Season One

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Missions PARADIGM agents have completed during Season One.


Missions 1-10

Operation #1: Take me to the Circus

  • Description: Magical disturbances have been occurring around the fair grounds in downtown Tokyo. Monster sightings as well as reports of missing people. Investigate and neutralize the anomaly.
  • Rank: D
  • Genre: Magic/Humor
  • Location: Tokyo, Japan
  • Client: Sagiko
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis:
Group was sent to 90's era Tokyo, Japan and were given tickets to the floating circus via a mysterious woman with light-blue hair. The group took a magic, floating, willy-wonka-like elevator up to the circus and observed a show with a performer who referred to itself as 'Janus', the two faced god. A strange, ugly fish-like old woman appeared on the stage and then ordered Janus to find a body for their leader. Janus then used a dream-stealing device contraption to take out a dream mirror of one of the circus guests, a little girl with dark hair. The monster split into two beings, Tonic helping to incapacitate one with the help of Vaelgir. The group then fought and defeated the monster with Belle using a special technique and Kamen retrieving the mirror with a distraction from Izumi. The old monster woman vanished and the circus tent also started disappearing. Vaelgir used his magic spell to help get the group down to the ground safely and then they used the telephone booth teleporter to return home.

Operation #2: Cry of the Planet

  • Description: Monsters and Mythical beasts have been springing around the cities of Midgar as well as terrorizing local southern cities. Rumors of a man in a black cloak responsible and last seen in Nibelheim. Investigate the town and capture the man in black cloak, if hostile then neutralize.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Magic/Adventure/Fantasy
  • Location: FF7 World
  • Client: Yuffie Kisaragi
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis:
Upon arriving in the 4th Sector of Midgar, in front of the World Regenesis Organization HQ, the PARADIGM agents met with the client, Yuffie Kisaragi. Learning that monsters have been attacking Midgar and Wutai, the agents boarded the train to the outskirts of the gigantic city. Once outside, they saw the WRO outposts overrun by hordes of the local monsters, andthe Midgarzolom, a non-native giant snake from the Mithril Mine Marshlands. While Agent Sparda (Not to be confused with the former agent Sparda distracted the horde with hit and run tactics, agent Takayanagi defended agents Aku and Saotome from the ones who didn't follow Sparda, to leave them free to fight the Midgarzolom. After a brief but intense battle, Saotome attracted the large snake with a powerful blast, Aku weakened it enough to leave it temporarily vulnerable and both of them finished it off, Aku focusing on the head while Agent Saotome focussed on the body.
With the Midgarzolom defeated, three people in Black Cloaks (Identified to be a former member of the G Corps, a member of SOLDIER and an unknown civilian) who were behind the monsters' attack were killed and then died in a suicide attack by agents Sparda and Aku, the other black cloaked members of the group left in an AATV, leaving one man behind, called Ain. Ain fought all four agents to a standtstill, only shocked by agent Saotome's use of the Ultima spell, at which point he left behind a red (summoning) Materia which was used to draw out the Eidolon, Ifrit to fight in his stead.
Ifrit's power scorched the area, which weakened all four agents who had to focus on shifting their attacks and defense, with agents Takayanagi and Aku in melee range, agent Sparda providing ballistic support and agent Saotome using the power of her own summoning Materia, Leviathan, to quench Ifrit's flames. After the Eidolon's most powerful attack, which lay waste to the entire countryside, agent Saotome's Blizzaga spell, combined with agents Takayanagi and Sparda's assault stunned the Eidolon long enough for agent Aku to sever it's head, completing the mission.

Operation #3: Sumaru never Sleeps

  • Description: Rumors of children going missing and dying inexplicably at a hospital in Sumaru, Japan. Investigate and Neutralize the cause.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Spiritual/Horror
  • Location: Sumaru, Japan
  • Client: Maya Amano
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
The agents arrived outside of the Sumaru Local Hospital and soon became aware of the strange behaviour of the locals. All the people seemed to be programmed to respond and do the same things repeatedly. Inside the lobby, the receptionist kept answering the same answer to Ryoku's questions. As the crew questioned the other people present, the agents were able to piece together that their client was in the doctors office down the hall. Once meeting their client who happened to be a reporter, Maya Amano, the group quickly were briefed on the situation at the hospital. The Pediatric Ward in the floor below had been plagued by a monster named Der Kindestod. On the third night, the monster would appear and take the soul of the child to the land of the dead. Agent Luca was able to recall that in order to fight this supernatural being, they would need to be close to death.
The agents proceeded down the stairs to the pediatric ward and found a picture that one of the children drew of the Kindestod. Once in the hall, agent Faustlin used his infared to see monsters incoming behind them. They were able to dispose of the poltergeists and agent Tyler began healing some of the children in the different rooms. More monsters attacked the group and after taking some damage, they were able to proceed to the Operating area at the end of the hall. Ryoku injected himself with a flu virus and Sailor Vega refused healing. A girl then alarmed the agents that her friend was being attacked in one of the rooms which had the agents immediately heading to her room. Inside the room, Luca tried to pull the girl away from the ground where she was apparently stuck.
Ryoku, who was sick, was able to see what was binding her to the floor (Kindestod's fingers), severed the binds and Luca took the girl to safety. The Agents then disposed of the Kindestod who then became visible and had a striking resemblence of the Erlking, whom agents Faustlin and Mai/Vega had fought before. Vega then got rid of the bomb hat of the Kindestod and agent Hitomi helped the injured agents to leave the hospital with her clones.

Operation #4: Horrible Night to have a Curse

  • Description: A group calling themselves the Fang Clan have been moving into Paris, and inexplicable deaths are occuring there.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Horror/Action.
  • Location: Paris, France.
  • Client: Doctor Social.
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
The Psychologist Dr Social contacted the PARADIGM agents, telling them about the disappearance of various homeless, and motions of suspected members of the Fang Clan in the castle of Mont Saint-Michel, supposedly to gather supplies and equipment that may have been stored there since World War II. The agents made their way there, found the locals enthralled to some sort of curse, and the area guarded by a barrier. After dispelling it, they made their way inside.
Inside were zombies, of civilians, at first, then once inside the courtyard, of soldiers. Nazis, to be precise, with their supplies stacked up for rapid movement, but also strategically forcing anyone to go through the path of Nazi Zombies and Plaguebearers. After causing damage to the troops and the supplies, the agents moved on ahead to a suddenly deserted castle, and up to the meeting hall.
The hall was filled with abominations and Panzer Demons, cybernetic Nazi Supersoldiers. After a vicious battle, the agents made their way into the higher room where they confronted Andrei Konstantin, the vampire sorceress Laura, and the pustulant Harry. The vampires were prepared for most possible enemies, but the presence of a nun and a Belmont made them incredibly nervous, and caused all of them massive damage. Laura caused major damage to Aku, while Harry fought off with Vaelgir Stormblade, and Andrei was left to fend off the two holy empowered warriors, until the agents were close to victory.
However, Ain appeared like a flash, saving the vampires from almost certain death, and then critically wounded Aku. Sof then showed up to defend Ain from Tonic, before they and the vampires escaped to a portal outside in the courtyard, which vanished when they were through, leaving agents with many destroyed supplies but no confirmed vampire kills. However, Mont Saint-Michel is free again, and authorities will clean up soon enough.
Agent Izumi has requested a follow up for more information after this Operation and it has been noted in the Investigation Log

Operation #5: The Grand Blue Line

  • Description: Troubled hunters are experiencing an odd shortage of mystical crops in an island-like world. Search for the Stolen fruit.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Comedy/Action.
  • Location: The Grand Line
  • Client: Ziggs R. O'Malley
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents arrived at a Port City where they received a briefing that the Goose Bandits were responsible for hijacking the Devil Fruit. After receiving a map and a dinghy.. the agents proceeded to an island with magic aid from Vaelgir Stormblade, where the Goose Bandits were stealing items from a shack and packing them into a crate. After a distraction from Letty Carmichael, Hisui Hoozuki and Aku grabbed the crate and ran back to their boat. However, they quickly realized that the box held nothing but candles. An enraged Granny Goose and compatriot, Mother Goose, ran with their three underlings: Barbie Que, Frida Lay, and Franz Onion. After a scuffle, with Mother Goose trying to escape though thwarted by Kouhei Kurosaki.. the agents were able to successfully retrieve the Devil Fruits. However, on closer inspection, they realized that there were Seven Fruits.. instead of just the Five they were commissioned to bring back.
Once returning, Captain Smoker and the Marines were there to apprehend the bandits, deciding to get the reward money settled under Paradigm's name in case the agents were to ever return to this dimension, they'd have some extra money to spend. Aku called back to Headquarters via the fruit and the agents were given permission to do whatever they pleased with them. After returning to the inn, Izumi called out a meeting albeit Jackal reminding that the fruits were dangerous. After consultation, Letty ate the Boom-Boom fruit and Aimi ate the Viz-Viz fruit.

Operation #6: The Eve of Terror

  • Description: Bio-terrorists are attempting to repossess a dangerous B.O.W. sample from a lab, and they must be found and stopped. Bio-Terrorists have broken into the MIST labs, and risk unleashing a bio-hazard.
  • Rank: C - Upgraded to a B due to emergency.
  • Genre: Horror/Action.
  • Location: Nevada, outside Las Vegas.
  • Client: Kyle Madigan
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
PARADIGM agents responded to an urgent distress call, after being innoculated with mitochondrial suppressants. The parameters of the mission had been changed when a group of terrorists attacked a MIST base in rural Nevada. The base had been taken in by a group of unknown force. After realizing the guards were mostly taken unawares, a tail ripped from the ceiling and wounded Sachiko Uchiha. After readying themselves, Faustlin Fontaine noticed that one of the dead guards as booby trapped, and Kaoru Sie read through contact that the guards had been killed by a blond man and a young girl.
On the second floor, the lights were off and they found more dead guards, learning the enemy had powerful artillery. After avoiding a grenade trap which almost killed Letty Carmichael, the creature with the tail attacked again. This time it was pulled from the ceiling and withstood everyone's blows before running away, a bit wounded. This time a poison trap was waiting for them in the stairs.
Choosing to avoid these, Ryosuke Saotome made a hole to the bottom floor, where the group entered combat with Golem, Anton and Sister Red. Sachiko was attacked by Grendel and almost fatally wounded, as Sailor Centauri allowed the group to drop in and avoid Golem's gatling gun. During the confrontation with the three, the elevator opened, carrying Kraken, who used a rocket launcher on them. Being wounded, Kraken was told to escape while Anton and Sister Red stayed behind, besieged by Ryosuke and Kaoru.
Kraken decimated the MIST forces, and escaped, followed by Ryosuke, as Sachiko and Letty managed to finish off the Golem. After a tough skirmish, Anton used his trump card, ordering the Kraken to release the virus into the air. Ryosuke sealed it under ground, and then went away from the biological weapon. The group then got tested for possible BOW contamination and came up clean. The mission was upscaled from a C to a B due to the surprise nature and turnabout of the assailants.

