Jean Harcourt

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Jean Harcourt
Jean in his habit with whip. artwork by Cinnie.
A.K.A. Sister Jean
Age 18
Voice Actor Noriko Hidaka
Relatives Sigurd Harcourt - Father
Bartholomew Fatima- Uncle
Margie Fatima - Aunt
Magdalene Fatima - cousin
Series Xenogears
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Jean Harcourt
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: PRETTY HARD TO TELL. ... but Male.
  • Likes: Church, Faith, Training, Discipline
  • Dislikes: Heartless acts

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 135lbs
  • Eyes: Topaz Blue/Green (Fatima Jaspers)
  • Hair: Silver


A very slim, athletic build that can easily have Jean be mistaken for a girl. He has a delicate voice, tan skin, and soft face. He smiles a lot and usually wears his nun habit. ... out of habit.


Kind, earnest, diligent.


Biblical Lore - Amazing
Etiquette - Amazing
Stealth - Very Good
Athletics - Very Good
Whip skills - Amazing


Being of the cloth, Jean has certain Ether abilities that is more akin to buffs/healing.


  • Purity Light - Recover Status Ailments (single)
  • Healing Light - Recovers HP (single)
  • Holy Light - Recovers HP (all allies)
  • Goddess Call - Speed up on the next turn (single)
  • Goddess Eyes - Raises Defense (single)
  • Wind Shield - Blocks Earth Attacks (single)
  • Earth Shield - Blocks Wind Attacks (single)
  • Fire Shield - Blocks Water Attacks (single)
  • Water Shield - Blocks Fire Attacks (single)
  • Goddess Wake - Revives ally (single)


Variety of whips


Innocent - Jean was raised in a convent.. there's things that a curious guy his age has no idea about and it'd at least shock/surprise him if he knew about it..
Of the Cloth - Dark abilities/Magic will make him feel uneasy.