Investigation Log

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This section has been created for Agents to make proposals for their own personal investigations.. either in their own worlds/dimensions or just areas where they think would harbor vital information.

Investigation Entry #1

Proposal: Following up to find information on Ain and the other two companions that were present in Operation #2 and Operation #4. Going to go to Nibelheim, an old town, to see if there are any leads.
Rank: C
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: FF7 World
Agent Posting: Izumi
Status: Closed

Vaelgir Stormblade
Toki Stingray
Aimi Utada
Luca Sparda
Kenji Kakita
Zack Strife

Synopsis: Paradigm agents landed right outside of Nibelheim and went straight for the ShinRa Mansion, noticing that there were recent steps leading to it along with leading to the Makou Reactor in the distance. Deciding to check the mansion first, the agents had to solve a riddle with a bunch of clues given to them by a note they found on the floor. Toki was able to spot something about the last clue of the note that made figuring out the riddle easier. By the end of their clue-hunting, the group realized that the riddle was in fact combinations of a safe. On the second floor of the mansion they found a book entitled 'Loveless' in the library, once Aimi and Luca tugged on the book, two doors opened. One door was directly in front of them, showing a safe.. and the other door opened on the first floor, showing a hidden basement lab. Aimi and Aku went to investigate the hidden lab beneath while the rest of the agents fought a surprise hidden monster inside the Safe, just after acquiring a basement key. During the fight, Toki had disappeared but the heroine, Neo-Sailor Saturn showed up just in time to help shield the gang from a devastating attack.

After defeating the monster with major help by a buffed up Belle (courtesy Vaelgir, the group went below to check what the basement door was but unfortunately after tinkering around, the basement started to collapse as the entire building was VERY old. Aku and Aimi were able to escape just in time and the entire group ran out of the mansion before a section of the Mansion totally fell through. Right outside they were greeted by a new agent, Zack who agreed to help lead them to the Makou Reactor. After reading some notes that Aimi and Aku were able to snag, they realized that someone named Valentine was involved and there were notes of JENOVA and Geostigma. Agent Izumi informed the group that JENOVA was an alien that had caused trouble recently, however no one was able to understand what Geostigma was.

The group them proceeded to the Makou Reactor, where they saw a bunch of pods and a central chamber that said JENOVA on it. After turning the incubation pods off, realizing the chamber was empty, the group then left. Just as they were able to head back down the path to Nibelheim, a dragon appeared and the group battled it.. where truth of Sailor Saturn was revealed, along with the surprising transformation of Sailor Sirius. Agent Kenji noted that the dragons weakness, after many futile attempts to harm it was that the weak spot was its mouth, after a powerful attack from Aku (which made the dragon scream in pain), the group shot their attacks into the dragons mouth and destroyed it. The agents then went back to Nibelhiem, got back into the phonebooth (now with Zack) and returned safely.

Investigation Entry #2

Proposal: Request by Letty Carmichael to follow up on the Devil Fruits back on the island-like world of their creation, and to find if there's any possible way to enable their usage by a synthetic being.
Rank: D
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: One Piece World
Agent Posting: Letty Carmichael
Status: Closed

Letty Carmichael
Cait Sith
Faustlin Fontaine
Izumi Saotome
Aimi Utada

Synopsis: Agents arrived at a designated Port city to speak with one of the Marine scientists about the possibility of Devil Fruit working for Letty Carmichael. Dr. Vegapunk could not be there but his representative, a man named Daven Van Dungen was there to receive them. Inside Van Dungen's office, he explained that he'd need to ship Letty's parts and have them examined in order to see if the fruit would work. The entire process would be prioritized however, taking about only a week. Letty first asked what the other agents thought of the decision before agreeing. Van Dungen then took out a bonesaw (the agents left the room except for Cait Sith) and then proceeded to make Letty 'fit' into a box to be shipped. The agents priginally planned to get some food from a previous contact's restaurant on this world, but most appetites were gone after the sight of blood all over Cait Sith after it left the office. Agents then returned back to the Inn though Izumi Saotome chose to stay in order to ask some personal questions with the people of this world.