Operation #7: Ninjas in the Night

  • Description: The child of an important ally has been kidnapped and taken to neutral territory, and must be retrieved.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Iron Country
  • Client: Konoha Village
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Going to the village of Konoha, the Agents met with the Hokage and two of his ANBU. They learned that Orochimaru II had kidnapped her daughter back, and had hidden in a neutral country. Taking a transport from the Kazekage and accompanied by a member of ROOT, the agents made their way to Iron Country, where she had been hiding out. Encountering the local Samurai, the agents ID'ed themselves as PARADIGM, and moved on, now unimpeded.
With luck, they went to the caves near the lake, where they fell into an ambush, tipping them off this was the right place. After fighting off renegade Cloud and Sound ninja, during which Belle Hibiki got hurt and had to be healed by Tyler. After fighting off these ninja, the agents went in ahead, where they encountered Orochimaru II's new elite, three teenage girls with odd powers and different elements, such as Water, Wind and Thunder. A massive battle broke out, which necessitated Zero to summon and Orochimaru II to counter summon the lord of Snakes, Manda, but during the chaotic battlefield, Sachiko Uchiha and Tyler broke off to go rescue Hanako Uchiha. They succeeded.
As the battle was turning for the targets, once again, Ain appeared to save and possibly join with Orochimaru II's group, releasing a massively powerful spell at the group and almost collapse the mountain, before walking out after the kunoichi had disappeared. Hanako was then taken back to Konoha safe and sound.

Operation #8: Heute ist Mein Tag

  • Description: A small, secluded town is experiencing supernatural oddities with a rumor of a thief who steals 'voices'.
  • Rank: D
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Location: Nördlingen
  • Client: Uzura
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
The group arrived in a small European styled town where they were lead by a small girl named Uzura to a cottage owned by a man named Fakir. Their plight was that an entity known as the Erlking had been appearing in the town every afternoon at Five O'clock in the form of fog. The Fog would the steal voices and take it back into the forest. The group went to the south gate to investigate, Faustlin and Sagiko noting that there was a path leading further into the woods. Once there they saw another watch tower that struck a soundless chime of Five O'clock. A fog then took the voices of Zan, Hikari, and Sagiko.. making Sagiko and Hikari unable to transform. Four straight-jacket clad beasts escaped from the watch tower and then were quickly thwarted by the group.
The Erlking then appeared, attacking everyone.. although most of them were kept healed by Tyler. Sailor Sirius then focused her musical attacks to make the Erlking vulnerable, allowing Zan and Hikari to take the box holding the stolen voices and destroy it. Sailor Moon and then Sailor Procyon joined the fray.. all together the Erlking was defeated and the crew was able to return to Nördlingen safely.. and then go home. (The girls also dodged a marriage proposal from Neko-sensei).

Operation #9: Genesis, the Apple, and the Birth of a God

  • Description: A small, abandoned town has been visited by black robed individuals, also known for terrorism in Midgar.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Banora Village
  • Client: The Turks
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
The Turks called PARADIGM Agents to the scene of Banora Village to investigate, because Shinra Research and Development involvement would cause serious problems for the World Regenesis Organization. Turks Jack Solomon and Nadia Chambers briefed them on the situation and the need for intel, and then PARADIGM agents moved in. After a brief skirmish against a few black robed individuals with weapons, who turned out to be wearing Deepground gear. However, they were no match for agent Zero.
The Agents made their way into a warehouse ambush, and after fighting their way in and into a hollowed out hill, made their way to the bottom of a mine shaft, meeting a Shinra Cutter Machine, as well as Sof and Aur. After a brutal but rapid battle, Aur and Zero had taken each other out, agents Letty Carmichael and Jackal had destroyed the cutter machine, and Sof had begun earnestly fighting agents Fatima and Strife. To save his 'brother', Sof was willing to postpone the battle, and agent Fatima accepted.
Solomon then contacted the group to assist in stopping Ain, who was there with a portal of similar readings to our agents' transport device. agents Jackal and Strife went to assist Solomon, but all three of them were thrown off by him. After poisoning them with an ancient Materia, Ain vanished with his cohorts. Solomon explained what was behind the door was classified information, and that this village was the birthplace of legendary SOLDIERs, Genesis Rhapsodos and Angeal Hewley.

Operation #10: The Internal Conflict, or...The Enemy Within

  • Description: Investigate the attempted murder of a demon noble.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Makai
  • Client: Kuja
  • Status: Completed
  • Synopsis:
The group arrived in the Makai and met up with Kuja, who then told them that there had been a poisoning attempt on the son of the Demon Lord Yomi. The attempt had been traced to someone with medical knowledge and access to the materials... which was highly suspected to be the personal doctor of Lord Mukuro, Doctor Shigure. The group then proceeded to Mukuro's lands in order to get some more answers. They encountered Mukuro's tank and then entered with Aku's permission. After explaining the situation, they found out that Mukuro had also had an attempt on his life and that there was reason to believe that the culprits responsible were hiding in the wastelands. The agents then went to the wasteland where they encountered a small group of powerful demons that seemed to be responsible for the uprising. After a heavy battle and defeating the uprising, a demon named Belial Dohma escaped. Afterwards the agents along with Aku returned back to the Inn.

Missions 11-20

Operation #11: Something Fishy is going on..

  • Description: A crew of pirates have absconded with a rare fish, and a chef wants it back to serve the ultimate dish.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Adventure
  • Location: All Blue
  • Client: Sanji
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Contacted by a restaurant owner to retrieve a Sea King, PARADIGM agents made it to All Blue, and were tasked with finding The Dread Pirates in the Dimitri Archipelago. Making their way there with a Log Pose, the agents were besieged by a sniper and a fishman. Making their way through cover and outmanuvering the sniper, the agents were then attacked by two newcomers.
Agents Izumi Saotome and Sachiko Uchiha made relatively quick work of Crusher, but Cleavage was too much for Kenji Kakita to deal with on his own, requiring Sachiko's help. After a more intense skirmish, the first mate of the Dread pirates came forward and offered them a match. Get past him, and they can talk to Captain Havoc. Agents Zack Strife and Kia Kiske were hurt badly as agent Tyler healed them and agent Izumi made her way past him. Eventually, he was defeated by agents Zack and Zero, and they went to talk to the Captain.
In exchange for an mp3 player, Captain Havoc allowed them to try to capture the Sea King, which they did by taunting it with soup. Coming back to the restaurant, Sanji tamed the beast, and then held a feast in the agents' honor, before sending them back home triumphant.

Operation #12: The Village People

  • Description: Reports of curious experimentation has been noted in a quiet village filled with black mages. Investigate and report on any information found, if there is anything hostile then neutralize.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Magdalene Forest
  • Client: No. 125
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents appeared in Magdalen forest and at once were attacked by a plant and lion monsters. The plant monsters were weak to fire which made Aku and Izumi make quick work out of one. Lyre and Letty Carmichael helped get rid of the lion monsters, and Tonic smashed them down with a mace. One of the plants used poison on the party, but, Drake was able to use Esuna to heal. After continuing down the forest path, the agents came across a Black Mage Village. After some asking around, eventually they found their client No. 125. Black Mage No. 125 explained that one of the old black mage factories was rumored to have been started up again and reproducing more of their kind. This news particularly bothered Agent Letty. The agents were asked to NOT destroy the factory as it could endanger their entire village. Once outside of the Tavern that they were briefed at (and after an unfortunate dance), the agents proceeded to the factory. After investigating, it was shown that the factory was still reproducing black mages.
Two Black Waltzes then attacked the group.. but were staved off with some powerful attacks from the agents, including summons from both Zack and Venus. After one of the Black Waltzes was stopped, the factory then shut down.. and a man named Legrand made his appearance. He made it clear that he was not a part of the J Revival, but his questionable actions made the agents wish to stop him from leaving. The remaining Waltz helped protect Legrand and aiding him in escape, even though Cait Sith was looking for an opportunity to stop him. With the factory out of commission, the agents proceeded back to the tavern to tell No. 125 what happened. After explaining the situation, No. 125 thanked them for their aid and left to tell the elders to set up a barrier to prevent further tampering with the factory. The agents then left back to the TARDIS on chocobos.

Operation #13: Freedom, Libria, and Justice

  • Description: A utopian society has been getting bomb threats at their drug factories producing revolutionary medicine for the masses. Investigate and stop the terrorism.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Libria
  • Client: High Councilor Brand
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:

Before going on this particular mission, Celeste Laurent arrived to warn the agents that the destination (Libria) was going to be a big culture shock and to not be alarmed. The agents took in this information and then found themselves in front of a massive, Grecian-styled building known as the Metatron Clergy. People were oddly walking in robotic, filed lines with a few officers scouting and making sure everything was going smoothly. One of the officers, Cleric Aldebaran, noticed the group and paid particular attention to agent Faustlin and Agent Luca after scoping all of them with his visor/helmet. Apparently after viewing them, he recognized Faustlin as an Incandescent, Luca as a Cleric, Kenji, Sachiko, Shiro, and Jackal as Spectra, and Izumi as a Pet. Once the agents informed Cleric Aldebaran that they were there to see High Councilor Brand, Aldebaran took the agents inside the Metatron Clergy and to Brand's office. Inside Brand's office (which was very grandiose and with a dark-haired girl sleeping on a pillow), Brand brought up the problem that Libria was facing. Apparently a rebel group, known as the A-lites, were planning to bomb a medicinal factory that would destroy their way of life.

Agent Sachiko questioned what exactly their way of life was and Brand explained that wars had ruined their world and brought humanity to the brink of extinction. Now, humans were genetically altered and cloned.. and then stratified by hair color. The Incandescents were the blond, strategic leaders who made moral decisions for the rest of the people. The Clerics were silver-haired warriors who fought to uphold peace and justice within Libria. The Spectra were the civilians that were able to live in peace, however giving up their emotions of anger, fear, greed, and so on... and finally there were the Anchroma, dark-haired, genetic botches who were not disposed and rather given a choice to work or be cared for as a pet to the Incandescents. In order for the society to function the way that it does, the people of Libria would take doses of Chloropromazium to suppress their emotions... only the Incandescents were shouldered with the "burdened" of feeling.

