Inspiratio Unum

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Inspiratio Unum
Also Known As The Inspired Ones
Organization Type Criminal Super Group
Leadership Odio
Membership Orochimaru II; Dexter Curwen; Eletian Carmichael; Tendou Jigoku;
Associated With Blood Clan; Karaku.
Related To Anticross; The Sirens

Inspiratio Unum (usually just called Inspiratio) was the first major group of allied enemies PARADIGM agents were drawn into battle with.


When Odio revived himself through mysterious circumstances, he was contacted by Beside Pain, a genetic duplicate of Ciel Etoile. This one offered him a Cross Gate system, allowing the ability to travel between dimensions and make all of his wishes come true, potentially, for a price. Odio paid the price, and began assembling locations, people, and items to facilitate his eventual dream. Calling his group Inspiratio Unum, the Inspired Ones, Odio began a reign of terror which opposed both guardians of good and known Supervillains equally.
Gathering the likes of Orochimaru II and J Revival, Odio began assembling forces and armies to serve under him. Several victories and turnabouts happened, including a battle with the heir of Hokuto Shinken and the addition of the Nanto Shitennou, and an encounter with PARADIGM which left several people badly wounded, as well as the utter defeat of a summon monster. Through effort and planning, and gathering the likes of Dan Fielding to his side, Odio finally managed to call forth his wish. His final victory erased several people form the Multiverse, and the battle cost the life of Miyabi Uzumaki.
Odio was finally defeated when PARADIGM undid his wish and somehow prevented his Stand, THE WORLD from stopping time and simply killing everyone. After this, the remaining forces of Inspiratio fell apart, with most of their mystics remaining together as Anticross, and others, such as Orochimaru and her people joining with other groups, such as the Dread Pirates. But with the desertion of the Blood Clan, the arrest and dispersal of J Revival, the death of Odio was the final nail in Inspiratio's coffin.


Inspiratio served one very important purpose. The creation of Odio's 'Perfect World'. That was his end goal, and while there were some who believed they had more to gain, all of then understood that Odio's World would make them immensely powerful. Several people truly believed in and worshiped Odio, either out of respect or fear. Others simply were waiting for their moment to take over. But in the end, all of them shared common goals. The desire for immense power, the death of PARADIGM, and the glory of being side by side with Odio.

Known Members



  • You thought the channel villain was Odio, but in fact it was ME, DIO!!!!
  • In the end, Orochimaru II left the group because she had truly fallen for Odio's charisma, despite her usual self-serving nature. She truly wanted him to win.
  • Beside Pain used the money gained by selling Cross Gate technology to Dio to fund his mercenary squad for a whole year.