Investigation Entry #3

Proposal: Request by Izumi Saotome to follow up on an attack on Belle Hibiki and find information on a curse that seems to originate from this world.
Rank: D
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: Konoha Village
Agent Posting: Izumi Saotome
Status: Closed

Izumi Saotome
Sachiko Uchiha
Kamuro Ishigami

Synopsis: Agents arrived in Konoha and were received by Sasuke, Sakura, Aoi, and Irumi Uchiha. The agents were then briefed up the limits of the Curse seal put on Belle Hibiki and Sakura Uchiha took Sachiko Uchiha aside to teach her different seals in order to help Belle. Aoi offered sword training to both Aku and Kamuro. Agents were then told that the way to remove the curse seal was to defeat Orochimaru utterly. After Sachiko returned with scrolls from Sakura, the Agents returned back to the Inn.

Investigation Entry #4

Proposal: To go to the Hani village's Torii (Bone Gate) and find the Mizu Village in order to get information on healing techniques.
Rank: C
Genre: Adventure/Action
Location: Hani Village
Agent Posting: Kamuro Ishigami
Status: Closed

Sachiko Uchiha
Belle Hibiki
Kamuro Ishigami
Izumi Saotome
Mori Motonari
Stefan D'Avignon

Synopsis: The agents appeared in an abandonned looking village with a large graveyard. Agents looked around as Kamuro went to pay is respects. Kamuro then returned to the other agents with the Hani guardian, a fairy named Otsuwa-sama. After speaking with Otsuwa, Kamuro then took the other agents to the location of the broken Hani Torii. At that location, Otsuwa then summoned the Mizu's guardian who looked like a fearsome beast. The beast then leaped through a waterfall, creating a vortex and dragging the other agents to the Mizu no Tami Village. The sight of the Mizu Village was right by an ocean and looked very beautiful. ...but before the agents could enjoy the sight there were sounds of chuckling nearby. The group hurried to the sounds and then came into contact with an old woman named Sae (the previous 'Girl of Water' and user of water healing) and the rest of the Kegai no Tami behind her.

Sae explained the turmoil between the Kegai no Tami and the akahani and that everyone has a destiny and seemed to be pretty personal to Izumi. But before more could be said, Kaede used her wind attack and decapitated Sae. A fight then broke out between the agents and the Kegai no Tami. Mori Motonari and Zero fought against Kikunosuke and eventually killed him. Kamen and Stefan fought against Rihei having him lose his cybernetic arm.. Rihei then retreated and took Kikunosuke's pieces with him. Belle and Sachiko Uchiha fought with Rikimaru and then cut his arm off. Meanwhile, Ryosuke used the Hiryuu Shoten Ha (aided with Belle's Yacho Tosshin) on Higa and Kaede when she had her barrier active, causing the two to rocket off into the sky. Just before Sachiko could deliver the killing blow on Rikimaru, he disappeared.. ..and then oddly enough, the TARDIS appeared by the agents thereafter. Kamuro, Ryosuke, and Izumi burried Sae.. and the agents then returned back to the Inn.

Investigation Entry #5

Proposal: Go to Makai to speak with the demon doctor Shigure about a cure for Hibiki's curse.
Rank: D
Genre: Medical Drama
Location: Makai
Agent Posting: Aku
Status: Closed

Sin Urameshi
Belle Hibiki
Kaoru Sie

Synopsis The Agents arrived in Makai and entered Mukuro's Realm, aka the Nose Tank. Once there they spoke with Shigure who was informed about the situation before hand. Once he examined the curse he explained that he could create a clone body for Hibiki and transplant his brain into the new body that would be an exact duplicate of the body. However, all of his treatments come with a price and in this case he offered Hibiki two choices: a new body that is equal to the strength of a normal male his age thus removing all the years of training he has gone through. The other: him sacrificing his manhood by having his mind placed in the body of a female equal to the strength that he has currently. Hibiki refused the offer and Shigure gave him a 24 hour window to make his decision before they left for home.

