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(Investigation Entry 32)
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*'''Location:''' Just outside of Sairaag.
*'''Location:''' Just outside of Sairaag.
*'''Agent Posting:''' [[Jach Swiftblade]]
*'''Agent Posting:''' [[Jach Swiftblade]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Jach Swiftblade]]
**[[Hayate Uzumaki]]
**[[Raven Makishima]]
**[[Aimi Utada]]
===Investigation Entry 28===
*'''Proposal:''' Gathering Intelligence
*'''Rank:''' C/B
*'''Genre:''' Intel Gathering/Fantasy
*'''Location:''' [[Largias Continent]].
*'''Agent Posting:''' [[Kamen]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Shinshi Seta]]
**[[Alys Ashley]]
**[[Bayushi Houten]]
**[[Sachiko Uchiha]]
**[[Vaelgir Stormblade]]
**[[Raphael Belmont]]
**[[David Morris]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents went to the [[Largias Continent]], where missions 206-208 took place, and started in Moribidia.
:'''Part 1''': Agents were met in town by a militia, who were distraught to see a Paladin and people promising them freedom. They were ready to instigate conflict until they mistook [[Geth]] for a member of House Anabelle. They gave agents free pass to the city, and explained it was the capital but mostly a trading post for visitors. Agents learned the Temple was corrupted by necromancers and the dead buried there came back. Furthermore, they learned that the Vampire, Archduke Fitzroy was in charge of Luozorl, and House Demion was the main House of Clan Lambach here. After traveling to the temple, agents met with [[Evia]], their contact for mission 207, who told them the story of [[Gaen Swordhand]], some background about [[Anatole Lambach]], and that the Archduke was a Vampire.<br>
:'''Part 2''': Agents traveled through the Schwarzwald, for what seemed like a few minutes, but was in fact four hours. Thanks to agents [[Vaelgir Stormblade]] and [[Sachiko Uchiha]], they snapped out of the illusion, and were besieged by guards. After explaining their role here, the agents were allowed to meet with Pymarim Demion, who lived in a grand manse.. which was in fact a fortress, under an illusion. He was a gracious host and answered most questions, except when it came to the Archduke Fitzroy. He then gave them information on [[Gaen Swordhand]] and a book on the history of [[Clan Lambach]].<br>
:'''Part 3''': Agents traveled north to Bagonia, in order to seek the [[Keishig]]. When there, they were assaulted by [[Lagahk]] and her Worg riders, and after a single strike, the agents were led to the [[Scarlet Moon Tribe]]. There, they were instructed by [[Gaakt]] to help recover their [[Dragozahas|Chieftain's]] weapon from a powerful Frost Giant. Due to stirring up the hornet's nest, agent [[Shinshi Seta|Seta]] was asked by the others to return home, which he did. Agents then moved forward into the North, and confronted the Frost Giant and three acolytes in the middle of a storm. The battle was fierce, but they managed to survive and return the scimitar, despte agents [[Bellheather]] and [[Alys Ashley|Ashley]]'s critical wounding. Agents then spend the night with the Orcs to ask then questions about the Keishig and about Shamans, as well as others (to be filled in later).<br>
===Investigation Entry 29===
*'''Proposal:''' Gathering Intelligence
*'''Rank:''' C/B
*'''Genre:''' Intel Gathering/Fantasy
*'''Location:''' [[Largias Continent]].
*'''Agent Posting:''' [[Seeing Time]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Bayushi Houten]]
**[[Shiori Utada]]
**[[Michelle Mishina]]
**[[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
===Investigation Entry 30===
*'''Proposal:''' Gathering Information
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action/Intel
*'''Location:''' Global Purity HQ
*'''Agent Posting:''' [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
**[[Shannon Moore]]
**[[Shinshi Seta]]
**[[Suzumura Riki]]
WRITE THIS ERIC PLZ. Or else I'm just saying they went to Global Purity HQ and found stuff about robots. P cool.
==Investigations #31-40==
===Investigation Entry 31===
*'''Proposal:''' Wutai Summer Vaca! ..except it turned into a weird thing.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Wutai
*'''Agent Posting:''' [[Izumi]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Seiya Sumeragi]]
**[[Hayate Uzumaki]]
**[[Elias Jerico]]
**[[Akio Minamino]]
**[[Raven Makishima]]
*'''Synopsis''': We went to my home to have some summer vacation fun! It was fine at first, up until we went to the Da Chao mountain to do some treasure hunting..
:We found a cleared path blocked by a boulder which seemed really weird. We were able to get past it and inside we found some heiroglyphs on the wall that showed four elements: Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth with a weird octopus looking monster in the middle of it. Later on, Hibari-san (Seiya's cousin!!) said that it was an elder god. Deeper into the cave we found an arcane rune with an arch in the center of it. The arch had runes all over that started to glow and form a portal so a group of us went inside. Inside the portal there was a dragon that the group fought and defeated.. and then they were able to get back through the portal again after a good long while. That part freaked me out!
:There's a possibility that there's three other places that are on the watch for these elemental arches. We've gotta find 'em! We did good in getting rid of the water one though. After we got rid of the water one we went to the beach to have a barbecue and hopefully plan for our next move.
===Investigation Entry 32===
*'''Proposal:''' World of Decade
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Smart-Brain
*'''Agent Posting:''' [[Miki Amagi]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
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[[Category: PARADIGM]]
[[Category: PARADIGM]]

