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==Simulator 'Danger Room' Designs==
==Simulator 'Danger Room' Designs==
[[image:Danger_room.jpg|thumb|The Danger Room]]
[[image:Danger_room.jpg|thumb|The Danger Room]]
After completing a few of the missions for PARADIGM.. the agents were given materials to build the Danger Room with holographic technology. These upgrades were largely added by [[Shiro]], [[Akaru]], [[Letty Carmichael]], and [[Takeo Masaki]]. The Danger Room is located in the back half of the Security Room so that someone can also be supervising whoever is using the Danger Room, while also monitoring Security. The Danger Room also comes equipped with safety mechanisms, or limiters, so that the trainees using the device will not hurt themselves. At this present time, The Danger Room can display holograms in only 32-bit color.
After completing a few of the missions for PARADIGM.. the agents were given materials to build the Danger Room with holographic technology. These upgrades were largely added by [[Shiro]], [[Akaru]], [[Letty Carmichael]], and [[Takeo Masaki]]. The Danger Room is located in the back half of the Security Room so that someone can also be supervising whoever is using the Danger Room, while also monitoring Security. The Danger Room also comes equipped with safety mechanisms, or limiters, so that the trainees using the device will not hurt themselves.
The holoprojectors (image-generators) can generate holograms in up to 32-bit color, which should be enough to convince most humans, although people with heightened senses might sense the color imperfections.  The system can generate wavelengths from the radio spectrum up to the soft-UV.  The kinetoprojectors (force-generators) can simulate directly applied force with high enough precision to simulate wind pressure and with enough force to protect the simulator environment from damage by the stronger agents; these also generate soundwaves as appropriate by agitating air within the Danger Room, generating high-fidelity sound up to about 30kHz (above the upper limit of normal human hearing) although at higher frequencies, digitization noise and signal aliasing might be noticed.  Similarly, the kinetoprojectors can create heat or cold by agitating or slowing the air around the user, although the safety protocols limit this effect to generating discomfort at worst.  The system's dynamic time response (rate of reacting to the user doing something new) is on the order of tens of microseconds (fast enough to be well below the normal human perception threshold which is closer to several milliseconds), and its spatial resolution is roughly ten micrometers (most humans can only distinguish distances larger than about fifty micrometers).
The Danger Room has been recently upgraded with PFAs (Psychic Field Actuators) which can project olfactory, gustatory, and kinesthetic sensations (smells, tastes, and internal tactile senses, e.g. which way is "down," or the location of your arms), allowing for a more complete simulated experience.  In principle, the PFA system could be used to create more abstract or 'mystical' senses, although this would require some extensive programming by, or in cooperation with, someone who experiences those sensations and can describe them in some detail.  Additionally, there is now a system for magic-simulation, which identifies, negates, and then simulates magic employed by users.  The PFA is employed to create appropriate sensations of magic, as well.  However, the magic-simulation subsystems have so far only been tested by [[Jaden Beleren]], and anyone else using them for the first time should have oversight by an expert (preferably [[Jach Swiftblade]]) in case of unforseen problems.
===Persistent Weight Training System===
A recent proposal by [[Belle|Belle Hibiki]]. To simulate high-gravity training, the kinetoprojectors can be adjusted to emit constant pressure on all sides to people in the sims. This allows to simulate the effects of constant, heavy pressure and weight, forcing people training to expend far more energy and get a more intense workout. However, there are power-based limits. This can be used to simulate heavy weight and strong resistance, like underwater training, but going past a certain point (equivalent to heavy boulders) is a serious drain on the resources of the sims. Even a regular workout session is a drain on the power, and only a few hours a day can be spent in this kind of training. Going past 100 minutes will cause the system to shut down and have to recharge.<br>
The limits to what one can achieve with this are similar to training under water at very low, but survivable, depths, not the equivalent of several dozen or hundred atmospheres. It can provide a more complete and challenging workout for agents with extremely high physical capabilities and an already intense training regimen, such as boulder-lifting and beyond-human weight training. People without that kind of physical capabilities could become incapacitated and possibly badly hurt, if not for the simulator's safety features.<br>
The '''Danger Room''' has the ability to replicate any programs the designers think of. The parameters are easy to understand, and simple commands can make the pre-programmed 'characters' act accordingly. It requires a bit more work to make a new 'character' from scratch but once it's in there it can be used however the programmers can think of, and look like just about anything they want.<br>
The '''Danger Room''' has the ability to replicate any programs the designers think of. The parameters are easy to understand, and simple commands can make the pre-programmed 'characters' act accordingly. It requires a bit more work to make a new 'character' from scratch but once it's in there it can be used however the programmers can think of, and look like just about anything they want. At the most difficult, creating new simulation models is no worse than modern 3d computer modeling, and the software is designed to be user-friendly. Additionally, the ever-growing library of existing models can be accessed by voice command from inside, and each user can set personal "escape utterances," similar to the escape characters commonly used in programming to distinguish commands from other text. Each user has private storage space, but can always publish new scenarios or object models to the shared library. The internal sensor suite can scan objects brought inside and construct computer-generated models, which will be stored in the library.<br>
====Basic Programs====
Simulations which are not actually used for battle, or have a different purpose.
*'''Infinite Sky''': Programmed by [[Prae Shinra]] & [[Tsuchida Midori]] This sim is designed to teach agents parkour, in a city of gigantic proportions, the agent is free to run as much as they want. On easy, paths and jump points are colored to indicate where to run, slide, and take off at. Higher difficulties remove said colorations, and add in several challenges throughout the city. Finally, as an added bonus, hidden easter eggs, flags, and achievements are stashed around the city for agents to explore and either work together to find, or brag over others for their accomplishments
*'''Deep Blue''': Programmed by [[Prae Shinra]] & [[Mizumi]] This sim is designed for more relaxation purposes. Using satellite imaging, and various algorithms, the sim replicates a portion of the ocean, complete with wildlife and fauna.
