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Sora Strife
Age 17
Voice Actor
Relatives Tifa Lockhart
Cloud Strife
Ciel Strife
Zack Strife
Farrah Strife
Series Final Fantasy VII
Player Josh
  • Name: Sora Strife
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: April 18
  • Parents: Tifa Lockhart, Cloud Strife
    • Place of Birth: Edge
    • Nationality: N/A
    • Specialty: Magic, Nature
    • Hobbies: Gardening, Chocobo racing, martial arts, dance
    • Likes: Flowers, Chocobos, martial arts, exploring
    • Dislikes: Suffering
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music: Anything you can dance to
    • Favorite Sport: Anything sounds good!
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Maaya Sakamoto
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'5"
    • Weight: 132 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Jet black
    • Special: Her eyes have a mako glow.


Sora wears her jet-black hair down and long, with a short pink ribbon tying back a bit of a tail in the back. She tends to wear dresses in pinks and greys. Sora's signature dress is a pink, button-down tank dress, which goes down to her mid-thighs. The buttons run down the center and a few of the lower buttons are undone. She wears medium-grey bike shorts underneath, and a matching grey leather half-jacket with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. The jacket has pink and white accents. She has similarly-matching medium-grey gloves and athletic shoes, with pink accents. She has a white leather belt over the dress, with a pink item pouch with a cute yellow chocobo design. Occasionally completing the outfit is a white cowboy hat with a chocobo feather.


Calm and contemplative, but with a strong sense of justice and concern for the innocent.


Sora grew up in Edge, helping her family attend to both the bar and the orphanage. Like her brother Zack, Sora shares a strong sense of morality and quiet courage with her parents. This proved to be her greatest strength and her greatest weakness, as it lead to her death at the hands of bandits.

One afternoon, Sora was carrying some groceries back from the market. A storm had rolled into town, and the skies grew dark. In the wind and the rain and thunder, Sora heard the sound of a fight in a nearby alleyway. She interrupted a pair of bandits who were mugging a mother and her small child. Acting on impulse, Sora took an apple from her grocery bag, and threw it at the head of one of the bandits. The bandits took this sudden attack about as well as expected, and turned their attention fully on Sora. Sora broke and ran, the bandits giving chase. She leaped up onto the rooftops to avoid them, but they were fairly strong themselves, and were able to doggedly pursue her. Sora was fast and nimble, though... she was beginning to pull away from them, until some loose boards in the rooftop of an abandoned church gave way. She fell, and her hand grabbed onto something sturdy... but the support around the item she grasped gave way. Sora fell into a patch of flowers laying inside the ruined church, and several loose rocks from above struck her. As her vision faded and she slipped away, a voice called out to her, and she could feel a warm hand brush her cheek...

Sora's father Cloud shivered as he finished cleaning up the bar during a break of customers. Something was wrong. He ran out of the bar, and made his way to the old, familiar church. When he arrived, Sora was alive and sleeping, laying in the flowers, with the rain falling on her. Clutched in her hand, tightly, was a long staff.

Ever since that day, Sora had a natural affinity towards nature and the earth. Moreover, she's always felt the quiet presence of a warm, gentle spirit.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics - Very Good (+3)
  • Stealth - Novice (+1)
  • Chocobo Riding - Amazing (+5) (

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Abyssmal (-1)
  • Streetwise - Edge: Amazing (+5), General: Very Good (+3)
  • Leadership - Very Good (+3)
  • Expression - Singing: Good (+2)
  • Etiquette - Good (+2)
  • Performance - Dance: Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Novice (+1)
  • Medicine - First Aid: Good (+2)
  • Occult - Lifestream/Planet Lore: Very Good (+3)

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Motorcycle: Very Good (+3)
  • Survival - Urban: Very Good (+3)
  • Empathy - Amazing (+5)
  • Animal Ken - Chocobos: Amazing (+5), General: Very Good (+3)
  • Gardening - Incredible (+4)
  • Cooking - Incredible (+5)

Special Abilities

  • Martial Arts
    Sora has trained in martial arts extensively with her mother, though while she is familiar with hand-to-hand fighting and can work as a front-line fighter, Sora's particular specialty is staff weapons.
  • Limit Breaks
    Sora's training and affinity to earth and healing have given her the ability to call on several useful techniques:
    • Beat Surge: Sora knocks her enemy into the air, then leaps up, spinning her staff multiple times to strike the enemy, then swings a mighty final blow to smash her enemy back down to the ground.
    • Seal Evil: Sora casts Paralyze and Silence on all enemies in range (can be resisted with items or just incredible fortitude and willpower)
    • Breath of Life: Sora restores the health and energy of the entire party and cures them of any negative status conditions

Powers & Merits

  • Gall (2): Sora has a strong social backbone and stands up for what she believes in (+2 to any social roll requiring a spine)
  • Iron Will (5): Good luck trying to get her to back down, either. (+3 to willpower rolls)
  • Green Thumb (1): Sora is not just good with plants, she can cause them to burst into bloom with a mere touch.

Unique Items

  • Materia
    Small shards of magical power, material allow people from Sora's world to use incredible magic.
    • Earth: This materia allows Sora to create small-area earthquakes (Quake, Quake2)
    • Time: Sora can speed up her allies or slow down her enemies (Haste, Slow)
    • Barrier: Sora can protect her allies with physical and magical barriers, or can create a barrier which reflects magic back at her enemies (Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, Wall)
    • Destruct: Sora can rob her enemies of their status enhancements and barriers (DeBarrier, DeSpell)
    • Restore: Sora can cure the wounds of her allies! (Cure, Cure2, Regen)
    • Titan: Summons the mighty Titan to smite Sora's enemies
  • Weapons and Items
    • Armguards: Sora wears arm guards with one materia slot on each.
    • Fairy Tale: The staff that was found clutched in Sora's hand, Fairy Tale has seven materia slots.

Items Of Note

Text goes here

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Mako-Infused: Sora has inherited mako poisoning from her father's blood. Any effects which can harm or hamper a person with mako poisoning will affect her.
  • Lifesaver (3): Sora reveres life and will try to avoid killing wherever possible.
  • Otherworldly Taint: Mako Eyes (2):Sora's eyes glow blue in the dark. It might be a bit creepy.
  • Dark Secret (1): Nobody knows that Sora died in the encounter with the bandits.

NPC(s) to go with char

Tifa and Cloud