Brand stated that he did not expect PARADIGM to get involved with their culture or their beliefs.. however, there had been interdimensional traces of others coming to their world.. and possibly coming to take Chloropromazium for themselves and aiding the A-lites in destroying the factory. The only duty the agents had was to prevent the destruction, because if the building was taken down it would cause the death of many innocent Librians. Agent Jackal asked for a map of the factory and then the agents were then provided transportation to the complex. Many clerics were already posted at the entrances so the agents focused their protection at the top floor where the factory's power core was located. Only moments of arriving the onslaught began. Power armors were going up the stairs and a heat signature was going up the de-powered elevator shaft. Jackal, Luca, Sachiko and Kenji took care of the power armors while Faustlin monitored the cameras. Agents Shiro and Izumi watched over the elevator shaft. After taking care of one of the Power Armors down the stairs.. the other Power Armor began trying to self destruct after clamping its arms onto the stair railings. The agents tried to destroy the arms, however with the final push to break the last arm the explosion went off, burning Kenji.

Not giving too much time to recover, the elevator shaft was opened and out came a biological weapon, The Tyrant, which was reminiscent of their battles in Operation #6 where the agents encountered biological weapons in Nevada. The Tyrant had a weak point in its chest and the agents focused their firepower on it. Finally after pushing the Tyrant all the way to the back to the edge of the open Elevator duct, Kenji cut out the Tyrant's heart and Jackal and Faustlin fired grenades and shots to knock the Tyrant down to its death. After the death of the Tyrant, the agents were forwarded a video message by a man named Benzin W. Schugerg who relayed that even though they had stopped the destruction of the building, the Chloropromazium would be acquired through different means. Benzin also voiced that he had ties to Operation #6's Anton.. which somewhat explained the access to the Tyrant.

The agents were then taken back to the Metatron Clergy where the reunited with Brand who was overseeing a complex training course where the Clerics were mixing martial arts with gun fighting. Brand voiced with genuine appreciation that he was grateful of the aid of PARADIGM and they would be welcome to return if they so wished it and also asking if Faustlin would be alright letting him have genetic samples of his pet, Izumi... or even Sachiko and Jackal. Faustlin left it up to the ladies who them quickly voiced 'no'. The agents were then allowed to go back to the TARDIS and return home.

Operation #14: Time and Relative Ninjas in Japan

  • Description: A dangerous ninja artifact has been reactivated and a missing sample has to be found.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: SODOM
  • Client: Joker
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents went to the location to meet the client, Joker, who was hiding and testing them, saying this was Kamen's responsibility. After a briefing on the Tendou Jigoku and what happened back in his father's time, Kamen guided the agents into the land of SODOM. The place was overgrown with vegetation but there wasn't an animal around. Hitomi Uzumaki noticed a trail, and started following it, around a lake of tar, where they eventually came across a building.
In said building were what can only be described as zombies, held together with some non fleshy substance, later identified as the Tendou Jigoku. After a breif skirmish in which Kamuro Ishigami was wounded, the zombies were taken care of, but the situation had gotten more dire. Following the trail all the way to the central tower in the lake of tar, which was mostly collapsed. However, the doors had been blown open.. from the inside.
Once inside, they made their way to the sewage system and encountered a shapeless mass which attacked them on sight, and after tasting some of agent Kamuro's blood, took on a more humanoid shape. The creature displayed amazing physical and energy projection capabilities, and was regenerating from even Cait Sith's gatling gun attacks. After severely damaging the robot, the Tendou Jigoku remains were finally destroyed when agent Aku released the black dragon, which swallowed up the creature, and collapsed the rest of the tower as the agents made their way out. Agent Shinra has discovered that whatever DNA was in the creature was a mixture of all sorts of animals and vegetation.

Operation #15: Fear and Loathing in Salt Lake

  • Description: A secluded warehouse is rumored to be storing machinery for bio-weapon manufacturing. Secure the site and the equipment for extraction.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Horror
  • Location: Wasach Mountain Range, Utah
  • Client: Agito Makishima
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents were contacted by Agito Makishima to investigate a suspected bioweapons site in Utah. After meeting the contacts and approaching the facility, they proceeded on foot to the warehouse site, where Miyabi Uzumaki disabled the guards outside with a sleep ability. Toki Stingray and Cait Sith's controller Prae Shinra hacked the security systems while Major Egret bypassed the doors leading inside. The group laid an ambush, and defeated a quartet of humanoid monsters called Zoanoids. While Toki Stingray and Miyabi Uzumaki sought out an underground lab, the other fought Zerbebuth, who was in charge of the facility, and defeated him with their combined efforts, thanks in no small part to Luca Sparda. When a bomb was discovered counting down in the lab, Cait Sith went down to disarm it, displaying some clever rewiring. The Agents then contacted Makishima who took possession of the facility, and was impressed with the Agents work and political neutrality.

Operation #16: Daimon, Zeitgeists, and Remnants

  • Description: Rising rebellion of supernatural beings referring themselves as 'Neo-Remnants' are threatening to open a gateway to hell and plaguing a previously peaceful High School.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Comedy/Supernatural
  • Location: Tokyo
  • Client: Hazumi Jinno
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents found themselves first in the football field of Tobira High School. After noting some of the odd appearances of Football players in bondage gear, the agents proceeded inside the school to meet their client, Hazumi Jinno. Hazumi then explained some of the town's history which included the tragic fate of the Key Master Prince and the Warrior Guardian Princess sacrificing themselves to stop the Gateway to the Monster (Remnant) World from being opened. In their current timeline, Guardian and Remnants were able to live peacefully.. but a few Neo-Remnants were starting to cause trouble. Four demon stones with power that could re-open the gate were discovered and one of the stones was outside of the Guardians reach past the Rainbow Bridge.
PARADIGM agents were then commissioned to go to the Rainbow Bridge and stop the stone from being unsealed. After a bus ride with Guardian Hime to the bridge, Agents Galvan, Toki, and Sagiko noticed a figure or something running into one of the buildings. Agent Zero and Agent Faustlin took point and Faustlin noticed that there weren't any odd heat signatures except one in the back room. Once inside the room they saw that it was filled the statues, one of the figures was half stone and asleep (presumably the figure who ran in there in the first place). Immediately after the agents discovered the statues, a large, horrific Neo-Remnant named McDonald entered into the room with an unconscious girl. All agents except for Drake tried to hide. After demanding that McDonald step down and his refusal, agents became aware that the Medusa Stone was in fact inside the crotch area of McDonald's swimsuit.
From a debilitating attack from Zero, Drake, and Kouhei.. Zero was able to mug the stone from McDonald's ...area. Galvan was then able to attack McDonald from the rear, causing him to dissipate from the power of the Bokku no Sword that was given to him temporarily by Hazumi. Neo Sailor Saturn was then able to put a barrier to protect the statue girls from damage while Sailor Moon healed them and Sailor Sirius was able to bring them back to consciousness. Afterwards, the agents took the stone and the girls back on the bus and returned to the school relatively unscathed.. except for Agent Kouhei who had somehow been graffiti'd on while unconscious.

Operation #17:Wilderness Explorers We Are! RAWR!

  • Description:Secure an area of the wastelands for future exploration by the three demon lords.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Adventure
  • Location: Wastelands, Makai
  • Client: Chu and Natsume
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents arrived in Makai where they met their clients Chu and Natsume. They were filled in on the situation of the mission of traveling out into the Wastelands to retrieve a probe sent by them to map out the undiscovered land. However before they left they heard a message over the radio waves from Belial Dohma urging the citizens of Makai to rise up against the Three Demon Lords and the Demon King, following the message words of riots erupting in various cities. The agents ignored this and ventured out into the wastelands, there they encountered a three headed tiger and flying sharks. The battles were tough but their combined strengths took out the monsters and they retrieved the lost probe.

Operation #18: Adult Dreams! Treasure Island Exists?!

  • Description: Reports of children going missing due to a party cartel running through the city (and odd sightings of a circus tent by locals). Infiltrate the Party Cartel and rescue the children.
    Warning: Agents may be REQUIRED to blend into this operation! Costumes/outfits will be provided. This also might be a couples' event.
  • Rank: D
  • Genre: Comedy/Adventure
  • Location: Crystal Tokyo
  • Client: Luche Len Len and Sailor Pluto
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis:
Agents arrived in the throne room of the Crystal Palace in Crystal Tokyo and were briefed by King Luche Len Len and Sailor Pluto, the senshi of time and space. After the agents were told that an underground club was attracting unsuspecting and disappearing youth, the agents were also warned that they could not get into the club unless they dressed appropriately. Sailor Pluto then gave them sticks of the Moon Chew Chew Cutie Gum which would allow the agents to have a temporary disguise. A limousine then took the agents to the club and they were admitted inside... where they witnessed different forms of vices (tables for smoking, drinking, gambling, and so on). A man stepped up to the agents offering them some of a drink he called the Juga Juga Cooler. Although Agent Belle and Agent Kouhei took the cups, they did not drink them after agent Kouhei poured the juice on a plant which caused it to immediately wither.
The Man then informed everyone to be sure to stay until the Main Event of the night and then stepped to the back of the circular oriented room. Agents Kamen, Sagiko, and Hikari began investigating but then slowly the other agents started to give into the vices. Agent Faustlin began gambling, Belle and Midori began drinking and dancing, Aimi began drinking and eating, and Toki nearly drank some juice but was stopped by Hikari. Eventually, a new figure joined the party and was referred to as Bullseye. Bullseye then instructed the Man, JugoJugo-kun, to start the Main Event which involved absorbing the energy of the people who had given into their vices. JugoJugo-kun started the event but then Aimi cleverly and unknowingly ... distracted... both Bullseye and JugoJugo-kun to stop their energy stealing and allow Sailor Moon to transform and heal the weakened agents.
Bullseye then escaped and the agents then went head on against JugoJugo-kun who had become enraged of their interference with his plans to aid their Queen. After a lengthy battle, the agents were able to subdue and destroy JugoJugo-kun. The young men and women who had their energy stolen were then brought awake and the illusion of the club vanished, showing the rest of the kidnapped youth. The agents then returned to the Crystal Palace and Sailor Pluto gave each of the participating agents a stick of their own Moon Chew Chew Cutie Gum to be used in future missions.

Operation #19: Cleaning Out the Basement

  • Description: Strange sounds have been recorded coming from restricted areas of Baron Castle's basement, and none can find the source.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Fantasy
  • Location: Baron Castle
  • Client: Prince Ceodore Harvey
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
PARADIGM agents arrived at Baron Castle to investigate reports of strange sounds emanating from the basement. They were met by the mission contact, Prince Ceodore Harvey, who explained that similar events had happened in the past and that Summoner Rydia had been the one to take care of it. However, he also explained that when he contacted her, she declined, stating her son should take care of it. They were shown to the basement area beneath the treasure tower where they began to see and hear traces of two Eidolons, Odin and Gilgamesh, locked in battle. When they reached the nexus of the fight, Odin possessed Cicero's body, issuing a formal challenge to the group, which ended in Odin yielding after Tonic disabled his weapon arm. However, immediately upon Odin's surrender, Cicero was possessed by Gilgamesh and a second battle began, ending after Gilgamesh failed an attack and a massive joint counterattack completely defeated him. Upon the Eidolons' defeat, Cicero gained the ability to summon both of the Eidolons who had posessed him and the strange sounds reported in the castle were no more.

