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!width=150|Current Season
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This page explains the missions available to the members of the Inn, as well as how well they pay. <br>
This page explains the missions available to the members of the Inn, as well as how well they pay. <br>
To know what else the [[Characters|PARADIGM Agents]] have discovered, refer to the [[Investigation Log]].<br>
To know what else the [[Characters|PARADIGM Agents]] have discovered, refer to the [[Investigation Log]].<br>
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===Operation #Number: Mission Name===
===Operation: Mission Name===
*'''Description:''' Simple description of the mission
*'''Description:''' Simple description of the mission
*'''Rank:''' Rank Goes Here (SSS/SS/S/A/B/C/D)
*'''Rank:''' Rank Goes Here (SSS/SS/S/A/B/C/D)
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:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
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* Toggledisplay is finicky, so it has to be on its own line. If it's on a line with something else, it may cause issues. Toggledisplay is what hides the bulk of your synopsis to keep the page a bit more manageable.
* Toggledisplay is finicky, so it has to be on its own line. If it's on a line with something else, it may cause issues. Toggledisplay is what hides the bulk of your synopsis to keep the page a bit more manageable.
==Available Missions==
===Operation: Resurrection of O?===
*'''Description:''' A dimensional incursion has happened on the world from [http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/index.php5?title=Missions#Operation_.23239:_Dragon_Soul Mission 239]. Agents are to investigate and get ready for a hard battle, as before.
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Fighting
*'''Location:''' Frieza Planet #384
*'''Client:''' Trunks
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
===Operation #46: Smells like Zombie Apocalypse===
*'''Description:''' A company that sells celebrity fantasies is ready to roll out their latest module, but someone's making the fantasies into deadly reality. Figure out who's stealing their technology with murder on their mind.
** Participant 1
*'''Rank:''' C
** Participant 2
*'''Genre:''' Sci-Fi
** Participant 3
*'''Location:''' Los Angeles
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
*'''Client:''' Seline Watts, IKON Company
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #83: Stormbringer, Heaven's Catastrophe===
===Operation: Bow down to the King===
*'''Description:''' A genetic research corporation's creations have been accidently unleashed and threatens the country. The sudden appearance of a freak category 5 hurricane surrounding the remnants of the old research labs have made matters extremely more difficult.
*'''Description:''' An agent of an [[Gennosuke Shuku|enemy]] has been active on a world known to [[Genny|some]] [[Sol Curtiss|agents]]. Stop whatever he's doing. ''Dimensional Disturbance Detected''.
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' SciFi/Action
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Action
*'''Location:''' Las Vegas, Nevada
*'''Location:''' Grave of the Ancient Dragons.
*'''Client:''' [[Hideki Isozaki]], Ouroboros GenEn Biotechologies
*'''Client:''' [[Seeing Time]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
===Operation #96: Time to Face the Music ===
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
*'''Description:''' The Run Away Five have been kidnapped!  ... Wait they're in trouble AGAIN?  Wow, there's a shocker..  Come help these hapless hepcats so they can continue their jazz journey through Eagleland and beyond!
*'''Rank:''' Rank C
*'''Genre:''' Comedy/Action
*'''Location:''' Fourside
*'''Client:''' Ness' Dad
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>  
===Operation #112: Swimmin' in Gold like Scrooge McDuck===
===Operation: In a World we Must Defend===
*'''Description:''' The Final Demon Stone has been located! The Campus Guardians cannot penegrate the barrier of an old Chapel located past Rainbow Bridge. Please seal the power of this stone and restore order to our city! .. YEAH!!
*'''Description:''' A millionaire industrialist has taken over an essential system in a world previously visited by agents. They must regain the use of the computer system.
*'''Rank:''' Rank C
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Comedy/Action
*'''Genre:''' Pokémon
*'''Location:''' Tobira High School
*'''Location:''' Sinnoh Region
*'''Client:''' Hazumi Jinno
*'''Client:''' Professor Rowan
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>  
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forthe.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #120: Libertatis Aut Mors===
===Operation: Save the Sky City===
*'''Description:''' The resistance organization Liberty has requested humanitarian relief from PARADIGM.
*'''Description:''' A monstrous presence is threatening the stability of the floating island of Dorstonis and the city sitting atop it. Investigate and prevent it from falling into the sea.
*'''Rank:''' Rank C
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Sci-Fi/Action/Investigation
*'''Genre:''' Exploration, monster hunting
*'''Location:''' Colorado Territory, Earth 010
*'''Location:''' Lhusu Mines, Bhujerba, Dorstonis, Ivalice
*'''Client:''' Ptolemy
*'''Client:''' Balthier and Fran
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forthe.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #121: A Brilliant Ultimatum===
===Operation: Looter-Shooters Wanted===
*'''Description:''' The rogue Planeswalkers Corvin and Velspar have been seeking information about the former Seekers of Carmot.  Whatever their intentions are, PARADIGM would prefer them thwarted.
*'''Description:''' An intelligence dead-drop from a PARADIGM intelligence team is missing. Go and find it.
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Investigation
*'''Genre:''' Exploration, investigation, monster hunting
*'''Location:''' Vectis, Esper, Alara
*'''Location:''' The Dust, Blight region, Pandora
*'''Client:''' Efrain, Vectis Agent
*'''Client:''' N/A
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forthe.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #122:One Favor for Another ===
===Operation: OUTATIME===
*'''Description:''' Fakir has managed to convince his contact into giving out some low end weapons for the Twisted Metal Tourney ...However.
*'''Description:''' A temporal anomaly has rewound and "compressed" time on a world connected to the Interdimensional Rift. Investigate the circumstances.  
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Scifi/Action
*'''Genre:''' Exploration, investigation, combat
*'''Location:''' Sentinel III/Then somewhere in space.
*'''Location:''' Dr. Odine's Laboratory, Esthar City, Esthar
*'''Client:''' Fred Lou.
*'''Client:''' Dr. Odine
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forthe.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #125: Infestation Detected. Apply Pesticide Here.===
===Operation: Gestalts and Replicants part 2===
*'''Description:''' Some nasty 'bugs' have been found crawling around in Aperture Laboratories.<br>GLaDOS wants them gone so she can resume testing.
*'''Description:''' Another dimensional disturbance in some ruins of a destroyed, apocalyptic world..
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Rank:''' Rank A
*'''Genre:''' Comedy/Action/Sci-Fi
*'''Genre:''' Action/Fantasy
*'''Location:''' Aperture Laboratories
*'''Location:''' Nier-World-B
*'''Client:''' GLaDOS
*'''Client:''' Devola and Popola
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
==In Progress==
==In Progress==
Missions which agents have begun but have not yet been completed. Used for long-term and particularly complicated missions.<br>
Missions which agents have begun but have not yet been completed. Used for long-term and particularly complicated missions.
===Operation #111: Echoes In the Darkness===
===Operation: Recover and Rebuild!===
*'''Description:''' (Update) The Investigation has turned into a search and rescue mission!. Locate and Evac the surviving crew of the Magellan. Good luck out there!
*'''Description:''' Paradigm HQ and the Inn have been attacked by an unknown entity, scattering members across dimensions and trapping them without access to the Epoch. A few members are also located in the same world as the Inn. Rebuild and reform the operations at the Inn as well as rescue members from other dimensions with the limited resources available that can power the Epoch.
*'''Rank:''' Rank A
*'''Rank:''' Rank varies from B to SS
*'''Genre:''' Scifi/Horror/Action
*'''Genre:''' Comedy/Action
*'''Location:''' Cartographer Vessel Magellan
*'''Location:''' Mi2 world as well as other dimensions
*'''Client:''' [[Melody Kalad]]
*'''Client:''' Seto Kaiba
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>  
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
**[[Prae Shinra]]
** [[Jach Swiftblade]]
**[[Venus Highwind]]
** [[Leben]]
**[[Sora|Sora Strife]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
**[[Kia Kiske]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
**[[Mori Motonari]]
** [[Shaila]] & Varia
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Hayate Uzumaki]]
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Galvan Swiftblade]]
** [[Faustlin Fontaine]]
** [[Hikaru Yuta]]
*'''Synopsis''': Jach and a few Paradigm members manage to get back to the Inn after three years.. and try to rebuild from the ground up.
:Chapter One: 'Left My Heart in Medbay.' After meeting up with [[Melody Kalad]], a fellow agent of PARADIGM, They where giving a brief update on the mission. "I will try and keep this short as the situation has changed some. Until 1 hour ago, we had lost all contact with the Cartographer Vessel Magellan. The cause of the system black out seems to be some mass scale infestation aboard the ship. This went from a investigation mission to a search and rescue. Not entirely sure what is on board with the crew but what ever it is it sounds feral.... Not sure HOW they got on the ship but that is my job to figure out. You guys worry about the crew." Once they had arrived [[Sora|Sora Strife]] and [[Venus Highwind]] and a bit of trouble adjusting to the Zero G in the hanger. Melody had tried to get the generators for the room back on but seemed to have been locked out of the system. Thankfully [[Prae Shinra]] was able to guide them over to the CAT power suits, which had magnetic boots on them allowing for easier navigation. They managed to make there way to the med bay with no real encounters, they did spot several strange creatures running about, but never got a good look at them.
:Starting off, the group tried to clean up the Inn as best as they could as well as route power to security. Seto Kaiba sent some resources to the inn including some functioning communicators. The group then managed to get the Epoch functioning (with Saseko's help) and went to the Final Fantasy 7 world (Gaia) to rescue a few more members. They met [[Kaijo Phanex]] as well as [[Ella Spartin]] and were able to bring them back. They also managed to go to The End and [[Elias Jerico|bring]] [[Jimmy 'The Left' O'Toole|back]] [[Shannon Moore|Gradius]] along with [[Red Hands]]. With more members recovered they were able to clean more (along with getting the clinic somewhat functional).
Med bay was locked tight and it was clear one of the monsters had been trying to breach the door, thankfully Venus still had Engineer Carter's PAN Card on her, allowing them easy access into the lobby of the med bay!. The lobby showed clear signs of struggle, and the vent covers have been ripped off. Venus suggested that there was a high possibility that they managed to infiltrate into the med bay using these ducts and should use caution around them. The group decided to head to the patient quarters to look for survivors, and after a few tries They found some 5 ! .. 3 Patients a doctor and a wounded soldier, But had a few encounters with the monsters on board the ship before that...they managed to get the crew back onto the cargo ship safely! and decided to take a rest for the day.
:The next day a group of PARADIGM agents moved to the Infinity Castle and were able to recover [[Setsuna Mikagami]] who had been there for three years. The group ended up meeting up again with [[Izu Tendou]] and also fighting [[Kokuji Akabane]]. Another group made way to Crystal Tokyo to meet up with the princess, [[Sagiko Tsukino]] and her senshi: [[Paria|Midori Kazeda]], [[Shoumi Tamada]] and [[Aimi Utada]]. They returned back to the mansion and were able to help Saori out by fighting an evil Mr. Shit demon. Bellheather also showed up to watch, being amused. Saori mentioned that she could help maintain the Inn as the spirit of the Inn again if the agents would go into the city and defeat 5 other dreaded demon monsters. The senshi agreed.
:Chapter Two: 'Human Tested, Monster approved' Returning with reinforcements this time, our agents spoke with Hudson, the soldier they saved on there previous journey into the ship. 'We set down on some rock of a planet on company orders and took some Core samples. ..next thing we knew was that the people down in R&D were talking about finding DNA in one of the core samples and they decided to see if they could recreate ..what ever the hell they found .. and it...well you can see what it did..' Hudson explained.  Our agents returned to the Medbay for a little investigation and room clearing. Once back in the lobby however, one of the O2 pipe lines had burst open, forcing the team to split there focus, one team went to check on Administration, while the other, with a little help from Melody, went to find a Maintenance room. After cutting the door down to the maintenance room, they found an rather injured engineer, Robert Asimov, Slowly bleeding out from various wounds.. Agent Highwind and Shinra managed to keep the man calm while Agent Strife worked on healing the man.
:As other agents tried to repair the Inn (either by hard work or by defeating devil-demons), [[Izumi Saotome|Izumi]] and [[Hayate Uzumaki|Hayate]] went to the low powered Epoch, using it to travel to the one piece world and pick up [[Wilhelmina Ellowyn Armstrong|Wilhemina]].
Agent [[Kia Kiske]] went about searching the Administration center of the medbay, looking for clues as to what happened and possibly survivors. What she found was some disturbing notes that the doctors here have been injecting patients with some strange DNA they had found in one of the core samples there took. Kia then, shortly after found a rather hostile monster. Thankfully the other Agents rushed back to assist! After the battle, they had begun searching the room. What they would find is that they the doctors where administering this 'DNA' as a new form of pain killer. What was actually going on is they where using there patients as test subjects. After a bit more searching about Melody informed the agents that The doctor had disappeared and that some some one was now in the barracks. Our Agents quickly headed off that way to rescue the person!
