Aldrik Lindstrom

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Aldrik Lindstorm
Aldrik Lindstrom, Lord of Winter
A.K.A. The Frost Lord, Tames-The-Winter
Age 65
Voice Actor Genda Tessho
Relatives Rends-The-Veil, Nephew; Janos, Nephew.
Series Operation Darkness
Player Frank
  • Name: Aldrik Lindstrom
  • Age: 65
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Victory
  • Dislikes: The Blood Tribe.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: 250lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: White, formerly blonde


A giant of a man in armour, with strong Nordic traits.


Honorable. Disciplined. Strong. Commanding.


  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Athletics: Amazing


Aldrik as a Werewolf.

Werewolf: Aldrik is the Winter Tribe Lord, and a powerful werewolf. He has superstrength, shapeshifting, regeneration and heightenned senses.
Warlord: Aldrik has trained all his life at combat, a very long life indeed, and has mastered many weapons and hand to hand styles.
Blessings: As a member of the Winter Tribe, Aldrik has many blessings, focusing on combat and the elements.

  • Fenris' Edge: Aldrik can learn any opponent's weakness with a glance.
  • Warrior's Might: Aldrik's claws and bite are filled with energy, allowing him to hit from a distance without a weapon.
  • Cutting Wind: Aldrik can summon a bitterly cold wind, which cuts through to the bone. It hits quite hard, so may knock down enemies. It freezes them and makes it harder to fight, as well.
  • Bloody Feast: Just like the Dark Metamorphosis Dark Gift of Vampires. Aldrik can gain strength and sustenance from absorbing blood through his fangs and claws.
  • Chill of the Early Frost: Aldrik can call down an incredible cold in the area. He cannot make it snow (unless it's winter), and it's almost impossible to do during the summer, but Janos can literally summon cold anywhere.
  • Wind Spirits: Aldrik can speak to the winds, and use them to hide his scent or track down anyone that has been in the area.
  • Razor Claws: Aldrik can make his claws ultra sharp.
  • Spirit of the Fray: Aldrik can increase his attack speed immensely.
  • Clenched Jaw: Aldrik's bite will cleave off anything he uses it on.
  • Curse of Frost: Aldrik can wound an opponent and slowly but surely freeze their blood all the way to the heart.


Glaive of Frost: A powerful bastard sword, made of silver and too heavy for a normal person to carry. It can damage any supernatural entity no matter what their inclination is, it allows the user to summon an ice storm on an area, or focus it on a person, and renders the wielder immune to cold, even when he isn't carrying it. It also allows him to heal from fire damage with pathetic ease. Its full power allows the user to call forth the Wendigo and Frost Giants of old to fight for him.


Silver: The biggest weakness of them all. Silver destroys a werewolf. They cannot heal damage done by silver, and the mere touch of it burns them, which is why the Silver Bullet legend is accurate. If a bullet pierces the werewolf, it's presence in the body will kill him, even if it only hit the hand or foot, from it's sheer presences. A Werewolf struck by silver will need to get medical or magical attention immediately and will need rest to heal, like a normal person with the same type of wound. Any limb or organ damaged or severed by silver is gone forever.
Full Moon: Werewolves have to change during the full moon. More importantly, they also become FAR more bestial in that case, and a lot more dangerous. True werewolves can shapeshift any night of the month, but they have to change on the full moon. Only Lords can avoid transforming, but even they are influenced by it's presence.
Wolfsbane: In the presence of Wolfsbane, werewolves will flee. The smell and presence of it will drive them off. Nobles and Lords can stay in the same area, but only Lords can resist being poisoned by its contact with his blood. A Lord will be made sick if he ingests it, but otherwise, he will be fine. HOWEVER, wolfsbane will prevent any werewolf from transforming, no matter which.