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A.K.A. ??
Age ??
Voice Actor Suyama Akio
Relatives None
Series Sailor Moon
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Bullseye
  • Age: ??
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Order and Chaos ..depending on who's the dominant personality
  • Dislikes: disobedience and following the rules. ....again depending on who's the dominant personality

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Eyes: Red eye and Blue eye
  • Hair: half black, half white.


flamboyantly dressed.. he's part of the Dead Moon Circus, after all. He has a split look which mirrors his split personality (red bull) and (white ox)


Depending, he can either be completely subservient, lawful.. totally disciplined. ....or a chaotic, rule-breaking and fun/sensation loving freako.


Athletics: Amazing
Subterfuge: Good
Expression: Amazing
Intimidation: Very Good


One Two Three - the typical move of the Amazon trio. At the words 'One' a table springs up behind the target, 'Two' binds them to the board, 'Three' pops out their dream mirror which sends the person in an immobile state.

Acrobatics - Bullseye, being part of the Dead Moon Circus is amazing at flips, twirls.. whatever. He's an acrobatic. Yeah.

Targetng - With knives, bows and arrows.. shooting a gun.. Bullseye has SHARP aim. He never misses.

Earth Teleport - not a combat teleport but he CAN back flip through a hoop of swirling rocks to get out of an area... like the Amazon Trio was able to.

Earth Affinity - Bullseye's magic is earth type. He can throw rocks and shake the ground like earthquakes and so on.




Dual Personality - Bullseye can lose focus very easilly.. if swayed to his 'Red Bull' persona, he quickly dismisses all of his plans and does whatever suits his fancy at that time.

No Dreams - Being an Amazon, he lacks having his dream mirror.. this could potentially bother him.