:Another rescue mission was done by [[Miyabi Uzumaki|Miyabi]], [[Hayate Uzumaki|Hayate]], [[Shaila]], [[Kaijo Phanex|Kaijo]], and [[Faustlin Fontaine|Faustlin]]. The group arrived at Silverspring, originally believing it would be a nice location due to the name, however in reality it looked like a hell scape. The sky was blood red, fog everywhere and the land was overridden by monsters. Using the communicator as a guide, the group entered a blasphemic-looking temple where they explored (finding a healing potion) and then inevitably finding an agent, [[Aurora]], battling hordes of horrific monsters. Together they defeated the threat and Aurora accepted returning back to the Inn with them, as Silverspring had nothing left for her.
Agent Shinra decided to stay behind in medbay and do a little 'digging', looking up various bits of information about the crew, Serum 1227, and the missing doctor. She found out that the 'DNA' Is actually a micro organism that re-purposes the hosts body into what ever they need them to be, also infecting there brain tissue and taking control of the host. After spending some time studying the notes on the creature, Agent Shrina believes she may have a way to create a vaccine to protect others from infection, However there is a bit of a problem, as the supplies she needed are in ER ... where supposedly a large one of these monsters is trapped at.
:Yet another rescue, or assist, was done by [[Aimi Utada]], [[Faustlin Fontaine]], and [[Renard Almasy]], when they went to a European village, where a T-Virus payload had been dropped by [[MyTHOS|bio-terrorists]] as a distraction to get their hands on some genetic test data, jealously guarded by the local government. After dodging zombies and making their way to a roundabout, the agents moved into a location where they believed gunfire came from the agent, but were faced with a [[Kraken|B.O.W.]]. Their encounter, however, freed former agent and Hellsing vampire [[Dominic Lalance]] from his two-sided battle against a B.O.W., which led to the agents collapsing a building on both bio-weapons. After that, they went to the mansion, but arrived as [[Anton Zmeyavich]] left, and were faced with other B.O.W.s. After dispatching them, the group returned home to the inn.
After a bit of work and on the door to the mess hall they managed to gain access to the room where the agents found not only another survivor but 4 hostiles which they quickly put down. After all this they decided to pull out for the day to rest. Melody assured them that she will hold down the fort till they return.
Current Survivor: 6
:As more agents were being recovered, it was very important to double efforts and expand the inn and gain access to amenities. The senshi had identified a suspicious spa called The Heavenly Spa which had recently opened but local reports mentioned strange behavior from the staff. The girls (Sagiko, Aimi, and Paria) went to investigate along with Phoebe (who was changed into guy from since there was a no pet policy). Phoebe was split from the others as they had to go change into robes and immediately the girls noticed that there was something really weird going on. One of the attendants wanted them to go into some sort of microwave hypnosis chamber that they mentioned Phoebe had entered before. The girls narrowly avoided a trap and were able to subdue the possessed attendant while meeting a new senshi [[Kuraihoshi|Sailor Bellatrix]]. All of the senshi were able to fight a weird youma calling itself the Cleanie (or Cleaner) and freed Phoebe and the owner of the Spa. The girls then returned to the inn where they realized another set of floors had been opened along with access to the Library and Music Room.
Chapter 3: Uh ..guys .. we got any duct tape? (Coming soon)
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These are the missions already completed by the members of the Inn.
These are the missions already completed by the members of the Inn.
[[Season One]] - Missions Completed #1-50<br>
===Operation #283: The Fairy Within the Art===
[[Season Two]] - Missions Completed #51-100
*'''Description:''' With 5 remaining devil-demons, The Senshi work to find their next target.
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
*'''Genre:''' Comedy/Action
*'''Location:''' Tokyo General Museum
*'''Client:''' [[Phoebe]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
===Operation #101: Follow the Rrrrrules! (Or Get Out!)===
*'''Description:''' Two demons are trying to take over the city!
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy/Erotic
*'''Location:''' Daten City
*'''Client:''' Garterbelt
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Prae Shinra]]
** [[Kaijo Phanex]]
** [[Shannon Moore]]
** [[Faustlin Fontaine]]
** [[Xander Dreyar]]
** [[David Morris]]
** [[Venus Highwind]]
** [[Ella Spartin]]
** [[Apple]]
** [[Sagiko Tsukino|Sailor Moon]]
** [[Hien Hayaboshi]]
** [[Paria|Sailor Beetlegeuse]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Aimi Utada|Sailor Sirius]]
*'''Synopsis''': The agents arrived during the day when it was lightly raining. They were quickly approached by the strangest priest of them all, Garterbelt, and informed of the demons trying to take over the city. The demons in question were stationed on the tallest building in the city, setting up a mind control device. With this information in hand, agents set off towards the building.
===Operation #102: The Left Hand Path===
*'''Synopsis''': [[Paria|Midori Kazeda]] along with [[Phoebe]] worked to find the next location of the five remaining dark evils within the city. With some hard work involving gaming on a magical powered computer, they pinpointed the next location, Tokyo General Museum.  
*'''Description:''' A [[Ava|former contact]] needs her property stolen back from a mad geneticist.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action/Adventure
*'''Location:''' New York State
*'''Client:''' [[Ava|Ava H. Doe]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Jimmy 'The Left' O'Toole]]
**[[Prae Shinra]]
**[[Aimi Utada]]
**[[Mori Motonari]]
**[[Alys Ashley]]
**[[Leben]] (as backup)
*'''Synopsis''': Agents met with the contact in her office in the [[Hellfire Club]] in New York city, where she requested they return her stolen DNA.<br>
:The contact explained that a man called [http://marvel.wikia.com/Nathaniel_Essex_%28Earth-616%29 Sinister] had stolen her DNA, and her position as a high-level shapeshifter made her quite the catch for a geneticist like him. She told them the location of Mr. Sinister's current lab, a remnant of something [http://marvel.wikia.com/Curtis_Connors_%28Earth-616%29 Doctor Curt Connors] had done. The group took the Epoch to the area, and noticed that two guards were in place. Agent [[Aku]] mentioned a third presence, and agent [[Aimi Utada|Utada]] put them to sleep. Unfortunately, the third presence was a telepath, who possessed one of the guards and began fighting them, ignoring most shots to her host body, until agent [[Alys Ashley|Ashley]] cancelled our her psychic presence, allowing the agents forward.<br>
:[[Sagiko Tsukino|Sailor Moon]], [[Aimi Utada|Sailor Sirius]], [[Kaijo Phanex]], [[Ella Spartin]], [[Faustlin Fontaine]], and [[David Morris]] joined them for the confrontation. As they arrived on scene and broke into the museum, they noticed the artwork on display were done by the famous artist, ''Hiwatari''. A [[Satoru Hiwatari|young man]] who seemed to be a detective on duty, stumbled upon the group and quickly warned them to leave or he might hurt them. Unfortunately, the young man couldn’t stop himself into transforming into a white winged, blond haired man with cat-like blue eyes who then taunted the group. The group tried to fight him but the new threat threw destructive feathers, one of which unsealed the dark evil within a green fairy pairing. Kaijo was able to shoot the retreating winged guy, but it was too late.. the green fairy turned into a tiny sized, plump, man-fairy-thing calling himself Tingle. The team fought valiantly and defeated the horror, thereby enabling the Inn furos.
:Once inside, the agents were besieged by a combo of traps, meant to contain and wound an [http://marvel.wikia.com/Peter_Parker_%28Earth-616%29 exceptionally agile intruder], and were then immediately attacked by the [http://marvel.wikia.com/Marauders_%28Earth-616%29 Marauders], working to destabilize and take them agents as they were recuperating. Agent O'Toole rapidly beset their energy redistributor, after he had thrown agent Utada's blast at her, while one of their numbers attempted to shut down all systems on agent [[Jackal]]. Agent Aku managed to take down their muscle and set him on fire as agent Jackal took out their long-range attacker, but then a [http://marvel.wikia.com/Victor_Creed_%28Earth-616%29 bigger problem] arose, which was hard to take down and required all agents, before it was decapitated by agent [[Mori Motonari|Motonari]] and turned into goo.<br>
:Agent O'Toole was scrambled by one of the mutants, before being healed by agent Ashley, which led said mutant to flee before being shot down by agent [[Prae Shinra|Shinra]] in a non-lethal manner, then the group moved on ahead. In the next room, the main lab, they began seeking out the sample, and agent Aku revealed that Sinister was attempting to masquerade as someone else in another room. Dropping the ruse, Sinister made a deal with them. The DNA of two of them for the sample. Agents [[Kamen]] and Aku accepted the deal while Sinister openly probed their minds for intel. After the group left, Kamen revealed he had stolen back the blood samples and they should hurry, but the agents were not pursued by the Marauders or Sinister.<br>
:Returning to the Hellfire Club, the agents were awarded passes to the club and [[Ava]]'s gratitude, who quickly reinstalled the missing DNA in her body. As the agents were leaving, the [http://marvel.wikia.com/Sebastian_Shaw_%28Earth-616%29 Black King] approached agents Kamen and [[Leben]] for his own reasons, then let them go with the rest, back to the Epoch.<br>
:Samples of the blood and the feathers were then gathered in hopes to use the alchemic lab back at the Inn, either to find the identity of the man, or to see if there was a link, or a way, to find the next devil-demon target.
===Operation #103: Polaris===
===Operation #284: Day-o! Day-o! Hueco Mundo~===
*'''Description:''' The town of Kingsmouth is in need of supplies, a nearby Pharmaceutical company recently had a ship run ashore on a nearby insland. Secure the supplies to assist the town in their fight.
*'''Description:''' To unseal the Makai Brush, PARADIGM agents end up encountering hollows.. and then going somewhere unexpected.
*'''Rank:''' Rank A
*'''Rank:''' Rank A
*'''Genre:''' Action/Supernatural
*'''Genre:''' Horror/Action
*'''Location:''' Alternate Earth
*'''Location:''' Mi2 World - Graveyard
*'''Client:''' The Illuminati
*'''Client:''' Setsuna
*'''Status:''' Closed
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Tatsuya]]
** [[Nikolai]]
** [[Alys Ashley]]
Agents entered the town of Kingsmouth where they met with Abigail Winters of the Illuminati. They were given a quick briefing to their mission, and soon were flow via helicopter to the mission location, an island nearby where the cargo ship had run ashore. They met with opposition, but were able to defeat the enemies. Their target was a creature known as a Draugr Lord, which Agent [[Alys Ashley]] was able to handle with a tactical shot. Upon being picked up for retrieval, an unexpected enemy attacked and crashed the helicopter, the Ur-Draug had made it's appearance! Agent [[Tatsuya]] quickly transformed and met this creature head on. Between the techs of Agent Alys, and Agent [[Nikolai]] distraction tactics, they were able to make short work of the massive Ur-Draug. Abigail was quick to pick them back up after the new creature was defeated and returned them to the Epoch. <br>
===Operation #104: Clash of the Thunder King===
*'''Description:''' The King of the Thunder Pagoda has requested Paradigm's assistance dealing with some local mad scientists' abominations
** [[Setsuna Mikagami]]
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
** [[Kouhei Kurosaki]]
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy
** [[Bellheather]]
*'''Location:''' The Netherworld
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
*'''Client:''' The King of the Thunder Pagoda
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
*'''Status:''' Closed
** [[Sin Urameshi]]
** [[Naomi]]
** [[Loki]]
** [[Tatsuya|Tatsuya Saejima]]
** [[Nikolai]]
** [[Isabelle]]
** [[Fakir]]
*'''Synopsis:''' Agents were summoned to the Thunder Pagoda, where they met none other then the King of the Thunder Pagoda himself, Huan Ken, who tasked them to be his champions and to send the Architects a message.
[[File:Sciencebitches.jpg|right|thumb|Nikolai's Exiting the Lab]]
He is to not be trifled with. Agents left and during their travels came across a Guerilla encampment, ran by "Che Gorilla", a large, intelligent gorilla with an AK47. After a tense introduction, they discovered that they had a common enemy and traded several grenades for explosives. Agents proceeded to head to the abomination lab where [[Fakir]] was able to spot several of the guards, and cause a distraction to get the group in. Once they were pass the gate, they were attacked by abomination dogs known as a "Raptor Squad". Agents managed to defend themselves successfully, and after a moment of planning they had decided to attempt to take command of a tank the based had in it's possession. Things did not go as planned, with Agent Fakir being unable to bypass the Tank's security, he elected to disable it instead to prevent the enemy from using it against the group. During the confrontation outside the tank, [[Nikolai]] and [[Isabelle]] confronted deadly "Napalm Belchers" and took heavy damage, but not before losing the explosives that they had bartered from the Jammers.  With no choice, and the BuroMill Grunts coming in on them, they elected to have Fakir make his way inside the base, while the two of them took on the security personnel. Nikolai activated his devil trigger and Isabelle took flight, bombarding the enemy with blasts and debris. With the guards distracted Fakir was able to get inside, where a scientist took notice and activated the alarms. Time was running out fast, Fakir made his way to the base's reactor where he was confronted by the Spawn of the New Flesh, Unstable Abomination. <br>
Meanwhile outside, Nikolai and Isabelle had managed to defeat the BuroMill Grunts and cause them to retreat, calling for reinforcements. Nikolai bravely stayed behind to take on the Prototype Xs that emerged to confront the two of them while Isabelle made her way into the base proper. By now, the fight with the Spawn has caused damaged to the controls of the reactor, setting off what would be the detonation of the entire building. A battle ensued, where Fakir, the Spawn, and Isabelle all fell off from the platform, falling into the abyss below. Isabelle, managed to cut Fakir free from the creature's grasp and took flight, saving the agent's life as she escaped an hair away from destruction. Nikolai was caught in the ensuing explosion but landed in tact in front of Arma Geddion, IKTV news reporter. Telling them that Justice had been served.