Operation #20: Into the Mists

  • Description: A series of bizarre and macabre murders have been plaguing a small resort town, coupled with strange behavior from the locals.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Supernatural Horror
  • Location: Silent Hill
  • Client: Elizabeth Marie Farenheights
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
The PARADIGM Agents met the contact in the misty resort town of Silent Hill. They were immediately told that the murders were connected with the Tome of Eternal Darkness, and that they had to get to the bottom of a it. The contact guided them to the Midwich High School, where they found pictures of The Slender Man, and notes about a girl named Kari, and her teacher, Miss Helen, and her friends. After encountering a vampiric monster called the Sugar Daddy.
They then found the teacher's lounge, with more drawings of the Slender Man, and an old page from a book. Upon Aimi Utada touching it, the group was transported back to world War 2, to an old war hospital. There, the Nazi occupants told them of a man, called Giles, who was using the Tome of Eternal Darkness, and had summoned monsters here. The group proceeded inside, through the mummy-like undead and into the hidden room in the basement, where they encountered Giles. Disturbing his ritual, the monster he summoned, called a 'Horror', killed him, then fought with the agents, in a brutal and mind-shattering encounter. Through teamwork the managed to defeat it, and were immediately sent back home.
Coming back to the High School, they heard Miss Helen calling them, which prompted the group to move to the second floor to encounter here, which led into a vicious battle between Miss Helen, the agents and two odd monsters which were made of fat and rot, called Insane Cancer. After a very disturbing and grueling battle, where agents Kaoru Sie, Aimi Utada and Faustlin Fontaine were seriously wounded, the agents managed to triumph, and went back to the client, who used her own Tome of Eternal Darkness to heal them, before heading back.

Missions 21-30

Operation #21: The One We Wish We Had A Mech For

  • Description: New York City has felt the wrath of a sudden heavily-armed mechanoid seemingly intent on mindless destruction, and the army simply is not enough to defend what is likely the next assault.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: New York City
  • Client: General Malcolm Freed
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:

Operation #22: Afraid of the Dark

  • Description: An old crumbling castle in Germany has had suspicious activity reported recently. People that have gone to investigate have not returned.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Horror
  • Location: Brennenburg Castle, Germany
  • Client: Karin
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents, contacted by a woman calling herself Karin, were requested to investigate castle Brennenburg in Germany. After briefly meeting with her, agents found out they were to try to discover the unusual ongoings in the castle, retrieve some magical orbs, and find out if they can discover what happened to the last team of people to go inside. Upon entering the castle, the group found themselves trapped inside due to a mysterious growing wall of flesh that was previously thought to be inert, but came active after Luca touched it. Yoshino saw some disturbing things as they began to explore.
Venturing into the castle, they ran into some giant spiders that tried to eat Letty, but was saved by a decisive attack by Aku. After a quick trade of blows, the spiders quickly fell. Further into the castle, they discovered a dug out tunnel and decided to descend through it. Tonic slipped and ended up sending everyone tumbling through the tunnel until they landed in a long prison-like corridor full of water. Upon discovering a monster that could not be seen or physically attacked in the water, the team clung to the walls of the hallway, trying various attacks but failing. Vaelgir buffed Tonic in the middle of her attacks, which caused the floor to collapse and drain the water out. Hien lead the team to safety on the same floor.
After running into a weird man, and consequently dealing with him, the team continued on. They also ran into another man that was similar to the first, in a fight with some monster. They snuck by the group, Vaelgir's ability to sneak surprising even Luca. Upon getting to the second to last group, they found a weird headless man that was still alive somehow on a wall, but decided to continue further into the castle.
When Agents reached the final room, they were ambushed by some new monsters, including a big one. After David and Luca punished the beast and threw its dead corpse into the water (to be devoured by the previously fought water monster), they found the Tuurngait, an ancient alien civilization. They told the group that the magical orbs were cursed, and that they tried to use them to escape from Earth, but failed. After persuading everyone to leave, they had an exit revealed (in the form of another giant dug out tunnel, turns out a worm dug them), agents left the castle as it began to collapse in on itself.
After explaining things to an unsatisfied Karin, agents returned to the Inn. Hien and Yoshino were horrified later on to discover the pictures and videos they tried to record contained something unexpected.

Operation #23: The Zenith

  • Description: The National Safety Protection Agency is requesting emergency help to deal with a supernatural disaster that will engulf Japan.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Supernatural
  • Location: Tokyo, Japan
  • Client: Chief Officer Chikanaga
  • Status: Complete
  • Synopsis:
Agents arrived at Shin Ichiyaga Station, an underground subway station in Tokyo. Upon leaving the station, the group began experiencing supernatural sensations, including random visions. One vision included a sacred wooden arc, stained with fresh blood and monsters wiping out everything and everyone. Izumi saw more visions, including a man with a sword in a fight with a man wielding flames.
A military soldier, thinking they were civilians, interrupted the agents before they could reflect upon the visions they just witnessed. After a small altercation, an officer that knew of PARADIGM told the soldier to leave. The officer identified himself as one of the NSPA (National Safety Protection Agency), Chief Officer Chikanaga. He explains to the group that monsters have rampaging the streets of Tokyo. Their level of technology was ineffective in dealing with the monsters, so Chikanaga pleaded with the agents to try instead.
The agents head out in two light armored vehicles(LAV) to their destination. Along the way they were ambushed by one of the 88 Beasts known as Shokohone and his minions (a group of mythical Kappas). The LAVs were easily overturned and the agents had to flee the vehicles. Daichi made sure that the LAV drivers were fine while the rest of the group went to engage the Kappas. Finding ki blasts and fire super effective on the Kappas, the group made quick work of the minions and turned their attention to Shokohone.
The big beast had various attacks at its disposal (LASER BEAMS) as well as tough armor. Dark flew in to pick up Izumi to save her from trouble, which lead to aerial assaults on Shokohone. Jackal and Faustlin proceeded to snipe at Shokohone to try to penetrate the armor while Zack and Aku attempted some melee, with the addition of his legendary black flames. After a sudden and surprising backup from Ryosuke, Shokohone's armor cracked enough for an all out combined attack from Ryosuke, Izumi and Aku which devastating Shokohone. Kamen and Aku proceeded to use their flames on Shokohone's remains to make sure nothing was left.
The agents continued on to the rendezvous point, meeting up with a group calling themselves the Shiranami Five (Jyuzo, Hinomoto, Rihei, Kikunosuke & Rikimaru). The Shiranami Five asked for help with capturing a giant beast named Noro. The beast was subdued very quickly after a combined attack. The agents witnessed Jyuzo's power of body manipulation as he merged his body with Noro to control the beast. Something was calling out to Izumi and she suddenly had an urge to approach Noro. Kamen tried to pull her back, but was repelled by a sudden attack from a Jyuzo-controlled Noro.
The Shiranami Five showed their true intentions of taking Izumi, turning on the agents and starting an all-out fight. Rihei tied Izumi up with some weird tentacles that immediately sapped her strength. Belle showed up out of nowhere to try to take Izumi back, but Rihei was still able to retreat with Izumi in hand. Daichi, Faustlin and Jackal tried to pursue Rihei, but Hinomoto's falmes blocked their path. When it seemed like Rihei for sure had gotten away, he suddenly returns with Izumi. A man known as Higa arrived right after Rihei along with a woman known as Kaede. Higa explained they wanted Izumi for her BLOOD, and that with it, they would be able to revive all 88 Beasts to unleash upon the world to purge it of the akahani (human) filth in order to have the Kegai no Tami clans have a fresh start in a new world.
The agents tried to engage Higa but they quickly found themselves trapped by Higa's attack known as the Fire Seeds (which Kamen took great note to copy for his own personal use). Any movement would cause the thousands of tiny seeds hanging in the air to burn then explode rapidly. Out of nowhere, a man known as Kamuro Ishigami showed up, cutting Izumi free from Rihei and landing next to Higa to challenge the Man of Fire. With some quick thinking, Ryosuke dropped everyone underground while Izumi summoned Leviathan to wash the battlefield with waves of water. Higa blocked the attack, but instead of pressing his advantage, he told the agents he would retreat and try again another day. Ain showed up to escort Higa and Lady Kaede from the battlefield, along with their henchman.
With the threat gone, Kamuro vowed to protect Izumi from Higa and the Shiranami Five. Kamuro was not traveling alone as a girl known as Beniguma and her pet dog Lancelot was waiting for Kamuro and the agents. The group head back safely to the TARDIS to find Celeste waiting there. She took a moment to ask Kamuro and Beniguma if they would join PARADIGM since they were following the group back to the Inn. Kamuro accepted the Celeste's terms. Daichi carried Izumi back to her room to let her have much needed rest.

Operation #24: Now We Have a Bug Hunt

  • Description: Space Pirates are constructing a series of bio-weapons, using a colony as both a testing ground and as a collection of hostages, which will result in wholesale slaughter if they are not stopped.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
  • Location: G.F.S. Orion
  • Client: Commander Adam Malkovich
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:

PARADIGM agents arrived aboard the Orion where they were briefed on the situation and issued freeze guns. When the operatives arrived planet side, Venus Highwind stayed behind at the command post of marines who were recently massacred to direct and advise for the rest of the group. As the agents examined the bio-weapons facility, they discovered that the Space Pirates knew of the existence of Paradigm. With this disturbing news, they pressed on, defeating the living weapons developed in the facility and saving most of the remaining colonists in the process. Upon return to the Orion, they learned that the TARDIS had been scanned by a mole working for the space pirates, who committed suicide before he could be interrogated.