Latest revision as of 05:01, 29 June 2016

This section has been created for Agents to make proposals for their own personal investigations.. either in their own worlds/dimensions or just areas where they think would harbor vital information.

Investigations #1-10

The First set of investigations done by agents.

Investigation Entry #1

Proposal: Following up to find information on Ain and the other two companions that were present in Operation #2 and Operation #4. Going to go to Nibelheim, an old town, to see if there are any leads.
Rank: C
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: FF7 World
Agent Posting: Izumi
Status: Closed

Vaelgir Stormblade
Toki Stingray
Aimi Utada
Luca Sparda
Kenji Kakita
Zack Strife

Synopsis: Paradigm agents landed right outside of Nibelheim and went straight for the ShinRa Mansion, noticing that there were recent steps leading to it along with leading to the Makou Reactor in the distance.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #2

Proposal: Request by Letty Carmichael to follow up on the Devil Fruits back on the island-like world of their creation, and to find if there's any possible way to enable their usage by a synthetic being.
Rank: D
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: One Piece World
Agent Posting: Letty Carmichael
Status: Closed

Letty Carmichael
Cait Sith
Faustlin Fontaine
Izumi Saotome
Aimi Utada


Agents arrived at a designated Port city to speak with one of the Marine scientists about the possibility of Devil Fruit working for Letty Carmichael.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #3

Proposal: Request by Izumi Saotome to follow up on an attack on Belle Hibiki and find information on a curse that seems to originate from this world.
Rank: D
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: Konoha Village
Agent Posting: Izumi Saotome
Status: Closed

Izumi Saotome
Sachiko Uchiha
Kamuro Ishigami

Synopsis: Agents arrived in Konoha and were received by Sasuke, Sakura, Aoi, and Irumi Uchiha. The agents were then briefed up the limits of the Curse seal put on Belle Hibiki and Sakura Uchiha took Sachiko Uchiha aside to teach her different seals in order to help Belle. Aoi offered sword training to both Aku and Kamuro. Agents were then told that the way to remove the curse seal was to defeat Orochimaru utterly. After Sachiko returned with scrolls from Sakura, the Agents returned back to the Inn.

