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(Operation #52: From The Shoulders of Giants)
(Operation #53 A Dark and Stormy Night.)
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===Operation #53 A Dark and Stormy Night.===
===Operation #53 A Dark and Stormy Night.===
*'''Description:''' Cassandra is calling for assistance once agian, as she believes she has spotted Astrid in an old abandoned prison.
*'''Description:''' Cassandra is calling for assistance once agian, as she believes she has spotted Astrid in an old abandoned prison.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Action
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Action
*'''Location:''' Romania,Minera Prison Island
*'''Location:''' Romania, Minera Prison Island
*'''Client:''' [[Cassandra Aulin]]  
*'''Client:''' [[Cassandra Aulin]]  
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>

Revision as of 05:48, 16 July 2012

This page explains the missions available to the members of the Inn, as well as how well they pay.
To know what else the PARADIGM Agents have discovered, refer to the Investigation Log.

Mission Rankings

PARADIGM ranks missions on a D to S system to signify the urgency and scale of the mission. The descriptions of the rankings are as follows.

D Rank Missions: Missions of a standard cleanup/containment nature. The danger is localized, the threat is of a relatively small scale, and the mission can be handled by roughly any agent worth their salt, albeit some might need help.
Payment: 1,000 dollars. (100,000 ¥)

C Rank Missions: Missions which are of a more serious threat level, actually requiring a bit more than standard action, which can have farther reaching consequences, such as affecting an entire city or area. The dangers involved in this type of mission can vary by the number or the nature of the threat, and are to be taken seriously by all but the strongest of agents.
Payment: 5,000 dollars. (500,000 ¥)

B Rank Missions: More serious missions, the kind which can have far-reaching consequences. Often a precursor to something larger and PARADIGM is taking preventative measures, or something of a small-scale disaster. Powerful single targets or organized groups qualify as B Rank missions, and agents are advised to come prepared for the worst.
Payment: 10,000 dollars. (1,000,000 ¥)

A Rank Missions: Missions of this rank are of a deadly serious nature. An entire country or region is at risk, the danger is widespread or immediate, and things have to be handled decisively and with high risk. Incredibly powerful single opponents with dangerously organized groups or armies might be involved, or actual natural disasters on a country-wide scale. All agents are ordered to proceed with caution, and to end this ASAP.
Payment: 25,000 dollars. (2,500,000 ¥)

S Rank Missions: Missions for the strongest and most qualified of agents. S Rank missions are of a planetary scale, and the threats are numerous, widespread and incredibly dangerous both on a personal and organizational scale. Several high-ranking agents are required for these kinds of missions, and the urgency is directly proportionate to how widespread the danger is. These might be time and resource consuming missions, and all agents are ordered to be ready to be involved for an extended amount of time.
Payment: 50,000 dollars. (5,000,000 ¥)

SS and SSS Rank Missions: Missions of an S rank which are on a scale yet unseen. Possibly galactic or universal scale. Expect the apocalypse if a mission of this rank is ever attempted, and all agents are to participate. Note: Any mission which gains the SS rank means it was an S Rank that was not accomplished, so the dangers are doubled or tripled, at least, and all agents are to take up arms and participate.
Payment: 100,000 to 500,000 dollars. (10,000,000 to 50,000,000 ¥)

Available Missions

Operation #29: The Great Tragedy

  • Description: A book with a powerful presence calls for the aid of agents to complete the story before the story seeps into the real world.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Location: Nördlingen
  • Client: Uzura
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:

Operation #33: Breaking the Habit

  • Description: The Convent of the Lumen Sisters has been found, but intel needs to be gathered.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Intel/Espionage
  • Location: Vigrid
  • Client: Jean Harcourt
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:

Operation #46: Smells like Zombie Apocalypse

  • Description: A company that sells celebrity fantasies is ready to roll out their latest module, but someone's making the fantasies into deadly reality. Figure out who's stealing their technology with murder on their mind.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Sci-Fi
  • Location: Los Angeles
  • Client: Seline Watts, IKON Company
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:

Operation #53 A Dark and Stormy Night.

  • Description: Cassandra is calling for assistance once agian, as she believes she has spotted Astrid in an old abandoned prison.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Romania, Minera Prison Island
  • Client: Cassandra Aulin
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:

Operation #54 Echoes in Space.

  • Description: A strange signal has started to broadcast from an old abandoned starship...
  • Rank:D
  • Genre: Scifi/Mystery
  • Location:Cartographer Vessel Magellan
  • Client: ???
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
  • Synopsis:

Completed Missions

These are the missions already completed by the members of the Inn.

Season One - Missions Completed #1-50

Operation #51 Blood that runs cold.:

  • Description: A member of the Aulin line of mages has requested help from PARADIGM, to help with monsters that have seemed to have appeared in then aquaduct near Castle Dracula.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Romania,Aquaduct near the ruins of Castle Dracula
  • Client: Cassandra Aulin
  • Status: Closed
  • Synopsis: The group met with Cassandra Aulin, A mage in training, just outside the town of Wygol. After some talking with the group it is revealed that not only do Raphael and David Morris know the client, but there seems to be more in play then just some monsters appearing. It Seems the Cassandra's Parents as well as Samuel Morris, David's father, had bee n the first to investigate the happenings at the aqueducts and hadn't returned. Jaden Beleren had sent Jean out to scout the area before they left the little home, and discovered the aqueduct was indeed crawling with monsters, as well as a rather big one. And So onward they ventured, seeing the world of the Aulins and Samuel along the way, as well as the handy work of what looked like at first another hunter..The group fought there way through several monsters like the Spectral Sword, Disc Lord, and Axe knights. Once making it one of the final rooms of the aqueduct they had found a Scylla, who upon closer inspection was actually Helen Aulin, Cassandra's mother. She cried for help and release from this form, but before the shock of what happened here washed away a new person approached, dragging along Cassandra's now dead father as well as David's who was oddly floating after her. Any attempts of attack on her were met with Samuel flung into the damage. Being told to release the pair,Astrid watched in amusement as Samuel struggled, trying to shoot Astrid, but with a small chant the gun was turned back on himself, where he placed it against his head and pulled the trigger. Not only had this enraged David into attacking her but also Helen was sent into a blind rage, but when there attacks met Astrid she simply vanished, it was later found out she was in possession of a Stop watch. The Fight with the former Aulin indued, and ended with her monstrous form for the most part destroyed. David, slumping next to his fathers body, had begun to mourn. Raphael with a prayer and a promise, and Jaden with a sleep spell laid the dieing Helen Aulin to rest. While this was going on ,Prae Shinra ventured into the next room to see if she could find Astrid, and that she did. Astrid was standing there with the Ice Brand in hand. After some discussion with her, they found out that is under the servitude of a demon known as The Forgotten One, and that she was promised to that her mind could be fixed if she ran about and did tasks for it. Distracted by Prae's conversation, Astrid was almost apprehended, her watch had be destroyed in one fell swoop by The Major and David, and she had been knocked to the floor, losing grip of the Ice Brand, at which point she pulled out a strange Library Card and then vanished from sight...Once they returned to Cassandra they informed her of the news, David and Raph offered her temporary shelter at the Inn.

Operation #52: From The Shoulders of Giants

  • Synopsis: crazy ass robots