Hisui Hoozuki

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Hoozuki Hisui
Temporary Hisui Pic.
Age 17
Voice Actor Hiroyuki Yoshino
Relatives Hoozuki Suigetsu, Karin.
Series Naruto Shippuden
Player Frank
  • Name: Hoozuki Hisui/Isui
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Male
  • B-day: December 6th
  • Place of Birth: Mist Village
  • Parents: Karin and Suigetsu
  • Nationality: Water Country
  • Speciality: Concealing his true motives, procrastinating.
  • Hobbies: Video games, magazines, drinking.
  • Likes: Time off, a good fight.
  • Dislikes: Actually having to put some effort into it, justifying his losses.
  • Favorite Food: Water
  • Least Favorite Food: Salty anything.
  • Most Valuable Possession: Nothing.
  • Level of Education: Chuunin
  • Additional Info: Made of Water.
  • Seiyuu: Hiroyuki Yoshino
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 165 lbs
    • Eyes: Purple
    • Hair: Red.
    • Special: Sharp, pointy teeth. No pupils.


Hisui has messy hair that mostly falls over his face. He has a very cut, athletic body, and wears loose and easy to move in clothes. Since he doesn't fear the cold, he usually wears no shirt, but will if it's going to get him bothered and annoyed. He has pupilless purple eyes, and sharp points for teeth, like a shark.

Isui looks exactly the same, but the laid back face gives way to a sadistic grin and the eyes take a sharper, narrower look. His body bulks up and appears like a roid'ed up version of himself when he attacks, otherwise just looks generally more menacing and more sleek.


Generally calm, joke cracking, pretty friendly guy, though does have a hidden hypocritical side which is hypercritical, sardonic and sort of lazy. Prefers to outsmart his opponents than outright crush them.

Then comes the Sanbi. When it takes hold of him, he becomes sadistic, LOVES fighting, is mean for the sake of mean and can't win a fight without properly decimating his opponents. When like this, he doesn't care who wins or loses so long as a grand ol' fight is had by all.


The son of Taka members Suigetsu and Karin, who one night got plastered and had sex, which led to Karin getting unwittingly pregnant. It took a long, long time for them to get married, and even then Karin hadn't abandonned her unhealthy crush on Sasuke, and Suigetsu was mostly content with casual sex, having loose AT BEST family morals.

Hisui grew up around Sound Village, though they moved back to Water Country to avoid any fallout from Leaf and Sound in case they went to war. Growing up the son of two absent but non-missing nin, Hisui grew up learning ninjutsu, taijutsu and manipulation from his parents, even though their relation was mostly dysfunctional.

Hisui had a fairly messed up childhood. His father was rather irresponsible and only took care of Hisui when it was time to to 'guy' things, like training, fighting or skipping work/school to go have some water and lay about, which greatly influenced Hisui's outlook on life. While Suigetsu was focused on becoming and surpassing one of the Mist Seven Swordsmen, and wanted his son to follow into his footsteps, Hisui never really got the grasp of swordsmanship, and only learned the basics and philosophies behind it, as he never really bothered practicing with it. He became proficient enough but his true skill with the sword would only come later.. and even then skill is hyperbole.

Karin, however, was a kinder person at heart than Suigetsu, and did love her bastard little boy. She mothered him a lot. She taught him to stand up to bullies and hit them in the nads if they were stronger than he was. Whenever he came home from training and he was hurt she made him bite her to heal his wounds.. which more than skeeved out Suigetsu, as well.. but she did make sure her son was one of the best. As much as she hated when he got hurt, she was the first to beat some sense into him when he became too lazy or tried to give up on something he'd started, physically.

While Hisui showed no interest in medical ninjutsu (quoting 'Look I'm not a girl okay, goddamnit!'), his mother was still the one who made sure he did his work and trained in ninjutsu from an early age. Try as she might she could never convince him to pick up any Genjutsu or her medical jutsu, mostly because he refused the idea of people BITING HIM to heal.

Growing up with two parents who hated each other made Hisui all the more likely to phase out his problems by stepping outside and scoring a little nap time. More than once he heard Karin comment to Suigetsu.. usually after he forgot to do something or failed at something.. how Sasuke wouldn't have, which Suigetsu always responded that if he WERE Sasuke he'd have dumped her for some Konoha chick too, which usually led to Karin punching Suigetsu all over the house. Most 'family' outings were done with one parent and Hisui, with village congregations being the only times both were present.. though usually not together.

Hisui was clever enough by watching other kids around the village that this was NOT normal parental or familiar behaviour, and has learned that he's better off getting with a kind nice girl that'll take care of him and not a psycho who will beat him.. and that he should probably not call her 'fatass' after she put on weight from having his child.. and several other key things. However, he does have a fairly odd view about sexuality and relationships because of this, he's just aware on an 'academic' sense that not everything in his house is as it should be.