*'''Pendulum Chamber''': Programmed by [[Tatsuya|Saejima Tatsuya]] to resemble the training room from his home.  It's a lit square area with a stone floor, surrounded by total darkness.  When active, huge pendulum blades will swing out from the darkness in random directions and in no set pattern, making this a test of perception and reflexes.  They can be deflected off of their trajectory or dodged.  The longer the chamber is active, the faster the pendulums move, the more frequently they swing through and, in some cases, they may start appearing more than one at a time.
*'''Tutorial''': Programmed by [[Prae Shinra]] Not everyone is as tech savvy as most, so when people wish to add sims but aren't sure how, Prae has developed an easy tutorial, from basics to advanced tricks, thus allowing even agents from all sorts of worlds to be able to input additional sims.
*'''Broken Hearts''': Programmed by [[Leben]]. This simulation is meant to test psychic responses and train peak performance. The setting takes place in a fortress modeled after Leben's mind. Because the simulation is personal it is <font color = red>locked</font> and cannot be accessed unless given permission by Leben. If you try to hack into it, computers Diff 15.
*'''Nabiki's Castle''': Programmed by [[Takeo Masaki]] as a design exercise, simulator function testbed, and perhaps for nostalgic reasons as well, this is a relatively faithful simulation of Nabiki's Castle.  Not everything is perfectly to scale, since it's all assembled from memory, but it's pretty close.
*'''Cruiser''': Programmed by [[Suzumura Riki|Riki Suzumura]]. This program is made so that people could safely learn how to ride a motorcycle. It's also home to a fairly accurate recreation of the local city streets.
* '''Manticore''' - Program designed by [[Izumi Saotome]] and later modified by [[Shiro]], the opponent is a chimera with a red lion based body, human head (with a flame pompadour and three rows of sharp, shark-like teeth), a trumpet-like voice, and a tail like a scorpion. The manticore has a very resilient frame and is able to shoot fast-acting paralytic poison from both its tail and mouth.<br>
*'''Operation: Raccoon City''' - Program designed by [[Luca Sparda]] taking from his [[B.S.A.A]] files, he has recreated the September 1998 T-Virus outbreak from the Midwestern American Raccoon City. Several opponents such as zombies, [http://residentevil.wikia.com/Licker lickers], a [http://residentevil.wikia.com/Tyrant Tyrant], and [http://residentevil.wikia.com/Hunter hunters], in a sealed off, chaotic city, with three different mission objectives, picked each session:  
With an overall 'theme' and a set of goals, these programs are designed to work towards a more versatile 'goal'. From a training course to a full blown 'Hunger Games' setup.
*'''Operation: Raccoon City''' - Program designed by [[Luca Sparda]] taking from his [[BSAA|B.S.A.A.]] files, he has recreated the September 1998 T-Virus outbreak from the Midwestern American Raccoon City. Several opponents such as zombies, [http://residentevil.wikia.com/Licker lickers], a [http://residentevil.wikia.com/Tyrant Tyrant], and [http://residentevil.wikia.com/Hunter hunters], in a sealed off, chaotic city, with multiple mission objectives, picked each session:  
**'''Survive''': In which the ammo is scarce, the enemies are plentiful and safe spots are few and far between, meant to practice teamwork, adaptability and resource management. Great for solo efforts as well, with less ammo to split up.
**'''Survive''': In which the ammo is scarce, the enemies are plentiful and safe spots are few and far between, meant to practice teamwork, adaptability and resource management. Great for solo efforts as well, with less ammo to split up.
**'''Seek and Destroy''': In which the enemies are more scarce but the group has to actively take out a Tyrant which is carrying an important piece of their helicopter and get it back.
**'''Seek and Destroy''': In which the enemies are more scarce but the group has to actively take out a Tyrant which is carrying an important piece of their helicopter and get it back.
**'''Hunter and Prey''': In which an opposing squad of Umbrella Special Forces is out to get them, competing for ammo and health. First team to take out the other wins.
**'''Hunter and Prey''': In which an opposing squad of Umbrella Special Forces is out to get them, competing for ammo and health. First team to take out the other wins. The monsters are still active.
**'''Dying Light''': Programmed by [[Luca Sparda]] as a higher variation to the '''Raccoon City''' sim. This adds elements of Parkour, less ammo, and Crimson Head zombies. This is about avoiding direct confrontation with the undead and finding alternate and quicker ways to avoid them, as well as conserving ammo in lieu of accomplishing mission objectives, the purpose is out and out survival.
**'''Seven Minutes''': Based on the B.S.A.A. reports from 2009, the location is inside a lab shaped suspiciously like an ancient temple, where a single Desert Eagle is located for those able to hunt it down. The sole opposition (after getting past the regular scenario), is a lone super soldier B.O.W., who has superhuman reflexes, strength, regeneration, and a series of instant kill one-hit attacks, as well as the ability to burst out in super speed movement. The Super-Soldier BOW will begin the scenario by saying he has Seven Minutes to play with the agents, and then attempt to kill them. He can dodge bullets from any angle, and is essentially unstoppable. Agents are required to use wits, teamwork, and stealth to survive, and possibly even take down this opponent. Physically equivalent to a [[Luca|Son]] [[Nikolai|of]] [[Seiya Sumeragi|Spa]][[Sparda|rda]], and essentially a wall of Hit Points. Survival completes the scenario, but to win will require to take down the Super-Soldier B.O.W. within the Seven Minutes. Those who succeed will get a notice of achievement in any other scenario they enter, noted on their person like a medal.
***'''Hard Difficulty Setting''': After thirty minutes of inactivity, any zombies defeated but not beheaded or burnt will upgrade into a [http://residentevil.wikia.com/V-ACT Crimson Head], a far more dangerous and vicious zombie with actual extra-human speed and increased resilience, as well as claws.
***'''Contagion Setting''': A vicious additional difficulty, with the added issue that if a zombie bites the agent, after a random time delay (1 hour to 6 hours), they will begin turning into a zombie themselves, and the scenario will get an abrupt game over when the timer runs out. This timer is, of course, invisible.
*'''Combat Obstacle Course''': Programmed by [[Jacqueline_"Jackal"_Egret|Jackal]], this is an obstacle course of sorts combined with combat situations. The obstacle course consists of a series of typical athletic challenges such as climbing (including a rock face and part of a building), crossing a space between buildings using a cable, crossing a field with patches of high grass to approach a building containing a gunman, etc.  The opponents are mostly armed with assault rifles and knives, although some have hand grenades.  The order of obstacles is randomized with each run, and the timing and locations at which enemies are encountered is randomized as well, to avoid emphasizing mere pattern-learning.  The scenario allows the user to set the level of enemy cunning, enemy toughness (basically HP), and user toughness (how many hits can be taken before losing).