===Operation #105: Pray for Absolution===
*'''Description:''' Calliope has requested the return of Paradigm's agents to investigate the matters of the underwater city once again
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
*'''Genre:''' Political/Action
*'''Location:''' Planet #5761746572
*'''Client:''' Calliope-5181
*'''Status:''' Closed
**[[Jach Swiftblade]]  
**[[Kia Kiske]]
**[[Alys Ashley]]
**[[Maggie|Magdalene Fatima]]
**[[Nara Shinako|Shinako Nara]]
**[[Hanako Uchiha]]
**[[Daichi Niwa]]
Agents upon returning to the planet were sent to investigate a civil war. After talking with both sides of the conflict came to a compromise between both forces.
*'''Synopsis''': Agent [[Setsuna Mikagami|Setsuna]] had been found earlier at the Infinity castle however her Makai Priestess powers had been sealed for three years... eager to have it unsealed, she reached out to a few people.
Agents were contacted by Calliope-5181, when they arrived on her research vessel the returning agents noticed that the military presence was bumped up quite a bit. The reason being was energy readings from the city indicated that weapons were being fired. Agents were sent down to investigate what was going on. Upon arrival they were ambushed by a single unit, who successfully injured Agent [[Alys Ashley]] with the same arrows she uses. Agents [[Hanako Uchiha]] and [[Kia Kiske]] were able to successfully fend him off, giving them time to assist in Aly's recovery. Once inside the city, they met with one of the two opposing force's leader, Aghan who was one of the AI beings they encountered previously. After being caught up, they investigated the opposing faction's story, Obon the Hive Mind. They were able to bridge a compromise between the two, electing to have Calliope and her organization be mediators.
:After speaking to [[Kouhei Kurosaki]], a resident shinigami expert, he noticed something strange with her Makai brush; seeing a red string tied to it and leading all the way to a graveyard not far from the Inn. Together they traveled there and Setsuna called for some backup in case anything went awry. [[Kamen Hokage|Kamen]], [[Ayame Hokage|Ayame]] and [[Bellheather]] arrived on the scene. The string lead to some masoleum doors and once opened a '''hollow''' emerged, blocking the path. The only one who could see the monster however, were Kouhei and Bellheather. Setsuna was thrown aside as Kouhei went into shinigami mode and tried to fight/protect the others along with Bellheather. [[Sin Urameshi]] apparently was doing a quick grocery run for his wife [[Naomi]] and stumbled upon the fight. He called his wife and together they joined the brawl, defeating and exorcising the Hollow. Now with nothing else in the way, the group continued into the mausoleum to follow the red string.. and then finding themselves in Hueco Mundo, a fearsome land of hollows. There the came upon a sand dune where [[Tatsuya|Golden Fang Garo]] was there, armored up and fighting hollows to keep them from a crystallized demon/horror in front of him. After reuniting, the group helped exorcise and fight the approaching hollows (and the demon horror as it cracked free from its crystal cocoon). Tatsuya, now gaunt and white haired, explained that the cocoon was a phase this horror had taken after sealing Setsuna’s powers.. and he needed to wait, for three years, until defeating it. Setsuna, now with her abilities back, opened a Makai road for everyone to return home… However, a powerful, overwhelming presence watched them from not too far just as they closed the Makai Road behind them.
===Operation #106: The Guns of Colorado===
===Operation #285: In the Tunnel of Love~ I'm going to California~!===
*'''Description:''' A resistance organization is conducting an evacuation of a persecuted civilian population. Silence the nearby artillery bases so they can conduct their relief effort.
*'''Description:''' The Senshi head to fight one of the remaining 4 evils..
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Rank:''' Rank C
*'''Genre:''' Sci-Fi/Action
*'''Genre:''' Comedy/Action
*'''Location:''' Colorado Territory, Earth 010
*'''Location:''' Funland in Tokyo
*'''Client:''' Ptolemy
*'''Client:''' [[Phoebe]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Kaoru Sie]]
** [[Kaijo Phanex]]
**[[Jackal]] Egret
** [[David Morris]]
**[[Aimi Utada]]
** [[Ella Spartin]]
**[[Fakir]] Clan Clan
** [[Sagiko Tsukino|Sailor Moon]]
** [[Paria|Sailor Beetlegeuse]]
**[[Lucy|Luciana Testarossa]]
** [[Aimi Utada|Sailor Sirius]]
:Agents were called to an outpost in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies where they met their contact.
*'''Synopsis''': Off to defeat another devil-demon.. the group heads for an amusement park after hours.. a place called Funland.
Ptolemy, an advisor to the leader of Liberty, the enigmatic Shamash, tasked the group with eliminating an artillery outpost hindering their efforts to evacuate civilians from being injustly detained, and to relieve a company of partisans so they could evacuate as well.
:But was it fun? Not so much. The group followed a dark presence all the way to the 'Tunnel of Love' ride. There were enough boats for a pair of people to go in each. Sailor Beetlegeuse with Sailor Moon, David with Ella, and Kaijo with Aimi. The ride itself would maybe have been fine.. if there was not a constant singing for the ENTIRE fifteen minutes of the ride. The singing was a repeated chorus of 'Excalibur~ Excalibur~..' and so on..
:Taking a fast transport, the Agents dropped off [[Jackal]] at a overwatch point while the others proceeded to the artillery base. While [[Fakir]] hacked their command and control systems and issued false orders for a withdrawal, [[Wilhelmina]] created a distraction and [[Lucy]] snuck inside, rigging explosives on two of the guns while turning the third on the company engaged with the partisans. Having completed their objective the group withdrew even as the vaunted Special Response Team 7 began to arrive, with Jackal and Lucy managing to eliminate one member of their group wearing a suit of heavy HYDRA armor.
:Withdrawing before the main enemy advance could arrive, the Agents were greeted by another high ranking official, Pyrrhus, who debriefed them and thanked them for their efforts. The Agents were paid an extra $5000 each and asked to potentially return later to provide humanitarian support.
:When the group finally arrived at the end of the ride they encountered the devil-demon, a strange, short white-dog looking creature with a tophat and cane. The dog-like creature called himself Excalibur and continued to sing and dance, much to the group's distress. Eventually they couldn't friggin' take it anymore and they fought the devil-demon until all that was left was a tophat. Kaijo however, thought the singing was pretty good and took the tophat back to the Inn with him. Sailor Beetlegeuse suggested examining the tophat for the next devil-demon location.
===Operation #107: Residence of the Deceased===
===Operation #286: Parasites in the Garden===
*'''Description:''' Ancient Horrors have been reborn and unleashed on an unsuspecting Berlin, and the problem must be stopped at the source.
*'''Description:''' Magma Energy is a very powerful and potent energy source and can be used to get PARADIGM headquarters back to a better operational status. Male and Female pairs are required for this mission.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action/Horror
*'''Genre:''' Mecha/RomCom/Action
*'''Location:''' Berlin
*'''Location:''' Plantation 11
*'''Client:''' Agent G and Captain Isaac Washington
*'''Client:''' Dr. Franxx
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Kaoru Sie]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Hayate Uzumaki]]
**[[Prae Shinra]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Kaijo Phanex]]
**[[Hien Hayaboshi]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Ella Spartin]]
**[[Mireya Moreno]]
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents were called to a meeting of several branches of monster hunters in Europe, where their contacts, G and Washington, told them of the situation, and that their job was to locate and get intel from their agents already on the field.<br>
** [[Renard Almasy]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents were called to Plantation ship 11 to get magma energy in an effort to restore PARADIGM hq. They picked up some new people. Specifically Camellia (aka 001) and [[Valentino al-Busiri]].
:Agents [[Luca Sparda]] and [[Dominic Lalance]] were recalled to their original organizations to assist the [[B.S.A.A.]] and [[Hellsing]] respectively. The other agents were lent a jeep to travel to one of the parks in Berlin, having to fight their way through the undead-filled streets of the ancient city. With quick thinking from the agents and recon by agent [[Prae Shinra|Shinra]], the group was able to make it to the park, where BSAA agent Jake Muller was holding off against the hordes of zombies. When they approached him, they were attacked by [http://houseofthedead.wikia.com/wiki/Death the Death Bio-Weapon]. After a grueling battle, the agents made their way past this monster, and agent Muller told them that more information was held by Lisa Rogan and Jill Valentine.<br>
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Taking the streets instead of the subway, agents fought their way through the hordes of zombies, making their way to the church where they were hiding out. Breaking their way in, the agents managed to locate the pinned down ladies, Rogan and Valentine, attempting to fight off the [[Kraken]], which fled after PARADIGM's arrival, leaving a large hole through the wall. Rogan revealed that there had been new individuals at the university which had been using research that Goldman had done back in the late 90s, and had been shipping the results to this church under the sewers. At that time, the group was attacked by [http://houseofthedead.wikia.com/wiki/Judgment these two abominations]. Agents [[Isabelle]] and Shinra took to the sky to take out the smaller one as the others did what they could against the near invincible armour, but they managed to kill the smaller demon and proceed, through the sewers.<br>
:The sewers, as expected, were filled with monsters and zombies, but making their way to the university was simple. Once there, they encountered BSAA agent Piers Nivans, attempting to hold off dozens of zombies from the Bell Tower, and running out of ammo. Quick thinking by agents [[Xander Dreyar|Dreyar]] and [[Jackal]] bottlenecked the zombies outside, giving the sniper a chance to reload and finish off the rest. He revealed to them that the university was overtaken by a group of highly trained special ops and that a group of BSAA soldiers had gone in already, but that they should've been out by now if they were still alive. He told them all of this was started by a man named [http://houseofthedead.wikia.com/wiki/ZED ZED], and he had unleashed this plague onto Berlin, animating all corpses. He then called for helicopter pickup and told them to hurry if they wanted to stop the inevitable purge that G had ordered.<br>
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
:Making their way past expertly placed wire and claymore traps, the agents saw the remains of the BSAA team, clearly killed by arrows and explosives, a military action. When they got into the laboratory wing, as indicated by Nivans, they found the man, ZED, arguing with [[Anton]] Zmeyavich. Immediately, [[Hank Krauser]] shot a flashbang arrow to cover their escape, with [[Kraken]] leading the way, with Zmeyavich claiming, apparently truthfully, that they were going to release the antigen. However, ZED called himself a UDS (Undead Soldier) of the strongest mold, and transformed into [http://houseofthedead.wikia.com/wiki/Magician The Ultimate UDS] for a duel with the agents. Displaying psychokinesis, pyrokinesis and flight, Zed proved to be a fantastic opponent, until the combined firepower and judicious use of nearby chemicals caused too much damage for him to regenerate from. Immediately after the antigen's release, agent Jackal contacted Agent G to tell him to halt the purge, saving Berlin from the destruction the combined group had planned for it, which was to let the Vampire Alucard unseal his full ability.<br>
===Operation #108: The Crimson Forest===
===Operation #287: Fortify the Night===
*'''Description:''' The Barankas Fruit is ripe and ready to retrieve. Let's get that fruit and save Setsuna!
*'''Description:''' A weird island floating in space as appeared.. PARADIGM believes vital intelligence caches are located on this island and must be retrieved, unfortunately this island is super hostile.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
*'''Genre:''' Action/Horror
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Crimson Forest
*'''Location:''' Floating Island with a Bus.
*'''Client:''' Saejima Kouga
*'''Client:''' Agent Jonesy
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Tatsuya|Saejima Tatsuya]]
** [[Kaijo Phanex]]
**[[Suzumura Riki]]
** [[Luca Sparda]]
**[[Dominic Lalance]]
** [[Shaila]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
**[[Prae Shinra]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
**[[Tao Mei]]
**[[Kamuro Ishigami]]
*'''Synopsis''': Paradigm agents went to a floating island in the middle of space trying to get intel from three hidden caches on the island. This sounds easy.. but they also have to avoid a bunch of others on the island who are interested in a battle royale.
**[[Sora|Sora Strife]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents were called to a country home owned by the Saejima family, built near the entrance to the Crimson Forest. Saejima Kouga and Priest Hakoda were there to greet them and brief them on the nature of the forest.
:Priest Hakoda entrusted his brush as a guide to Agent [[Sora|Sora Strife]] after Agents appealed to the guardian of the forest, Old Woman Tamu, to allow them entry. They swiftly encountered dangerous and difficult to resist illusions, Agent [[Tatsuya|Saejima Tatsuya]] explaining that if they get lost, they will never escape the forest and that the forest actively tries to make this happen. After a little more time, they were beset by six Horrors.  At the end of the brief exchange, the soul of [[Setsuna Mikagami]] appeared.  It was revealed that Agent [[Tao Mei]] could take the soul into her body and allow her to participate safely.
:The Team thanked a giant floating bus and with their new attained gliders they traveled to three different locations and attempted to gain the intel. Luca found the first intel cache while the others battled Sachiko's dad, uncle, and Miyabi/Hitomi's dad. A storm was approaching so Kaijo who received ODM gear swung away to snag another cache and meet up again with the crew. He was successful but then ran into an assassin who he had met in another mission and left a strange 'black hand' mark on his hand.