Hisui realized early on the life of a ninja was one of effort and hardship and pain and that -really- bugged him. He wanted to have all the perks of being a Jounin without having to do anything for it. He studied half-heartedly and only got remotely involved in physical activities. When he found out the process used on his father could also be used on him, he immediately volunteered, because it was a VERY easy path to power. After he recovered from the process he started training to his his body better and more completely, since that was easier than Jutsu and Kenjutsu.

After finding out about the Nuke-nin Kisame and Yukihime, Hisui offered his services to the village to track them down, and bring back the Bijuu. Thinking he would probably die but seeing he was pretty good, they let him give it a shot. Being made of water, he was likely to survive and give intel, so they let him and his partner, Shishioh, go.

Against all odds (and due to the Akatsuki Purge), Hisui brought back the traitor girl and his reward was to get to serve the village, as a Jinchuuriki.

The advanced techniques of extraction and medical ninjas managed to keep the former jinchuuriki alive, as she was the previous Mizukage's daughter and prey of the Sanbi, not an enemy of the village.

Hisui's goal was very much in motion now. His original goal had been to replace one of the village's strongest swordsmen, known as the Reaper, and as such be used as sparsely as possible, to keep the village safe with minimal effort. But with the possibility of being a dangerous demon possessed war machine, the option was even better. He'd be a security risk if he became powerful enough, or a tactical weapon. Much less likely to be used.

Hisui forced himself to start focusing on his training more, quitting being a tracker and hunter and specializing more in combat and ninjutsu, picking up more and more water techniques with ease now, thanks to the Sanbi, all in the pursuit of his ultimate goal: That he become so powerful and dangerous that the village never uses him, ever, because revealing him would be like declaring they have a WMD.

He realized if he was feared like he could become a threat to the village there'd be much more hassles, so he wanted to find a way to focus on controlling the Sanbi. Once that was completed, he could spend the rest of his days lazing about for missions so dangerous only he can handle them that will never come, and retire early, probably nabbing a trophy wife and raising kids without having to lift a finger for the rest of his life.

The problem with this is that the Sanbi was not, as one might suspect, completely 'down' with imprisonement again, so much as it did with it's previous host, the Sanbi's influence became more pronounced. Because of Hisui's water-body, it was less prone to make him into a mindless savage.. but it's violence and rage did come through. Whenever Hisui got too agitated or upset, the Sanbi's influence manifested as a darker, more vicious and sadistic version of himself, Isui. While not immediately 'evil'.. which is subjective to a ninja anyways.. Isui is far more interested in a good fight and hurting his opponents than completing the mission. He's also far more likely to force himself on women and do dangerous, thrill-seeking things. Hisui remembers what he does as Isui vividly, even to the point of having conversations when Isui recedes back into his subconscious, which unnerves him a little, and encourages him to try to lead an easy life.. after all, it's not easy to be agitated when you spend all day napping.

For this purpose, Mist used their alliance with Leaf to send Hisui over to Konoha so he could train under one of the rare Jinchuriki who controlled his Tailed Beast, Uzumaki Naruto, the Sixth Hokage. On the way to the village, Hisui lost his sword and his money, and had to find some lodging from one of the residents of Konoha, as well as (much to his chagrin) apply for missions to get some money for a new sword.. or something heavy he can use as one.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible (+4/+5 if it involves sensing chakra or ki)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4/+5 with Cat-Like Balance.)
  • Stealth: Incredible (+4)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing (+5)
  • Streetwise: Abysmal (-1)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)
  • Leadership: Abysmal (-1)
  • Etiquette: Abysmal (-1)
  • Performance: Abysmal (-1)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal (-1)
  • Investigation: Good (+2)
  • Medicine: Abysmal (-1)
  • Law: Abysmal (-1)
  • Occult: Novice (+1)
  • Science: Abysmal (-1)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abysmal (-1)
  • Survival: Incredible (+4)
  • Empathy: Novice (+1)
  • Animal Ken: Good (+2)
  • Tracking: Amazing. (+2)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.) Basic Jutsu (Henge, Kawarimi, etc)

Taijutsu: Ninja hand to hand combat, Hisui's area of specialty due to his superhuman strength.
TaiJutsu Style: Rakanken Ryuu - Achiever of Nirvana Fist Style, a style focussing primarily on developing one's body's strength and using that to full advantage. It's a versatile style which employs strong, direct strikes and uses every part of the body as a weapon.
Atsu Shou - Pressure Palm: A Taijutsu technique where the ninja drives their fist into their opponent while they are on the ground, crushing them and grinding them into the earth. With impressive strength, this technique could be quite devastating.
Hou Shou - Demolishing Palm: A Taijutsu technique where the ninja palm strikes their enemy, hurling them away. With impressive strength, this technique could be quite devastating.
Gan Geki - Boulder Attack: A Powerful Taijutsu in which the user strikes with the full strength of his fist, putting his weight and, if possible, superhuman might behind the attack.
Shou Geki Shou - Rising Palm Attack: A Taijutsu technique where the ninja lifts up their opponent with one arm, retracts, and then drives their palm upward into their opponent, hurling them into the air. With impressive strength, this technique could be quite devastating.
Shou Shitsu - Rising Knee: A Taijutsu technique where the ninja braces against the ground and drives a powerful knee into their enemy, hurling them away. With impressive strength, this technique can be devastating.