*'''Bug Hunt''': Programmed by [[Prae Shinra]] In an attempt to train agents against the "Xenomorph" menace encountered on several missions, Prae has designed this sim with various objectives and increasing difficulty. The sim takes place in a large spaceship with a set number of Xenomorphs.
*'''Rainbow Six: Raven Shield''': Programmed by [[Faustlin Fontaine|Faustlin]]. this is a randomized building complex where a group of terrorists have holed up with hostages.  The building layouts vary; office buildings, banks, mansions, government buildings, etc.  The numbers and locations of assailants are randomized, as are the foot patrols moving from building to building.  Scenario is complete when all hostages are rescued and/or when all hostiles have been neutralized.  The simulation fails if any hostages are killed, usually either in a firefight or upon the agents being discovered.  This is a scenario based on building teamwork and coordination, and could be quite difficult to attempt solo.
*'''Splinter Cell Operation Contaminated Root''': Programmed by [[Shiro Nakamura]] as a full out stealth mission that relies on the users skills in infiltration as they break into a highly secured facility. Their goal is to make their way into a government facility and upload a simple virus program. There are multiple difficulty settings that increase the amount of guards, their weaponry and the level of hacking ability required to bypass any type of security computerized security field. After the sim is over you are graded on your stealth and thinking skills. Note: An automatic GAME OVER happens when the user kills more than 35% of the guards or if any non-security guards are killed. The point of the mission is to test your infiltration, sneaking skills and problem solving.
*'''Grand Phantasma''':A program designed by [[Fakir ClanClan]] This program is more or less a game! While it could be used as a combat training sim, this is mostly a simple dungeon crawler game that will randomyly generate dungeons, enemies and sometimes even npc's for you to encounter. 2 Modes are currently avalible! Free play, Just hope right in and do a dungeon run, pick the size, complexity and difficulty of enemies inside, Or Story mode, Which will be a randomly selected mini story you can enjoy, complete with 'towns' and some interactive npcs.
*'''Nightmare Training 01''': Programmed by [[Daichi Niwa]]. This simulation has the participant enter a house filled with traps that will test the user to their maximum ability in stealth and agility. The house includes trap doors on the floor/ceilings, laser tripwires, shooting arrows, and more. The house is modeled after Daichi Niwa's own grandmother's home. (Added Note: At the very end there will be a set of traps, in which one will go off, sending out a shock regardless of how it is handled. It is an athletics/reflex check. D9.)
*'''Battle of London''': Programmed by [[Benezia T'Soni|Beni]], this simulates a battle against forces of the Reapers, techno-organic foes comprised of re-purposed members of various species. The location is the ruins of London, during the last push to reclaim Earth and defeat the Reapers once and for all. The scenario locality is a large intersection with bombed out buildings, the borders "marked" by the streets being collapsed. The open streets and body of the intersection are filled with wreckage; pieces of buildings, abandoned and destroyed vehicles and scattered concrete road dividers. Ten waves of Reaper foes in steadily increasing numbers, variety and strength with the third, sixth and tenth waves having special objectives. After all ten waves are completed, a two minute Extraction wave begins, where participants must be standing in a certain location when the time runs out.
*'''Attack on Horizon''': Programmed by [[Benezia T'Soni|Beni]], this simulates a scenario in which a human colony is being attacked by an enigmatic alien force known as Collectors. They would stasis lock and abduct entire colonial populations, and roughly two centuries ago (relative to Beni's age), her father charged into the colony of Horizon to put a stop to it. The scenario locality is a large courtyard bordered by collections of houses and prefabs, the borders "marked" by doors that are blocked or broken, with small prefabs and abandoned vehicles dotting the play area. Ten waves of Collector foes in steadily increasing numbers, variety and strength with the third, sixth and tenth waves having special objectives. After all ten waves are completed, a two minute Extraction wave begins, where participants must be standing in a certain location when the time runs out.
*'''Siege of the Citadel''': Programmed by [[Benezia T'Soni|Beni]], this simulates the attack on the galactic hub, the massive Citadel station, by the human-supremacist terrorist organization known as Cerberus. The battle saw crooked members of Citadel Council government allowing the terrorists onto the station where they then attacked key embassy and C-Sec (Citadel Security) stations before moving on to attempt to assassinate members of the Citadel Council. The scenario is a close-quarters battle inside C-Sec headquarters, featuring numerous rooms on one floor: offices, cafeteria, gym and showers with an exit out to a landing platform at one end. Ten waves of Cerberus foes in steadily increasing numbers, variety and strength with the third, sixth and tenth waves having special objectives. After all ten waves are completed, a two minute Extraction wave begins, where participants must be standing in a certain location when the time runs out.
*'''Basic CQC/Grappling Scenario''': Designed by [[Faustlin Fontaine|Faustlin]], this simple simulation places the users in a darkened room full of pillars, from which assailants not hindered by the darkness will attempt to take down the user from all angles when least expected.  The light level/general visibility and strength of the attackers can be customized for those with enhanced strength or vision, and the scenario will gradually adjust the difficulty based on the user's results to try to make it a constant challenge even for veteran martial artists.
*'''Recover Reina Routine (aka: Willet, don't kill it)''': Designed by [[Faustlin Fontaine|Faustlin]], this simulation is meant to recreate elements of the two raids on Willet's lab, with Willet in the body of [[Reina Carmichael]], assisted by versions of [[Faustlin Fontaine]], [[Setsuna Mikagami]] and [[Suzumura Riki|Riki Suzumura]] with synth-level strength, agility and reflexes, who behave and fight with all the abilities and tactics of the originals.
**An option has been added to add the Silver Fang Armor to Riki's evil twin synth.
These programs exist for agents to fight. The objective is, essentially, beat people up and don't fall down.
* '''Manticore''' - Program designed by [[Izumi Saotome]] and later modified by [[Shiro]], the opponent is a chimera with a red lion based body, human head (with a flame pompadour and three rows of sharp, shark-like teeth), a trumpet-like voice, and a tail like a scorpion. The manticore has a very resilient frame and is able to shoot fast-acting paralytic poison from both its tail and mouth.<br>