:Further into the forest, they encountered false versions of the previous incarnations of the Gold and Silver Fang Makai Knights, Saejima Kouga and Suzumura Rei.  When the False Rei was killed, False Kouga went berserk, his armor becoming a huge beast, which agents then defeated.  They later found a clearing with a large metal box, upon which rested the Barankas Fruit.  This box turned out to be the Grou Dragon, a Makai construct designed to exterminate horrors in the forest.  He challenged the agents to take the fruit by force.  After a long battle, the dragon was defeated and agents recovered the fruit, bringing it back to Hakoda and getting it crafted into a potion.
:The assassin with another man named 'Ali' then took the intel from Kaijo and left. The crew got the last intel cache and slowly got knocked down, but Shaila was able to take down the last player and win the battle royale crown for the group.
===Operation #109: That Which Remains===
===Operation #288: Nibeltime ... or not.===
*'''Description:''' Bud had entered the strange ruins on his own and has dissappeared ... please I know he is stupid but help me find my brother.  
*'''Description:''' Paradigm agents went to the FF7 world (Gaia?) To get a cure for Kaijo's curse mark.
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Action
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Continent South of Domina. City of Farlia
*'''Location:''' Originally Edge City but uh.. they ended up somewhere else.
*'''Client:''' Lisa
*'''Client:''' [[Izumi]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>  
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Prae Shinra]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Kaijo Phanex]]
** [[Ella Spartin]]
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Isabelle]]
** [[Isabelle]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Buzz Jones]]
** [[Luca Sparda]]
** [[Sora| Sora Strife]]
** [[Belle Hibiki]]
*'''Synopsis''': Tough love.
*'''Synopsis''': Izumi suggested going back to their homeworld to get a cure for Kaijo's 'black hand' curse mark.
:The Agents quickly met up with Lisa, Bud's sister, who explained the situation. He had gone missing for about a month. No contact has been made from him ever since he when into the town. So our agents set about investigating the town. After checking over the guild halls, they found various notes and documents speaking of some 'False World Tree' and that Bud was headed there to do further research. They had also found a strange creature made of shadows, a shield and a spear. After dealing with the monster they found the notes, Luca stepped outside for a moment to hunt the other creatures that seemed to be following them but ran into a strange winged' woman named Rhiannon. She spoke mostly in circles, not really seeming all to interesting in the warnings made against her. Once she informed Luca that this was a research site and that they need to retrieve Bud and leave quickly, she  got up and moved deeper into the city itself.  
:When they arrived, they ended up in Nibelheim and not Edge City.. which was strange. The group headed to the Shinra Mansion and quickly realized that the Mansion lower Lab area has been recently used. The group found a video tape marked 'Happy Birthday Mina' and watched it... with Izumi recognizing a familiar face...
:With the notes in hand they quickly headed to the world tree. They found Bud up on a flag pole trying to keep away from a rather large fire elemental that seemed dead set on eating him. After a quick bout with the creature, the heroes successfully knocked the monster out with the application of water! They then returned Bud to his sister and headed home!
:Clearly spooked, the crew then left to go back to the Epoch and return hone but were ambushed by the assassin again. After a battle where some agents were injured, the assassin did some strange alchemic spell, summoning a meteor to destroy the town as well as cause the Epoch to short out. Ella escaped with Izumi while Isabelle struggled (with a damaged leg) to take Kamen and Kaijo with her. Ella and Izumi tried to help (with Izumi trying to use her water spell) but eventually had to separate. The narrowly avoided the havoc caused by the destruction of the town and then [[Ciel Strife]], [[Farrah Strife]], and [[Venus Highwind]] were able to get the Epoch and pick up the agents to take them back home.
===Operation #110: Ancient Horrors===
===Operation #289: School Days===
*'''Description:''' Cassandra has opened the prison of Eternal Punishment, and with Davids creation of the Amulets of protection. they can go safely enter the prison, PARADIGM Agents! Go forth and slay the Demons with in!
*'''Description:''' Investigation of the World in the Mirror, to recover someone called [[Rei Shikinami]].
*'''Rank:''' Rank A
*'''Rank:''' ???
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Action
*'''Genre:''' Investigation/Stealth
*'''Location:''' Prison of Eternal Punishment
*'''Location:''' Ohtori Academy
*'''Client:''' [[Cassandra Aulin]]
*'''Client:''' Self-Imposed Investivation
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=Green>Closed</font>
*[[David Morris]]
** [[Hayate Uzumaki]]
*[[Jean LeCarde]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
*[[Cassandra Aulin]]
** [[Valentino al-Busiri]]
*[[Sora|Sora Strife]]
** [[Tim Porter]]
*[[Belle Hibiki]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
*[[Maggie|Magdalene Fatima]]
** [[David Morris]]
*[[Vaelgir Stormblade]]
** [[Kaijo Phanex]]
*'''Synopsis''': Investigation of the World in the Mirror, to recover someone called [[Rei Shikinami]] who has been seen by multiple Agents as being tortured. Certain Agents are aware of the world where this took place.
*'''Synopsis''': We came We saw We kicked it's ass
:Cassandra quickly briefed the Agents on the way to the mission site. They were to wear down The Forgotten One's defenses so he could be sealed away. After opening the rift, the agents proceeded forth into the strange world of the prison. They quickly encountered eldritch horrors, Strange creatures that where giant oozing orbs of of flesh, teeth, bones and eyes. It was quickly defeated through the combined efforts of the agents... but more seemed to rip their way out of the floor they stood upon. The beasts seemed to be apart of the vary foundation of this world. A strange guardian perhaps?. Regardless, the more they felled the more kept coming, [[Jean LeCarde]] and [[David Morris]] made the wise decision to push forward and ignore the monsters. Though not long after they would encounter another monster, a corrupted mage barring the family crest of Blomgren. Through the wit and efforts of [[Sora|Sora Strife]] and David, the monster was quickly sealed and slain.
:The Agents arrived in Ohtori Academy, but some had changed bodies for this mission. After the confusion abated, they followed Megumi Aensland, one of the Student Council. She took them to a place in the woods, where an Elevator took the
:With the Magus defeated, they quickly moved on to The Forgotten One. Words were exchanged ..allowing the group to quickly and easily ready themselves for the opening strike, and strike they did. The first blows from Jean and David brought the monster to it's knees, and then the follow up strike from [[Belle Hibiki]] managed to crack the monsters hide, opening a weak point to exploit on the monster. After a quick bout with the monster. It was downed and was in the process of being sealed away once and for all. The next turn of events however would delay that. [[Cassaandra Aulin]] unable to control the massive surge of power from The Forgotten One, messed up on the spell, not only returning the monsters power, but amplifying it. At first The monster had become so powerful that he could deflect all attacks with little effort with it's newly aquired Arcane Shield spell. But both Jean and Sora realized its power is coming from Magic, Cassandra's magic, and promptly proceeded to break the spell barrier with a barrage of spell canceling abilities. With his defenses lowered, the agents made quick work of the demon, even 'killing' him in the process. This allowed Cassandra to now only seal him, but use less Tomes of Sealing then intended.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
:Upon return to the Epoch, they encountered [[Astrid Blomgren]]. A battle did not ensue, however there was an argument about the newly made 'Tomes of The Forgotten.' David and co did not wish to see the books fall into the hands of Inspiratio. However, Astrid gave her word as a hunter that she was not here on behalf of Inspiratio, and in fact, her involvement in this has granted her a death sentence on her return to the organization. [[Maggie]] did confirm, through her powers, that Astrid was trustworthy with the task of disposing of the tomes... and that this would lead to her possible doom, but with all said and done, they handed the tomes over to the now ..FORMER agent of Inspiratio and returned home from a rather successful mission....Something lurked in the shadows nearby all this though ..watching...waiting.  </toggledisplay>
===Operation #290: No time for Love===
*'''Description:''' PARADIGM is being tasked to investigate the assassin in two locations (and pick up supplies). The moon of Io is one of them.
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Action/Sci-Fi
*'''Location:''' Io
*'''Client:''' [[Rafferty|Doctor Jones]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
===Operation #113: Stay Tuned===
*'''Description:''' Young recruits have disappeared and a nefarious device has been mailed to our doorstep with instructions on how to retrieve them. Hero ranks have thinned down and PARADIGM agents are requested to help.
*'''Rank:''' Rank C
*'''Genre:''' Comedy/Action/SciFi/Horror/Supernatural
*'''Location:''' Xavier Institute
*'''Client:''' Emma Grace Frost
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Complete</font>
** [[Paria]]
** [[Valentino al-Busiri]]
**[[Hayate Uzumaki]]
** [[Red Hands]]
**[[Vaelgir Stormblade]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
**[[Sora|Sora Strife]]
** [[Izumi]]
**[[Prae Shinra]]
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
**[[Fakir ClanClan]]
**[[Suguru Ishijima]]
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forthe.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #114: Doll Collection===
*'''Description:''' A dangerous man may have gotten his hands on Epoch's technology from a [http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/index.php5?title=Season_Two#Operation_.2371:_It.27s_a_Mad.2C_Mad.2C_Madhouse. previous mission]. Agents are to ascertain, and repossess the information.
===Operation #291: Ivalician Rendezvous===
*'''Description:''' A PARADIGM signal has sprung up out of nowhere from a world without prior scouting. Investigate the source.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Genre:''' Reconnaissance
*'''Location:''' Metropolis General Hospital
*'''Location:''' Dalmasca, [[Ivalice]]
*'''Client:''' Batman
*'''Client:''' Balthier & Fran
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Kamuro Ishigami]]
** [[Sachiko]]
** [[Shaila]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Ciel Strife]]
** [[Venus Highwind]]
**[[Hanako Uchiha]]
** [[Faustlin Fontaine]]
'''Synopsis''': An agency communicator has pinged from an unregistered world within the PARADIGM continuum, reachable by the Epoch unit even in its damaged state. The party traveled to the world known as Ivalice, in a region known as Dalmasca, and visited a city named Rabanastre. Trying to solve some technological complications, the party entered a crashed, colossal airship known as the ''Bahamut'', where the PARADIGM signal originated from. No sign of the agent. The ''Bahamut'' was subsequently destroyed in an unusual explosion, sending the party reeling. They recovered and stayed the night in Rabanastre with new colleagues Balthier and Fran.
**[[Elias Jerico]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents were contacted to retake the supposed technology theft that occurred the last time they were on this world (Earth-1).<br>
:Making their way into the Metro General Hospital past a single guard, agents were greeted by a mostly empty area, and easy access to the laboratory section of the hospital, just behind the main hallway. Once entering the research area, they met a very small man, called Doctor Psycho, the man Batman told them about. Dr. Psycho used illusions and a set of psychic assaults to destabilize the group, in particular agents [[Lucy]] and [[Leben]]. Once Dr. Psycho cleared the area, the agents moved on ahead, and were guided to the elevators by Oracle.<br>
The party arrived in the Dalmascan Westersand, a rocky, mountainous desert region. They immediately noticed that their digital and electronic devices were having their power pulled, and upon reaching the city of Rabanastre, learned of the nebulous cloud-like entities known as 'mimic germinites' that blanket this continent in its lower atmosphere. These mimic germinites seek out electricity and feed off it, ruining and corroding whatever they come into contact with over time. The party tracked the signal to the wreckage of a colossal fortress-like airship known as the ''Sky Fortress Bahamut'', crashed outside Rabanastre.
:Encountering some of the Exobyte Heroes, deadpoo68, He-Man Clone and NetureGirl, the agents had to fight them to snap them out of Dr. Psycho's control. Managing to disable and defeat them with only minor setbacks, the Exobyte Heroes had to continue their mission of stopping a shipment to LexCorp, leaving agents alone. Pursuing Dr. Psycho further, they encountered a version of him that was 20 feet tall and made of stone, though according to agent [[Hanako Uchiha|Uchiha]], it was an illusion. He made it clear his goal was to collect the 'dolls' here, and attempted to make the male agents leave, which only agent [[Kamuro Ishigami|Ishigami]] was subjected to, before being broken out of it. The agents then fought Dr. Psycho, and despite some lasting psychic damage, they managed to defeat his illusion. Looking through his files, it seems there was never a technology theft, which indicates a trap from the Secret Society to PARADIGM's agents.<br>
Hoping to find insulation for their technology inside a military airship, the party boards the ''Bahamut'' and encounters larger, dangerous Mimics that imitate treasure chests and leech off electricity wholesale. During their exploration, seeking the signal inside the ship's belly, the party sees a man and a blue, spiritual apparition identified as 'Narud,' but they walk away before the party can learn more about them. The party locates the PARADIGM communicator in a strange room inlaid with glowing gemstone, only to get distracted by a stampede of Mimics leaving the interior of the ship ahead of a rippling, thunderous shockwave explosion that collapsed into a singularity-like blip, collapsing the ''Bahamut'' in on itself.
Surviving the blast and the collapse, the party unites with a man and a woman named Balthier and Fran, who say they were searching for the man the party saw with the spiritual apparition. Together, the party and their new contacts return to Rabanastre to recover from the ordeal and plan a next move.
===Operation 292: Gestalt and Replicants===
===Operation #115: You're Too Slow===
*'''Description:''' Agents must go to a planet where there's a weird temporal/dimensional disturbance.. and fix it.
