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Sakurai profile.png
Age 19
Voice Actor Mami Kingetsu
Relatives None
Series Kami Kaze
  • Name: Sakurai
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Chocolates, being left alone, reading, secretly helping the poor and unfortunate, carrying out Lady Kaede's will
  • Dislikes: Being forced to fight, annoying people, wasting time, Lady Kaede's punishments

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 130lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black


Sakurai in her school clothes.

Slightly taller than average Japanese girl! Has really long black hair, when let down it reaches to her waist. Usually keeps it up in a pony tail.


Looks like she is always angry at the world. A bit of a loner, even her classmates thinks this and since Sakurai always comes to school covered with scars and bandages, they avoid her completely. Some even commented that Sakurai always look like she's going to kill someone. When Lady Kaede found her, she gave Sakurai a new purpose of life, so Sakurai has sworn loyalty to Lady Kaede and her mission.


  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..): Very Good
  • Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.): Very Good


Kegai no Tami:

  • Fragrance: All Kegai no Tami can detect and deploy special 'fragrances' into the air. VERY USEFUL, can be used for tracking, confusion, even putting regular humans to sleep in a 1 mile-radius.
  • CQC: Her Kegai no Tami bloodline allowed to have natural affinity to hand-to-hand combat, so she was forced into fighting to the brink of death all the time ever since she could remember.


  • Long knives/needles - Sakurai's weapon of choice in fighting. She is deadly up close and far.


  • Twisted Upbringing (mentoring, etc.) (1): Whoever taught you the ways of your people gave you an incredibly skewed version of those ways, and your faulty beliefs can get you in big trouble... You REALLY should come up with a few actual major flaws on your world view, not just pop them in randomly, as this makes for less of a tragic, very screwed over character and more the proverbial Fishmalk or Schitzophrenic idiot with no sense of IC. Sakurai hates the life that she grew up, all she knows is of fighting.
