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Izumi still felt a little awkward with intimacy but from the memories of the Girl of Water and Kamuro's kindness, the two grew closer together and eventually pursued a relationship. Izumi felt safe and like she could trust him; and due to his innocent nature she didn't have that inherent fear or worry that he would do anything to harm her. Kamuro seemingly accepted everything about Izumi and at first she ignored Kamen's advice in where he told her that there was a possibility that Kamuro was merely in love with the Girl of Water and it could have been anyone. Eventually, Izumi voiced that concern to Kamuro and he said he understood where she was coming from, but even if there was not anything between the Girl of Water or the Man of Earth, Kamuro believed that he would still feel the same. After that point, they started raising their intimacy.. and things were going very well between them for many months. During this time she met many new people as well: a synth named [[Letty Carmichael]] and an electricity mage named [[Xander Dreyar]]. Izumi became fast friends with Letty, and eventually also with Xander. With Letty she was slightly reminded of her first boyfriend, Akira.. and with Xander he decided to help give her some guidance with her Water magic training by introducing her to [[Atticus Fullbuster]], another water mage. Izumi also became rather protective of Letty after going on an investigation to the One Piece World where he wanted to learn more about a Devil Fruit he had ingested. Letty, being of a synth nature, was suggested to be sent to another doctor.. though the only transportation available for him would require him to be in 'smaller form'. He was then chainsawed to pieces and while Izumi was horrified at the idea, she was even more perturbed at Prae Shinra watching the ordeal and eating snacks. This issue did not come up again until a lot later.
Izumi still felt a little awkward with intimacy but from the memories of the Girl of Water and Kamuro's kindness, the two grew closer together and eventually pursued a relationship. Izumi felt safe and like she could trust him; and due to his innocent nature she didn't have that inherent fear or worry that he would do anything to harm her. Kamuro seemingly accepted everything about Izumi and at first she ignored Kamen's advice in where he told her that there was a possibility that Kamuro was merely in love with the Girl of Water and it could have been anyone. Eventually, Izumi voiced that concern to Kamuro and he said he understood where she was coming from, but even if there was not anything between the Girl of Water or the Man of Earth, Kamuro believed that he would still feel the same. After that point, they started raising their intimacy.. and things were going very well between them for many months. During this time she met many new people as well: a synth named [[Letty Carmichael]] and an electricity mage named [[Xander Dreyar]]. Izumi became fast friends with Letty, and eventually also with Xander. With Letty she was slightly reminded of her first boyfriend, Akira.. and with Xander he decided to help give her some guidance with her Water magic training by introducing her to [[Atticus Fullbuster]], another water mage. Izumi also became rather protective of Letty after going on an investigation to the One Piece World where he wanted to learn more about a Devil Fruit he had ingested. Letty, being of a synth nature, was suggested to be sent to another doctor.. though the only transportation available for him would require him to be in 'smaller form'. He was then chainsawed to pieces and while Izumi was horrified at the idea, she was even more perturbed at Prae Shinra watching the ordeal and eating snacks. This issue did not come up again until a lot later.
Things progressed normally at the Inn and eventually a call was made for an agent to investigate a city over-ridden with crime called ''The End''. Izumi had experience with stealth and espionage, so she was called for the mission and accepted it. It was at The End where she first met [[Gradius]], a group of three individuals who had made a pact together to take down all the crime existing in that city. Izumi stayed with Gradius for a while, becoming fast friends with [[Elias Jerico]], [[Jimmy 'The Left' O'Toole]], [[Shannon Moore]], and their father figure, ''Darren Elway''.
Things progressed normally at the Inn and eventually a call was made for an agent to investigate a city over-ridden with crime called ''The End''. Izumi had experience with stealth and espionage, so she was called for the mission and accepted it. It was at The End where she first met [[Gradius]], a group of three individuals who had made a pact together to take down all the crime existing in that city. Izumi stayed with Gradius for a while, becoming fast friends with [[Elias Jerico]], [[Jimmy 'The Left' O'Toole]], [[Shannon Moore]], and their father figure, ''Darren Elway''. Izumi joined Gradius on a few intel missions, finding herself particularly drawn to Elias due to their passion with martial arts and training. Finally the big payoff mission happened and Gradius was called to a warehouse where a man named ''Dietrich Weber'' was waiting. Dietrich had planned to grab one of the Gradius members to facilitate his plan in creating the Ultimate Life Form. As Gradius continued room after room of weapons and boobie traps, the members were injured or forced to stay behind until it was just Izumi and Elias left. Dietrich then explained that the one he had been searching for had been Elias and Izumi then realized that this operation that Dietrich wanted to do would in essence create Letty. Izumi still could not agree to leave Elias behind so together they fought Dietrich off and he fled. Izumi then left Gradius and returned to the Inn... and was pleased to find out Letty was alright. Not all news was pleasant, however, because around this time Belle had apparently left PARADIGM.. and joined Inspiratio. Izumi believed that Belle had left because of his curse seal and she made a vow to herself that she would do whatever it took to get him back.
A few grueling encounters then ensued... and in one of them, Izumi faced against [[Odio]], a powerful vampire. Izumi summoned Neo Bahamut against him and Odio slew the dragon in one fell swoop, nullifying the summon. Izumi was crestfallen that her summon was destroyed... even when Odio left, she still felt empty.