*'''Phantom''': Programmed by Luca Sparda again, this is a giant magma tarantula with a scorpion's tail, the ability to control and generate high-intensity flames, and a rock-hard carapace. It's vulnerable to cold and holy type damage, but practically immune to fire and stone type, and has tremendous amounts of health. Its weak spot is on its back, but even that will not protect you from it's powerful rock-like tail for long.
*'''Phantom''': Programmed by Luca Sparda again, this is a giant magma tarantula with a scorpion's tail, the ability to control and generate high-intensity flames, and a rock-hard carapace. It's vulnerable to cold and holy type damage, but practically immune to fire and stone type, and has tremendous amounts of health. Its weak spot is on its back, but even that will not protect you from it's powerful rock-like tail for long.
*'''Bloody Palace''': Another of Luca Sparda's programs, this is a 1000 floor arena where randomly selected enemies from anywhere in the Danger Room scenarios will appear as 'random encounters' on each floor, with every 100 floors holding a 'Boss' version of some of the enemies, as well as pre-tagged bosses (like the Manticore, above, the Tyrant, and Phantom). Users are encouraged to add their own bosses and see how far they can go. If they reach the 1000th floor they have to fight every boss in succession again, Mega Man style, and a final battle against an opponent called the [[Sparda|Legendary Dark Knight]]. Floors can be done one at a time or skipping ten floors after each victory, but the next 100th floor is unskippable.
*'''Ultimate Warrior 3000!!!!''': Programmed by [[Prae Shinra]] this is a true test of endurance and combat, the agent must defend a small village against an army of 3000 men strong, with an officer classed enemy arriving at every 100 kills.
*'''Iteration One''': Programmed by [[Jach Swiftblade]], largely based off of the personality chip obtained in mission 52 of Iteration One, a synthetic human specializing in stolen magical attacks. Available in combat and non-variety.
*'''Revision Two''': Programmed by [[Jach Swiftblade]], largely based off of the personality chip obtained in mission 52 of Revision Two, a synthetic human specializing in physical assaults, speed, and being way, way too crazy. Available in combat and non-variety.
*'''Dream Battle - Iteration One and Revision Two''': Programmed by [[Jach Swiftblade]], combining both I-One and R2 into one encounter. Extreme difficulty.
*'''[[Astrid Blomgren]]''' Programmed by [[Cassandra Aulin]] with her common tactics and weaponry. There are two versions of her. One when she was a minion of The Forgotten One and one when she was working for Inspiratio.
*'''[[Tendou Jigoku]]''': Programmed by [[Kamen]] with what he knows of the new incarnation of Tendou Jigoku and the knowledge from his parents. It's a solo battle with the monster (in its basic form) which reviews its tactics based on a few combat encounters. Warnings that it is woefully incomplete are listed on the parameters, as Tendou evolves.<br>
*'''[[Orochiko]]''': Programmed by Uchiha Aoi on one of his visits, this is a relatively accurate (as in backed up by Sharingan) view of a fight with Orochimaru the second. Currently outdated.
*'''Makai Senki''': Programmed by [[Tatsuya|Saejima Tatsuya]] to be modeled after the first duel his father fought against the rogue Makai Priest, Sigma.  The purpose of the duel was to retrieve a magical pelt used by Makai Priests to make brushes. Sigma posesses great power and can convert his makai brush into a sword, with which he is very skilled.  He has water based magic, telekenesis and flight.  He also is able to copy at least the abilities of a Makai Knight, creating a blackened version of the armor of the knight he copied.  Against non-Makai Knight opponents in the sim, he will summon the Black Garo armor.  The battle plays out in, on top of and through several high rises before Sigma tears a battlefield out of the side of one, the battle concluding in a huge storm of girders and i-beams hovering high above the city.  The girders fall to earth with Sigma yields. Tatsuya is in the process of modifying the program with a sort of Stage Select, to reproduce numerous battles against significant opponents from his father's past, including the Horror Lords Karma and Legules, the Dark Knight Kiba Silver Fang Zero (Riki's predecessor Suzumura Rei) and the Golden Fang Garo (Tatsuya's father Kouga). He has also added a "Hidden" battle against the Grou Dragon, planning to use it as practice for the real thing.
*'''Capsule Corp Training Sim 101''' Programmed by Bulma Briefs and retrieved during Mission #198. This program has Three training modes available, allowing the agents to do battle with weaker versions of some of the opponents faced on their world. Battle handicaps can be added or lifted though increasing the difficulty of opponents requires a Security Code. Currently, the training modes are:
**''The Ginyu Force''
**''Android #17'' & ''Android #18''
*'''[[Shamash Argeades]], Basileus and Defender of Earth's Liberty''':  Programmed by [[Faustlin Fontaine]], this sim is designed to allow Agents to test themselves against an upper-echelon Psychic with space- and time-bending abilities.  Though many of his offensive telepathic abilities are not simulated, his defensive telepathy and extreme telekinesis have been replicated, and with limiters disabled can pose a daunting challenge if provoked.  However, when running the simulation, Shamash will begin by only passively defending himself until he perceives a legitimate threat, at which point, he will begin to counterattack.  If truly threatened, he will open the full power of the Pallium Ignis and begin fighting in his Avatar form.
*'''Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Free For All''': An epic battle scene, with several terrains held by armies, and featuring the romanticized versions of warriors from [http://koei.wikia.com/wiki/Dynasty_Warriors_%28series%29#Shu Shu], [http://koei.wikia.com/wiki/Dynasty_Warriors_%28series%29#Wei Wei], [http://koei.wikia.com/wiki/Dynasty_Warriors_%28series%29#Wu Wu], and [http://koei.wikia.com/wiki/Dynasty_Warriors_%28series%29#Jin Jin], as well as others, programmed to act both as battlefield leaders and enemy elites. Pick a side, or simply oppose everyone, and wage battle with literally hundreds of soldiers stationed everywhere around scenic ancient China. Every few divisions defeated 'unlocks' an enemy general, a warrior skilled enough to make up for more than all the defeated divisions on their own. Enemies will re-take every battlefield position left unattended for long, unless their supply lines are cut, so this scenario requires either incredible strength and stamina or planning ahead and strategy, as the goal (unless on free for all mode) is to prevent your army from getting wiped out. Outnumbered several thousand to one, and facing off ancient heroes. Programmed by [[Paria]], as requested vaguely by [[Hanako]].
*'''Recover Sachiko''': A simple program, a virtual copy of [[Sachiko Uchiha]] for people to practice taking down with non-lethal means, as requested by [[Hanako]] Uchiha due to the events of a mission where she was taken. The purpose is to take down and disable her without killing or maiming her, where she brings her A game to the fight.<br>
*'''Dietrich Weber''': A simulation of super soldier and under-custody PARADIGM antagonist Dietrich Weber.<br>
[[Category: PARADIGM]] [[Category: Technology]]

