Andrei Konstantin

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Andrei Konstantin
Andrei, the Shaper.
A.K.A. The Shaper
Age 100+
Voice Actor Hiroshi Kamiya
Relatives The Fang Clan
Series Operation Darkness
Player Frank
  • Name: Andrei Konsantin
  • Age: 100+
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Nazis, sculpting.
  • Dislikes: Humans, Hunters, Allies.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: 130lbs
  • Eyes: Red
  • Hair: Black


Pale, ethereally beautiful and perfect. Always dresses in old style clothes and SS military wear.


Arrogant. Deadly. Patient. Noble. Condescending.


  • Subterfuge: Amazing
  • Leadership: Excellent
  • Politics: Amazing
  • Performance: Amazing


Vampire: Andrei is a Vampire, and has all the standard Vampire abilities, such as superhuman physical abilities, immortality, resistances, etc.
Necromancy: Andrei can raise the dead and take control over lesser undead with terrifying ease.
Strategist: Andrei has learned from some of the best Nazi tacticians, and is quite good at having a small fighting force overturn massively outnumbered odds.
Dark Gifts: Andrei's Dark Gifts as a vampire are the following.
Sculptor: Andrei has the ability to reshape other people's bodies if he gets his hands on them. These changes are permanent unless healed via magic or blessed.
Charm: Andrei can manipulate the minds of mortals and vampires alike with a single look.
Shapeshifting: Andrei can shapeshift into practically anything he wants, including but not limited to an incredibly powerful war form.




Vampire: Andrei is unable to be awake during the day, he requires blood to 'live', and a stake through the heart will kill him. He is also vulnerable to holy power, and holy relics as well.
Dead: Andrei has received the True Death. He was eaten by a dragon.