Investigation Entry #4

Proposal: To go to the Hani village's Torii (Bone Gate) and find the Mizu Village in order to get information on healing techniques.
Rank: C
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: Hani Village
Agent Posting: Kamuro Ishigami
Status: Closed

Sachiko Uchiha
Belle Hibiki
Kamuro Ishigami
Izumi Saotome
Mori Motonari
Stefan D'Avignon


The agents appeared in an abandonned looking village with a large graveyard.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #5

Proposal: Go to Makai to speak with the demon doctor Shigure about a cure for Hibiki's curse.
Rank: D
Genre: Medical Drama
Location: Makai
Agent Posting: Aku
Status: Closed

Sin Urameshi
Belle Hibiki
Kaoru Sie

Synopsis: The Agents arrived in Makai and entered Mukuro's Realm, aka the Nose Tank.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #6

Proposal: Prae needs a lot of metal for her latest model of Cait Sith, and you know what has a lot of metal? Sentinels. Find one, disable if necessary, and strip the thing for parts!
Rank: C
Genre: Action
Location: Earth 616
Agent Posting: Prae Shinra
Status: Open

Investigation Entry #7

Proposal: Miyabi Uzumaki wants to head back to Nya's Velvet Room and see if there is a way to trade heroes. Particularly, Galvan Swiftblade's. Also to get some more information about how to get the heroes to emerge.
Rank: C
Genre: Supernatural/Horror
Location: Arkham City
Agent Posting: Miyabi Uzumaki
Status: Closed

Miyabi Uzumaki
Galvan Swiftblade
Aimi Utada
Seijou Yuzaki

Synopsis: Participants went into the Epoch to find Nya, the tarot card dealer who had given certain individuals tarot cards.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #8

Proposal: Prae wants to head back and speak with Reeves about Mission #45 and find out what else was uncovered
Rank: D
Genre: Investigation
Location: Midgar
Agent Posting: Prae Shinra
Status: Open

Investigation Entry #9

Proposal: After hearing of the events of Mission #45, Asaka is offering up a possible way to pull Zack and Izumi back into the land of the living...
Rank: D
Genre: Supernatural
Location: The Inn/ Spirit Realm
Agent Posting: Temna Asaka
Status: Closed

Participants: Izumi's Mind
Kamuro Ishigami
Letty Carmichael
Daichi Niwa
Venus Highwind

Synopsis: Once the ritual was prepared by Haruka Kakita, the participants (even Letty who now had green hair..) found themselves in a locked portion of Izumi's mind.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #10

Proposal: Shitsubou Resort has been having some suspicious activity..
Rank: S
Genre: Supernatural/Action
Location: Japan
Agent Posting: Phoebe
Status: Closed

Sailor Moon
Sailor Betelgeuse
Sailor Vega
Sailor Centauri
Sailor Procyon
Sailor Altair
Neo Sailor Saturn

Synopsis: Agents were originally at the resort to celebrate Sagiko Tsukino's birthday, and at first things were completely fine.
[show details]

Investigations #11-20

The second set of investigations done by agents.

Investigation Entry #11

Proposal: Investigating the Higurashi Shrine
Rank: B
Genre: Supernatural/Action
Location: Japan
Agent Posting: Elizabeth Marie Farenheights
Status: Closed

Takeo Masaki
Prae Shinra
Saeijima Tatsuya
Elizabeth Marie Farenheights
Stefan D'avignon
Jean LeCarde
Haruka Kakita
Mori Motonari

Synopsis: Agents arrived at an old shrine with a fabled portal to a different world of Oni.

[show details]

Investigation Entry #12

Proposal: Investigating Castle Bernhard
Rank: B
Genre: Supernatural/Action
Location: Transylvania
Agent Posting: Luca Sparda
Status: Closed

Synopsis: Agents made their way to Castle Bernhard, still untouched from their last visit, where they found traces of a new visitor.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #13

[show details]

Investigation Entry #14

[show details]

Investigation Entry #15

  • Synopsis: Assisted Bayushi Houten with his investigation and watched a classic Rokugan scenario play out.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #16