Latest revision as of 05:55, 11 March 2015

Security and the Danger Room have been modified from the previous existence of a Pocket Dimensional Lab.

Security Room - There is a large computer station with monitors showing high traffic public areas of the Inn. The monitors used to show private areas as well until those cameras were disabled by Toki and Shiro. There are also some previous logs of previous tennants however the logs are not accessible without a password key. The Security Room was also proposed to be a Safe House of sorts if any emergency occurs, due to the fact that no one can teleport into the area and there are medical supplies already present because the space used to be a lab.

The Danger Room is a training facility built for the agents of PARADIGM living in The Inn to be able to use their skills without fear of damaging anyone or anything.

Simulator 'Danger Room' Designs

The Danger Room

After completing a few of the missions for PARADIGM.. the agents were given materials to build the Danger Room with holographic technology. These upgrades were largely added by Shiro, Akaru, Letty Carmichael, and Takeo Masaki. The Danger Room is located in the back half of the Security Room so that someone can also be supervising whoever is using the Danger Room, while also monitoring Security. The Danger Room also comes equipped with safety mechanisms, or limiters, so that the trainees using the device will not hurt themselves.

The holoprojectors (image-generators) can generate holograms in up to 32-bit color, which should be enough to convince most humans, although people with heightened senses might sense the color imperfections. The system can generate wavelengths from the radio spectrum up to the soft-UV. The kinetoprojectors (force-generators) can simulate directly applied force with high enough precision to simulate wind pressure and with enough force to protect the simulator environment from damage by the stronger agents; these also generate soundwaves as appropriate by agitating air within the Danger Room, generating high-fidelity sound up to about 30kHz (above the upper limit of normal human hearing) although at higher frequencies, digitization noise and signal aliasing might be noticed. Similarly, the kinetoprojectors can create heat or cold by agitating or slowing the air around the user, although the safety protocols limit this effect to generating discomfort at worst. The system's dynamic time response (rate of reacting to the user doing something new) is on the order of tens of microseconds (fast enough to be well below the normal human perception threshold which is closer to several milliseconds), and its spatial resolution is roughly ten micrometers (most humans can only distinguish distances larger than about fifty micrometers).

The Danger Room has been recently upgraded with PFAs (Psychic Field Actuators) which can project olfactory, gustatory, and kinesthetic sensations (smells, tastes, and internal tactile senses, e.g. which way is "down," or the location of your arms), allowing for a more complete simulated experience. In principle, the PFA system could be used to create more abstract or 'mystical' senses, although this would require some extensive programming by, or in cooperation with, someone who experiences those sensations and can describe them in some detail. Additionally, there is now a system for magic-simulation, which identifies, negates, and then simulates magic employed by users. The PFA is employed to create appropriate sensations of magic, as well. However, the magic-simulation subsystems have so far only been tested by Jaden Beleren, and anyone else using them for the first time should have oversight by an expert (preferably Jach Swiftblade) in case of unforseen problems.

Persistent Weight Training System

A recent proposal by Belle Hibiki. To simulate high-gravity training, the kinetoprojectors can be adjusted to emit constant pressure on all sides to people in the sims. This allows to simulate the effects of constant, heavy pressure and weight, forcing people training to expend far more energy and get a more intense workout. However, there are power-based limits. This can be used to simulate heavy weight and strong resistance, like underwater training, but going past a certain point (equivalent to heavy boulders) is a serious drain on the resources of the sims. Even a regular workout session is a drain on the power, and only a few hours a day can be spent in this kind of training. Going past 100 minutes will cause the system to shut down and have to recharge.
The limits to what one can achieve with this are similar to training under water at very low, but survivable, depths, not the equivalent of several dozen or hundred atmospheres. It can provide a more complete and challenging workout for agents with extremely high physical capabilities and an already intense training regimen, such as boulder-lifting and beyond-human weight training. People without that kind of physical capabilities could become incapacitated and possibly badly hurt, if not for the simulator's safety features.