Operation #25: Little Threats on the Big Apple

  • Description: A reverse aging serum has been stolen by a dangerous underground organization threatening to use it on the United Nations leaders.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: New York, USA
  • Client: April O'Neil
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:

Agents were first brought to an underground lair in the sewers of New York where they met their contact April O'Neil and another humanoid rat being named Splinter. The agents were briefed that the antagonistic Krang had built an age-manipulating device and had plans to use it on the Ambassadors of the World that were visiting for a press conference. The agents were then given camera suits and a ride to the press building hall. Once going inside, they posed as camera men and took the stairs to the fifth floor where the conference was being held. While getting to the top, a bunch of Mousers lept out of the shadows and attacked. The agents were able to put them down and shortly thereafter screams echoed through the halls. The agents proceeded to the conference room and could hear the cries of babies. Before they could get to the room a bunch of Foot Clan ninjas jumped out of the shadows and attacked. Due to their heavy armor, it took a little more time than necessary, but again.. the agents were able to dispatch the goons. Once they finally made it to the conference room they could hear two voices, one of them being of a Rhino man named Rocksteady and the other being a punk hog man named Bebop. The two began the argue on who got to hold the age-manipulator.. which was in the form of a gun. They began firing rapid shots as the agents decided to burst throughthe doors, unfortunately hitting Jackal and Tonic. The agents were then able to secure the Ambassadors and make Rocksteady and Bebop yield (with a close case of the gun falling out the window, but being caught by Hayate). Just before Rocksteady and Bebop could be detained, however, a man in metal flew with a helicopter and captured the two goons and escaped. The gun then petered out before being able to fix the agents ocndition, though they were able to reverse the process on the Ambassadors. Once the agents left the building they hopped into the news van that had first taken them there. Inside, four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles awaited them. Donatello then gave Jackal and Tonic a pill to be able to reverse the aging effects of the gun. The agents then returned to their TARDIS and returned to the Inn.

Operation #26: Raiders of the Lost Arch

  • Description: A religious group has been tracking down the Ark of the Covenant, and all who know about it are being targeted.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Aegean Sea
  • Client: Rodin
  • Status: Closed
Agents were contacted by the owner of the Gates of Hell bar, a devil called Rodin. Explaining that a group was after the Ark of the Covenant, PARADIGM agents were sent from the bar to an island in the Aegean Sea, where the Ark was supposedly located. Agents were discovered by a group of nuns, who then proceeded to sacrifice themselves to summon angels, prompting a battle with the agents.
Agents got past that batle and made their way up a tricky mountain path, where they encountered another, much stronger angel, called Ardor, who challenged them before allowing them further. The agents were hurt, and the angel left behind a golden LP with the title 'Noon', picked up by agent Jackal. Moving past the fight location, they made their way into the temple at the center of the island, where the group was infiltrated by still more angels, impersonating agents Izumi Saotome and Sachiko Uchiha. Being considerably more dangerous than the ones before, these angels fought the group and managed to case quite a bit of damage before being taken down, which led to the Lumen Sisters to show up and challenge the agents.
A rough fight ensued, in which Mother Klarissa sacrificed Sister Gertrud to summon a Fortitudo, an Auditio from Paradiso, one of heaven's Host, which ate agent Luca Sparda and fought with the group while agents Jackal, Uchiha and Belmont fought mother Klarissa. After a hard struggle, Mother Klarissa and the Fortitudo were defeated, leaving behind another golden LP, this time with Revolutionary Etude. Caving in the temple to keep the Ark away from interlopers, the group went back to the Gates of Hell, where Rodin rewarded them with the New Devil Arms, and harvested the Halos they had gathered to offer them an accessory. The agents chose Selene's Light, then went back home.

Operation #27: What Happens in Demon City, Stays in Demon City

  • Description: The anarchy group has been located and needs to be taken down before they gain too much power.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Makai
  • Client: Kurama
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:

Takeo Masaki
Izumi Saotome
Daichi Niwa
Kamuro Ishigami

  • Synopsis:
The Agents arrived in the city of Gandara, the capital of Yomi's realm. There they were greeting by Kurama who told them the situation. From there they were sent to Demon City, a penal colony within Makai made to hold dangerous demons who had full intentions of entering the human world to eat all the humans there and destroy the world itself, there were reports of people entering and exiting the barrier placed around the city. Suspicions were that members of Belial's anarchy group were camping there. Once the agents arrived they encountered one of the four guardians of Demon City: Genbu a giant Kappa. With the combined efforts of the agents they subdued the demon and learned that the Anarchy Group have claimed the area as a base of operations and they have killed the guardians Suzaku, Byakko, and Seiryu as a sign of their strength. Once they received this information from Genbu they entered the base and found an active computer terminal. Agent Daichi accessed the computer finding an video file and image file. The image file showed a map of Makai with a flight path and the video contained a conversation between Belial and an unknown man as they conversed about Opperation Diamond Dust. After putting two and two together the agents concluded that the Anarchy group plans on dropping the flying island of the Ice Maidens on top of the capital city of Gandara in one months time. They returned to Kurama and delivered this information to him. Before leaving Kurama requested that they will be available to prevent this attack on the city within one months time. The agents agreed to help and returned home.

Operation #28: Russland ist ein schönes Land

  • Description: Vampiric activity has been plaguing the homeless in a small city in Russia. Investigate and make sure the activity ceases.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Supernatural
  • Location: Arkhangelskoye, Russia
  • Client: Persephone Aensland
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents stepped out of the TARDIS and headed into a pub in Arkhangelskoye, in Russia. They met the contact, Persephone Aensland, there, and she told them of suspected vampiric activity in the area. Mentioning three possible locations, a church, a motel and a warehouse. Agents decided to check out the church, and after having to avoid a boulder while climing up the stairs to the belfry, during which agents Cait Sith and Belmont were hurt, they encountered a vampiric girl. After killing her, and she did not turn to ash, the group was shocked, and agent Tao Mei questioned her spirit. From that, they decided to visit the motel next.
In the motel, which had been in disuse for months, and very messy, they were attacked by ghouls wearing nazi-themed combat gear. After dispatching this enemy, the group encountered the vampires, called moxom, who managed to influence agents Tao and Sparda before being rescued by David Morris's incantation, and Oleksy, who attempted to get agent Sachiko Uchiha to come with him. The vampires were told to leave by Harry, a known member of the Fang Clan, and as he was explaining his plans to the group, agent Cait Sith attacked him. The combined assault of all the agents, particularly Belmont and Morris, made quicker work of what could've been a potentially deadly battle otherwise. The building then collapsed, trapping and killing the vampires' other ghouls inside, as the agents escaped and reported back to the contact, Ms. Aensland.

Operation #30: Would You Like To Play a Game?

  • Description: A young man needs assistance in uncovering the secret behind the many disappearances in Domino City with possible supernatural causes.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Mystery
  • Location: Domino City
  • Client: Ryo Bakura
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents first visited a museum where they contacted the client and then entered another room that transported everyone to a place that looked like ancient Egypt. Agents entered a pyramid structure and while inside they faced many trials and puzzles in order to get out safely.

Missions 31-40

Operation #31: Recovering a relic of the past.

  • Description: A king, worrying about a coming invasion and a his peoples Moral, requests the recover of a relic of a long since passed hero to bring his people hope.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Adventure
  • Location: Kingdom of Porre
  • Client: King Dalton
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:

Setsuna Mikagami
Katsuo Yuki
Seijou Yuzaki
Mori Motonari

  • Synopsis:
Agents travelled to Porre to speak with King Dalton about the relic he wanted. They learned that the object they were after was a sword called Masamune, used over 400 years ago to defeat a warlock named Magus. They were told to look for clues in the Cursed woods to the North West of the castle. Before leaving however, Seijou spotted an individual, who looked like a humanoid Panther. They group then left to search the Cursed woods.
The agents made their way to the cursed woods and discovered a hole in the ground that seemed to once have been a burrowed home to someone long ago. Here they found a Magical Medal and a journal. After reading what they could of the journal the learned that the Masamune may be to the north in the Danedorro Mountains. They traveled north, to the mountains. They found monsters on their way up till they got near the peak. Here they met a friendly monster that gave them an idea where to look for the sword. to the cave on the peak they went where they met a boy. This boy turned out to be a creature that had a twin brother that would test them before they could take the sword. After a fight with the two, the two fused together into one powerful creature. The team beat on the monster as it charged a powerful attack. The team beat the creature, but only after it had unleashed its big attack, but thankfully everyone survived. They creatures turned out to be spirits of the sword and rejoined with it.
After the team claimed the sword they returned to the Kingdom of Porre with the sword for King Dalton. After turning over the sword and the team asking questions, they prepared to leave. However before they left Seijou and Katsuo saw the Panther man with the eyes of a predator. As quickly as they saw him though, he was gone.

Operation #32: By the Horns..

  • Description: A previous encounter has been active again, and is looking for the mythical Golden Calf.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Adventure
  • Location: Egypt
  • Client: Rodin
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:
Agents once more met Rodin, who told them the Lumen Sisters were after the Golden Calf. Dispatched to Egypt, the agents encountered a series of lower level angels, from the Third Sphere, and were then assaulted by two of the Lumen Sisters, Sister Oktavia and Sister Jezebel. After defeating them, Zack commented on how they were lucky to not be fighting a giant angel, which prompted the appearance of the Cardinal Virtue of Temperance, also known as Temperentia.
After a brutal battle, the agents managed to weaken the Virtue until it was blasted apart by a newcomer, called Dexter Curwen, who was chased by Sister Grimheld. He froze her, then he had his devil arm, Paymon, eat parts of the fallen angel. Deflecting an attack from Zero after being called the Beast, Curwen then teleported away. Agents contacted PARADIGM to pick up the fallen nun, and went back to Rodin to report the mission.

Operation #34: In A World of Heavy Metal

  • Description: Sacred Elven technology has been stolen by a tribe of Orcs.. return the technology before the Orcs do something devestating with it.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Adventure/Fantasy
  • Location: Metalicanna
  • Client: Avygeil
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: The group arrived in the wild areas outside of Metallicana, specifically, outside of a small little village that looked pillaged and destroyed. A large woman came to join up with them and promptly Mai Kaneda pulled off her wig. The woman seemed impressed with their quick perception and then her head opened like in Total Recall, unveiling Avygeil. Avygeil then took the agents to his underground lair to further explain the details of the mission. When in the lair he explained that a band of orcs had attacked the village while he was gone and somehow broke into his lair and stole an ancient piece of technology. When he brought up the tech that the orcs stole up a giant holo screen, some of the agents recognized it as an Atomic Bomb. Avygeil then offered weapons to the agents in order to aid them in the retrieval. Agent Nikolai chose the elven blade, Aleesa Kupa and Mai, Aimi Utada, and Sagiko Tsukino decided to take Hammer Henshin Wands. Tsuchida Midori, Hikari Kouda, and Cait Sith decided to pass on the weapons.. though Cait Sith seemed interested in transformation (Though Avygeil said that robots cannot transform). The group then left outside of the lair where a tamed Gryphon was waiting for them, Avygeil wished them all luck saying that he could not come with them or else his close proximity might activate the elven tech (Since.. somehow he was an elf). The agents climbed aboard the Gryphon and then headed off to search for the Orcs.
    The Agents eventually found the Orcs marching and decided to land off to the side in order to surprise them. Everyone stepped out of the carriage but Cait Sith landed a little too loudly because of its size, causing the Orcs to be aware of their presence. Sailor Sirius quickly used a sleeping technique and the marching then stopped. The Agents proceeded closer and decided the best course of action was to kill the orcs or else they would no doubt go and pillage, rape, and destroy other innocent people. The orcs were asleep holding their weapons and a giant 'carriage' where the agents guessed that the Atomic Bomb was held. The agents first attacked the orcs holding the carriage, easily killing those four. However, the Orcs then dropped the carriage and caused the remaining Orcs to wake up. A battle then ensued between all of the agents and the Orcs, but slowly and surely the Agents were able to take care of all of them and get to the carriage to reclaim the bomb. On top of the bomb was a little Fairy (whom called herself Leila). The fairy insulted the agents and continued to brag about being the mastermind of the entire thing. Sailor Sirius, who had gone invisible from the training with the Viz-Viz Fruit, grabbed Leila. Leila was shocked that they were able to break through the barrier and attributed it to the aided weapons and devices given to them by Avygeil. Avygeil then appeared at that moment with a jar for Leila to live in and a blue orb to safely house the bomb. Sailor Procyon used the orb to house the bomb and then Avygeil took both Leila and the bomb back. The agents then returned to the TARDIS on the Gryphon and then went home.