*'''Description:''' A rampaging blue hedgehog with incredible speed is trying to gather Chaos Emeralds! PARADIGM has been tasked with securing the Chaos Emeralds from those that would use them for evil!
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Sci-Fi
*'''Genre:''' Action/Mystery/Sci-Fi
*'''Location:''' Outer Mobius
*'''Location:''' Nier-World A
*'''Client:''' Ivo Kintobor
*'''Client:''' Devola and Popola
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Prae Shinra]]
**[[Luca Sparda]]
** [[Richter Harvey]]
** [[Camellia Une]]
** [[Mirella Sparda]]
** [[Yaeko Kakita]]
**[[Jaden Beleren]]
** [[Kaijo Phanex]]
**[[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
**[[Xander Dreyar]]
*'''Synopsis''': Group ran into a rival organization that called themselves the Antithesis.. and let PARADIGM know of mystical items such as the Eye of Chaos. Richter Harvey was also unfortunately... cursed.
*'''Synopsis''': Agents were deployed atop a giant flying carrier to meet their client, the incredibly obese Ivo Kintobor - reportedly also known as the Eggman.
It was explained that the Chaos Emeralds - powerful energy sources - were scattered by a dimensional disturbance, and have been scattered to various dimensions. One, however, remained on this planet - and thus the agents were sent to collect it, with the Doctor giving PARADIGM a radar and a teleport there.
:Mission Paragraph 1
Upon arriving, within moments an explosion rocked the area, and a mechanical-looking hedgehog appeared, attempting to steal the Chaos Emerald - buried under rubble - for itself.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #116: Bringing Down The House===
===Operation 293: Slayers Senshi===
*'''Description:''' A contest hall is suspicious that some of its contestants may be cheating!  PARADIGM has been asked to go undercover and find out the truth. They will be given the necessary partners!
*'''Description:''' An interdimensional disturbance has been sighted and has fallen into the wrong hands.
*'''Rank:''' D
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Comedy
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Adventure.
*'''Location:''' Hearthome City
*'''Location:''' Lalilulelo Town Area.
*'''Client:''' Fantina
*'''Client:''' Usagi Tsukino.
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Hanako Uchiha]]
** [[Suguru Ishijima]]
** [[Mori Motonari]]
** [[Nara Shinako]]
** [[Galvan Swiftblade]]
** [[Prae Shinra]]
** [[Aimi Utada]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
*'''Synopsis''': The Agents landed in the middle of a courtyard in front of a large auditorium-type place, with the words "Contest Hall" on it.  A woman in purple, Fantina, the contact, greeted them and immediately whisked them away into a room behind closed doors, where she told them they would be competing, but keeping an eye out for people who were trying to cheat the contest.  They each got a Pokemon, and all competed.  It turns out, no one was trying to cheat, but two contestants were trying to use the contest to steal Pokemon to release them back into the wild.  The Agents apprehended the thieves, and returned the Pokemons to their rightful owners!  The end!
===Operation #117: Twisted Something (Part 1)===
*'''Description:''' A vehicular combat tournament responsible for worldwide destruction and chaos needs to end by any means necessary. PARADIGM is tasked to begin with an overall briefing and familiarization of the event.
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Los Angeles
*'''Client:''' Officers Jamie and Carl Roberts
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Farrah Strife]]
**[[Venus Highwind]]
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
**[[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Hien Hayaboshi]]
**[[Takeo Masaki]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Bellheather]]
**[[Jaden Beleren]]
===Operation #118: Dragon of the East Star===
*'''Synopsis''': Group showed up at the very quant town of Lalilulelo to get the mission from Lady Usagi Tsukino, the proprietor of the cute and classy Crystal Tailor Shoppe. It turns out that a group of bandits with a very powerful interdimensional weapon was not far from the village and was receiving threats. Paradigm agents first had to go to the Library to get the map though..
*'''Description:''' A large blue dragon has been seen attacking a world which has already been ruined, and it must be stopped. Inspiratio Detected.
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Action/Fantasy
*'''Location:''' The Land of Asuras
*'''Client:''' [[Lacroix]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Prae Shinra]]
**[[Sachiko Uchiha]]
**[[Vanille DeMarque]]
**[[Luca Sparda]]
**[[Sheska Mustang]]
**[[Elias Jerico]]
**[[Nara Shinako]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents were called to the mission site, on a world they had visited before, by [[Lacroix]] and [[Ran]], to slay a Dragon.
:Going to meet with the informant, the agents encountered [[Dan Fielding|Nakago]], and the other Celestial warrior of Seiryu, Suboshi. He explained that they had made the wish for Odio's Perfect World on a ruined world like this one, but unfortunately, the beast god had consumed its Maiden, and now was free to do as it wished on this world. After telling them of three Trials the Genbu Maiden, [[Shinako]], could go through to purify herself and be worthy of the god. A test of Strength, Mentality, and Spirituality. Before leaving, agent [[Wilhelmina|Armstrong]] attempted to attack Nakago, to no avail, as Suboshi explained attempting to attack them in a Seiryu Temple was useless.<br>
:Mission Paragraph 1
:The agents made their way to a single location, during which time agent Nara's scroll glowed, and during which rogue agent [[Belle|Hibiki]] returned to forced active duty. The first test had begun, and the agents had to face down a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hulk_%28comics%29 large green behemoth]. This monster took all they could dish out and then some, and began to break through any attempts to restrain it, getting angrier and stronger with every passing second in the fight. Agent Nara's shadow immobilization technique and agent [[Sachiko|Uchiha]]'s sleeping powder, coupled with agent Hibiki literally stealing the breath from the beast's lungs was able to subdue it, opening the way to the next challenge.
:Insert KIRA challenges here.<br>
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
:After that harrowing challenge, another [http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Raidou_Kuzunoha_the_XIV person] appeared, along with his demonic allies, Jack Frost, the Devil and Fuujin, to battle the unprepared agents. Instantly disabling agent [[Luca|Sparda]], this man then quietly proceeded to unleash an assault on all agents, with his summoned devils, and his Onmyoujutsu. This man responded to physical attacks with the sword and to firearms with guns, dispelling agents' spells and enhancements. Most agents focused on the Devil, leaving agent Hibiki to take on Fuujin and agent [[Prae Shinra|Shinra]] to fight against Jack Frost, who was eventually subdued by agent [[Vanille|DeMarque]]. After being pinned, the mysterious man used a curse, bringing forth every negative emotion and guilt in all agents. Agent Nara broke free, and proceeded to free others. Which is when the man took away his followers, tipped his hat, and left.<br>
:Genbu stuff happened here but Frank was high.
===Operation #119: Where'd the Gifts Go?===
===Operation 294: Leafy Problems===
*'''Description:''' Metropolitan City is getting ready for Christmas! But, citizens are reporting that their presents are disappearing... right before their eyes! The police has already attempted several methods to try and trap the thief, but all attempts have failed! Commissioner Reed has again contacted PARADIGM to help figure out what's causing this latest unease during the yuletide!
*'''Description:''' Konoha has noticed some disturbances and NORMALLY they'd send their crazy good ninjas, except this time there's a dimensional disturbance so that means you're up, PARADIGM.
*'''Rank:''' Rank D
*'''Rank:''' Rank S
*'''Genre:''' Action/Investigation
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Metropolitan City
*'''Location:''' Near Konoha
*'''Client:''' Commissioner Reed
*'''Client:''' Setsuna Uchiha
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>  
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Hanako Uchiha]]
** [[Kyu Yotsukyu]]
**[[Suguru Ishijima]]
** [[Shin Mikage]]
**[[Nara Shinako]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Camellia Une]]
** [[Ein Uzumaki]]
**[[Takeo Masaki]]
** [[Bayushi Houten|Houten Bayushi]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
*'''Synopsis''': PARADIGM has been called back to Metropolitan City to investigate a series of thefts around high end stores. The packages are there one minute, and then gone the next.
*'''Synopsis''': The agents arrived at the outskirts of Konoha, just by the Southern gate where they met ANBU captain, Setsuna Uchiha. She briefed the agents that they had unearthed a hidden, underground lab with signs of interdimensional tampering.
:Our intrepid agents went looking near the stores to see what they could find. Luckily(?), as they were investigating, a woman had her items pilfered, so they went there to investigate the specific area. Using her special abilities, Hanako was able to determine the thief seemed to be coming from the rooftops.
:The agents went to the scene and descended carefully into the lab, noting that a trap had been already triggered with blood on the wall. The agents proceeded into the lab with caution. The lab itself turned out to belong to a dark, evil powerful legendary ninja named Orochimaru where he did inhumane and awful experiments with floor to ceiling giant vats containing a strange, green liquid. The agents then quickly realized someone was there, a few of them hearing a pointed ''cracking'' sound. A young lady, very similar looking to [[Camellia Une]] stepped out, looking like she was scared and that she did not belong in this place. She quickly warned [[Kyu Yotsukyu|Kyu]] to accept her challenge or that Miyabi would die. Miyabi then doubled over in pain, something strange happening to her in the lab (it turned out that one of the vats had cracked open and ooze had neared her body, affecting the cells inside her). Miyabi quickly escaped the lab, not wanting to transform into whatever it was around them. Kyu accepted the challenge and both her and the lady disappeared, briefly. While kyu and the lady discussed in another 'area'.. the other agents chased after Miyabi except for Camellia and [[Ein Uzumaki]].
:While the thief struck again, Hanako was able to make it to the rooftops and locate the pilfered goods. And ran into the thief.  As Ian and Shinako came to back her up, the thief ran away, using teleportation abiliies. However, the thief then tired quickly, and was able to be caught by Shinako's Kage Mane, while Ian handcuffed her. As the thief, named Sara, was being interrogated by the trio, she began flickering in and out.
:Takeo and Lucy arrived, to try and help stabilize her.  As they were trying to figure out what was going on by trying to jog her memory, they were able to determine that she, and others, were picked for experimentation solely because they were people who wouldn't be missed. She was caged and prompted to test her abilities, while being gassed whenever she needed to be transported... and at one point woke up in a subway tunnel.
:Kyu's terms of the challenge were basically identical to one that [[Richter Harvey]] had received in another mission. She reappeared and ran after Miyabi with the others to subdue her as she was changing into a strange, monstrous form. The Lady.. who now introduced herself as Megumi, stayed back to speak to Camellia and Ein inside the lab.. eventually parting just as Ein was blinded. When he came to, Camellia had been stabbed by a strange holy sword which then killed her.
:However, after ruling out nanomachines and something psychic as being the cause of Sara's abilities, and their fritz, Lucy's backup stabilization generator failed, and Sara eventually flickered out of existence.
:The other agents then tried to hold Miyabi down and calm her. Eventually she spat up strange green liquid which formed into the silhouette of the dark sannin himself. He tried to get information from the other agents before ultimately attacking them. After a decisive, painful battle where all together they beat his snake-butt.. the agents descended into the lab to hear what happened to Ein and Camellia.. then returning back to the inn.
===Operation #123: Balance===
===Operation 295: Stalkers of the Dark===
*'''Description:''' The village home of the Yukioka clan is under attack by elemental forces! PARADIGM has been requested to lend aid.
*'''Description:''' Agents must go to a world of darkness and help restore balance to one of the cities
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Rank:''' Rank B
*'''Genre:''' Martial Arts/Action
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Rural China, Ranma World.
*'''Location:''' Darkholme
*'''Client:''' Yukioka Clan Matriarch
*'''Client:''' Lei-Lei
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
**[[Nara Shinako]]
** [[Renard Almasy]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
**[[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
**[[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Hisako Aensland]]
**[[Prae Shinra]]
** [[Julian Fortuna]]
**[[Kakita Haruka]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents arrived at the dark city of Darkholme where Lei-Lei briefed them about a giant robot coming to destroy their town. Unfortunately... just as they stepped out of the Epoch each of them turned into a monster (if they weren't already one)..
**[[Takeo Masaki]]
:Miki became a werewolf, Ayame became a mermaid, Renard became a zombie, Izumi became a vampire... and Hisako and Julian stayed the same. They saw the giant robot in the distance and upon running up to it, they noticed it was a GIANT FREAKING DESTROY GUNDAM with an evil clown riding on top of it. The clown challenged them all and they accepted. It was quickly apparent, soon, that Ayame was also now a participant of the Shadow Games and needed to do the same terms that Richter and Kyu did.
*'''Synopsis''': It went alright. Then it went better. Then it went horribly wrong.
:With a LOT OF HARD WORK the Agents managed to stop the massive robot before it completely destroyed the city (it got half though). The agents returned back to the Inn and back to normal. Lei-Lei was still happy.
:After arriving at the Yukioka training grounds, PARADIGM agents were notified of the nature of the attack: elemental forces that were bombarding the grounds, keeping it under siege. With the Yukioka warriors worn down, the agents engaged a trio of corrupted creatures: a wolf of incredible speed and the ability to summon darkness, tree branches growing throughout and out its body; an owl, shielded an an armor of thorns with the ability to control the wind, and a huge humanoid tree-creature of immense physical power. The agents were able to dispatch the enemies swiftly, though with minor injuries, most suffered from the 'death traps' that all seemed to possess. These wounds immediately began to show signs of similar corruption in the affected agents.