The Danger Room has the ability to replicate any programs the designers think of. The parameters are easy to understand, and simple commands can make the pre-programmed 'characters' act accordingly. It requires a bit more work to make a new 'character' from scratch but once it's in there it can be used however the programmers can think of, and look like just about anything they want. At the most difficult, creating new simulation models is no worse than modern 3d computer modeling, and the software is designed to be user-friendly. Additionally, the ever-growing library of existing models can be accessed by voice command from inside, and each user can set personal "escape utterances," similar to the escape characters commonly used in programming to distinguish commands from other text. Each user has private storage space, but can always publish new scenarios or object models to the shared library. The internal sensor suite can scan objects brought inside and construct computer-generated models, which will be stored in the library.

Basic Programs

Simulations which are not actually used for battle, or have a different purpose.

  • Infinite Sky: Programmed by Prae Shinra & Tsuchida Midori This sim is designed to teach agents parkour, in a city of gigantic proportions, the agent is free to run as much as they want. On easy, paths and jump points are colored to indicate where to run, slide, and take off at. Higher difficulties remove said colorations, and add in several challenges throughout the city. Finally, as an added bonus, hidden easter eggs, flags, and achievements are stashed around the city for agents to explore and either work together to find, or brag over others for their accomplishments
  • Deep Blue: Programmed by Prae Shinra & Mizumi This sim is designed for more relaxation purposes. Using satellite imaging, and various algorithms, the sim replicates a portion of the ocean, complete with wildlife and fauna.
  • Pendulum Chamber: Programmed by Saejima Tatsuya to resemble the training room from his home. It's a lit square area with a stone floor, surrounded by total darkness. When active, huge pendulum blades will swing out from the darkness in random directions and in no set pattern, making this a test of perception and reflexes. They can be deflected off of their trajectory or dodged. The longer the chamber is active, the faster the pendulums move, the more frequently they swing through and, in some cases, they may start appearing more than one at a time.
  • Tutorial: Programmed by Prae Shinra Not everyone is as tech savvy as most, so when people wish to add sims but aren't sure how, Prae has developed an easy tutorial, from basics to advanced tricks, thus allowing even agents from all sorts of worlds to be able to input additional sims.
  • Broken Hearts: Programmed by Leben. This simulation is meant to test psychic responses and train peak performance. The setting takes place in a fortress modeled after Leben's mind. Because the simulation is personal it is locked and cannot be accessed unless given permission by Leben. If you try to hack into it, computers Diff 15.
  • Nabiki's Castle: Programmed by Takeo Masaki as a design exercise, simulator function testbed, and perhaps for nostalgic reasons as well, this is a relatively faithful simulation of Nabiki's Castle. Not everything is perfectly to scale, since it's all assembled from memory, but it's pretty close.
  • Cruiser: Programmed by Riki Suzumura. This program is made so that people could safely learn how to ride a motorcycle. It's also home to a fairly accurate recreation of the local city streets.


With an overall 'theme' and a set of goals, these programs are designed to work towards a more versatile 'goal'. From a training course to a full blown 'Hunger Games' setup.