Investigation Entry #6

Proposal: Prae needs a lot of metal for her latest model of Cait Sith, and you know what has a lot of metal? Sentinels. Find one, disable if necessary, and strip the thing for parts!
Rank: C
Genre: Action
Location: Earth 616
Agent Posting: Prae Shinra
Status: Open


Investigation Entry #7

Proposal: Miyabi Uzumaki wants to head back to Nya's Velvet Room and see if there is a way to trade heroes. Particularly, Galvan Swiftblade's. Also to get some more information about how to get the heroes to emerge.
Rank: C
Genre: Supernatural/Horror
Location: Arkham City
Agent Posting: Miyabi Uzumaki
Status: Closed

Miyabi Uzumaki
Galvan Swiftblade
Aimi Utada
Seijou Yuzaki

Synopsis Participants went into the TARDIS to find Nya, the tarot card dealer who had given certain individuals tarot cards. Miyabi is still insistent on wanting to trade cards with Galvan Swiftblade so he agreed to go to the bookstore in order to see if there's any way to do this. Other agents came along in order to find out more information about the heroes and the powers they were using. When the group first landed, there was something 'off' about the area, a few agents noticed that there was a giant presence directly outside of the TARDIS doors. Tyler, using his abilities, was able to see that it was a giant Insect-like monster. Aimi, who had gone outside to check and directly saw the monster let out a scream and ran back into the TARDIS, thereby drawing its attention. The Insect-monster came closer and closer to the TARDIS and then pried the doors open, grabbing Tyler and Galvan. Aimi quickly used her Axe-weapon to slash at the Insect's leg and a second slash from Aku made the Insect drop Tyler. Galvan was pulled outside and dragged towards the buildings.. probably to be eaten. Aku slashed at the middle of the insect again, crumbling some of its hard armor. Galvan was then able to summon his hero, The Juggernaut, who promptly appeared and drilled the Insect-monster into nothing. The rest of the crew joined up with where Galvan was and agreed to go inside of the bookstore because outside was far too dangerous. Inside of the bookstore, Miyabi was told again that there wasn't a way to switch heroes and that destiny was the factor. Galvan was also hesitant on switching heroes after his had saved his life twice. Seijou continued to ask some more questions but realized that it was probably best for the group to head back.. especially noting the apparent discomfort of Tyler. Once outside, Tyler began exhibiting odd behavior and talking in riddles and did not want to be touched. When the group returned back to the Inn, Tyler still demonstrated weird antics.

Investigation Entry #8

Proposal: Prae wants to head back and speak with Reeves about Mission #45 and find out what else was uncovered
Rank: D
Genre: Investigation
Location: Midgar
Agent Posting: Prae Shinra
Status: Open

Investigation Entry #9

Proposal: After hearing of the events of Mission #45, Asaka is offering up a possible way to pull Zack and Izumi back into the land of the living...
Rank: D
Genre: Supernatural
Location: The Inn/ Spirit Realm
Agent Posting: Temna Asaka
Status: Closed

Participants: Izumi's Mind
Kamuro Ishigami
Letty Carmichael
Daichi Niwa
Venus Highwind

Synopsis: Once the ritual was prepared by Haruka Kakita, the participants (even Letty who now had green hair..) found themselves in a locked portion of Izumi's mind. There were was a doorway with three doors and a young version of Izumi appeared in front of them who seemed to only recognize Ryosuke. Young Izumi then ran into the first door and the others followed after her. Inside the first door was a memory of Izumi with her best friend, Matsumi, at a young age. Izumi tried smoking and didn't like it and then the scene changed to when she was wounded from her Neko-ken training with a figure who looked like a female-version of Ryosuke there to treat Izumi's wounds. The memory faded and the group then found themselves back at the junction, only now the first door they had entered was now locked. Young Izumi did not want to go through the middle door and after some prompting of why from Agent Daichi and Agent Kamen, Young Izumi said that there was a Monster living in there.
The group decided to go to the other available door (that wasn't the middle one) and enter that one. Once inside there, the scene had become a fighting arena with a bunch of Sailor Senshi who had been battle-worn. Izumi was older and dressed as Sailor Mars and standing in front of a blonde-haired girl dressed as Sailor Moon. Izumi as Sailor Mars then stood in the way of a blast intended for Sailor Moon and her star seed was removed, her body turning into nothing. Young Izumi then stated the only way to die was for your friends, a sentiment which Agent Letty seemed to agree with. The scene faded again back to the junction with the three doors, but now only the middle was open. Young Izumi seemed to be perfectly content in staying in this limbo area forever. Ryosuke, Daichi, and Letty tried to explain that it was incredibly important for Izumi to wake up, even Agent Kamuro spoke words of a bright future.
After MUCH MUCH convincing and talking, Young Izumi went with the group to the final door. Once through the door a particularly dark memory was witnessed and showed everyone the source of Izumi's fears with men and intimacy. A mere second later they reappeared at the junction...and after processing what they all had just seen, a monster bursted out of Young Izumi's chest.. much reminiscent of what had happened to Agent Venus. The monster then grew tentacle-like appendages and attacked the agents. By all working together, the monster was pulled out of Young Izumi's chest and then destroyed. The young Izumi then slowly morphed into the older version of her and three chimes were sounded to wake everyone up.

