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Mission Rankings

PARADIGM ranks missions on a D to S system to signify the urgency and scale of the mission. The descriptions of the rankings are as follows.

D Rank Missions: Missions of a standard cleanup/containment nature. The danger is localized, the threat is of a relatively small scale, and the mission can be handled by roughly any agent worth their salt, albeit some might need help.

C Rank Missions: Missions which are of a more serious threat level, actually requiring a bit more than standard action, which can have farther reaching consequences, such as affecting an entire city or area. The dangers involved in this type of mission can vary by the number or the nature of the threat, and are to be taken seriously by all but the strongest of agents.

B Rank Missions: More serious missions, the kind which can have far-reaching consequences. Often a precursor to something larger and PARADIGM is taking preventative measures, or something of a small-scale disaster. Powerful single targets or organized groups qualify as B Rank missions, and agents are advised to come prepared for the worst.

A Rank Missions: Missions of this rank are of a deadly serious nature. An entire country or region is at risk, the danger is widespread or immediate, and things have to be handled decisively and with high risk. Incredibly powerful single opponents with dangerously organized groups or armies might be involved, or actual natural disasters on a country-wide scale. All agents are ordered to proceed with caution, and to end this ASAP.

S Rank Missions: Missions for the strongest and most qualified of agents. S Rank missions are of a planetary scale, and the threats are numerous, widespread and incredibly dangerous both on a personal and organizational scale. Several high-ranking agents are required for these kinds of missions, and the urgency is directly proportionate to how widespread the danger is. These might be time and resource consuming missions, and all agents are ordered to be ready to be involved for an extended amount of time.

SS and SSS Rank Missions: Missions of an S rank which are on a scale yet unseen. Possibly galactic or universal scale. Expect the apocalypse if a mission of this rank is ever attempted, and all agents are to participate. Note: Any mission which gains the SS rank means it was an S Rank that was not accomplished, so the dangers are doubled or tripled, at least, and all agents are to take up arms and participate.

Missions Listing

Operation #1: Take me to the Circus

Description: Magical disturbances have been occurring around the fair grounds in downtown Tokyo. Monster sightings as well as reports of missing people. Investigate and neutralize the anomaly.
Rank: D
Genre: Magic/Humor
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Client: Sagiko
Status: Complete


Synopsis: Group was sent to 90's era Tokyo, Japan and were given tickets to the floating circus via a mysterious woman with light-blue hair. The group took a magic, floating, willy-wonka-like elevator up to the circus and observed a show with a performer who referred to itself as 'Janus', the two faced god. A strange, ugly fish-like old woman appeared on the stage and then ordered Janus to find a body for their leader. Janus then used a dream-stealing device contraption to take out a dream mirror of one of the circus guests, a little girl with dark hair. The monster split into two beings, Tonic helping to incapacitate one with the help of Vaelgir. The group then fought and defeated the monster with Belle using a special technique and Kamen retrieving the mirror with a distraction from Izumi. The old monster woman vanished and the circus tent also started disappearing. Vaelgir used his magic spell to help get the group down to the ground safely and then they used the telephone booth teleporter to return home.

Operation #2: Cry of the Planet

Description: Monsters and Mythical beasts have been springing around the cities of Midgar as well as terrorizing local southern cities. Rumors of a man in a black cloak responsible and last seen in Nibelheim. Investigate the town and capture the man in black cloak, if hostile then neutralize.
Rank: B
Genre: Magic/Adventure/Fantasy
Location: FF7 World
Client: Yuffie Kisaragi
Status: Complete

Luca Sparda
Izumi Saotome
Ryoku Takayanagi

Synopsis: Upon arriving in the 4th Sector of Midgar, in front of the World Regenesis Organization HQ, the PARADIGM agents met with the client, Yuffie Kisaragi. Learning that monsters have been attacking Midgar and Wutai, the agents boarded the train to the outskirts of the gigantic city. Once outside, they saw the WRO outposts overrun by hordes of the local monsters, andthe Midgarzolom, a non-native giant snake from the Mithril Mine Marshlands. While Agent Sparda (Not to be confused with the former agent Sparda distracted the horde with hit and run tactics, agent Takayanagi defended agents Aku and Saotome from the ones who didn't follow Sparda, to leave them free to fight the Midgarzolom. After a brief but intense battle, Saotome attracted the large snake with a powerful blast, Aku weakened it enough to leave it temporarily vulnerable and both of them finished it off, Aku focusing on the head while Agent Saotome focussed on the body.
With the Midgarzolom defeated, three people in Black Cloaks (Identified to be a former member of the G Corps, a member of SOLDIER and an unknown civilian) who were behind the monsters' attack were killed and then died in a suicide attack by agents Sparda and Aku, the other black cloaked members of the group left in an AATV, leaving one man behind, called Ain. Ain fought all four agents to a standtstill, only shocked by agent Saotome's use of the Ultima spell, at which point he left behind a red (summoning) Materia which was used to draw out the Eidolon, Ifrit to fight in his stead.
Ifrit's power scorched the area, which weakened all four agents who had to focus on shifting their attacks and defense, with agents Takayanagi and Aku in melee range, agent Sparda providing ballistic support and agent Saotome using the power of her own summoning Materia, Leviathan, to quench Ifrit's flames. After the Eidolon's most powerful attack, which lay waste to the entire countryside, agent Saotome's Blizzaga spell, combined with agents Takayanagi and Sparda's assault stunned the Eidolon long enough for agent Aku to sever it's head, completing the mission.

Operation #3: Sumaru never Sleeps

Description: Rumors of children going missing and dying inexplicably at a hospital in Sumaru, Japan. Investigate and Neutralize the cause.
Rank: C
Genre: Spiritual/Horror
Location: Sumaru, Japan
Client: ???
Status: Open

Operation #4: Horrible Night to have a Curse

Description: A group calling themselves the Fang Clan have been moving into Paris, and inexplicable deaths are occuring there.
Rank: B
Genre: Horror/Action.
Location: Paris, France.
Client: Doctor Social.
Status: Closed

Belle Hibiki
Izumi Saotome
Magdalene Fatima
Raphael Belmont
Vaelgir Stormblade

Synopsis: The Psychologist Dr Social contacted the PARADIGM agents, telling them about the disappearance of various homeless, and motions of suspected members of the Fang Clan in the castle of Mont Saint-Michel, supposedly to gather supplies and equipment that may have been stored there since World War II. The agents made their way there, found the locals enthralled to some sort of curse, and the area guarded by a barrier. After dispelling it, they made their way inside.
Inside were zombies, of civilians, at first, then once inside the courtyard, of soldiers. Nazis, to be precise, with their supplies stacked up for rapid movement, but also strategically forcing anyone to go through the path of Nazi Zombies and Plaguebearers. After causing damage to the troops and the supplies, the agents moved on ahead to a suddenly deserted castle, and up to the meeting hall.
The hall was filled with abominations and Panzer Demons, cybernetic Nazi Supersoldiers. After a vicious battle, the agents made their way into the higher room where they confronted Andrei Konstantin, the vampire sorceress Laura, and the pustulant Harry. The vampires were prepared for most possible enemies, but the presence of a nun and a Belmont made them incredibly nervous, and caused all of them massive damage. Laura caused major damage to Aku, while Harry fought off with Vaelgir Stormblade, and Andrei was left to fend off the two holy empowered warriors, until the agents were close to victory.
However, Ain appeared like a flash, saving the vampires from almost certain death, and then critically wounded Aku. Sof then showed up to defend Ain from Tonic, before they and the vampires escaped to a portal outside in the courtyard, which vanished when they were through, leaving agents with many destroyed supplies but no confirmed vampire kills. However, Mont Saint-Michel is free again, and authorities will clean up soon enough.

  • Agent Izumi has requested a follow up for more information after this Operation and it has been noted in the Investigation Log

Operation #5: The Grand Blue Line

Description: Troubled hunters are experiencing an odd shortage of mystical crops in an island-like world. Search for the Stolen fruit.
Rank: C
Genre: Comedy/Action.
Location: The Grand Line
Client: Ziggs R. O'Malley
Status: Closed

Hisui Hoozuki
Kouhei Kurosaki
Letty Carmichael
Vaelgir Stormblade

Synopsis: Agents arrived at a Port City where they received a briefing that the Goose Bandits were responsible for hijacking the Devil Fruit. After receiving a map and a dinghy.. the agents proceeded to an island with magic aid from Vaelgir Stormblade, where the Goose Bandits were stealing items from a shack and packing them into a crate. After a distraction from Letty Carmichael, Hisui Hoozuki and Aku grabbed the crate and ran back to their boat. However, they quickly realized that the box held nothing but candles. An enraged Granny Goose and compatriot, Mother Goose, ran with their three underlings: Barbie Que, Frida Lay, and Franz Onion. After a scuffle, with Mother Goose trying to escape though thwarted by Kouhei Kurosaki.. the agents were able to successfully retrieve the Devil Fruits. However, on closer inspection, they realized that there were Seven Fruits.. instead of just the Five they were commissioned to bring back.

Once returning, Captain Smoker and the Marines were there to apprehend the bandits, deciding to get the reward money settled under Paradigm's name in case the agents were to ever return to this dimension, they'd have some extra money to spend. Aku called back to Headquarters via the fruit and the agents were given permission to do whatever they pleased with them. After returning to the inn, Izumi called out a meeting albeit Jackal reminding that the fruits were dangerous. After consultation, Letty ate the Boom-Boom fruit and Aimi ate the Viz-Viz fruit.

Operation #6: The Eve of Terror

Description: Bio-terrorists are attempting to repossess a dangerous B.O.W. sample from a lab, and they must be stopped.
Rank: C - Upgraded to a B due to emergency.
Genre: Horror/Action.
Location: Nevada, outside Las Vegas.
Client: Kyle Maddigan
Status: Closed

Kaoru Sie
Ryosuke Saotome
Letty Carmichael
Sachiko Uchiha
Suzume Yamida
Faustlin Fontaine

Synopsis: PARADIGM agents responded to an urgent distress call. The parameters of the mission had been changed when a group of terrorists attacked a MIST base in rural Nevada. The base had been taken in by a group of unknown force. After realizing the guards were mostly taken unawares, a tail ripped from the ceiling and wounded Sachiko Uchiha. After readying themselves, Faustlin Fontaine noticed that one of the dead guards as booby trapped, and Kaoru Sie read through contact that the guards had been killed by a blond man and a young girl.
On the second floor, the lights were off and they found more dead guards, learning the enemy had powerful artillery. After avoiding a grenade trap which almost killed Letty Carmichael, the creature with the tail attacked again. This time it was pulled from the ceiling and withstood everyone's blows before running away, a bit wounded. This time a poison trap was waiting for them in the stairs.
Choosing to avoid these, Ryosuke Saotome made a hole to the bottom floor, where the group entered combat with Golem, Anton and Sister Red. Sachiko was attacked by Grendel and almost fatally wounded, as Sailor Centauri allowed the group to drop in and avoid Golem's gatling gun. During the confrontation with the three, the elevator opened, carrying Kraken, who used a rocket launcher on them. Being wounded, Kraken was told to escape while Anton and Sister Red stayed behind, besieged by Ryosuke and Kaoru.
Kraken decimated the MIST forces, and escaped, followed by Ryosuke, as Sachiko and Letty managed to finish off the Golem. After a tough skirmish, Anton used his trump card, ordering the Kraken to release the virus into the air. Ryosuke sealed it under ground, and then went away from the biological weapon. The group then got tested for possible BOW contamination and came up clean.