:After the combat concluded, the matriarch explained that the origin of the attack was a vengeful nature spirit, one defeated long ago by the founder of the Yukioka clan. The spirit was one that was once responsible for maintaining harmony and balance in the land, and had originally been an ally in man's infancy, until man's unchecked expansion threatened to destabilize the natural world. Seeing this eventual outcome, the spirit decided that the only way to avoid it would be to destroy mankind. The Yukioka was created to contain the creature should it ever rise again, but that fact was known to only a few in the modern age.
===Operation 296: Sand.. everywhere.. I HATE IT!===
*'''Description:''' PARADIGM is being tasked to investigate the assassin in two locations (and pick up supplies). The moon of Ganymede is one of them.
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Action/Sci-Fi
*'''Location:''' Ganymede
*'''Client:''' Darius Al-Ebrahimi and Osiris Al-Busiri
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
:The matriarch, Cao Dere, was capable of forcing the spirit to assume physical form, and when the agents were ready to confront it, brought them to a clearing, bringing the spirit into the material world. After an intense battle, former agent Hibiki was able to use some of the creature's magic against it, stopping its regenerative capabilities long enough for the rest of the agents to attack the creature's weak point, subduing it. The spirit's defeat enabled Cao Dere to contain it once more, forcing it into the form of an immense tree that stretched taller than the mountains around it. The agents were battered by the sudden growth, though no serious injuries came as a result of it.
** [[Isabelle]]
** [[Wilhelmina]]
** [[Valentino al-Busiri]]
** [[Alice Yuzaki|Hime]]
** [[Morder]]
:In the aftermath, Orochiko took advantage of the exhaustion of the PARADIGM agents to launch an ambush, killing Kimiko Yukioka, apparently in revenge for causing Orochiko to lose a body in the battle that resulted in former agent Hibiki's capture. After accomplishing this, Orochiko retreated.  
*'''Synopsis''': Agents arrived in Ganymede at the Royal Citadel and met with Darius. He briefed them that the shipment they were looking for was on a stranded convoy in the desert storm.. The group took a tracer item and made their way through the rough sandstorm and ran into some troublesome guests.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #124: Danse Macabre===
===Operation 297: The Bane of Demons===
*'''Description:''' Agents are asked to come to a public soiree of an art mogul to find information on [[Felicity]]. The party is being hosted by a reclusive 'fan' of the arts, Christian  L'Amoureux. He is a ''vampire'' and is very particular about his social circles - He will refuse to talk to anyone who seem unworthy to his station. The party is very reminiscent of European High Society so agents are asked to blend in and try to get as much information as possible on either the location of Felicity or where one might find another piece of her work.
*'''Description:''' The beloved Miskatonic University Library is being looted by monsters..! Please help-robo! Oh, and it's really creepy here-robo. So be careful-robo.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Rank:''' Rank C
*'''Genre:''' Intel
*'''Genre:''' Horror/Action
*'''Location:''' Barcelona, Spain
*'''Location:''' Arkham City
*'''Client:''' [[Lacroix]]
*'''Client:''' Elsa
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>  
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Jean LeCarde]]
** [[Shaila]]
**[[Dominic Lalance]]
** [[Julian Fortuna]]
**[[Daichi Niwa]]
** [[Renard Almasy]]
**[[Mireya Moreno]]
** [[Setsuna Mikagami]]
**[[Elizabeth|Elizabeth Marie Farenheights]]
** [[David Morris]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents went to the university and fought a lot of creepy heartless looking monsters and sealed a giant gate.... and Setsuna ran into trouble.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forthe.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #126: I want to be you.===
===Operation 298: Berserk.. er...===
*'''Description:''' A strange supernatural wave has been triggering at an abandoned school. There have been peculiar sightings of a ghost girl and a demon-dog making the locals uneasy. Investigate and possibly purge the source.
*'''Description:''' Simple description of the mission
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Rank:''' S
*'''Genre:''' Horror/Fantasy/Action
*'''Genre:''' Invasion
*'''Location:''' Seito Sannomiya Private School
*'''Location:''' Tudor
*'''Client:''' Mikage Takeshi and Sumeragi Hokuto
*'''Client:''' Lacroix
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Complete</font>  
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Hisako Aensland]]
**[[Prae Shinra]]
** [[Richter Harvey]]
**[[Sachiko Uchiha]]
** [[Renard Almasy]]
**[[Mori Motonari]]
** [[Yaeko Kakita]]
**[[Hayate Uzumaki]]
** [[Riki Suzumura]]
** [[Mirella Sparda]]
**[[Xander Dreyar]]
*'''Synopsis''': The Plegian tyrant, King [[Varan Dyagon]], invaded the Empire of Tudor, in order to get his hands on a Beherit. However, this was a setup to get his hands on [[Kaijo Phanex]], along with his Queen, and his [[Azure Wizard]], and with his [[Dyagon Chaos Troops|Chaos Warriors]].
**[[Nara Shinako]]
**[[Kakita Haruka]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents arrived to a very dreary-looking scene; an abandoned school. The clients, Takeshi Mikage and Hokuto Sumeragi, were waiting there to brief everyone about sightings of a demon dog and a ghost girl on their property.
:Takeshi asked for the participating agents to purge the presence of the ghost and then provided a picture of the demon dog. [[Belle]], [[Izumi]], and [[Prae Shinra]] recognized the demon dog from it's involvement in ''Mission #50'' as well as being around when [[Aki Tendou]] tried to attack [[Aimi Utada]] back at '''Atlas Records'''. Hokuto asked for the agents to hurry while she prepared a warding spell around the perimeter of the school to keep any other negative spirits out while they did their work.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:The agents then continued inside of the school and strangely enough, [[Kakita Haruka|Haruka]] could not feel the presence of any spirits. As they continued down the hall of the empty school, agents could hear whispers coming from the top air vents. Prae aimed a Kaleido Liner shot in preparation, thinking that there could be something in the vent ready to attack them. [[Hayate Uzumaki|Hayate]] then suggested not to use that attack, explaining that those noises might as well just be a cat. Izumi promptly freaked out at the word and made a lot of noise, jumping on [[Nara Shinako|Shinako]] and causing her to scream as well. The whispers then stopped.
:After calming down, [[Sachiko Uchiha|Sachiko]] noticed by using her batsuit infrared that there were heat signatures coming from the floors above them. The group then headed to the stairwell and [[Xander Dreyar|Xander]] and [[Belle]] noticed a photograph of Shinako on the ground. The agents then got closer and closer, some of their seishi symbols began to activate (making Xander turn into a girl). After a momentary shock, the group eventually got to the room where the heat signatures were reading and saw the walls covered with photographs of Shinako and the other [http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/index.php5?title=Category:Genbu Genbu] seishi. The window was open and a girl was standing in front of it holding another bound girl at knifepoint. There were also seals made in a pentagram around the girl and her hostage to prevent any sort of harm towards them. The girl with the knife demanded that Shinako hand over her scroll and relinquish her role as the '''Genbu no Miko''' over so that the girl would be able to be someone special. After a few words, [[Prae Shinra|Kaleido Ruby]] fired a Kaleido Liner shot at the girl with the knife as she was aiming to get her off guard but Belle leaped into the way and took the shot. The girl seemed to be finally caught off guard with the stunt but did not drop her knife. Hayate then used his cloning jutsu to try to sneak out of the room and head to the floor beneath the girl. Right when Hayate exploded the floor - Sachiko used her sharingan to make the Girl with the knife believe she was being swarmed by spiders. Both girls then fell.. Belle catching the Girl with the knife and Haruka catching the hostage with Prae. As Xander fell, his powers activated and made him float down with the powers of wind. [[Mori Motonari|Motonari]] used his chains to help get Izumi and any others that had fallen to the next floor out.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
:Shinako then used Kage Mane in order to keep the attacking Girl immobile while Sachiko used her Sharingan to continue to interrogate her about the demon dog. The girl explained that she did not know where the demon dog had gone to and that the demon dog was the one who had told her about how she could become the new '''Genbu no Miko'''. The agents then left the school and took the girls back outside to meet with Takeshi and Hokuto once more. Hokuto had finally finished setting up the warding seals and now took notice of agent Haruka a little more closely. Takeshi also became rather ... concerned... over the well-being of agent Belle which prompted some uncomfortable/awkward dialogue. The agents then left the scene and returned back to the Inn.
===Operation #127: Sweet Child of Mine===
===Operation 299: A Wrinkle in Time===
*'''Description:''' In the past two months children have been vanishing from the Shinagawa district with the only clue being a cryptic message left on an online 'Craigs List'-like site. A lot of hype has been going through the internet making this case go viral and has been making investigation for authorities almost impossible. Agents are asked to meet with a contact who believes that the one responsible is a demon.  
*'''Description:''' While investigating a disturbance in Walachia at a location that should no longer be in play, a Time Watcher was assaulted by an unknown force and had his travel apparatus stolen. Another Watcher wishes us to investigate.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Horror
*'''Genre:''' Dark Fantasy
*'''Location:''' Cyberia Bar
*'''Location:''' The Former Bernhard Estate, Walachia, World of Castlevania
*'''Client:''' Lain Iwakura
*'''Client:''' Saint Germain
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>  
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
**[[Suzumura Riki]]
** [[Flannery]]
** [[Isabelle]]
** [[Loki]]
** [[David Morris]]
**[[Vaelgir Stormblade]]
** [[Renard Almasy]]
**[[Setsuna Mikagami]]
** [[Chidaiki Cheruka]]
** [[Hisako Aensland]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents arrived to the Cyberia bar and went inside to find their contact, Lain.  
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Lain, a young girl with an off-putting expression, started briefing the agents about the situation with the missing children. It turns out that a woman named ''Tsugawa Moriko'', being referred to as a horror-virus, had been targeting children because of her own inability to have kids. The only clue that she left was a cryptic message left on the ''Wired'' (the internet in Lain's world) that read:
:Mission Paragraph 1
:''"Sweet little children, even though you cry it'll be okay. Do not be sad that you've shed your mortal husk.. now you will be immortal and in my arms. Together we will make a future so bright and beautiful - a future where your innocence will never die."'' Along with the message were pictures of the five missing children.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
:Lain explained that while no one else knew what was going on, she could tell that this horror-virus was taking these children and using them to make her own child. Each child represented a piece of the finished product: Arms, Legs, Torso, Hands, Feet. ...and the final piece being the head. When agent [[Tatsuya]] asked on how to find the location of this horror, Lain responded that a quicker way would be to use agent [[Maggie]]. Lain then offered a drink to Maggie and when she imbibed on it, she was flooded with visions of how Tsugawa Moriko started a path of regret in her life and became possessed by a horror. In her vision she also recognized a name of a hospital and the nearby Park where the horror had sprung onto Moriko.
==Previous Seasons==
:The agents then left the club and searched around for a map to find the Hospital's location. Agent [[Suzumura Riki|Riki]] asked a police officer some directions and the group quickly moved on for the Hospital. When they reached the vicinity, all of them could feel the presence of a ''Yin Gate'' and the presence of the horror inside of the hospital. Deciding that the Yin Gate could be sealed later, the agents rushed into the hospital after hearing the crying sounds of children.
[[Season One]] - Missions Completed #1-50<br>
[[Season Two]] - Missions Completed #51-100<br>
:Once inside of the hospital they saw Moriko standing over the body of an unconscious child. Her hand had been morphed into a gnarled, organic-looking chainsaw while her opposite hand had faces of little children on each finger. The faces seemed to be talking and cooing to the woman as she was about to make the final strike and take the missing 'piece' to finish her created child body. The agents quickly distracted Moriko and engaged the agents in a fight. Tatsuya and [[Tonic]] faced off against Moriko while Riki and Maggie tried to untie the child and move him to safety. After a few devastating blows, Moriko finally melded into a full Horror form which had saws and other sharp objects protruding from its armor. Tatsuya changed into his armor and tried to intercept the Horror - who had now switched attentions back to Riki and Maggie because they were trying to take her ''baby'' away. The Horror grabbed onto Tatsuya and before trying to fatally attack him, Riki transformed into his armor and with a combined attack from him and Tonic the Horror was knocked away and shred into pieces. In a last attempt, the Horror tried to spray its blood onto Maggie and the child, however with her Holy Word and True Faith the blood sprayed off of an invisible barrier.
[[Season Three]] - Missions Completed #101-150<br>
[[Season Four]] - Missions Completed #151-200<br>
:The agents then left the hospital with the child and found that the Yin gate outside had been sealed. Tonic sensed another figure outside and everyone came face to face again with agent [[Setsuna Mikagami]]. Setsuna was now dressed in Makai Priest robes and had completed a great deal of her training - now feeling it was time to rejoin the agents. The group then returned back to the Epoch and went home.
[[Season Five]] - Missions Completed #201-250<br>
[[Season Six]] - Missions Completed #251-300<br>