Participants: Zack's Mind
Prae Shinra
Venus Highwind


Investigation Entry #10

Proposal: Shitsubou Resort has been having some suspicious activity..
Rank: S
Genre: Supernatural/Action
Location: Japan
Agent Posting: Phoebe
Status: Closed

Sailor Moon
Sailor Betelgeuse
Sailor Vega
Sailor Centauri
Sailor Procyon
Sailor Altair
Neo Sailor Saturn

Synopsis: Agents were originally at the resort to celebrate Sagiko Tsukino's birthday, and at first things were completely fine. However, later during the night Suzume Yamida noticed a brief sensation of something odd happening and it turns out that the resort had been moved into a pocket dimension. Lydia Kazeda also noticed at this point that there weren't any stars. Everything seemed to be fine and a young woman who was named Danchomi introduced herself as their personal hostess. Danchomi explained that there were a few mishaps going around and that was the reason why the phones weren't working and that the girls shouldn't be alarmed. Things seemed relatively peaceful and although the lack of stars, there wasn't anything else to be alarmed about so far.

Later on the girls' trip during the evening, the girls were summoned to a grand banquet where Mai Kaneda was to receive a prize for winning a watermelon race. As the girls got settled, Phoebe arrived and hopped onto Midori Tsuchida's shoulder and quickly explained the odd occurrences at the resort.. apparently more people had disappeared. Phoebe then left to find out more and shortly thereafter Danchomi revealed that she was nothing more than a Lemures (youma-like being of the Dead Moon). The people in the banquet quickly fell over like they had no souls to begin with and the girls transformed into their senshi forms. After a grueling battle, Danchomi was defeated and Phoebe contacted the girls via communicator.. saying that he had found the main base of operations.

The girls proceeded to the boiler room of the resort as Phoebe explained that they weren't even on a resort anymore at all. In fact the place was more like a ship that had been replicated to look like the resort. The one responsible for all of this was none other than Bullseye. Phoebe was then apprehended by Bullseye and he continued the conversation with the senshi, explaining to them that he was able to find out their true identities due to Tendou. When the girls arrived at the boiler room, inside they saw a massive machine that seemed to be powered by the dream mirrors of the people who were at the resort before it was transferred to the ship. Bullseye explained that the machine was a weapon called the Laughing Cow and that it was just a prototype experiment. The weapon was aimed towards the Inn and unless it was completed, the beam would fire and destroy the earth. The way the machine would be completed was if Sailor Moon and the other senshi willingly stepped into the chambers adorning the room and Sailor Moon would give up her body to Bullseye's Queen. If the senshi were to destroy the machine, it would also destroy the dreams of all the people in the resort. Before slipping into unconsciousness, Phoebe told the girls to not give up and if it came to it.. to use the power of the Ginzuishou (Silver Imperium Crystal). With time running out.. Sailor Moon, Neo Sailor Saturn, Sailor Altair, Sailor Vega, Sailor Betelgeuse, Sailor Procyon, and Sailor Centauri combined their efforts.. using their full power to complete the wish of saving those they love, saving the souls of the people in the resort, and stopping the will of the Queen. As their stars faded out, a giant flash of light exploded across the sky which was noticeable even to those at the Inn, miles and miles away.

Investigation Entry #11

Proposal: Investigating the Higurashi Shrine
Rank: B
Genre: Supernatural/Action
Location: Japan
Agent Posting: Elizabeth Marie Farenheights
Status: Closed

Takeo Masaki
Prae Shinra
Saeijima Tatsuya
Elizabeth Marie Farenheights
Stefan D'avignon
Jean Lecarde
Haruka Kakita
Mori Motonari

Synopsis: Agents arrived at an old shrine with a fabled portal to a different world of Oni.

[show details]