Gaen Swordhand

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Gaen Swordhand
A.K.A. Gaen the Chaos Knight; Lord Gaen; Lord Swordhand; Lord Gaen Swordhand the Black; Lord Gaen Swordhand the Thunderer; Chaos Knight.
Age 29
Voice Actor Fred Tatasciore
Relatives Sister, Mother.
Series Original
Player Sparda
  • Name: Gaen Swordhand
  • Age: 29
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Violence; Chaos.
  • Dislikes: Order; The Living; Justice.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 230lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Black


A large, athletic man, adorned in dark armor and always equipped with weapons, even in official settings. Carries himself like a knight and a lord, but emits a palpable dark aura at all times, noticeable to anyone aligned with either Order or Goodness. His long white hair appears immaculate at all times, and his eyes are a striking blue. Even in full armor, as terrifying as he appears, Gaen always has an air of superiority and imposes his presence anywhere he goes. He is almost preternaturally handsome, and is able to get things done with words as easily as with force.


Charismatic. Heartless. Violent. Commanding.


  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Stealth: Incredible
  • Leadership: Amazing
  • Occult: Incredible
  • Politics: Incredible
  • Expression: Amazing



Knighthood: Gaen is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor, and with shields. He has developed fighting styles to match powerful opponents, and has mastered the Long Sword, Zweihander, and Bastard Sword, as well as Shield combat, though his favorite fighting style is to use a two-handed sword with one hand, then increase the strength of his strikes by adding his second hand to it. He is very agile, but focuses on power more than speed.
Assassin: Gaen has spent a year living with an assassin's guild who follow his dark god. He has learned several skills to assassinate others, and is able to use his massive charisma and incredible martial skills to kill others without a trace. He is primarily a strong aggressor, but is more than willing to use smaller, poisoned or thrown weapons to end someone's life.
Unholy Strike: Any weapons in the hands of Gaen becomes a powerful striking tool against the Holy or otherwise Order-aligned entities. Any being blessed by the divine will suffer greatly, from even a grazing hit, and will grow sick until they get healed of the wound.
Great Cleave: Taking a moment to prepare himself, Gaen can strike and ignore any physical defense. He will either cleave through the armor of his opponent, or strike through a parry, not letting it slow down his strike. His sword is empowered to also slash through any physical barrier. Magical Barriers and other such defenses work, but the strike of the Great Cleave may destroy it.


Aura of Evil: Gaen has a palpable aura of evil. This makes any celestial being or genuinely 'good' person or supernatural entity aligned to Order become actually displeased in his presence, to the point of getting ill after a short time. He can calm this aura down for social purposes, but this makes him unmistakably aligned to the gods of Chaos and Evil.
Aura of Despair: Gaen radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet of him to feel genuinely ill, getting vulnerable to magical attacks, curses, and generally becoming less and less vital. Any rolls around Gaen when trying to dodge, convince or otherwise generally oppose him are much harder.
Dark Blessing: Gaen is 'blessed' by his Chaotic patron to be protected at all times. Spells and other magical effects, poison and status effects are much easier to resist for him, and he can outright ignore lower level spells aimed at him.
Sneak Attack: Gaen can move amazingly well in shadows, and strike surgically into an opponent's back. This allows him to bypass almost any special senses, as well, provided he can be sneaky enough to do it. Strikes made like this are usually fatal or at least devastating.
Perfect Health: Gaen is immune to any disease or status effect which can affect him, like poison or other biological effects.


Detect Good: At will, Gaen can use this spell-like ability, allowing him to detect holy or otherwise Order-influenced creatures. This lets him detect angels, priests or otherwise genuinely divine or order-empowered beings, or areas, helping him bypass traps and know his enemy.
Command Undead: Gaen can assume control of undead. Master-less, mindless undead, mystical or scientific, can be subsumed to his control. Intelligent undead can resist, but will be compelled to at least listen to him pleading his case and are more receptive to helping him. Undead under the command of another master can be wrested from them, but are much harder to actually 'steal', and the other undead lord of necromancer will be able to resist. (Opposed roll at which Gaen is at -20%)
Poison Use: Gaen is skilled in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a blade. He also knows how to cure it and best use it against others.
Smite Good: Seven times a day, Gaen may infuse a dark power into his weapon, which will cause exceptional damage to celestial beings or otherwise Order-affiliated beings.
Fiendish Servant: A dark-empowered raven, called Shadowmire, is Gaen's follower. It has surprising potency and resilience for a raven, and would be able to physically defeat a wolf in singular combat. It is, however, mostly used for spying and messaging.

Chaotic Spells

Gaen has the patronage of a dark god, allowing him to command some of their spells. While not as proficient as an actual priest or cultists of said god. This allows him to cast spells with a prayer, mostly to support his allies and enforce the will of his god. These are spells chanted by prayer. All they require is faith and obeissance in the dark god Gaen serves.