  • Operation: Raccoon City - Program designed by Luca Sparda taking from his B.S.A.A. files, he has recreated the September 1998 T-Virus outbreak from the Midwestern American Raccoon City. Several opponents such as zombies, lickers, a Tyrant, and hunters, in a sealed off, chaotic city, with multiple mission objectives, picked each session:
    • Survive: In which the ammo is scarce, the enemies are plentiful and safe spots are few and far between, meant to practice teamwork, adaptability and resource management. Great for solo efforts as well, with less ammo to split up.
    • Seek and Destroy: In which the enemies are more scarce but the group has to actively take out a Tyrant which is carrying an important piece of their helicopter and get it back.
    • Hunter and Prey: In which an opposing squad of Umbrella Special Forces is out to get them, competing for ammo and health. First team to take out the other wins. The monsters are still active.
    • Dying Light: Programmed by Luca Sparda as a higher variation to the Raccoon City sim. This adds elements of Parkour, less ammo, and Crimson Head zombies. This is about avoiding direct confrontation with the undead and finding alternate and quicker ways to avoid them, as well as conserving ammo in lieu of accomplishing mission objectives, the purpose is out and out survival.
    • Seven Minutes: Based on the B.S.A.A. reports from 2009, the location is inside a lab shaped suspiciously like an ancient temple, where a single Desert Eagle is located for those able to hunt it down. The sole opposition (after getting past the regular scenario), is a lone super soldier B.O.W., who has superhuman reflexes, strength, regeneration, and a series of instant kill one-hit attacks, as well as the ability to burst out in super speed movement. The Super-Soldier BOW will begin the scenario by saying he has Seven Minutes to play with the agents, and then attempt to kill them. He can dodge bullets from any angle, and is essentially unstoppable. Agents are required to use wits, teamwork, and stealth to survive, and possibly even take down this opponent. Physically equivalent to a Son of Sparda, and essentially a wall of Hit Points. Survival completes the scenario, but to win will require to take down the Super-Soldier B.O.W. within the Seven Minutes. Those who succeed will get a notice of achievement in any other scenario they enter, noted on their person like a medal.
      • Hard Difficulty Setting: After thirty minutes of inactivity, any zombies defeated but not beheaded or burnt will upgrade into a Crimson Head, a far more dangerous and vicious zombie with actual extra-human speed and increased resilience, as well as claws.
      • Contagion Setting: A vicious additional difficulty, with the added issue that if a zombie bites the agent, after a random time delay (1 hour to 6 hours), they will begin turning into a zombie themselves, and the scenario will get an abrupt game over when the timer runs out. This timer is, of course, invisible.
  • Combat Obstacle Course: Programmed by Jackal, this is an obstacle course of sorts combined with combat situations. The obstacle course consists of a series of typical athletic challenges such as climbing (including a rock face and part of a building), crossing a space between buildings using a cable, crossing a field with patches of high grass to approach a building containing a gunman, etc. The opponents are mostly armed with assault rifles and knives, although some have hand grenades. The order of obstacles is randomized with each run, and the timing and locations at which enemies are encountered is randomized as well, to avoid emphasizing mere pattern-learning. The scenario allows the user to set the level of enemy cunning, enemy toughness (basically HP), and user toughness (how many hits can be taken before losing).
  • Bug Hunt: Programmed by Prae Shinra In an attempt to train agents against the "Xenomorph" menace encountered on several missions, Prae has designed this sim with various objectives and increasing difficulty. The sim takes place in a large spaceship with a set number of Xenomorphs.
  • Rainbow Six: Raven Shield: Programmed by Faustlin. this is a randomized building complex where a group of terrorists have holed up with hostages. The building layouts vary; office buildings, banks, mansions, government buildings, etc. The numbers and locations of assailants are randomized, as are the foot patrols moving from building to building. Scenario is complete when all hostages are rescued and/or when all hostiles have been neutralized. The simulation fails if any hostages are killed, usually either in a firefight or upon the agents being discovered. This is a scenario based on building teamwork and coordination, and could be quite difficult to attempt solo.
  • Splinter Cell Operation Contaminated Root: Programmed by Shiro Nakamura as a full out stealth mission that relies on the users skills in infiltration as they break into a highly secured facility. Their goal is to make their way into a government facility and upload a simple virus program. There are multiple difficulty settings that increase the amount of guards, their weaponry and the level of hacking ability required to bypass any type of security computerized security field. After the sim is over you are graded on your stealth and thinking skills. Note: An automatic GAME OVER happens when the user kills more than 35% of the guards or if any non-security guards are killed. The point of the mission is to test your infiltration, sneaking skills and problem solving.
  • Grand Phantasma:A program designed by Fakir ClanClan This program is more or less a game! While it could be used as a combat training sim, this is mostly a simple dungeon crawler game that will randomyly generate dungeons, enemies and sometimes even npc's for you to encounter. 2 Modes are currently avalible! Free play, Just hope right in and do a dungeon run, pick the size, complexity and difficulty of enemies inside, Or Story mode, Which will be a randomly selected mini story you can enjoy, complete with 'towns' and some interactive npcs.
  • Nightmare Training 01: Programmed by Daichi Niwa. This simulation has the participant enter a house filled with traps that will test the user to their maximum ability in stealth and agility. The house includes trap doors on the floor/ceilings, laser tripwires, shooting arrows, and more. The house is modeled after Daichi Niwa's own grandmother's home. (Added Note: At the very end there will be a set of traps, in which one will go off, sending out a shock regardless of how it is handled. It is an athletics/reflex check. D9.)
  • Battle of London: Programmed by Beni, this simulates a battle against forces of the Reapers, techno-organic foes comprised of re-purposed members of various species. The location is the ruins of London, during the last push to reclaim Earth and defeat the Reapers once and for all. The scenario locality is a large intersection with bombed out buildings, the borders "marked" by the streets being collapsed. The open streets and body of the intersection are filled with wreckage; pieces of buildings, abandoned and destroyed vehicles and scattered concrete road dividers. Ten waves of Reaper foes in steadily increasing numbers, variety and strength with the third, sixth and tenth waves having special objectives. After all ten waves are completed, a two minute Extraction wave begins, where participants must be standing in a certain location when the time runs out.
  • Attack on Horizon: Programmed by Beni, this simulates a scenario in which a human colony is being attacked by an enigmatic alien force known as Collectors. They would stasis lock and abduct entire colonial populations, and roughly two centuries ago (relative to Beni's age), her father charged into the colony of Horizon to put a stop to it. The scenario locality is a large courtyard bordered by collections of houses and prefabs, the borders "marked" by doors that are blocked or broken, with small prefabs and abandoned vehicles dotting the play area. Ten waves of Collector foes in steadily increasing numbers, variety and strength with the third, sixth and tenth waves having special objectives. After all ten waves are completed, a two minute Extraction wave begins, where participants must be standing in a certain location when the time runs out.
  • Siege of the Citadel: Programmed by Beni, this simulates the attack on the galactic hub, the massive Citadel station, by the human-supremacist terrorist organization known as Cerberus. The battle saw crooked members of Citadel Council government allowing the terrorists onto the station where they then attacked key embassy and C-Sec (Citadel Security) stations before moving on to attempt to assassinate members of the Citadel Council. The scenario is a close-quarters battle inside C-Sec headquarters, featuring numerous rooms on one floor: offices, cafeteria, gym and showers with an exit out to a landing platform at one end. Ten waves of Cerberus foes in steadily increasing numbers, variety and strength with the third, sixth and tenth waves having special objectives. After all ten waves are completed, a two minute Extraction wave begins, where participants must be standing in a certain location when the time runs out.
  • Basic CQC/Grappling Scenario: Designed by Faustlin, this simple simulation places the users in a darkened room full of pillars, from which assailants not hindered by the darkness will attempt to take down the user from all angles when least expected. The light level/general visibility and strength of the attackers can be customized for those with enhanced strength or vision, and the scenario will gradually adjust the difficulty based on the user's results to try to make it a constant challenge even for veteran martial artists.
  • Recover Reina Routine (aka: Willet, don't kill it): Designed by Faustlin, this simulation is meant to recreate elements of the two raids on Willet's lab, with Willet in the body of Reina Carmichael, assisted by versions of Faustlin Fontaine, Setsuna Mikagami and Riki Suzumura with synth-level strength, agility and reflexes, who behave and fight with all the abilities and tactics of the originals.
    • An option has been added to add the Silver Fang Armor to Riki's evil twin synth.


These programs exist for agents to fight. The objective is, essentially, beat people up and don't fall down.