Revision as of 07:53, 13 August 2013

Izumi Saotome
Izumi Saotome with her current look. Artwork by Cinnie
A.K.A. Master Ninja and Materia Hunter! or 'Girl of Water'
Age 20
Voice Actor Megumi Hayashibara
Relatives Ryosuke Saotome - older half-brother
Konami Saotome - older half-sister
Makoto Saotome - younger brother
Kurama Amano - younger cousin
Hiyami Amano - younger cousin
Ranma Saotome - Father
Yuffie Kisaragi - Mother
Series Ranma 1/2 & Final Fantasy
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Izumi Saotome
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: November 18th
  • Parents: Ranma Saotome & Yuffie Kisaragi
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese/Wutaian
    • Speciality: Ninjutsu
    • Hobbies: Adventuring, training, making friends, getting rich!
    • Likes: Money, beating challenges, getting stronger, guys who are FIT
    • Dislikes: cats, people who are mean, evil stuff, any type of ship.
    • Favorite Food: everything pretty much.
    • Least Favorite Food: nothing.
    • Favorite Music: Anything
    • Favorite Sport: Everything
    • Most Valuable Possession: her Materia.
    • Level of Education: finished highschool-ish education.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Megumi Hayashibara

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'2
  • Weight: 130
  • Eyes: green
  • Hair: black but it was colored light brown
  • Special: (B:38 W:24 H:38) Also has makou green florescent eyes.


When Izumi was fifteen years old, she sported short hairstyle similar to Nabiki's. She also wore a blue-themed ninja outfit (blue chinese styled top and blue pleated skirt). Izumi continued to keep that outfit until her later teens and then she was forced to change her appearance due to being wanted for an arson crime that accidentally happened to a department store in downtown Tokyo.

Izumi's new look was having longer hair which was colored to a lighter brown and her outfit was changed to a red chinese-style top, grey pleated skirt, orange arm guards, and black boots. Sometimes, if the weather permits, Izumi rather wears tan colored shorts and a green tank top with black sandal-flipflops.


Energetic. Incredibly energetic. Fun-loving, optimistic.. goofy. Silly. Also incredibly uncomfortable with any sexual situations!


Adventurous and strong, Izumi Saotome is a Martial Artist, Just like her parents.. [show details]


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

  • Shissen Karihadi: Amazing
  • Ninjitsu: Amazing

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible [+4]
  • Athletics: Amazing [+5]
  • Stealth: Amazing [+5]

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good [+3]
  • Streetwise
  • Intimidation: With Ren technique = Amazing [+5]
  • Leadership
  • Expression: Good [+2]
  • Ettiquette: Novice [+1]
  • Performance: Good [+2]

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good [+2]
  • Investigation: Novice [+1]
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult
  • Politics
  • Science

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abyssmal
  • Survival (as in wilderness)
  • Empathy: Good [+2]
  • Animal Ken: With cats = Abyssmal
  • Cooking: Incredible
  • Languages: Novice

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

  • Katchu Tenshin Amiguriken
  • Mouko Takabisha
  • Hiryu Shoten Ha
  • Limit Break - All Creation
  • Mouko-ken Ki Fist technique
  • Air Dance flying Technique (never uses this)
  • Neko-ken.. *DEATHLY* afraid of cats.
  • Hunter techniques
    • Ten - Aura control
    • Ren - project emotions/scare
    • Zetsu - cloaking yourself
    • Nen - ki
    • Hatsu - projection of Nen
  • Rei gun: Due to spiritual training with Sin, Izumi can harness spiritual power into her ki blasts. However she does not pinpoint it into a single finger shot.. rather, she focuses it into her palms and fires it like a Mouko Takabisha shot.
  • Rokushiki techniques
    • Soru: The Soru (剃る Soru, literally meaning "Shave") allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. It was revealed that the principle of this move was to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye.
    • Geppo: The Geppo (月歩 Geppō, literally meaning "Moon Step") allows the users to actually jump off the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. Members can use this technique to cross great distances without ever touching the ground, or set themselves up for swift, aerial attacks. While the technique itself affords several advantages in both in and out of battle for the user, it has but one major weakness: since its usage depends heavily on the user's legs, restraining or pinning down any major parts of their lower body can significantly disrupt Geppo.
    • Diable Jambe: The Diable Jambe (悪魔風脚 (ディアブルジャンブ), literally meaning "Devil Leg") is the kick fighting style learned from the All Blue Cook, Sanji. When Izumi utilizes this style she heats up her leg, adding extreme heat to the impact of her kicks. In this form, Izumi, due to the high temperature has the ability to burn her opponents. While like this, she can light her opponent on fire.
  • Nanto Suicho Ken: (南斗水鳥拳, South Dipper Waterbird Fist, also translated as South Dipper Waterfowl Fist) a form of Nanto Seiken represented by its successor, Reiji. Its movements are compared to a graceful water bird, however, its destructive power is without equal and can slaughter enemies with its devastating slicing techniques. It allows Izumi to slash at enemies with her fingertips from a distance, with near-invisible blades of wind.
    • Nanto Suicho Ken - Hisshou Hakurei: (飛翔白麗, Soaring White Grace)㊙: Izumi performs a single, graceful looking somersault. As she lands, her hands slices horizontally to the front, slicing through the opponent's shoulders, with tremendous impact, all the way down to the ground, through the body.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items.)

  • Girl of Water - Being the Girl of Water, Izumi is able to use water-based attacks and techniques if she's around Kamuro or in the world where the Kegai no Tami originate from.
    • Water Dragon Slayer: Helped taught to her by Atticus and Xander, Izumi gains the power and characteristics of Leviathan, along with the signature ability of Dragon Slayers to eat external sources of her element to heal herself and regain power, thus making her immune to water attacks. She can also breathe under water.
    • Water Dragon's Roar: Izumi's version of the signature Dragon Slayers' attack, she generates water in her mouth and releases it in a concentrated, destructive blast, capable of destroying everything in a wide area in front of her.

She also has makou-poisoning. It's not a power, but anything related to that affects her.

Guardian Force

Anima, wrapped in chains, and takes in the pains and suffering of the living.
  • Anima
    • Pain A non-elemental attack that targets all enemies. After Anima is summoned via an anchor hook that 'pulls' it out of the ground with chains. Anima charges energy into it's eyes and mouth and then a dark, large blast of energy explodes around the targets.
    • Oblivion The target is dragged underground and the bottom half of Anima breaks out of it's chains, glowing energy into it's fists and then dealing a devastating, multiple punching combo on them.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

  • Uses Materia (Materia Owned):
    • Fire - Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3
    • Ice - Ice, Ice 2, Ice 3
    • Bolt - Bolt, Bolt 2, Bolt 3
    • Restore - Cure, Cure 2, Regen, Cure 3
    • Time - Haste, Slow, Stop
    • Heal - Poisona, Esuna, Resist
    • Ultima - Ultima
    • Destruct - DeBarrier, DeSpell, Death (this does not always work)
    • Transform - Mini, Toad
    • Barrier - Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, Wall
    • Seal - Sleep, Silence
    • Comet
    • Fullcure
    • Speed Plus - Enhances speed
    • Levathian - Summons Leviathan, the water Serpent which deals massive water damage. Currently Unavailable. Yuffie has it. :(
    • Neo Bahamut - Summons the dragon king Bahamut, who deals massive destructive force. Cannot be teleported out of.


Self-Confident (5): One free re-roll during a mission, due to the strength of your self-confidence. This only comes into effect regarding rolls at difficulty 6 or higher.

Catlike Balance (2): -2 difficulty to rolls relating to balance.

Innocent (2): You have an aura of childlike innocence (whether you really are or not). -2 difficulty on rolls involving Subterfuge or Manipulation.

Double-Jointed (1): -2 difficulty on any roll involving flexibility.

Items of Note

  • Nanchaku, kunai, throwing stars, remedies, tents, ph, random nostalgic crap, etc..
  • Time watch: Crafted for her by Robert, Izumi can use this watch to portal in places she has already visited. Not meant to use for battle, just for transportation purposes.
  • Ribbon: She usually forgets she has this though.. gotten with Safe when traveling through their worlds. It wasn't easy :(
  • Leaf Box: Gotten from Mission #93. One use only.. will change her into Leaf-form until struck.


Incredible fear of cats. Also gets airsick, carsick, seasick... yeah.


Curiosity (2): Your incredible curiosity often overrides your common sense. Resisting temptation requires a successful Wits roll, difficulty depending on the situation. A very bad flaw to take with certain evil sadistic GMs.

Phobia of CATS (3): You have a specific, incredibly powerful fear. The 3 point version, you must succeed a willpower roll or be incapacitated by your fear, or if appropriate.. roll or enter a frenzy/flip-out.

Overconfident (1): You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.

Otherworldly Taint MAKOU EYES (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make a Perception + Awareness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.

Dark Secret "Konami Incident" (1): There's something about you which you don't want people to know, and it would be very bad if they did (or at least you think it would be).

Compulsion "Gettin' Rich" (1): You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You have to spend a temporary Willpower point to fight the compulsion for a short time.

NPC(s) to go with char