  • Convert Spells: Cause Fear, Corrupt Weapon, Cure/Cause Light Wounds, Doom, Magic Weapon, Summon Monster I*.
  • Initiate Spells: Bull’s Strength, Cure/Cause Moderate Wounds, Darkness, Death Knell, Eagle’s Splendor, Shatter, Summon Monster II*.
  • Devout Spells: Contagion, Cure/Cause Serious Wounds, Deeper Darkness, Protection from Energy, Summon Monster III*.
  • Worshiper Spells: Cure/Cause Critical Wounds, Freedom of Movement, Poison, Summon Monster IV*.

Fallen Paladin Abilities

Gaen used to be a Paladin, and one of the best and strongest of them all. Certain powers of his have carried over to this new status as a chaos knight.
Lay on Hands: Once a day, Gaen can almost completely cure himself or any of his companions with just a touch.
Fiendish Summoning: Once per day, Gaen can summon a fiend to fight for him. This creature is evil and usually chaotic, often mindless, and quite a powerful version of it's 'natural' state.
Undead Companion: Gaen is accompanied by a faithful Zombie retainer, which is divinely bound to him. This zombie cannot be usurped or turned.



Gaen's Axe, Defiler.
Gaen's Runeblade, Bane.
Gaen's Dagger, Fang.

Protective Gear: Armor and other protective gear.
Cloak of Protection: A magically powered cloak, which adds to Gaen's armor by extending a magical field around him. This allows him to take several hits at a reduced damage and redistribute it to his whole body instead of any stricken vitals.
Armor of Blinding Shadows: A magically powered armor, clad in darkness, which offers a magical protection, blessed by Gaen's god. This allows him to take several times more damage than a normal person, protecting his vitals from strikes. He may also blend in a shadow, or cover his entire body in darkness if wearing a cloak, hiding the fact that he's wearing armor. This is a heavy armor which Gaen wears with relative ease, due to his strength and experience.
Shield of Lament: A formerly holy shield, Gaen's breaking of all his oaths have corrupted this shield into what it is today. A powerful magical shield, which attracts any missiles thrown at it (knifes, arrows, bullets). It formerly had the ability to cast a powerful Light spell, blinding opponents and damaging undead, but after its corruption, it is now able to produce a blinding miasma of darkness, empowering any dark creature near Gaen and blinding all but him.
Offensive Gear: Weapons and other tools of killing that Gaen has acquired over the years.
Bane: Gaen's Zweihander. This is a large, black handled sword, with several runes all over its blade. It is a powerful, unholy weapon, allowing him to enhance his divine 'blessings'. At a word, it can cancel a magic spell by striking it, but this can only be done three times a day. It can, however, slash through a magical attack at will, provided Gaen can strike it in time. The sword radiates its own unholy aura, and enhances the range of Gaen's.
Defiler: Gaen's battle axe. A simple, vicious looking axe, which was forged in the blood of several dozen infidels. The axe has been rendered virtually unbreakable due to this, and it is always preternaturally sharp. It has little to no special ability save for those two, but combined with Gaen's strength and skill, it lets him cleave though men and horses with ease, and no door has been known to resist it.
Fang: Gaen's dagger. Hidden in its hilt, it ferments the poison used on it, simmering in its own juices, and increasing the potency. This weapon can be thrown or used as a stabbing weapon, and the longer it's been since he last used it, the more powerful the poison is. Anyone other than Gaen attempting to use the blade will be stabbed by it.
Mundane Weapons: Gaen carries several daggers and knives on his person, as well as a spare long sword. they are all of superior make and well maintained, to the point that they are to be coveted, but they are very much normal weapons. He uses the sword in conjunction with the Shield of Lament.
Accessories: Various items that Gaen uses for various purposes.
Amulet of the Planes: A gift from his dark god, Gaen can use this amulet to step out into a different plane of existence, allowing him to step between worlds. This is not QUITE at will, but he can do it at least twice a day.
Amulet of Proof against Detection: A simple amulet Gaen wears, it makes him impossible (or nearly) to track down once he is out of people's normal senses and making an effort to hide himself. However, this is only useful against supernatural or magical sensory abilities, like tracking spells or scrying.
Ring of Regeneration: So long as Gaen is wearing this ring, killing him is incredibly hard, and wounds will heal unless they are massive and critical.
Ring of Spell Turning: Gaen can turn a spell cast directly on him back onto a caster. This has no effect on Area of Effect, Indirect or Summoning spells.


Handsomeness: Gaen is devastatingly beautiful. To some, this is a curse.
Cleverness: Gaen is incredibly intelligent. This makes him very unhappy at times.
Evil: Gaen is loathe to repent about his evil nature. Likely this will doom him to Hell some day.