  • Tsuuten Kyaku - Bruising Sky Leg: Tsuuten Kyaku is a Taijutsu technique utilized by the Sannin Tsunade. Using her monstrous strength, Hisui will raise his leg in a high arc, and bring it thundering down causing massive damage to whatever it impacts. If one of his kicks or strikes were to connect, they would kill a normal ninja.


  • Kai - Release: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses their chakra and screams "kai" or "release." They can perform it on themselves or on others. It will effectively ward off most Genjutsu, unless extremely powerful or when used in conjunction with an advanced bloodline.
  • Kirigakure no Jutsu - Hidden Mist Technique: A Ninjutsu technique that covers the area surrounding the ninja using it completely in mist. Perfect for silent killing, since there's practically no visibility within the area of this jutsu.
  • Mikadzuki no Mai - Dance of the Crescent Moon: Mikadzuki no Mai is an advanced Ninjutsu technique used by the Hisui. As the ninja charges at his opponent, he creates mutiple water copies to confuse his opponent. Using the confusion, the real ninja will attack from the opponents blindside.
  • Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - Water Clone Technique: This Ninjutsu technique uses water as its base for creating the clones. Each clone is one tenth as powerful as the ninja using it and has a limited range it can move away from its creator. Like the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique), this clone can attack.
  • Suirou no Jutsu - Water Prison Technique: Suirou no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to imprison an opponent. The ninja forms the necessary hand seals which causes the water to form around the target into a spherical prison which only allows for limited movement. The ninja must keep their body touching the water prison to maintain its existence. If the contact is broken, the water falls away and their target is released. When combined with a bunshin technique, the ninja can imprison their target but still allow for a clone to attack others nearby.

Elemental Jutsu:

  • Mizu no Tatsumaki - Tornado of Water: A technique that utilizes water to create a spinning water vortex around the ninja. The water acts both as a barrier and attack mechanism. The power of the vortex is enough to knock an opponent unconscious.
  • Mizu no Yaiba - Sword of Water: A technique that utilizes water to create a sword. The sword can be wielded in the normal fashion, allowing the ninja to cut and stab like a normal blade. This sword can also go through most fire jutsus.
  • Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu: A Suiton (water type) Ninjutsu technique using water as its base. The ninja manipulates the water around them into a cyclonic explosion that rips into its victim like a tsunami. It has enough force to tear apart solid ground and uproot trees.
  • Suiton: Suiryuudan no Jutsu - Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet: A Suiton (water type) Ninjutsu technique using water as its base. The ninja manipulates the water around them into the shape of a large dragon that attacks their opponent as a torrential blast.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Superhuman Strength: Mostly due to his Strong Arm Jutsu, Hisui is viciously strong, using intense water pressure to destroy whoever is in his path through brute strength. Even un-charged, Hisui can lift several times more weight than any normal ninja.

Suika no Jutsu - Hydration Technique: Suika no Jutsu is a secret Ninjutsu technique used by Mist ninja Suigetsu. This jutsu allows Suigetsu to totally transform his body into water. Maintaining this form requires that he keep constantly hydrated. In this form he can also draw upon and control nearby water by immersing himself amongst the liquid.

Gousuiwan no Jutsu - Strong Water Arm Technique: Suiton • Gousuiwan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. Using his ability to transform his body into water, Suigetsu will reform his arm in a more muscular form. This stronger arm allows him to deliver more powerful swings.

Sanbi Powers: The Three-Tailed Beast is sealed within Hisui, as a reward for his capture of the Mizukage's daughter, and to control the beast more fully, since it had possessed her and occasionally took control of her. The 'proper' sealings were performed on Hisui, which were more than easy because of the watery nature of his body, and the Sanbi's affinity with the liquid. Hisui's eyes turned pupilless and purple at the time, and he's since been learning to control his new powers, which will be listed below. However, the assimilation isn't perfect, and the Sanbi is not a 'friend' of Hisui, so he can't command it at will. In periods of intense stress or when at risk for his life, Hisui becomes Isui, the personification of the savagery and cruelty of the Sanbi. See Personality for details.