Latest revision as of 21:25, 7 November 2023

Current Season Season One Season Two Season Three Season Four Season Five Season Six

This page explains the missions available to the members of the Inn, as well as how well they pay.
To know what else the PARADIGM Agents have discovered, refer to the Investigation Log.

Mission Rankings

PARADIGM ranks missions on a D to S system to signify the urgency and scale of the mission. The descriptions of the rankings are as follows.

D Rank Missions: Missions of a standard cleanup/containment nature. The danger is localized, the threat is of a relatively small scale, and the mission can be handled by roughly any agent worth their salt, albeit some might need help.
Payment: 1,000 dollars. (100,000 ¥)

C Rank Missions: Missions which are of a more serious threat level, actually requiring a bit more than standard action, which can have farther reaching consequences, such as affecting an entire city or area. The dangers involved in this type of mission can vary by the number or the nature of the threat, and are to be taken seriously by all but the strongest of agents.
Payment: 5,000 dollars. (500,000 ¥)

B Rank Missions: More serious missions, the kind which can have far-reaching consequences. Often a precursor to something larger and PARADIGM is taking preventative measures, or something of a small-scale disaster. Powerful single targets or organized groups qualify as B Rank missions, and agents are advised to come prepared for the worst.
Payment: 10,000 dollars. (1,000,000 ¥)

A Rank Missions: Missions of this rank are of a deadly serious nature. An entire country or region is at risk, the danger is widespread or immediate, and things have to be handled decisively and with high risk. Incredibly powerful single opponents with dangerously organized groups or armies might be involved, or actual natural disasters on a country-wide scale. All agents are ordered to proceed with caution, and to end this ASAP.
Payment: 25,000 dollars. (2,500,000 ¥)

S Rank Missions: Missions for the strongest and most qualified of agents. S Rank missions are of a planetary scale, and the threats are numerous, widespread and incredibly dangerous both on a personal and organizational scale. Several high-ranking agents are required for these kinds of missions, and the urgency is directly proportionate to how widespread the danger is. These might be time and resource consuming missions, and all agents are ordered to be ready to be involved for an extended amount of time.
Payment: 50,000 dollars. (5,000,000 ¥)

SS and SSS Rank Missions: Missions of an S rank which are on a scale yet unseen. Possibly galactic or universal scale. Expect the apocalypse if a mission of this rank is ever attempted, and all agents are to participate. Note: Any mission which gains the SS rank means it was an S Rank that was not accomplished, so the dangers are doubled or tripled, at least, and all agents are to take up arms and participate.
Payment: 100,000 to 500,000 dollars. (10,000,000 to 50,000,000 ¥)

Mission Template

This is to help people figure out how to post their mission in an easy to read format.