  • Proposal: The descendant of a family of monster killers may be a good lead on how to kill Odio.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Supernatural
  • Location: Tohno Mansion, Fuyuki City
  • Agent Posting: Dominic Lalance
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Visiting the Tohno Household, and meeting the True Ancestor Arcueid and Shiki Tohno, descended from vampire hunters, for a conversation about Odio.
[show details]

Investigation Entry #17

[show details]

Investigation Entry #18

  • Proposal: The Guardian of Time, Sailor Pluto, may be a good lead on how to kill Odio.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Magical (Magical Girl)/Action/Martial Arts
  • Location: The Gateway of Time
  • Agent Posting: Toki Stingray
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:

Investigation Entry #19

  • Proposal: A Brittish historian and businessman may have the key to mastering a lost martial arts style.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Martial Arts
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Agent Posting: Aku
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: The Agents arrived in New York City to speak with Sir Lord Baltimore, a decendant of Robert Evan O Speedwagon, to discuss the hamon. However they also recieved much needed info about Odio in the process. The group then split up and half went to talk with a man named Jotaro Kujo while the other went to Italy to speak with a man named Wilco to train in the hamon.

Investigation Entry #20

In this hallway, the agents had to fight the Stand Users and their varied abilities, but were able to defeat them. Unfortunately, this got the attention of the J Revival troops still in the castle, and of Dexter Curwen. After agent Unimaru confirmed that Ranma Saotome was nowhere in the vicinity, they escaped, but Curwen went to pick up agents Sparda and Motonari.
Agent Ashley appeared to save them, managing to take away Curwen's casting, which led to him being shot, decapitated and his chest caved in. Agent Shinra then tried to pick him up, leading to her body being taken over by Curwen for a short time, and he accepted to trade her back in exchange for a peaceful departure. Curwen was left seemingly dead, but with agent Sparda missing in action.

Investigations #21-30

Investigation Entry 21

  • Proposal: Going to the world in Dimension 010 to talk to Shamash Argeadas or Faustlin Fontain in regardes to mission 120.
  • Rank: D
  • Genre: Visitation
  • Location: Dimension 010
  • Agent Posting: Aimi Utada
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:
[show details]

Investigation Entry 22

[show details]

Investigation Entry 23

[show details]

Investigation Entry 24

  • Proposal: We should go ask Kujo Jotaro-san for help to defeat Odio, since he's done it before.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Help Request.
  • Location: Miami
  • Agent Posting: Hanako Uchiha
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived in Miami, Florida, and sought out Kujo Jotaro. Unfortunately for them, his house and any trace of him was gone. And then things got bad.
[show details]

Investigation Entry 25

  • Proposal: Visiting the Deep Sea Research Facility to ask about the Guardian Forces/Eidolons.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Intel Gathering.
  • Location: Deep Sea Research Facility
  • Agent Posting: Letty Carmichael
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived in the Deep Sea Research Facility where many agents received their Guardian Forces, and found a nurse, Sonata, who assists Doctor Trask here in the surgeries that give GFs to patients.
[show details]

Investigation Entry 26

  • Proposal: Breaking into the Deimos research facility.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Intel Gathering/Stealth.
  • Location: UAC Deimos research facility.
  • Agent Posting: Luca
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:
[show details]

Investigation Entry 27

  • Synopsis:
[show details]

Investigation Entry 28

  • Synopsis: Agents went to the Largias Continent, where missions 206-208 took place, and started in Moribidia.
[show details]

Investigation Entry 29

  • Synopsis:

Investigation Entry 30

  • Synopsis:

WRITE THIS ERIC PLZ. Or else I'm just saying they went to Global Purity HQ and found stuff about robots. P cool.

Investigations #31-40

Investigation Entry 31

  • Synopsis: We went to my home to have some summer vacation fun! It was fine at first, up until we went to the Da Chao mountain to do some treasure hunting..
[show details]

Investigation Entry 32

  • Proposal: World of Decade
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Smart-Brain
  • Agent Posting: Miki Amagi
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:
[show details]