed with a weapon, he went to stop the fear he was accumulating with his wife's presence in the attic. Claire was mortified when her husband tried to kill her. She didn't know what to do. In her greatest time of need and focus, Claire recalled a spell she had read from the various grimoires and books that her husband had stored up in the attic along with her. She called forth her power and lo and behold, a servant of gold appeared in a flash of light. Three markings of red appeared on Claire's body, on the back of her hands and one on her chest. The servant of gold looked at the girl who had brought him, demanding her name.. she merely whispered 'Claire'. The man in gold was arrogant, standing with all the regalia of a king. Claire's husband was still there, cowering at the sight before him.. but he was not known for being a smart man..

"Who are you?!" He screamed at the man in gold.

The man in gold didn't even look at him. Claire's husband dropped the meager little knife as he was greeted with thousands and thousands of blades. Claire collapsed against the man of Gold. He was the king of kings, Gilgamesh.. and he picked up Claire. She felt safe for once in her life. Together they left that bloodied tomb and Claire did not look back.

Claire in casual clothes with the Master's mark on the back of her hand.


  • Cooking: Good
  • Fashion: Amazing
  • Fighting: Abysmal
  • Languages
    • French: Amazing
    • Japanese: Good
    • English: Incredible
    • Arabic: Incredible
    • Eredun/Demonic: Incredible



she can only cast one curse at a time on someone. They last about 5 minutes each.

  • Corruption - Inflicts a random disease on a target.
  • Curse of Weakness - Damage caused by the target is reduced.
  • Curse of the Elements - Curses the target, making it more vulnerable to elemental attacks (EARTH FIRE WIND WATER HEART GO PLANET).
  • Curse of Agony - Curses the target with agony. Causes large damage over time.
  • Curse of Doom - Curses the target with impending doom, causing shadow damage for a short while. If the target dies while the curse is in effect, there is a chance that a Doomguard will be summoned.


just random spell shit that doesn't last long.

  • Drain Life - Transfers health from target to caster. This ability is used during battle both to damage the monster and to regain life. Drain Life is good to use against high-level monsters that typically resist your other attacks. Although Drain Life can be resisted, you should keep trying until your cast succeeds (doesn't resist). Once you land the spell, it will start draining life; it does damage to the monster even if you don't actually need the life.
  • Fear - Send the monster running away. This is a good crowd control ability or escape spell. Be careful using this ability though. Monsters could wake up other monsters by calling for help as they run away. This ability is very funny and also lasts for 15 seconds.
  • Howl of Terror - Howl, causing all enemies within 10 feet to flee in terror for Y sec. This is a good "oh no" ability to use when surrounded. This ability only lasts for 15 seconds.


Claire in her Magius form after using the Book of Iod's power.

Demon studied magic!

  • Shadow Ward - Absorbs shadow damage. This ability is good to use when you know the monster is using shadow damage.
  • Demon Skin - Increases health regeneration and armor. Increases health regeneration at all times.
  • Searing Pain - Inflict searing pain on the enemy target, it makes them feel like they're being burned by the fires of HELL for 1 minute. They actually do get burn marks on their skin when the spell wears off.
  • Sense Demons - Ability to sense demons around the area.
  • Shadow Bolt - Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy.
  • Hellfire - Ignites the area surrounding the caster, causing fire damage to the caster and all nearby enemies.
  • Soul Fire - Burns the enemy's soul. This is a strong attack but it takes a long time to cast. (has to do chanting and stuff and prepare)
  • Eye of Kilrogg - Summon the Eye of Kilrogg - This summons an eye that you can control. This eye can move away from your character and can be used for scouting purposes. The eye is stealthed and has one hit point. The Eye cannot fly up in the air. It can travel up stairs and other people can see the Eye. This is a channeling spell so it will be canceled if someone interrupts the Warlock's casting.
  • Summon Felsteed - Summons a giant horse with flaming feet! ..and you can ride it. And that's it.
  • Unending Breath - Breathe under water for 25 minutes, can also be casted on other people.
  • Enslave Lesser Demon - Enslave a target demon for a limited amount of time (15 minutes). You can use this ability to take control of a Demon and use it to attack other monsters. Increased chance of breaking early if cast repeatedly on the same target. Also the higher the intelligence of the demon, the harder it is to enslave.
  • Ritual of Summoning - Begins a ritual that summons a targeted group member. Requires three people to perform. Warlock stands in the middle with the other people stand to make a circle, the spell will take several seconds to complete. Then the portal will appear and the player summoned will show up. Ghosts cannot be summoned.


Warlock can chant and bring a summon to help her fight, if she's interrupted with casting the summon fails.. also she can only summon ONE monster at a time.

  • Imp - Easiest and quickest to summon.. it's a little crap that runs around and shoots fireballs at people, it's a strong pet but very fragile. It goes invisible when it's not attacking and a few hits can kill it.
  • Voidwalker - A big creature of shadow, this summon has a lot of vitality but it's attacks are very weak, this summon is good as a meat shield for the warlock as she's attacking.
  • Succubus - This pet inflicts a high amount of damage on your foes, but is very fragile. The Succubus has an amazing damage output, especially when backstabbing monsters with Lash of Pain. It is also good at crowd control with Soothing Kiss and Seduce to make a monster sleep for a short while. ..she also slaps her ass a lot.
  • Inferno - Summons a meteor from the twisting nether, causing Shadow damage and stunning all enemy targets in area for 2 sec. An infernal rises from the crater, under the command of the caster. Once control is lost, the Infernal must be Enslaved to maintain control. Usable outdoors only. The summoned Infernal will be enslaved for 5 minutes before turning on its summoner. Probably a never used summon because it's so dangerous.
  • Ritual of Doom - Begins a ritual that sacrifices a random participant to summon a doomguard. The doomguard must be immediately enslaved or it will attack the ritual participants. Requires the caster and 4 additional people to complete the ritual. Because of the wierd needs for this summon she would probably never ever do it and chances of getting a doomguard would be with that spell stated previously.


Credit Cards.
Soul Stones - used to cast her spells.
Mana Stones and Health Stones.
Book of Iod


Claire is EXTREMELY fragile.. she's a normal human and has no strength whatsoever. One good punch from a demon could break all her bones... for this reason she has to fight from behind the lines. She can't run fast, she can't endure things that others can.. even things strong humans could.

She's also deathly afraid of not being in control and she also has a strange attraction (lust as well as awe) for demons which could cause her to get in lots of trouble.

Command Spells: The three Command Marks she has to control her Servant, Gilgamesh. Once they are used to make him do anything she wants, he will be free and she may be at his mercy.