Kaoru Sie

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Sie Kaoru
Kaoru SERIOUS MODE. Temp pic.
A.K.A. Psycho Soldier/DNA Operator
Age 21
Voice Actor Hagimori Junko
Relatives Sie Kensou - Father
Asamiya Athena - Mother
Sie Circe - Sister
Hiro Tanaka - Foster Brother
Series King of Fighters/DNA^2
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Sie Kaoru
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: August 5th
  • Parents: Sie Kensou and Asamiya Athena
    • Place of Birth: Hong Kong, China
    • Nationality: Chinese
    • Speciality: Psycho Soldier
    • Hobbies: Kung fu, singing!, cooking
    • Likes: singing, meatbuns
    • Dislikes: playboys
    • Favorite Food: meatbuns
    • Least Favorite Food: raw things
    • Favorite Music: pop, upbeat stuff.. dance..techno I dunno
    • Favorite Sport: martial arts!
    • Most Valuable Possessions: picture of parents
    • Level of Education: military/highschool/diploma..whatever thing SOME COLLEGE
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hagimori Junko

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 115
  • Eyes: Purple
  • Hair: Brown
  • Special: wears a headband in her hair


Kaoru is a very athletic girl who sports a futuristic body suit with a short sleeve hooded jacket when working and otherwise prefers to wear more jeans and t-shirts or a fuku when in casual mode. She almost always wears a headband, when working or not.


Cheerful, Outgoing, all that stuff.. but still got her really wild crazy side like her dad. Go figure.......and clutzy. Very clutzy.


Born and raised in China, Kaoru came to be from the union of Sie Kensou and Asamiya Athena.~ At first she led a pretty normal life well..as normal as it can get when you can bend spoons and live under the name of having your mother as a famous singer idol lady..Learning Kung Fu and stuff from her parents.. Kaoru was also trying to learn how to harness her psycho power. Growing more and more difficult for her to deal with it, Kaoru recruited herself into the Military where she quickly began training to become a Psycho Soldier(Warrior).

Arima and Kaoru. <3
This seemed to be the perfect medicine for her, as she learned more and more training of how to develop and properly use her powers. From there, Kaoru met other individuals who were pretty much in the same boat as Kaoru.. learning to make a place in the world.. either via powers or just because the situation they were put in sucked. Kaoru met a lot of orphans sent from different departments. One in particular was a child who was a part of the TSAB named Hiro Tanaka. Kaoru and Hiro were inseparable, working together and pretty much growing up together too.

Eventually the time came for Kaoru to go on as a DNA operator which meant taking solo missions. Kaoru was apprehensive because she was already used to working with people.. but deciding that this is probably the best way to get experience, she went ahead on her own. Blah blah blah so forth and so on eventually she started getting missions! One of her missions was to deal with a DNA incident at The Inn, but due to the traumatic effect afterwards, Kaoru was mind-wiped of her time at the Inn after the mission was complete. A little older and wiser, she was then sent on a mission which involved her being transported into the Steel City future where she first met Jacob.

Originally Kaoru was sent to the area to dispose of a specific target involved with spatial distortion.. but due to Kaoru's inexperience, she opted to team up with the local authorities.. and that's where Jacob came into play. They both were able to successfully take down the bad guy and from there Kaoru realized that she found a good teammate. Together they have taken a few more missions and.. lo and behold! There is a mission for her now.. a weird place in Tokyo.. some sort of Inn is showing up on her files.. wonder what's in there? Oh, look. PARADIGM has recruited her too. D:


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Guns: Excellent
DNA Bullet crafting: Very good
Singing: Amazing
Eating: Novice

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Good
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Stealth: Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge
  • Streetwise
  • Intimidation
  • Leadership
  • Expression: Incredible
  • Ettiquette: Novice
  • Performance: Abyssmal (but singing she's Incredible)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Very Good
  • Investigation: Good
  • Medicine
  • Law: Very Good
  • Occult
  • Politics
  • Science: Very Good
  • Technology:Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good
  • Survival
  • Empathy: Amazing
  • Animal Ken

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.) None.. really. She knows how to use a gun and how to make specific DNA bullets.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items.)

Telekinesis: high level of Telekinesis, to the level of projecting pure force Blasts(Psycho ball!). This also allows her to make a Psi Field for defense against other telekinetic people.

Teleportation: Kaoru can teleport herself, and other thingie mabobs that she wants(including pplz) to any location she knows within a radius of 10km. She can also do this around in a room and stuff, which gives an advantage in battle.

Psi Armor: Kaoru can wrap herself in Psi Armor, enhancing her abilities.

Telepath: limited Telepathy, she can read dominant thoughts in any person's mind.

Clairvoyant: premonitions about stuff.

Psychometry: ability to sense things about items that you touch. For example, where they've been, the people that used them, and how they were used.


Well-Traveled (3): You are knowledgeable of the ways of the world from your travels and studies. Once per game session, you can gain an automatic success on a non-magical roll to gain a piece of information.

Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

DNA pistol: carries just one shot of a special DNA enhanced bullet. These bullets need to be made previously. The gun can also fire one shot of a regular bullet instead.

Items Of Note

Predator Smart Disk

Athena's funky crystal prayer bead necklace
typical Psycho Soldier armor and weaponry

  • MP7 - taken from Operation #6, Kaoru took the gun from one of the deceased guards.
  • Yautja Smart-Disc - taken from Operation #47, It was acquired after defeating the Predator Sniper, Lasher, and Cutter. The device can be directed by Kaoru via telekinetic ability.The Smart-Disc (also known simply as the "disc") is an extremely sharp circular weapon that is thrown like a discus and returns to the user like a boomerang. This weapon is extremely powerful, shown to cut through half a dozen cattle carcasses and a man in Predator 2 in quick succession without any effort. It also has a hand grip for use as a slashing melee weapon as well. In the film Alien vs. Predator and its sequel, the smart disc's alternative was the shuriken. This device is capable of cutting through most substances with its devastating razor edges, and is powerful enough to cut through multiple targets with one throw.Computer-controlled gyros guarantee that the disc returns to its wielder, but if it becomes embedded in a solid material it can be returned by the push of a control-panel button. A Disc is a weapon found within the arsenal of a Yautja.
  • Capsule - a Capsule from Capsule Corp, received from Mission #100. She will use this to house her Psycho Soldier Hover Bike (TM).

Weaknesses & Flaws

Kaoru is incredibly clumsy. She's also loud and has the habit of making terrible mistakes. She also gets flustered pretty easily with very good looking men and can lose her concentration which can affect her powers and fighting skills.


Graceless (2): You always look awkward, no matter what you're doing. +2 difficulty to all social rolls that involve making an impression.

NPC(s) to go with char

Talking/Singing time machine. Seriously. It talks and sings.