Operation #35: Remnant My Heart until it Never Stops

  • Description: The second Demon Stone has been located by the Tobira Student Council and require the aid of PARADIGM again (Refer to Operation #16). It is most likely that the Demon Stone has fallen into the hands of one of the Neo-Remnants once more.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Comedy/Supernatural
  • Location: Tokyo, Japan
  • Client: Hazumi Jinno
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents were again brought to the Tobira High School where Hime-chan was there to pick them up in her Pink Bus. She took the AGENTS to the Jinno household in order to be briefed by their previous contact, Hazumi Jinno. When the agents arrived they were able to see Hazumi's adopted brother, Takumi (he was previously known as the Key to the Gate), and he was unfortunately still in a coma. Hazumi then explained to the agents that another Demon Stone had been found but the location was outside of the Guardians jurisdiction. The place in question was a Spa known as Venus Envy, known for their Peach Tea Bath, Peppermint Silk Bath, and the Scrotes Masseuse Bath (Don't ask). The agents then left and returned to Hime's bus and she took them to the outskirts of town where the limits of the Rainbow Bridge stood. The agents then proceeded to go to the spa and were greeted by a hostess.
    The hostess then lead them to a communal changing area and offered the patrons all towels. The agents then were able to relax in various baths.. though after a while a few agents noticed that the bath had hypnotic properties that made them want to just soak there permanently, particularly agents Hien Hayaboshi, Kia Kiske and Hayate Uzumaki. Kia was urged out of the bath and agent Izumi helped drag Hayate and Hien out. The agents then left and proceeded to go to the final room, an area called the Love Love Bath. When the group entered the room they saw the director of the spa, General Circe who was sitting on the desk and appeared to be a very voluptuous woman. After trying to bribe the agents to stay with her and remain as her faithful piglets, a few agents were temporarily swayed but then snapped out of it and told Circe No. Circe was then angered and reverted to his true form... much to the horror of the agents. Meanwhile, Agent Galvan Swiftblade had been hiding in the shadow of Circe, trying to examine a weak point.
    Tonic started the attack and at first Circe seemed to be deflecting everything, even bouncing lightning bolts from Xander Dreyar off of his form. Things started to escalate as Circe used a powerful shrieking spell and turned a few of the agents into cute piglets. After brandishing the Bokku no Sword, Tonic aided by all of the other agents were able to knock Circe down and lose the lower half of his body. Galvan then stated that the stone was located in Circe's eye. Circe did a final scream attack, transforming Xander.. but not before Hayate lodged himself into Circe's mouth as a pig and then ... used a special attack. Tonic then smashed Circe's face, Galvan retrieved the stone and the agents were then able to leave the Spa successfully before the area was destroyed.
    Hime then took the agents back to the school and after relinquishing the stone to Hazumi, the group returned to the TARDIS and then back to the Inn. Once the agents left the TARDIS, they reverted from their pig-state back to being humans.

Operation #36: A Violent Ultimatum

  • Description: The Planeswalker Vaelgir Stormblade was reported missing in the region of Jund on Alara. Agents are to ascertain his condition, and if neccessary, rescue him.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Location: Mount Jhal
  • Client: Kresh the Bloodbraided
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Stuff happened. Vaelgir got saved. We won.

Operation #37: Cannot be named after Four

  • Description: Sentinels (robotic beings crafted to destroy mutants) have been threatening innocents that live at the Latverian border. Absolve the threat.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Latveria
  • Client: Sasha Von Teese
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:

PARADIGM agents appeared near a mountain range just south of the Latverian border. The client, Sasha von Teese, was there awaiting them and asked them from then on to refer to her as Matrix. Matrix explained that a group of mutant-hunting robots called Sentinels were sent to snatch ...or even worse, destroy any mutants living in Latveria. Because of other issues, the X-Men and even her own Lord could not be bothered to deal with this and she was given information to contact PARADIGM. Matrix then gave each of the agents a microchip, explaining that with her powers of technomancy she could be able to control the Senitnels if the chips are somehow able to be inserted into the head frames of the robots. Matrix then left and shortly five sentinels were seen flying and going straight for Latveria.

At first the Sentinels were not stopping, but Agent Izumi was able to get their attention by using her Ultima spell. The sentinels then viewed the group as a hostile force and flew down to attack them. Izumi and Zack took care of one of the sentinels, while Letty Carmichael and Xander Dreyar teamed up to electrocute the hell out of another. Nikolai was able to smash into one of the Sentinels heads and put a chip in it. Tonic's tarot card champion also showed up and helped her floor another sentinel in ice before it could attack her, and Hien Hayaboshi used his wind jutsus to sever the limbs off of the different robots. Everything was going fine but with misunderstandings, Kamen was caught under crossfire between Letty and Xander. He was able to just narrowly escape being squished and soon all the Sentinels were taken down and chipped. Sasha then returned and thanked the agents and they all went back to the Inn.

Operation #38: Retrieving Metatron

  • Description: A group of mages have shown up in Silent Hill with the intent of acquiring an ancient relic, the Pyramid of Metatron. Stop them from taking it.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Horror/Supernatural
  • Location: Silent Hill
  • Client: Elizabeth Marie Farenheights
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:

Agents were called to Silent Hill by Elizabeth and they arrived quickly.. once the doors were open however, they noticed that there were already two dead carcasses of monsters. Aku had actually fought the monsters before in Investigation Log #7. ...after Dominic Lalance licked the blood that had spilled, he concluded that the monsters were human. The group then continued and came upon Elizabeth's house. Elizabeth then pointed out the direction of the church and told the group that there were a bunch of presences over there that were most likely grabbing the Pyramid of Metatron in order to summon one of the elder gods. Elizabeth then gave the Tome of Eternal Darkness to Tyler to use with the explicit promise that he would give it back to her. She then marked the page for him to use one of the sanity-returning spells.

The agents continued on, seeing another carcass of an Insane Cancer.. but before they could go further, they were ambushed by a bunch of spirit wolves, a succubus, and two Horrors. Tao Mei was hit by a strong attack from the Horrors which mostly debilitated her from fighting while everyone else was momentarily swept underneath the Succubus' thrall.. except for Nikolai and Dominic. Eventually the wolves were defeated and Tonic threw the succubus at the remaining Horrors. Meanwhile, Tyler had been punched unconscious by a Horror and an imp appeared to take the Tome away from him. Tonic, Tyler, and Dominic then chased the imp while Aku, Nikolai, Faustlin Fontaine, and Tao Mei continued to finish fighting the last Horror. Eventually getting the Tome back, the group reunited by following Tonic's trail of weapons. Things were too soon to relax though, as one of the shamans in the opposing mages group casted a spell where the ground rumbled and lava emerged separating the agents from the church. Tonic then used her tarot champion's storm spell to cool the lava.. allowing them to proceed again.

Once on the church steps, the group was then assaulted by a magical meteor which turned into a massive, towering Infernal. Claire, Dexter Curwen, Ner'Zhul Demonhead, Kari, and Anatole Lambach then descended the steps with the Pyramid of Metatron. A brief fight ensued, having Dominic quickly steal the Pyramid before getting his face blown off by Anatole.. Aku then asked for the aid of his champion, The Broken Heart... who appeared and used his trademark move and caused the Infernal to turn into a smoldering heap. The mages after seeing that bailed, leaving the Pyramid of Metatron to the agents. The agents then returned to Elizabeth, giving her back the Tome as well as the Pyramid.

Operation #39: KING OF the Iron FIST!

  • Description: The Mishima Zaibatsu is holding an exclusive tournament in order to increase funds for a nefarious purpose and have somehow gotten access to Crossgate Technology. Many other organizations are entering to try to get the prize money for their own purposes.. PARADIGM agents must enter in teams of three (Agents must come up with a team name as well!) and make sure the title prize does not end up in the wrong hands.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Outworld
  • Client: Heihachi Mishima
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents were allowed to bring family and friends to view the tournament. Once arriving at the correct place, there was a giant hotel in the form of a castle for all the guests and participants. People mingled first at the lobby before ushering to the arena for introductions by Heihachi Mishima. As listed on the tournament rankings, each team fought against a rival team. Things were going smoothly up until Kakita Haruka's battle with Kai Yagami, where Kai broke the rules and attacked Haruka after the buzzer went off. Kai's team was then disqualified. At the time, no one really noticed the two other participants on Kai's team.
    Things continued on smoothly and the tournament paused for the final match. Izumi, Belle, and Hayate Uzumaki went to get some rest.. and the next day when the finals were happening, none of them showed. Kazuma Mishima, a rival team member was also missing one of his teammates. Galvan Swiftblade, Sachiko Uchiha, and Kakita Haruka then decided to step in for Izumi, Belle, and Hayate's places so that they wouldn't be disqualified. Sachiko also sent out a message to the other agents to find out what happened to the other three members after realizing that on Kai Yagami's other team members were none other than a previous enemy, Benzin W. Schugerg. Faustlin Fontaine also recognized Benzin from a video tape that they had seen in Mission #13.
    Just when the first match between Sachiko was about to happen, Belle returned to the arena saying that someone had tried to drug him with poison flowers in his room. Sachiko then continued her fight and Dark began to investigate Izumi and Hayate's rooms. The tournament continued and PARADIGM won against Team G, however before people could celebrate, Dark sent out a call to all agents (except Izumi and Hayate) that there were intruders in the basement of the hotel and they were kidnapping fighters. Faustlin, Haruka, Sachiko, Galvan, Xander Dreyar, and Kamuro Ishigami raced to the basement. Inside of the basement showed an active portal with Benzin W. Schugerg, Akari Izumi, and The Sisters... along with a Tyrant and a few soldiers. Dark was sacrificing his body to block heavy throws of boxes from going through the portal. Agents then scuffled with the intruders; Dark and Xander both taking heavy hits. Galvan was able to sink the soldiers into the ground and the agents were able to free up the kidnapped fighters. The rest of the boxes seemed to have the tournaments reward money.
    Benzin, along with the young girls, all fled through the portal.. successfully taking 5 boxes of prize money with them.. and the Tyrant. Kazuma Mishima with his G-corp soldiers arrived along with Rei Kazama. Kazuma offered aid (not too nicely) to the agents if they would give him half of the reward money. Sachiko agreed and the G-soldiers dispersed the last of the threat from Benzin's goons. Kazuma then took five boxes of prize money for himself and the Agents returned back to the Inn for healing.

