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[[Season Four]] - Missions Completed #151-200<br>
[[Season Four]] - Missions Completed #151-200<br>
[[Season Five]] - Missions Completed #201-250<br>
[[Season Five]] - Missions Completed #201-250<br>
[[Season Six]] - Missions Completed #251-300<br>
===Operation #251: A Chilling Reunion AKA Eric's Character Dies Like This Were The Finale===
*'''Description:''' The Sorceress [[Evia]] has felt something disturbing among the Frozen North. ''Dimensional Disturbance Detected''.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Type of Mission
*'''Location:''' Bagonia, Largias Continent
*'''Client:''' Contact Name
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #252: Part Man, All Model===
*'''Description:''' A new drug ring masquerading as a bar has popped up, after changing hands. Make people run, then trash the place.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Beat 'Em Up
*'''Location:''' The End
*'''Client:''' Dylan Copeland
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Hanako Uchiha]]
** [[Shaila]]
** [[Quint Nakajima]]
** [[Seiya Sumeragi]]
** [[Faustlin Fontaine]]
** [[Keiko]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': It was a psychobilly freakout!
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #253: Turf War===
*'''Description:''' The results of Operation #252 have borne fruit - into a huge turf war!
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Widespread Beat 'Em Up
*'''Location:''' The End
*'''Client:''' Dylan Copeland
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Izumi]]
** [[Kamen]]
** [[Shaila]]
** [[Quint Nakajima]]
** [[Seiya Sumeragi]]
** [[Faustlin Fontaine]]
** [[Zala]]
** [[Ellyana Strauss]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Shinshi Seta]]
*'''Synopsis''': The turf war between the Malheureux Family and Don Pergolesi raged across The End...
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #254: Act of the Disappearing Lacrima===
*'''Description:''' A wizard's guild is looking to outsource some of its jobs as trouble builds in the area, starting with bandits!
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy
*'''Location:''' Acalypha, Dallurn Continent
*'''Client:''' [[Juraia Nexus]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Shaila]]
** [[Shinshi Seta]]
** [[Ellyana Strauss]]
** [[Argentia]]
** [[Kamen]]
** [[Izumi]]
** [[Elias Jerico]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': A recent magical-supplies shop was stolen from in Acalypha, and the client wishes PARADIGM to catch the thieves!
:PARADIGM traveled to the [[Soaring Heights]] guild in [[Acalypha]], where they met with the Guild Master [[Juraia Nexus]]. Here, the guild master explained to them in simple terms Dallurn was a place of adventuring wizards who would often take up jobs for the people to quell various troubles or perform various investigations. Recently, by either coincidence, coordination, or opportunity, a sudden surge of troubles had grown and were starting to overwhelmed the guilds in place. Juraia explained that because of this, they were looking for more help, and had chosen to hire PARADIGM after making somewhat recent contact with the organization. For their first job, while the majority of Soaring Heights wizards were already out on different jobs, Juraia asked them to track down a stolen shipment of lacrima (magical batteries) that had been swept away from a caravan earlier in the morning. He provided a map of where the caravan was attacked and let the party be on their way.
:The party managed to track down the thieves fairly easily, as the bandits had made a camp in the nearby woods while preparing to transport the mass amount of crates further. As PARADIGM charged, they were beset upon by a firing line of magic-gun wielding thugs, and a forest full of traps. Through a show of power, however, the team managed to bust into the midst of the bandit camp where two rogue wizards revealed their faces - Totomaru, a fire-controlling wizard wielding different 'flavors' of fire in his attacks, and Trisabelle, a woman who could make her body turn to water and seemed particularly moody about her general surroundings. What began as a gentleman's agreement turned prank swiftly escalated into a hectic combat with their pair, though the Agents were able to overwhelm Totomaru with fair ease, leaving Trisabelle to retreat in a show of cowering after seeing hints of lightning magic amidst the group. Who these two are or why they were aiding the bandits is yet to be seen, but Totomaru now rests with Acalypha's guard as prisoner for further questioning.
===Operation #255: Bandits, Now with less Orange Fire===
*'''Description:''' PARADIGM has spoken with Totomaru about the whereabouts of further bandits, and has been hired to follow up!
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy/Vacation
*'''Location:''' Dallurn (Ethion)
*'''Client:''' [[Juraia Nexus]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Ayame]]
** [[Kamen]]
** [[Izumi]]
** [[Argentia]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': Totomaru revealed that he and Trisabelle are part of the Elemental Four, wizards from a recently disbanded guild, and that the four of their team fell in with bandits as a result of losing said guild. Trisabelle and the two others, Sol and Erigor, are said to be with the other bandits in an old castle a train ride away from Acalypha.
