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Age 25
Voice Actor
Relatives None
Series Kami Kaze
  • Name: Rihei
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Carrying out Higa's will, technology, looking down at the akahani (humans)
  • Dislikes: People making fun of his appearance, anyone opposing Higa, KAMURO

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 380lbs (loaded up from all dem cybernetic enhancements)
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Blond


Rihei perched on a tree spying on some highschool girls (with face uncovered).

Shortish mofo, who sorta have a hunched over posture. His arms are notably longer than his body due to enhancements he received from Higa. His hair is sort of like a broomhead, and always wearing goggles/masks to cover his not-so-pretty face. Also dress in big, oversized coats and baggy pants to try to cover up his body.


Loud-mouth freak who enjoys a good thrill. Since receving his cybernetic upgrades. Has this false sense of invincibility since he thinks he can just be repaired again. Owes his life to Higa, when he was just a lowly unpure Kegai no Tami with no powers what so ever. When he received his upgrades, he swore his loyalty to Higa. He absolutely hates Kamuro for taking away one of his arms pre-upgrade.


  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Intimidation: Very Good
  • Marksmanship: Incredible



  • Machine-Guns: Built right into his long, massive arms.
  • Blade Arms: He can retract his hands into his arm to turn them into makeshift swords.
  • Paralyze Tentacles: These things are fired from Rihei's back and looks like white cables with two metal prongs at the end. Be wary of the tip and the entire length. Designed to immobilize, not kill.
  • Back-Mounted Missiles: The reason why Rihei hunches a lot, he is carrying several dozen 5-lb Saber missiles that are laser guided and self-propelled.

Kegai no Tami:

  • Fragrance: All Kegai no Tami can detect and deploy special 'fragrances' into the air. VERY USEFUL, can be used for tracking, confusion, even putting regular humans to sleep in a 1 mile-radius.




  • Weakened Bloodline: Although he is Kegai no Tami, his racial enhancment over the akahani (humans) isn't all that great and he didn't develop any special powers of his own. He is almost about the same level as far as humans go. So can get hurt, cut, bleed, die, etc.
  • Unfocused: Sometimes forgets the main mission goal while fighting.
  • Something to Prove: Takes offense when someone question his abilities and will go out of his way to prove he can fight on the same skill level as any other Kegai no Tami.