Sister Jezebel

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Sister Jezebel
Sister Jezebel
A.K.A. Rifle Nun
Age 15
Voice Actor
Relatives Sister Gertrud
Series Bayonetta
Player Frank
  • Name: Jezebel
  • Age: 15
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Rifles, justice, Gertrude, Mother Klarissa (yes, that way)
  • Dislikes: Sinners, men.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 4'6"
  • Weight: 98lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Blond


Youthful, full of life and unapologetic about her actions.


Cheerful. Gun nut.


  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Very Good


Rifle Nun: Jezebel is a newcomer to the Lumen Sisters, but she is an expert, literally the best they have, with rifles, and any other long-barrel weapon the Sistes have. Shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, anything she can get her hands on, and knows how to use them for both long range combat and CQC if need be. She is a crack shot and can do tricks with even assault rifles.


Holy Avenger: Her personal assault rifle with three firing modes, including full auto, sniper and grenade launcher, reinforced to be able to take superhumanly strong blows and be used as a staff in close range combat, due to its relative size to her.


Girl: She's a little girl, so overpowering her is doable. However, getting close to her is the problem.