===Operation: Mission Name===
*'''Description:''' Simple description of the mission
*'''Rank:''' Rank Goes Here (SSS/SS/S/A/B/C/D)
*'''Genre:''' Type of Mission
*'''Location:''' Where mission takes place.
*'''Client:''' Contact Name
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font> or <font color=green>Closed</font>

** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1

:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
  • For Genre, it's pretty much what you feel the mission is. People have used Intel / Mytery / Political / Magical / Drama / Martial Arts / Adventure / Spiritual / Espionage / Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Action / Horror / Comedy / Survival / Mature / Supernatural so far.
  • The : indents the paragraph. Also, you do not need to use the BR or P codes for breaks and paragraphs. Just spacing with enter and using : at the beginning is enough.
  • Toggledisplay is finicky, so it has to be on its own line. If it's on a line with something else, it may cause issues. Toggledisplay is what hides the bulk of your synopsis to keep the page a bit more manageable.

Operation: Resurrection of O?

  • Description: A dimensional incursion has happened on the world from Mission 239. Agents are to investigate and get ready for a hard battle, as before.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Fighting
  • Location: Frieza Planet #384
  • Client: Trunks
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation: Bow down to the King

  • Description: An agent of an enemy has been active on a world known to some agents. Stop whatever he's doing. Dimensional Disturbance Detected.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Grave of the Ancient Dragons.
  • Client: Seeing Time
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation: In a World we Must Defend

  • Description: A millionaire industrialist has taken over an essential system in a world previously visited by agents. They must regain the use of the computer system.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Pokémon
  • Location: Sinnoh Region
  • Client: Professor Rowan
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation: Save the Sky City

  • Description: A monstrous presence is threatening the stability of the floating island of Dorstonis and the city sitting atop it. Investigate and prevent it from falling into the sea.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Exploration, monster hunting
  • Location: Lhusu Mines, Bhujerba, Dorstonis, Ivalice
  • Client: Balthier and Fran
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation: Looter-Shooters Wanted

  • Description: An intelligence dead-drop from a PARADIGM intelligence team is missing. Go and find it.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Exploration, investigation, monster hunting
  • Location: The Dust, Blight region, Pandora
  • Client: N/A
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation: OUTATIME

  • Description: A temporal anomaly has rewound and "compressed" time on a world connected to the Interdimensional Rift. Investigate the circumstances.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Exploration, investigation, combat
  • Location: Dr. Odine's Laboratory, Esthar City, Esthar
  • Client: Dr. Odine
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation: Gestalts and Replicants part 2

  • Description: Another dimensional disturbance in some ruins of a destroyed, apocalyptic world..
  • Rank: Rank A
  • Genre: Action/Fantasy
  • Location: Nier-World-B
  • Client: Devola and Popola
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

In Progress

Missions which agents have begun but have not yet been completed. Used for long-term and particularly complicated missions.

Operation: Recover and Rebuild!

  • Description: Paradigm HQ and the Inn have been attacked by an unknown entity, scattering members across dimensions and trapping them without access to the Epoch. A few members are also located in the same world as the Inn. Rebuild and reform the operations at the Inn as well as rescue members from other dimensions with the limited resources available that can power the Epoch.
  • Rank: Rank varies from B to SS
  • Genre: Comedy/Action
  • Location: Mi2 world as well as other dimensions
  • Client: Seto Kaiba
  • Status: Open
  • Synopsis: Jach and a few Paradigm members manage to get back to the Inn after three years.. and try to rebuild from the ground up.
[show details]

Completed Missions

These are the missions already completed by the members of the Inn.

Operation #283: The Fairy Within the Art

  • Description: With 5 remaining devil-demons, The Senshi work to find their next target.
  • Rank: Rank B
  • Genre: Comedy/Action
  • Location: Tokyo General Museum
  • Client: Phoebe
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Midori Kazeda along with Phoebe worked to find the next location of the five remaining dark evils within the city. With some hard work involving gaming on a magical powered computer, they pinpointed the next location, Tokyo General Museum.
[show details]

Operation #284: Day-o! Day-o! Hueco Mundo~

  • Description: To unseal the Makai Brush, PARADIGM agents end up encountering hollows.. and then going somewhere unexpected.
  • Rank: Rank A
  • Genre: Horror/Action
  • Location: Mi2 World - Graveyard
  • Client: Setsuna
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agent Setsuna had been found earlier at the Infinity castle however her Makai Priestess powers had been sealed for three years... eager to have it unsealed, she reached out to a few people.
[show details]

Operation #285: In the Tunnel of Love~ I'm going to California~!

  • Description: The Senshi head to fight one of the remaining 4 evils..
  • Rank: Rank C
  • Genre: Comedy/Action
  • Location: Funland in Tokyo
  • Client: Phoebe
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Off to defeat another devil-demon.. the group heads for an amusement park after hours.. a place called Funland.
[show details]

Operation #286: Parasites in the Garden

  • Description: Magma Energy is a very powerful and potent energy source and can be used to get PARADIGM headquarters back to a better operational status. Male and Female pairs are required for this mission.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Mecha/RomCom/Action
  • Location: Plantation 11
  • Client: Dr. Franxx
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents were called to Plantation ship 11 to get magma energy in an effort to restore PARADIGM hq. They picked up some new people. Specifically Camellia (aka 001) and Valentino al-Busiri.
[show details]

Operation #287: Fortify the Night

  • Description: A weird island floating in space as appeared.. PARADIGM believes vital intelligence caches are located on this island and must be retrieved, unfortunately this island is super hostile.
  • Rank: Rank B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Floating Island with a Bus.
  • Client: Agent Jonesy
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Paradigm agents went to a floating island in the middle of space trying to get intel from three hidden caches on the island. This sounds easy.. but they also have to avoid a bunch of others on the island who are interested in a battle royale.
[show details]

Operation #288: Nibeltime ... or not.

  • Description: Paradigm agents went to the FF7 world (Gaia?) To get a cure for Kaijo's curse mark.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Originally Edge City but uh.. they ended up somewhere else.
  • Client: Izumi
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Izumi suggested going back to their homeworld to get a cure for Kaijo's 'black hand' curse mark.
[show details]

Operation #289: School Days

  • Description: Investigation of the World in the Mirror, to recover someone called Rei Shikinami.
  • Rank: ???
  • Genre: Investigation/Stealth
  • Location: Ohtori Academy
  • Client: Self-Imposed Investivation
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation #290: No time for Love

  • Description: PARADIGM is being tasked to investigate the assassin in two locations (and pick up supplies). The moon of Io is one of them.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
  • Location: Io
  • Client: Doctor Jones
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation #291: Ivalician Rendezvous

  • Description: A PARADIGM signal has sprung up out of nowhere from a world without prior scouting. Investigate the source.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Reconnaissance
  • Location: Dalmasca, Ivalice
  • Client: Balthier & Fran
  • Status: Closed

Synopsis: An agency communicator has pinged from an unregistered world within the PARADIGM continuum, reachable by the Epoch unit even in its damaged state. The party traveled to the world known as Ivalice, in a region known as Dalmasca, and visited a city named Rabanastre. Trying to solve some technological complications, the party entered a crashed, colossal airship known as the Bahamut, where the PARADIGM signal originated from. No sign of the agent. The Bahamut was subsequently destroyed in an unusual explosion, sending the party reeling. They recovered and stayed the night in Rabanastre with new colleagues Balthier and Fran.

[show details]

Operation 292: Gestalt and Replicants

  • Description: Agents must go to a planet where there's a weird temporal/dimensional disturbance.. and fix it.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Action/Mystery/Sci-Fi
  • Location: Nier-World A
  • Client: Devola and Popola
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Group ran into a rival organization that called themselves the Antithesis.. and let PARADIGM know of mystical items such as the Eye of Chaos. Richter Harvey was also unfortunately... cursed.
[show details]

Operation 293: Slayers Senshi

  • Description: An interdimensional disturbance has been sighted and has fallen into the wrong hands.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Fantasy/Adventure.
  • Location: Lalilulelo Town Area.
  • Client: Usagi Tsukino.
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Group showed up at the very quant town of Lalilulelo to get the mission from Lady Usagi Tsukino, the proprietor of the cute and classy Crystal Tailor Shoppe. It turns out that a group of bandits with a very powerful interdimensional weapon was not far from the village and was receiving threats. Paradigm agents first had to go to the Library to get the map though..
[show details]

Operation 294: Leafy Problems

  • Description: Konoha has noticed some disturbances and NORMALLY they'd send their crazy good ninjas, except this time there's a dimensional disturbance so that means you're up, PARADIGM.
  • Rank: Rank S
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Near Konoha
  • Client: Setsuna Uchiha
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation 295: Stalkers of the Dark

  • Description: Agents must go to a world of darkness and help restore balance to one of the cities
  • Rank: Rank B
  • Genre: Action
  • Location: Darkholme
  • Client: Lei-Lei
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation 296: Sand.. everywhere.. I HATE IT!

  • Description: PARADIGM is being tasked to investigate the assassin in two locations (and pick up supplies). The moon of Ganymede is one of them.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
  • Location: Ganymede
  • Client: Darius Al-Ebrahimi and Osiris Al-Busiri
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents arrived in Ganymede at the Royal Citadel and met with Darius. He briefed them that the shipment they were looking for was on a stranded convoy in the desert storm.. The group took a tracer item and made their way through the rough sandstorm and ran into some troublesome guests.
[show details]

Operation 297: The Bane of Demons

  • Description: The beloved Miskatonic University Library is being looted by monsters..! Please help-robo! Oh, and it's really creepy here-robo. So be careful-robo.
  • Rank: Rank C
  • Genre: Horror/Action
  • Location: Arkham City
  • Client: Elsa
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: Agents went to the university and fought a lot of creepy heartless looking monsters and sealed a giant gate.... and Setsuna ran into trouble.
[show details]

Operation 298: Berserk.. er...

  • Description: Simple description of the mission
  • Rank: S
  • Genre: Invasion
  • Location: Tudor
  • Client: Lacroix
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Operation 299: A Wrinkle in Time

  • Description: While investigating a disturbance in Walachia at a location that should no longer be in play, a Time Watcher was assaulted by an unknown force and had his travel apparatus stolen. Another Watcher wishes us to investigate.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Dark Fantasy
  • Location: The Former Bernhard Estate, Walachia, World of Castlevania
  • Client: Saint Germain
  • Status: Closed
[show details]

Previous Seasons

Season One - Missions Completed #1-50
Season Two - Missions Completed #51-100
Season Three - Missions Completed #101-150
Season Four - Missions Completed #151-200
Season Five - Missions Completed #201-250
Season Six - Missions Completed #251-300