Akio Minamino

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Akio Minamino
A.K.A. A-kun
Age 18
Voice Actor
Relatives Shuichi (father), Atoli (mother), 4 sisters, 1 brothers, Grandmother, uncle
Series Yu Yu Hakusho, .hack//G.U.
Player Denn
  • Name: Akio Minamino
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: M
  • Birthday: April 28
  • Parents: Shuichi Minamino, Atoli Minamino
    • Place of Birth: Nakatomi Estates
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Healer
    • Hobbies: Reading, Acrobatics, camping
    • Likes: Romance novels/manga, nature walks
    • Dislikes: rainy days, healing others, calming Atoli because he was born a healer
    • Favorite Food: Takoyaki, banana crepe, melon soda
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything sour.
    • Favorite Music: Pop
    • Favorite Sport: None
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Staff his mom gave him, usually in his digital pouch
    • Level of Education: Highschool graduate
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: John Burgmeier
  • Physical Stats
    • Height:5'9"
    • Weight: 150
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Platinum Blonde
    • Special: Tattoo markings along his body in unusual shapes and designs, Kitsune tail, Kitsune ears


Akio has an average looking build, long hair that traverses to his middle back resembling his father's, his Kitsune ears and tail are harder to miss, as the tattoos can be overlooked over time


Akio is soft spoken, as are both of his parents, and doesn't speak to great lengths unless necessary. He tends to be quiet and observant, though curiousity does get the better of him at times. He does dislike his strengths of being a healer, as his other siblings seemed more offensive in nature with their talents. He's learned to accept it but is longing for things that cannot be.


He grew up well enough, mostly quiet neighborhoods, little major distractions, no portals pulling him or others away from reality, so pretty nice. He's learned while dealing with the populous at large to wear hats, and loose attire to conceal his ears and tail, as uncomfortable as it is. His curious nature has lead to some often times odd situations, or small problems and he does try to resist temptations but they still occur from time to time. Akio has often spoken sometimes unsettling truths only to see them come to fruition, so he tends to avoid lengthy conversations if he can.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness -VG +3
  • Athletics - G +2
  • Stealth -AM +5

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge -AM +5
  • Intimidation -G +2
  • Etiquette -VG +3

Mental Skills:

  • Computers -G +2
  • Medicine -IN +4
  • Occult -G +2 (Demons World, Demons)
  • Science -G +2

Other Skills:

  • Driving -Nov +1
  • Survival -IN +4
  • Empathy -G +2
  • Animal Ken -G +2


  • Japanese IN +4
  • French VG +3
  • English G +2

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
Healing - Single target-

  • Repth (100 hp)
  • Ui Repth (200 hp)
  • Ol Repth (350 hp)
  • Pha Repth (Full hp)

Group target-

  • La Repth
  • Lau Repth
  • Lao Repth
  • Phal Repth


  • Rip Maen (single target, revives with 20% health)
  • Hua Rip Maen (group targets, revives all 100% health)


  • Rip Duk (removes poison)
  • Rip Mumin (removes sleep)
  • Rip Maj (Removes curse[poison effect on sp/mp])
  • Rip Fin (Removes seal[block on sp/mp usage])
  • Rip Suvi (Removes paralyzation)
  • Rip Ranki (Removes confusion)
  • Rip Param (All the above)

Support- Single target-

  • Rig Saem (Hp Regen)
  • Rig Gaem (SP[mp] Regen)
  • Ap Do (Speed increase)
  • Ap Corv (Physical strength up)
  • Ap Vorv (Physical defense up)
  • Ap Corma (Magical strength up)
  • Ap Vorma (Magical defense up)

Group target-

  • LaRig Gaem (sp/mp regen)
  • LaRig Saem (hp regen)
  • Lapu Corv (physical strength up)
  • Lapu Vorv (physical defense up)
  • Lapu Corma (magical strength up)
  • Lapu Vorma (magical defense up)

Visuals for the elemental spells: Here.

  • Gan Bolg
  • OrGan Bolg


  • Rue Kruz
  • OrRue Kruz


  • Zan Rom
  • OrZan Rom


  • Vak Don
  • OrVak Don


  • Lei Zas
  • OrLei Zas


  • Ani Zot
  • OrAni Zot


  • Gains more demonic power, is powered up as a Youko Kurama --
  • Can generate plants, not just enhance them, as well as has a greater degree of power/resistance to strikes
  • The drawback is he has no use of his magic while in this form


  • Piccolo trained him in the art of flight using a combination of magic and ki

Sense Ki: The user becomes one with his surroundings, extending their aura to sense others. The stronger you are, the wider your range of sensory. This lets a user's sense for their own ki extend to others, allowing them to sense aura locations, as well as their general power level, in comparison to theirs. At the current level of training, Akio can generally sense powerful presences in their vicinity and gauge roughly how strong they are in comparison to them (weaker, even, stronger), and possibly by how much. This training also allows Akio to control their own power, allowing them to subsume it to have less of a presence and flare it up to maximum power with a short charge time. Note: Alertness Roll Difficulty 9 to sense all ki in the general area (GM discretion). Ki control is left up to player's discretion but the lower you keep your power the weaker you actually are.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

  • Razor Leaf- can shoot out razor sharp grass leaves
  • Has an affinity for growing plants.
  • Time sense (1)
  • Acute Sense of Smell (1)
  • Green Thumb(1)
  • Unaging(2)
  • Charmed Existance (5)(Never Crit fail, allows use of light/holy magics with no repercussions)

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

  • Rumbling Rose - A weapon themed after a certain keyblade, Rumbling Rose is a thorny rose whip with the bloom at the handle, able to be summoned by the user. Whenever each thorn stings an enemy, it drains a small portion of MP.
  • dragon scale - causes the effect of [Aqualung] upon a group of enemies

Items Of Note

  • Free pass to Moron Mountain
  • Luxury Perfume (Makes the wearer smell AMAZING as well as gaining +1 to Subterfuge for a mission)
  • Has a contract with Yu

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

  • Holy items/magic harms him if not cast by him
  • Curiosity (-2)
  • Bard's Tongue (-1)
  • Otherworld Taint (-2) (Tattoos) [tail and ears are usually hidden]

NPC(s) to go with char

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