Operation #40: Big Mama's House

  • Description: A trio of sorcerers have appeared and taken over the Casterly Tower in Bakingshire. The sorcerers plan to drain all the life energy of the inhabitants and summon something terrible upon the planet. Agents must disrupt the summoning spell.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Fantasy/Comedy/Action
  • Location: Spooner Continent
  • Client: Big Mama
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived in a rustic looking down and then were lead into a large, church-like building by a cute girl named Daughter. Once inside the church building they met Big Mama, who was in fact a very large woman. Big Mama then explained that her previous sorcerer hunters were injured and could not go back to Bakingshire to deal with the Mayflower sorcerers there. PARADIGM was then asked to go there and disrupt a sinister spell that was being cast on the town. One of the sorcerer hunters, Carrot Glaces, was there but he was too busy being distracted agents (Aimi, Venus, Yoshino) and would not answer questions. Agent Zan then ended up using his Jagan to help get answers and found out that there were in fact three sorcerers that were in a giant, booby-trapped tower and one of the sorcerers was proficient with blades while another fought with an animal. ...the sorcerers were also very small.
    The group then continued to a portal that had been created to lead them into Bakingshire. The portal lead the agents into a tavern where all the inhabitants were under a spell induced sleep. Just outside of the tavern, the agents saw Casterly Tower which also had a barrier around it. Agent Letty Carmichael was able to deduce that the barrier was powered by three points outside of the tower, but the others decided it would be quicker to just climb the barrier since it was like a wall. Once inside the tower, the agents proceeded to the first encounter.. who ended up being the sorcerer who used blades. Agent Zan used his Silent Hill poison in order to disorient and confuse the sorcerer, who then leashed a counter attack that filled the room with magical, paralyzing blades. Everyone was hit except for two agents and slowly but surely Agent Letty and Agent Maggie were able to help heal everyone from their paralysis. The mini sorcerer was then bombarded with attacks from Letty and then from Cait Sith and the sorcerer ended up perishing. Cait Sith and Agent Hien Hayaboshi were able to pick up two of the blades from the sorcerer, which would give the paralysis effect if they used it against their enemies. The group continued on, with Agent Takeo phasing into the walls and other agents exercising extreme caution.. the result was having the next encounters become pre-emptive. After putting the second sorcerer, Minerva, asleep with her dog.. the agents proceeded to the roof of the tower where they met the final Mayflower Sorcerer, Darwin. Darwin was in front of a giant machine that was going to take all of the peoples' life-energies and in return grant him a Midas Touch ability. The agents then put Darwin to sleep and destroyed the barrier around the machine. Zan then used his decomposition poison to destroy the machine and urge everyone to leave as soon as possible. However, a few of the agents were too close to the poison and their clothes started to decompose as well.. causing all of the men except for Zan as well as Agent Aimi to lose their clothes. The group then hurried back to the pub since the magic spells had all been lifted with the destruction of the machine... the people in the tavern were also awake.
    Once back in the Church, the agents turned over the apprehended Mayflowers and were able to get some robes. Agent Hien also requested a special item from Big Mama to help him with the ladies, wherein he was gifted with some special champagne.

Missions 41-50

Operation #41: P.R.I. Assemble!?

  • Description: The Parma Revival Initiative is requesting aid of PARADIGM to salvage an old Starship for Tech and Data. Come prepared for combat because the ship's defenses are reported to still be active.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Fantasy/SciFi
  • Location: Aiedo, Planet Motavia
  • Client: Alys Ashley (Demi: was the contact.)
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis:Meeting with their new contact Demi,She explain that Alys Ashley was running late due to another mission she was on for the Hunter's Guild. After discussing what this mission entailed, the group started to lay out a few pre-emptive plans ahead of time. After which, there transportation, The Land Master LX34 arrived to start off there journey. They took off from the small from the small town of Aiedo, 30 miles due south. Along the way they encounter some hostile wild-life, which most of them were taken care of by quick thinking on Daichi Niwa's and Toki's parts, using the LandMaster LX34's weapon systems on them.. After which they managed to get to the downed starship, The Landale Mk II, to find the hanger bay, which was closed, having to use Prae Shinra's computer skills to hack open the doors. Once inside they notice that the ship seemed to have been successfully evacuated, this was not the case, Demi would inform them that most of the crew had perished during the crash. The would next encounter a few of the ship's security systems and were almost caught!, Thankfully with the team's computer wiz part members on the job, the alarm droid was successfully hacked and was programmed to recognize them as crew. They would take a short trip up to the bridge to extract the data needed, where they were met by several Warren type security droids, which were, after a short fire fight, hacked into submission! Soon after they would find out they are not alone on the ship and are being toyed with. The unknown person had activated the many security system in the bridge known as Vol Opt, a part well armored Mecha that was armed to the teeth, with some work, between Prae Shinra using Cait Sith to run distractions on the robot, Faustlin and Venus take at on the robot's support structure, quickly ripping apart it's armor allow the Cait Sith to hop in and pull the plug. All the while Daichi Niwa extracted the data needed for the mission. Now their way out they would encounter a mysterious person that was interrupting there mission and subdue them. The person was turned over to Demi and Alys Ashley, where the crew noticed a strange resemblance to Alys Ashley, there contact, who showed up at the end of the mission. Alys Ashley pulled Demi wishing to speak with her and get a debriefing. Demi had another request of them but decided that was best saved as another mission.

Operation #42: Infestation

  • Description: Numerous settlements on Fringe space colony worlds have gone dark, found to have been completely raised to the ground, curiously several hours (or sometimes days) after communications were lost. All of these settlements share a number of troubling similarties as well, some evidence pointing to Space Pirate attacks. PARADIGM is to investigate and remove any and all threats they encounter.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Sci-Fi, Horror
  • Location: Undisclosed
  • Client: Commander Adam Malkovich
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived on Commander Malkovich's flagship to be briefed on the mission, being given information on hostile lifeforms known as Xenomorphs by a scientist from another universe who had done work with them named Dr. Anton Graves. Graves stated he, the other scientists, Xenomorph specimens and a specimen known as the Hunter were all captured by the space pirates for bio-weapon research. The Hunter evidently escaped, causing a blackout, which allowed the Xenomorph queen to take control of the situation and begin hive building in earnest. Dr. Graves escaped shortly after. Once on the ground, Agent Highwind took up an overwatch position in a security station. She guided the other agents into the hive itself, where they witnessed the birth of a Xenomorph, from the chest of a living human host. Deeper inside they were beset by the hive itself, bought time by the emergence of the Hunter. When they arrived near the Royal Chamber, Agent Highwind was attacked. The party battled two of the Queen's Praetorian guards, then faced the Queen itself. When she was killed, the Hunter challenged them to honorable combat and Agents Lalance and Shinra oblidged, eventually killing him. He was retrieved by three more of his kind just as the Agents received word that Agent Highwind was compromised. They found her having been implanted with a Xenomorph embryo and attempted to return her to the ship as soon as possible. This trip was delayed by a terrible electrical storm and she was saved aboard the flagship with meer seconds to spare. The fate of the larval xenomorph extracted from her chest is unkown.

Operation #43: Hallmark Reborn

  • Description: The clone of a tyrant has come to light and has begun moving to send the world into chaos. He must be stopped from getting access to the data in a celestial being before he can use it to restart the flames of war.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Sci-Fi, Mecha
  • Location: Celestial Being, in Space.
  • Client: Zero
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:

PARADIGM was contacted by the man called Zero, who met them in the ship called Ptolemaios II, and gave them the briefing to invade the repurposed asteroid, Celestial Being, to capture the clone of an enemy of his, Ribbons Almark, and rescue hostages on the station. Zero explained he was a member of Asgard, a group similar to PARADIGM, who use mecha. After a briefing session, the Ptolemaios II's Gundams were sortied to deal with the incoming enemy forces, the PARADIGM agents were sent onto Celestial Being.
Once on board, the agents caught the former A-LAWS soldiers off guard. They cleared the docking bay and the hangar area, then proceeded inside. After agent Fakir hacked into the systems, and was noticed by the enemy, and a brief encounter, the agents were told to surrender or the hostages would be killed. Fakir's PDA was then formatted by the enemy, remotely, and they were told to go to the dining hall area. They went there, walking into a trap, while agent Kamen went to rescue the hostages, since they didn't know PARADIGM's numbers.
After a major encounter in the dining hall and an Attack Drone, the agents went back to the docking bay to make sure the hostages were clear, and agents Letty Carmichael and Deidre attempted to use cyberspace to hack into the core systems of Celestial Being. They encountered Ciel Etoile there, and his cybernetic abilities made Deidre attack agent Hien Hayaboshi. After that was cleared up, the agents ran to the room where VEDA used to be. Fighting their way past attack drones and encountering the target, who was protected from agent Jackal's laser rifle by the use of a GN Drive Tau, and began shooting at the agents along with the attack drones.
A brief skirmish followed, where the attack drones were defeated and agent Carmichael attacked the target head on. Agent Izumi managed to prevent agent Carmichael from getting shot in the head, and he then followed up with a magically powered fisticuffs encounter which left Ciel Etoile mostly broken and cost agent Carmichael his ear. The agents then returned to the Ptolemaios II and delivered the target to Zero.

