Parma Revival Initiative

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Parma Revival Initiative
Also Known As
Organization Type Terra Forming
Leadership Seareen, Rune Walsh.
Membership About 10000 some
Associated With Hunter' Guild. The Espers.
Related To


Parma Revival Initiative: A Joint-Ops Group formed from The Espers, The Hunter's Guild, The Piata Academy and the two androids, Demi and Wren. Their goals are just as there name states, the revival of Parma, Once one of the planets in the Algol system that was destroyed 1000 years ago. Now the group is making efforts to rebuild the once home planet of the Parmans (humans). They will use any and all of the 'Great Collapse' Tech they can find in hopes of pulling the once beautiful planet back togather.


[Algo Systems Androids] Will see to the creation of the technology needed to get the planet and the planet core up and running as well as helping with the other groups listed here.
Searren (Wren Mk II)

[Piata Academy] The Brains of this outfit, Researchers and scientists will be helping Demi and Wren around the clock with there projects. They have access to the worlds most recent technology and plenty of brilliant minds. The will also help with the use and study of 'Old Tech'.

Mana Mahlay

[Hunter's Guild] The Brawn of the group. Most of the physical work, transportation of supplies, Item acquisition, building of the stations as well as some combat will be required of this Guild. Working within the Hunter's Guild are the following

Rira Ashley

Alys Ashley

[The Espers] The Magical backbone of the group, The Espers not only are experienced in Psionics but the Old Magics as well. The part they will play will be mostly to help build and maintain structure of the planet while the systems are installed

Rune Walsh

Phrya Tierney

Current Projects

[Landmass Retrieval] Once ships are acquired, they will be pulled in onto the "planet core, acting as the main land masses for Neo Parma.

Completed Projects

[Construction of 'Planet Core'] The core of Neo Parma is complete, All that is left now is to sort the bugs with the AI.

['Old Tech' acquisitions]: This is anything from Terra formation data to locations of the various hangers that are scattered about Motavia and Desolis. The Academy would also like to study any other tech found that is not needed for the project.