Divergent Squad

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Background for this game (WTF is going on?!)

  • Setting: Divergent Squad is a branch division from PARADIGM that recruits gen3s onto their own special campaigns. For now the current setting is the Icarus, the ship of Tobias Swiftblade that has been modified with Epoch Tech to travel.
  • How to make the G3: These gen3s will all be fictional (especially since no one in mi2 has had a baby yet anyways). I don't mind whatever pairing you want to take but make sure you get the permission of the players who will be your gen3's parents. Clear the pairing with me and then go ahead and write up the character! The sheet will be on the bottom of this info-text.

Here are some important notes and FAQ about the game

  • You have no bonus merits in this game. Everyone has 0, so that means if you want merits you HAVE to take flaws. We have some of the old flaws in the Mi2 character list, but this time we've added and tweaked a few so that it will be attuned to the setting. For example, if you take "mistaken identity", one of the gms will take a character that looks like yours and start running amok. In this game you get a max of 7 merits.

Important Links

On Board Icarus

