Cassandra Argeades

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Cassandra Argeades
Age 21
Voice Actor
Relatives Shamash Argeades - Father
Gaius Julius Argeades - brother
Alexander Argeades - brother
Artemisia Argeades - sister
Series original
Player Radical
  • Name: Cassandra Argeades
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: F
  • Likes: Order, justice, psychics, control
  • Dislikes: Tyranny, the Commonwealth

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 144 lbs.
  • Eyes: violet
  • Hair: violet


A mysterious-looking woman with long purple hair and eyes. Has a way of staring right through someone. Typically wears a Liberty Uniform or Linothorax under a fur-lined cloak


Quiet, secretive, manipulative, distrustful


Text Goes Here - Only list relevant, noteworthy skills

Special Abilities, Powers

  • Alertness: +5
  • Subterfuge: +4
  • Etiquette: +3
  • Empathy: +3
  • Telekinesis: Cassandra is a very skilled telekinetic, though not especially powerful. She can lift and maneuver large objects, or a few man-sized or smaller objects at once. as well as push or grab objects with great force and precision, and can use this offensively in the form of a crushing pressure or a series of high speed strikes, or defensively in the form of a wall or barrier.
    • Levitation: Cassandra can hover a few feet off the ground, and cruise at about 20 mph. She can Levitate another in his place but must concentrate to do so unless she is simply shoving or hurling them with telekinesis.
  • Telepathy: Cassandra is an exceptionally strong telepath, able to read the minds and perceive the thoughts of others, sense hostile intent and plant hypnotic suggestions
  • Farsight: Cassandra is an exceptionally strong precognitive, and often has glimpses and insights into events yet to pass, and those presently occurring far away.

Notable Items

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Text Goes Here - List useable Weaknesses, not context-sensitive flaws.