Operation #44: Those who seek The Darkness

  • Description:Alys Ashley is requesting assistance from PARADIGM once agian. A Research team has went down into the wreckage of the starship and has disappeared. She is requestiing a team for investagation and possible search and rescue.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: SciFi/Action
  • Location: Landale Mk II Crash site, South of Aiedo.
  • Client: Alys Ashley
  • Status:Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: The team met up with Alys Ashley at the dig site camp just outside the crashed star ship, Gathering intel on the mission before heading back into the depths of the ship. With a general idea of what to expect, whom all they were looking for and where they needed to head, they ventured forth!. After Prae Shinra managed to once again hack a whistler, using it as a scout to forge ahead out of the engineering bay without much trouble, but when they moved into the hallways towards the next elevator they managed to trigger the security systems for the ship, summoning rather explosive enemies known as Floatmines. Sagiko Tsukino,Takeo Masaki, and Zero quickly dealt with the foes, taking most of them down before any real harm could come to the crew, all the while Prae stood by trying to hack into, as well as fending off hacking from, the Ships second AI core. In the end Prae ended up being locked out of the system. Continuing on down the halls of the ship, they make it to the elevator where they encountered a rather dangerous bio-monster Twin Arms. The hulky monster give the team a bit of a rough time, and then spilt into 2 monsters which shortly afterwards it was dealt with. Upon further investigation of the corpses they notices that the monsters were apart of the research team they were looking for, a sense of foreboding washed over them as they continued onward into Hydroponics. The Lab was rather overgrown with plants, and the fog from the humidity was thick, making it hard to see, but as they carved there way though they managed to find most of the remaining researchers laid sprawled about the floor of the room, slain. A man named Zio was nearby, watching, Warning them to return home, that they were 'outsiders'. Prae engaged the man to make sure he would not follow Takeo and Zero as they proceeded to charge after the last 4 survivors of the team of 14 researchers, Who were being pursued by a horde of Bio-Monsters, igglanova and many xanafalgues. Prae's assault against Zio would prove rather ineffective as he managed to erect a strange magical barriar around him, making him immune to most attacks. Prae had to retreat from combat, when the man started to summon a being from another plane to the ship. With the Cait Sith's withdrawn, soon after Zio would pull out as well. Arriving safely back at the campsite outside the ship, they would explain what happened onboard to Alys, who thanked them for their help but seemed to look worried about something..

Operation #45: WEAPONs of mass destruction

  • Description: Sightings of a massive organically armored beast have been seen in the deserts outside of Cosmos Canyon. Locals are alarmed and agents have been called to help detain, or if necessary, destroy it.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Fantasy
  • Location: Midgar
  • Client: Reeve Tuesti
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived in Midgar, a massive city with really bad pollution, and were greeted by Nadia Chambers of the Turks. Nadia lead the agents inside a giant HQ building and into one of the meeting rooms where Reeve Tuesti was able to brief the agents about the possibility of WEAPON sighting and due to war conflicts in the past, it was not a good idea to mobilize with their army-- hence the request of PARADIGM's aid. The agents were then flown via chopper (by Jack Solomon) to Cosmos Canyon and from the air they were able to see a giant dust cloud, indicating a battle. The chopper landed in a clear area and Venus Highwind was able to see that there were three Ruby WEAPON-like figures (they were smaller) and a little boy.
    Immediately, Steve and Luca were able to fire some shots to get one of the WEAPON's attentions. However, due to the electrical bursts that were healing the monster, there was indication that lightning-base attacks were healing it and that unfortunately cut down some of the arsenal of agents there-- like Kia Kiske. Agent Ryosuke tried to get into contact with the boy, who seemed to be confused at the presence of the PARADIGM agents.. before Ryosuke could help the boy, he teleported out of reach and drew some suspicion. Eventually, the Agents were able to continue a massive onslaught of attacks on the WEAPONs.. even to the point of using summons like Izumi's Neo Bahamut, and Zack's Odin. Ryoku also maintained an attack on the creatures head, which caused it to fire a last minute Ruby Ray towards one of its own kind (allowing the boy an easier time to get rid of that one). Unfortunately, the Ruby Ray also hit agents Luca and Venus.. dropping them to critical health levels. Due to a previous attack on Venus, the combined trauma allowed her to use her Limit Break and allow cracking of the WEAPON's armor. Ryoku and Haruka were also able to crack more of the armor off and finally with the raw flesh of the WEAPON was exposed. By all working together, eventually all the WEAPONs were taken down. (Hien also took a photograph of Ryoku standing on the creatures head..)
    Now that things were a little calmer, the agents then talked to the young boy who introduced himself as Exodus. The boy also had some sort of sparkle-like aura that made him incredibly cute in the eyes of the female agents... which prompted Izumi to ask if the boy would like the join them. The boy then answered that he could not do that and was expected to be leaving soon. Before more could be said, Ryosuke noticed that there was some sort of room beneath the agents.. do to the gushes of subterranean air coming from where the WEAPON's tentacles were. However, all of a sudden the ground gave away and the agents fell beneath the surface. Izumi, Zack, and Hien directly fell into the Lifestream.. Ryoku dived into the water to pull them all out along with Ryosuke (who didn't dive in). The contact of the Lifestream did not affect Ryoku or Hien, but Izumi and Zack then became incapacitated and driven to a vegetable-like state due to their previous Makou-poisoning. The Turks then brought stretchers and took the two away so that the other agents could continue investigating the subterranean area that they had fallen into. It seemed to be a lab where agent Nikolai noticed that the destruction looked to be very recent. The agents then deduced that the three tanks in there most likely housed the three WEAPONs that were attacking and some file papers noted that Exodus was somehow a part of all of this.
    Agents were then taken back to Midgar with the chopper and the file papers were given to Reeve. Cloud, Zack's father, was also there and gave some insight about Izumi and Zack's condition.. saying that they needed to come out of the coma-state on their own. Nadia also mentioned that they would give a heads up to Doctor Valentine, who could possibly help the two subdued agents as well. Agents then returned to the TARDIS and went back to the Inn.

Operation #47: Quarry

  • Description: The three Hunters that escaped from the Space Pirate Xenomorph Breeding facility have taken up residence on a small colonial world bearing a large mining/mineral processing plant. They've begun game-hunting on the colonial inhabitants and need to be stopped.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
  • Location: Mining Colony KA-806
  • Client: Dr. Anton Graves
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents were greeted by former Weyland-Yutani scientist Anton Graves, who said he had been made the Galactic Federation's liaison with PARADIGM. We were informed of three hunters, nicknamed Cutter, Sniper and Lasher, and told of their habits. Agents were also told that the hunters had changed the climate controls to better suit their needs, making the bulk of the colony exceedingly hot and humid. Lasher and Sniper assaulted the party in the Ore Processing Plant. Agent Sachiko landed the final blow on Sniper, bisecting him, as Fakir impaled Lasher on another Hunter's combi stick. In a last ditch effort, Lasher activated his self destruct, but was contained by Galvan. Cutter was waiting for the party in central control, leaping into melee combat with the entire party until it was finally overpowered, the final blow being struck by Agent Galvan, who claimed the hunter's wristblades as a trophy.

Operation #48: Homecoming

  • Description: 'I finally did it! I found her! I found Revision Two - Letty's sorta-half sister and my first android! We've got to get her before someone else does!'
  • Rank: D (Upgraded to C)
  • Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
  • Location: Abandoned Space Station
  • Client: Jach Swiftblade
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived in an abandoned space station, out in the middle of uncharted space. The area was broken and battered, with asteroid parts and metal everywhere. It looked like it had been abandoned for some time, but not too long - a terrarium was found with plants that weren't entirely old and withered.

    The party eventually found Revision Two's room, and, not far from that...Revision Two herself, who showed immediate signs of mental instability not at all in line with what Jach had previously mentioned to her, along with a spark of energy arcing across her neck. She immediately knocked Letty Carmichael out using a blast of energy, and the fight occurred not too long after that.

    The party was overwhelmed nearly from the start with Revision Two's speed, strength, and her ability to heal via nanomachines - with Suzume Yamida suffering initial chest injuries and Izumi overcome with a powerful energy assault at point blank range, Kakita Haruka was nearly left to solo the young android until a timely EMP blast from Lucy managed to buy enough time to begin a withdrawal. Suzume and Izumi valiantly attempted to get Letty to safety while Haruka and Lucy struggled to keep Revision Two's monstrous power at bay - it cost Haruka her sword and Lucy the grisly sight of Revision Two ripping her leg off to give chase. Unfortunately, Revision Two possessed control of ferrofluid, which the facility was made of - when Letty came to, the floor swept him away, and Revision Two shortly afterward. The structure began to collapse, and the party, injured, managed to get away...without Letty. He and Revision Two remain...gone.

Operation #49: Prison Break

  • Description: Something ...strange is going on at Stryker's Island, and what's going on inside appears even worse.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Stryker's Island, Metropolis.
  • Client: John Jones & Wayne Enterprises.
  • Status: Closed
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis: The agents were called to the Metropolis Chinatown PD, where they were contacted by Detective John Jones, who revealed himself to be the founding member of the Justice League, the Manhunter from Mars. He explained the situation of Exobyte heroes and the war with Brainiac, then explained that currently the JLA was stretched too thin to investigate a possible breakout in Stryker's Island Penitentiary, which is why they contacted PARADIGM.

    The agents went to Stryker's island and witnessed some odd things outside, and when they went in, things got even odder. Guards and prisoners alike attacked them in a frenzy, and agent Naomi thrice succumbed to bloodlust, suggesting it was being induced. They met a guard in the First Security Sector who had resisted the frenzy, and after clearing that room, he acted as their navigator. In this room, agent Venus Highwind fell prey to the bloodlust along with agent Naomi, which the guard suggested was the work of Gorilla Grodd, a super-intelligent psychic Gorilla.

    Pushing further, the agents encountered metahuman prisoners, who challenged them to a gladiator style duel. When the agents defeated their opponents, the bloodlust once again rose up and agents had to be shocked out of it. In the maximum security sector, however, things got more serious, as the Rogues had escaped their containment. Agents had to contend with Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Mirror Master and Heat Wave, enemies of the hero known as the Flash. After a hard battle in which agent Tonic was severely burned and had to be immediately healed by agent Ryosuke.

    Once they were past the Rogues, defeated by a divide and conquer strategy, they pressed on to face Gorilla Grodd, who's psychic dampeners had, in fact, increased his psychic abilities. He freed his Gorilla troopers, then sent them after the agents. After dispatching the Gorillas, they had to face the super powerful Grodd, who made several agents kneel before Grodd. Those who resisted, however, had attacked him and the fight began in earnest. Grodd sought to defeat them with a psychic projection, but agent Nikolai's sword defeated it and damaged Grodd. After dealing with the psychic feedback, the agents piled onto Grodd and though the fight was rough, they prevailed.

    On the way out, another hero flew in to take care of the rest of the odd doll-like automatons outside, and the agents were told by the Martian Manhunter they may be contacted again.

Operation #50: Apocalypse

  • Description: Satellite readings have shown a massive weapon located on the moon. There are also disturbances throughout the planet that are leading to a planetary scale catastrophe.
  • Rank: S
  • Genre: Action/Supernatural/Horror
  • Location: The entire Planet. However, starting at Midgar.
  • Client: Reeve Tuesti
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: