Pepper Hakuryu

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Pepper Hakuryu
Pepper, Art by Erin
Age 874
Voice Actor Hiyama Nobuyuki
Relatives Atsuko Natsume (Mother)
Goldy Hakuryu (Father)
Cinnamon Hakuryu (Twin sister)
Mint Hakuryu (Sister)
Series Lunar

  • Name: Pepper Hakuryu
  • Age: 874
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: June 26
  • Parents: Atsuko Natsume, Goldy Hakuryu
    • Place of Birth: Earth
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Speciality: Swordsmanship
    • Hobbies:
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hiyama Nobuyuki

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'0
  • Weight: 172 lbs
  • Eyes: Sky Blue
  • Hair: Black, tied into a ponytail
  • Special:


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Often cold and cynical, pondering his existance in the world, but shows streaks of helpfulness, a strange sense of humour, and a cretain shyness about him around females.


Born on Earth in Nabiki's Castle, he spent his childhood with Atsuko on Lunar, as he learned magic with Clef and at Luna's magic guild, Atsuko has taught him skill with the blade. The young Pepper progressed naturally with his natural talent and affinity for magic, but wanted something more than just throwing fireballs around, so he took up the sword and other hand to hand weapons. When he reached 300 years old, went out travelling alone throughout Lunar during which he participated in tournaments, contests, and duels for most of his life, along with the bandit killings for their treasure.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Very good
  • Athletics - Very good
  • Bladed Weapons - Excellent

Social Skills:

  • Streetwise - Good
  • Intimidation - Good
  • Leadership - Very good
  • Ettiquette - Good

Mental Skills:

  • Magic - Excellent

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Average
  • Survival - Good

Special Abilities

Cephiran Magic
Shamanistic Magic


Dragon Transformation - Able to transform into two different types of Dragon, first is a miniature sized version which to many reminded of a winged cat, about the size of an average housecat. The second is a full sized black dragon, approximately 30 meters long from nose to tail with breath attack.
Space Fold magic - The ability to open up a rift in the space time continuum to enter a fourth dimensional space which allows storage and travel to areas he has already once visited.
Accelerated Healing - An innate ability to heal at a highly accelerated rate compared to humans.
Black Dragon Grief - An innate Black Dragon magic which opens a rift in the earth and drags the target down into the depths of hell.

Unique Items

Orihalcon Katana - A monomolecular bladed katana forged from the legendary metal Orihalcon from the Slayers world. Can cut through any mundane material, deflect magic aimed at the wielder, also the blade can amplify any magic cast by the wielder. Currently sealed and stored away in Pepper's space fold, accessible only by himself.

Items Of Note

Temporal Watch - A small wristwatch that users can teleport themselves to any time and location. Only usable by members of THACO.
THACO Members Badge - A shield shaped badge that contains the safety key for use of THACO's equipment as well as a secured comm device for use by the owner.


  • Common Sense (1): 800 years of experience and wisdom
  • Concentration (1):
  • Well-Traveled (3):
  • Graceful (2):
  • Favor (2): THACO Leader

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Dark Secret (1) - Adulterous
  • Cursed (5): Incapacitated by Healing Magic - As a tradeoff to his rapid healing, any further magical assistance to the healing rate causes great pain and discomfort to his body.

NPC(s) to go with char

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