:The group took a train ride out of Acalypha up to one of the northern stops, and there went eastwards through the woods towards the mountains, where they found the old keep Totomaru had promised was the bandit's main hideout, and where they would likely find the remaining Elemental Four. The team of Agents decided for a two pronged approach. The three ninjas went to scout out the numbers in the castle and see who was present, and effectively sealed off their armory to prevent the bandits from gunning up when the time called for it. After giving them some forward time, the other trio of Argentia, Crono, and Genevieve walked to the front and demanded to parley with Erigor, the Elemental Four wizard said to be strong in wind, and said to be the one who pushed the group to join up with bandits. Erigor seemed unimpressed with offers to stand down and rejoin the guild structure after their own had been disbanded. As a result, he challenged the group to prove they were more than flies by overcoming a task of his choosing.
:The team accepted his challenge - which was to best the Resort Casino Guardian Golem AKA The Jackpot MK2. The strange golem, equipped with a magic slot machine, assaulted the heroes and even sent Genevieve and Crono on vacation! Seeing the way the combat was flowing, the prior scouts jumped into the fray to assist Argentia, Crono, and Genevieve. The fight quickly turned in PARADIGM's favor as a result. However, Erigor was not pleased by this surprise. In mixed response to this, he begrudgingly agreed to continue parley with them, but took a firm stance of his hatred of the guild system under the magic council. He allowed Trisabelle and Sol to surrender without argument, but, packed his own things and left the castle in turn. The Agents decided to let him, rather than forcing an apprehension. This brought the entirety of the bandit group, their stolen cargo, and the bandit's keep under PARADIGM's control (aside from Erigor) and they wrapped up easily from there.
===Operation #256: Cry above the Clouds===
*'''Description:''' A distress call has activated from an tall tower known as the Library of Infinity.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action/Adventure
*'''Location:''' Library of Infinity, Dallurn
*'''Client:''' [[Wendy Marvell]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Hanako]]
** [[Zack]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': The Library of Infinity, a massive magical tower of knowledge near Dallurn's capital, has sent out a distress call. Sources of the disturbance are unclear, but only PARADIGM can answer it in haste!
:Wendy Marvell, member of [[Soaring Heights]], made an urgent call to PARADIGM. Upon arrival, she gave a (though brief) history of the Library of Infinity - a tower library that stretches into the clouds, that's said to have been there since before the kingdom of Dallurn was established. After a recent visit to the library alongside a small PARADIGM escort, Wendy was given a beacon to communicate with the tower's guardians - the Astral Tomes, for the purpose of updating her if new information of her goal came in. Unfortunately, the first call she received from them was not an update of information, but instead, a mysterious call for help that swiftly cut off after. Knowing the tower was an entire train-ride away, she opted instead to call PARADIGM in the hopes that they could head there quicker and find out the issue.
:Upon arrival to the tower, the group was greeted by a pink haired girl who introduced herself as Melody, but really only informed them that she wasn't supposed to speak to strangers when they tried to inquire further. The tower's guardians, the astral tomes, were nowhere to be seen. With words barred, the group tried to move onwards, but that's when Melody decided to take action - she called a trio of the tomes, Elanore, Astrid, and Desirae to her side, and it swiftly became apparent they were under some form of control. Genevieve managed to sense that another with an odd presence similar to Melody's was up at the tower's top, and realizing that this was an effort to delay interference, took flight upwards and took Crono with her, disappearing for the duration of the coming conflict below.
:Down below, Agents Hanako and Zack squared off against the two guardian tomes and Melody, while Desirae seemed content to watch and cheer on her 'comrades'. Elanore, the Tome of Knights, weaved different blade magic at the agents, while Astrid, Tome of Heroes, harnessed odd martial arts, magic shielding, and general toughness to assault, while Melody peppered the battlefield with strong additions of emotion and sensory joining. Despite being outnumbered, however, the Agents managed to come out with a victory over the trio, with Melody forced to flee to the higher reaches of the tower.
:The ascent to the top of the tower, even with her speed, took Genevieve the majority duration of the conflict below. Still, she and Crono managed to breach the top just in time to confront a second woman tampering with the tower's inner workings, summoning Argente to her defense. While the scuffle was brief, the woman escaped with Argente's core. In a decisive moment, however, Genevieve managed to use her prowess in astral tampering, managed to strip Argente out of the core proper and infuse her into the tower, leaving the woman with only a shell of power unknowingly.
:The Agents swiftly regathered at that point, with the Astral Tomes back in control of their senses - and stuck around long enough to crush the magical gemstones the mysterious visitors had implanted that gave them control of the tower's systems and tomes. The only clues they had to the identity of the pair upon exit were the name of the girl, Melody, and the fact that she wore the same Emblem on her arm that Erigor from Mission 255 had among his possessions that Agent [[Kamen]] had prior scouted.
===Operation #257: Your Best Magitek Knightmare===
*'''Description:''' Weird figures in black with glowing yellow eyes have been seen wandering the area. Their location has been narrowed down to an abandoned slum-like building near the outskirts of Zozo.
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Action/Comedy/Romance/Drama
*'''Location:''' Near Zozo, FF6 World (Pre- World of Ruin)
*'''Client:''' Terra Branford
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Letty Carmichael]]
** [[Shaila]]
** [[Ciel Strife]]
** [[Izumi]]
** [[Ellyana Strauss]]
** [[Shinshi Seta]]
** [[Asuka|Asuka Bayushi]]
** [[Zack]]
** [[Saelina Sunstriker]]
*'''Synopsis''': The group met up with Terra Branford at the outskirts of Zozo, a place notorious for hoodlums and gangsters.