  • Manticore - Program designed by Izumi Saotome and later modified by Shiro, the opponent is a chimera with a red lion based body, human head (with a flame pompadour and three rows of sharp, shark-like teeth), a trumpet-like voice, and a tail like a scorpion. The manticore has a very resilient frame and is able to shoot fast-acting paralytic poison from both its tail and mouth.
  • Phantom: Programmed by Luca Sparda again, this is a giant magma tarantula with a scorpion's tail, the ability to control and generate high-intensity flames, and a rock-hard carapace. It's vulnerable to cold and holy type damage, but practically immune to fire and stone type, and has tremendous amounts of health. Its weak spot is on its back, but even that will not protect you from it's powerful rock-like tail for long.
  • Bloody Palace: Another of Luca Sparda's programs, this is a 1000 floor arena where randomly selected enemies from anywhere in the Danger Room scenarios will appear as 'random encounters' on each floor, with every 100 floors holding a 'Boss' version of some of the enemies, as well as pre-tagged bosses (like the Manticore, above, the Tyrant, and Phantom). Users are encouraged to add their own bosses and see how far they can go. If they reach the 1000th floor they have to fight every boss in succession again, Mega Man style, and a final battle against an opponent called the Legendary Dark Knight. Floors can be done one at a time or skipping ten floors after each victory, but the next 100th floor is unskippable.
  • Ultimate Warrior 3000!!!!: Programmed by Prae Shinra this is a true test of endurance and combat, the agent must defend a small village against an army of 3000 men strong, with an officer classed enemy arriving at every 100 kills.
  • Iteration One: Programmed by Jach Swiftblade, largely based off of the personality chip obtained in mission 52 of Iteration One, a synthetic human specializing in stolen magical attacks. Available in combat and non-variety.
  • Revision Two: Programmed by Jach Swiftblade, largely based off of the personality chip obtained in mission 52 of Revision Two, a synthetic human specializing in physical assaults, speed, and being way, way too crazy. Available in combat and non-variety.
  • Dream Battle - Iteration One and Revision Two: Programmed by Jach Swiftblade, combining both I-One and R2 into one encounter. Extreme difficulty.
  • Astrid Blomgren Programmed by Cassandra Aulin with her common tactics and weaponry. There are two versions of her. One when she was a minion of The Forgotten One and one when she was working for Inspiratio.
  • Tendou Jigoku: Programmed by Kamen with what he knows of the new incarnation of Tendou Jigoku and the knowledge from his parents. It's a solo battle with the monster (in its basic form) which reviews its tactics based on a few combat encounters. Warnings that it is woefully incomplete are listed on the parameters, as Tendou evolves.
  • Orochiko: Programmed by Uchiha Aoi on one of his visits, this is a relatively accurate (as in backed up by Sharingan) view of a fight with Orochimaru the second. Currently outdated.
  • Makai Senki: Programmed by Saejima Tatsuya to be modeled after the first duel his father fought against the rogue Makai Priest, Sigma. The purpose of the duel was to retrieve a magical pelt used by Makai Priests to make brushes. Sigma posesses great power and can convert his makai brush into a sword, with which he is very skilled. He has water based magic, telekenesis and flight. He also is able to copy at least the abilities of a Makai Knight, creating a blackened version of the armor of the knight he copied. Against non-Makai Knight opponents in the sim, he will summon the Black Garo armor. The battle plays out in, on top of and through several high rises before Sigma tears a battlefield out of the side of one, the battle concluding in a huge storm of girders and i-beams hovering high above the city. The girders fall to earth with Sigma yields. Tatsuya is in the process of modifying the program with a sort of Stage Select, to reproduce numerous battles against significant opponents from his father's past, including the Horror Lords Karma and Legules, the Dark Knight Kiba Silver Fang Zero (Riki's predecessor Suzumura Rei) and the Golden Fang Garo (Tatsuya's father Kouga). He has also added a "Hidden" battle against the Grou Dragon, planning to use it as practice for the real thing.
  • Capsule Corp Training Sim 101 Programmed by Bulma Briefs and retrieved during Mission #198. This program has Three training modes available, allowing the agents to do battle with weaker versions of some of the opponents faced on their world. Battle handicaps can be added or lifted though increasing the difficulty of opponents requires a Security Code. Currently, the training modes are:
    • The Ginyu Force
    • Android #17 & Android #18
    • Frieza
  • Shamash Argeades, Basileus and Defender of Earth's Liberty: Programmed by Faustlin Fontaine, this sim is designed to allow Agents to test themselves against an upper-echelon Psychic with space- and time-bending abilities. Though many of his offensive telepathic abilities are not simulated, his defensive telepathy and extreme telekinesis have been replicated, and with limiters disabled can pose a daunting challenge if provoked. However, when running the simulation, Shamash will begin by only passively defending himself until he perceives a legitimate threat, at which point, he will begin to counterattack. If truly threatened, he will open the full power of the Pallium Ignis and begin fighting in his Avatar form.
  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Free For All: An epic battle scene, with several terrains held by armies, and featuring the romanticized versions of warriors from Shu, Wei, Wu, and Jin, as well as others, programmed to act both as battlefield leaders and enemy elites. Pick a side, or simply oppose everyone, and wage battle with literally hundreds of soldiers stationed everywhere around scenic ancient China. Every few divisions defeated 'unlocks' an enemy general, a warrior skilled enough to make up for more than all the defeated divisions on their own. Enemies will re-take every battlefield position left unattended for long, unless their supply lines are cut, so this scenario requires either incredible strength and stamina or planning ahead and strategy, as the goal (unless on free for all mode) is to prevent your army from getting wiped out. Outnumbered several thousand to one, and facing off ancient heroes. Programmed by Paria, as requested vaguely by Hanako.
  • Recover Sachiko: A simple program, a virtual copy of Sachiko Uchiha for people to practice taking down with non-lethal means, as requested by Hanako Uchiha due to the events of a mission where she was taken. The purpose is to take down and disable her without killing or maiming her, where she brings her A game to the fight.
  • Dietrich Weber: A simulation of super soldier and under-custody PARADIGM antagonist Dietrich Weber.