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Lord of Blood Rends-The-Veil
A.K.A. Oscar Blumfeld, Lord of Blood.
Age 48
Voice Actor
Relatives Janos, brother. Blood Tribe.
Series Operation Darkness
Player Frank
  • Name: Rends-the-Veil
  • Age: 48
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: The Dark
  • Dislikes: Humanity

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'5"
  • Weight: 270lbs
  • Eyes: One Brown, one Red
  • Hair: Reddish Brown with White streaks.


A giant barbarian of a man. Looks completely, savagely brutish. His demeanor, speech and movements reveal that this is accurate.


Deceptive. Genius. Callous. Inhuman. Bestial.


  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Occult: Amazing
  • Leadership: Amazing


Werewolf: Oscar is a werewolf, with every advantage that entails, such as regeneration, superhuman strength and speed, and super senses.
Hunter: Oscar is a born hunter, and a natural killer. He fights with savagery and shapeshifting prowess unmatched.
Shaman: Oscar is a powerful shaman, able to use shamanistic and summoning magic, focusing on the darker side of the spirit realms.

  • Sense Unnatural/Corruption: Exactly what it says.
  • Healing Touch: Oscar can heal any living thing with a touch. He can also cause Blight with it by channeling baneful spirits.
  • Spirit Command: Oscar can command almost any spirit, including baneful ones, and possibly horrors. He can definitely command corrupt and unnatural spirits.
  • Exorcise Spirits: Oscar can remove a spirit from any place it chose or was placed in. If it isn't bound by more powerful rites, Oscar can force it out.. and then command it.
  • Beast Lobotomy: Oscar can force a target to devolve into an animalistic intelligence. They will be unable to think or reason, with just instinct.. the basest ones.. up to the forefront.

Blood Tribe Blessings: As a member of the Blood Tribe, Oscar has access to the blessings of his tribe. These are linked to spirits and undead.

  • Hunter's Edge: Oscar can turn into a spirit.
  • Hunter's Revenge: Oscar can curse his enemies with the displeasure of spirits.
  • Call Elemental: Oscar can summon one of the four elemental spirits. Fire, Earth, Water or Air. His versions are corrupt and perverse.
  • Fetish Doll: Oscar can make a fetish doll from an enemy if he has access to their hair or blood-soaked clothing. He can do damage (or other things) remotely to his victim with it.
  • Corrupt Blood: Oscar's blood can be turned into poisonous, horrific and twisted, viscous mess. Which is addictive and disturbingly pleasurable to vampires or other unholy beings.
  • Primal Anger: Oscar can generate incredible fury in himself.. and then summon it out and put it in someone else, making them go berserk.
  • Mental Speech: Oscar can read minds and speak between them.
  • Wither Limb: With but a touch, Oscar can force any part of the body he touches to wither and rot. If used on a normal being, this is permanent.
  • Spirit Grasp: Oscar can throw anyone into the Spirit realms, leaving them trapped there. He can also grasp spirits and yank them into the physical world.

Rites: Oscar has several binding, exorcism and curse rites. He can use them to raise the dead or grant unnatural abilities to his packmates or others. He will usually pick up the materials for rites relating to what he's doing. He also has rites to cleanse (or corrupt) others.


Blood Glaive: The Glaive of the Blood Tribe. It is a powerful, cursed weapon, filled with the pain of the oppressed, the dispossessed, the down trodden and all other manner of pain-spirits. It is a vicious, dangerous weapon, and it is unbreakable. Its powers include a pain-until-death curse (Yes like you're thinking), a summoning of infinitely painful and dangerous creatures, and the ability to drain the blood of a victim it merely touches, unto death, reanimating them as a mindless, savage werewolf under Rends-The-Veil's control.


Silver: The biggest weakness of them all. Silver destroys a werewolf. They cannot heal damage done by silver, and the mere touch of it burns them, which is why the Silver Bullet legend is accurate. If a bullet pierces the werewolf, it's presence in the body will kill him, even if it only hit the hand or foot, from it's sheer presences. A Werewolf struck by silver will need to get medical or magical attention immediately and will need rest to heal, like a normal person with the same type of wound. Any limb or organ damaged or severed by silver is gone forever.
Full Moon: Werewolves have to change during the full moon. More importantly, they also become FAR more bestial in that case, and a lot more dangerous. True werewolves can shapeshift any night of the month, but they have to change on the full moon. Only Lords can avoid transforming, but even they are influenced by it's presence.
Wolfsbane: In the presence of Wolfsbane, werewolves will flee. The smell and presence of it will drive them off. Nobles and Lords can stay in the same area, but only Lords can resist being poisoned by its contact with his blood. A Lord will be made sick if he ingests it, but otherwise, he will be fine. HOWEVER, wolfsbane will prevent any werewolf from transforming, no matter which.