Reserves of Chakra: Hisui has near inexhaustible chakra, and is unlikely to run out, due to the Sanbi's presence within him.

Water Affinity: Hisui cannot drown, even from a Jutsu. This is heavily mitigated by his nature as a water person, but it's there if for whatever reason his body is modified back to normal. If knocked unconscious, however, he can drown.

Ice Shield: When near water (not randomly in the forest, for example), the Sanbi will make the ambient moisture form into heavy, white ice, able to block almost anything, so long as Hisui decides to play it defensively. In a fight, only a thin layer of ice will appear around him to mitigate blunt attacks, and only on water, and each 'plate' can only last for one (decent) hit.

Sanbi Jutsu:

  • Hyouton - Ice Release: The Sanbi's elements are water and ice, allowing Hisui access to a whole new element. While he hasn't had much time to practice these Hyouton, he has developped (or was gifted by) a few of them.
  • Hyouton: Haryuu Mouko - Ice Release: Destruction Dragon Fierce Tiger: Hyouton • Haryuu Mouko is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Ice Element. After forming the needed handseals, an ice tiger will rise from the surrounding ice to strike out against its target. Its cold nature can freeze any nearby water, and its large mass can cause a large amount of damage when it impacts.
  • Hyouton: Hyourou no Jutsu - Ice Release: Ice Prison Technique: Hyourou no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Snow ninja Kakuyoku Fubuki. After forming the needed handseals, Hisui will touch the ground, causing columns of ice to rise from the ground at her foe. If caught, the ice will rise up around her target and imprison them. She can also use this technique as a defensive measure, raising the ice to form a shield against incoming attacks.
  • Hyouton: Tsubame Fubuki - Ice Release: Snow Storm Swallows: Hyouton • Tsubame Fubuki is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Ice Element. Hisui will create ice swallows which she can launch at his opponent. As they fly through the air, these deadly birds can hone in on their target. A sufficiently hot enough counter can melt the ice swallows.
  • Hyouton: Rouga Nadare no Jutsu - Ice Release: Wolf Fang Avalanche Technique: Hyouton • Rouga Nadare is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Ice Element. After forming the needed handseals, an avalanche of snow will rain down towards Rouga's opponent. As the snow slides down, it will coalesce into large snow wolves. These wolves can follow Hisui's bidding and attack his opponent. A sufficiently powerful straight thrust can disrupt the wolves and return them to snow.
  • Hyouton: Zettai Reddo Taiiki - Ice Release: Absolute Zero Zone: Standing still for a few moments, Hisui generates cool chakra, which extends 15 feet around him (diameter), then performs the handseals to suddenly flash freeze everything inside it, except himself, the temperature dropping just short of absolute zero, and only slowly warming up. This will coat everything in the area in ice, and possibly trap opponents in it, but more likely will slow them down and make them slip on the ice.

Gall (2pts): Hisui does not know when to shut up and goes for what he wants with the least amount of effort, which is usually 'asking for it'. Some find that charming.
Animal Magnetism (1pt): Hisui has sharp teeth and an unkempt appearance that implies ruggedness and manliness.
Acute Sense (1pt): He can sense energy and chakra in the air around him easily, so it's hard to surprise him with an attack. He learned this from his mother.
Ambidextrous (2pts): Hisui can fight with his left hand AND his right hand without noticing.
Eidetic Memory (2pts): How did a lazy bum pass all his exams? That's how. He has photographic memory.
Cat-like Balance (2pts): Moving like water has added advantages. Hisui is incredibly agile for a man made of muscle (and water)

Unique Items


Items Of Note

None. Will occasionally pick up a sword and use it, rather well, but this is when he can grab one and go nuts.


Vulnerable to dehydration. Needs to keep himself constantly wet, or at least, drinking.
Always thirsty.
Vulnerable to being frozen, but will soon de-frost due to the Sanbi, or reform when shattered.
Vulnerable to any and all Lightning attacks and electrical powers, in a debilitating way.
Viciously lazy and unmotivated, and usually broke.
While not ACTUALLY a weakness, but when hurt, scared, or properly agitated (or psychically assaulted), Isui can come out. Isui is the more vicious side of the Sanbi, the violent creature inside Hisui, as he's never actually managed to learn how to control the Tailed Beast.
While rarely a factor at home, holy and spiritual attacks are likely to wreak havoc on the tailed beast, and critically injure Hisui.

Deep Sleeper (2pts): Hisui is legendarily lazy and sleeps easily. Expect him to be late.
Airhead (1pt): Hisui has a hard time giving a F, so he's usually not listening when people are talking.
Otherworldly Taint (2pts): Hisui appears off. His eyes and look are usually a dead giveaway that something is off, like the Uncanny Valley.

NPC(s) to go with char

Sanbi, which is a mindless giant turtle.