Cait Sith

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Cait Sith Mark V!
Age N/A
Voice Actor
Series FF7
Player Bakamoichigei
  • Name: Cait Sith Mark V!
  • Age: N/A
  • Sex: N/A
  • Birthday: N/A
  • Parents: N/A
    • Place of Birth: Midgard
    • Nationality: Midgard
    • Specialty: N/A
    • Hobbies: N/A
    • Likes: N/A
    • Dislikes: N/A
    • Favorite Food: N/A
    • Least Favorite Food: N/A
    • Favorite Music: N/A
    • Favorite Sport: N/A
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Itself
    • Level of Education: N/A
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11
    • Weight: 520 Lbs
    • Eyes: LCD
    • Hair: White
    • Special: It's a robot!


Cait Sith Mark V has the same old fashion appearance as previous editions of Cait Sith! Why try to improve on perfection!?




Note: Most skills are pilot dependent, only those that are physical reliant on the model itself are listed.

Alertness - Amazing (+5)
Athletics - Good (+2)
Performance - Incredible (Hundreds of recorded songs!) (+4)

Special Abilities

-=Gil Gun!=-
Built into the arms of the Cait Sith Mark V, the brand new Gil Gun! Why rain down death upon your enemy with regular bullets, when you can hit them with your money! The Gil Gun comes in the following modes

  • Pistol - For overall balance, and capable of handling most situations, the Pistol mode is the most versatile of all the methods.
  • Shotgun - Problem with swarms? Like to get up close and personal? Then this is the method for you! With high spread and damage, at the cost of range, you can hit them hard where it hurts.
  • Gatling Gun - Shotgun not enough? Feel like ending the fight in an impressive and flashy manner? Then Gatling Gun method is the choice for you! Capable of firing for a full minute in Gatling Gun mode, this expensive but effective method can cover an entire room with Gil!

Using the latest in a combination of Materia and Tech, the Cait Sith Mark 5 comes equipped witha set of materia made lens, capable of allowing the pilot to scan the room for anomalies, and detect multiple energy signatures. Perhaps you are looking for a bit more a mundane option? Well how about a Motion Detector? Or perhaps Thermal?! No worries! The Cait Sith Mark V even has these simple but effective options! Even includes a GPS system that allows the pilot to track and locate the Cait Sith Mark V wherever it might end up!

-=Bad Breath!=-
This handy option is useful for less lethal methods of take down, by releasing a series of chemicals from the mouth the Cait Sith Mark V is able to release a chemical compound that results in a noxious tear gas! Warning: Side effects include irritation of eyes, nose, and throat, uncontrollable coughing, and possible loss of breath.

Stuck in an Earthquake? Need to cross a gap or balance on a thin beam!? Then no worries! Despite the Cait Sith Mark V's round shape, it's perfectly capable of handling such scenarios by activating simple thrusters built into it's back. These thrusters come out and blast highly pressurized gas allow the Cait Sith Mark V to be able to leap a distance of 20-30 feet, or keep it's steady footing in even the worse cases.

-=Self Destruct=-
About to lose your precious commodity, the Cait Sith Mark V? Well you know what they say, Who laughs last, laughs best, and that's what this feature's all about! By disabling the security protocols, and pressing the big red shiny button in the console, you can cause the Cait Sith Mark v to detonate and take out your enemies.

-=Personal Defense Shield=-
During a field test of the wonderful and amazing Cait Sith Mark V, everyone's favorite robot, a "photonic generator" was obtained. This device has given Cait Sith a whole new meaning to the term personal space. Able to withstand small amounts of fire, the P.D.S gives the Cait Sith Mark V the ability to handle a few hits, long enough to obtain cover or let loose a volley of shots from the Gatling Gun! Plus with the quick recharge time, you can be sure this shield will be ready for whatever fight comes next!

Powers & Merits

Unique Items

Items Of Note

Weaknesses & Flaws

NPC(s) to go with char