:After being briefed of the situation, the group proceeded to a derelict building that was located in the center of some strange, magical-infused mist. Once inside the building, the group (after a few wrong steps) managed to get to the second floor where they encountered a group of Black Mages with various devices that they had stolen from around the world. There was a Magitek Armor, a weird headpiece, some mummified bodies, and a coffin. A fight broke out between the agents and the black mages as the black mages tried to open the coffin.
:Shinshi and Zack intercepted the coffin and were able to knock it all the way to the basement floor of the building. Meanwhile, the agents continued to fight the black mages and eventually were able to defeat them. Down below in the basement, Shinshi and Zack had accidentally opened the coffin and a mummified body fell out which was quickly filling out into a non-mummified young man. The man then identified Shinshi as his 'mother' and as the group continued to question him, they quickly found out that the Man seemed to have no memories. Shinshi then named the man Kintaro 'Tyrannosaurus' Seta and the group then decided to take some pictures of the devices in the building and then meet back up with Terra Branford. After meeting with Terra, she asked for Kintaro to come back with her to meet the returners and then would get back to the agents if there was any other new information. Agents Shinshi and Shaila also agreed to stay and watch over Kintaro in the meantime as everyone else returned.
===Operation #258: The Runner's Lullaby===
*'''Description:''' Agents head to North Station in pursuit of Melody and the other mystery attacker on the Library of Infinity. But there's other oddities surrounding the town.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy
*'''Location:''' Dallurn (Ethion)
*'''Client:''' [[Juraia Nexus]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Kamen]]
** [[Izumi]]
** [[Ayame]]
**[[Miki Amagi]]
**[[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
**[[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents went chasing after Melody and Ultear who were to meet with Erigor, but instead found their 'runner' in the woodlands aiding orphans. The mysterious girl finally shed some light into the goals of their enemies.
:After some investigation at the Library of Infinity, Agents learned that the Library's attackers - Melody, a girl controlling emotion, and another (later found to be named Ultear) who seemed capable of reversing some aspects of time - were set to go meet with Erigor from Mission 255. The recording they viewed in the Library of Infinity revealed that he was hunting a 'runner' from their group, and that they were going to meet him in Clover Town at North Station. The Agents made way there with haste at hopes of an intervention.
:Rather than stumbling into Melody, Ultear, or Erigor however, the group came across some commotion surrounding a place known as Mother Mae's Orphanage - an orphanage run by a single old woman, who claimed children were being kidnapped away into the night out from under her, despite even a posting of policemen each night. The Agents took interest with this affair, and offered to watch the foster home that night, asking to be shown around the home to familiarize themselves for the night's affair. What they quickly uncovered, however, was that the children were in relative fear of their foster caretaker, and that she used the orphans for work in assembling clothing with some excuses of legitimacy. Others discovered the likely escape route, and putting all together, it was clear that the children were voluntarily taking flight - though it was unclear from whom they were receiving their help from still. And so they waited for nightfall to see for themselves.
:What came upon them in the night was the children leaving as expected, alongside an unexpected lullaby and harp playing from a mysterious transparent girl flittering through the trees. Her song put the guards to sleep and seemed to lift the fears from the children in question, who followed her off through the woods and into a camp of tree-houses and an open fire roasting a boar. There, the girl's transparency faded and she stood in full figure, greeting the new children into the camp. Her sincerity to them seemed legitimate, and so after some observation, the group opted to approach her openly.
:While protective of them from the strangers, those who knew the Agents from the foster home quickly vouched for them as being friends, and so the children's caretaker introduced herself as Emilia, who was indeed the runner from Melody's group - giving them a name as the [[Kin of Grimoire]]. She introduced them to the group's overarching goal - to create the Perfect Wizard, though for what intent it was unclear. When they asked about who was to the Wizard, she revealed that she was one of the early attempts at such, but was 'broken' from the process. Just after revealing that the group had some hands on Magnolia Island, however, Erigor himself found the campsite and attacked fiercely.
:Throughout the fight, Erigor seem fixed on a strange rage, up until the moment he was finally put under and subdued. Given the state of panicked children, PARADIGM made a generous exception in allowing the orphans to be brought to Agent Genevieve's world, Saillune, while Erigor was detained with PARADIGM headquarters, and Emilia was left in the care of Soaring Heights, the client guild of the surrounding affairs. The next steps were obvious - with both Erigor and Emilia now at their fingertips, there is surely information to be found for their next steps.
===Operation #259: The Adventure you Never Imagined Until Today===
*'''Description:''' Agents are following yet another Kin of Grimoire, this time to a small mountain town.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy/Imagination
*'''Location:''' Dallurn (Ethion)
*'''Client:''' [[Juraia Nexus]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Shinshi Seta]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
** [[Hayate Uzumaki]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Belle Hibiki]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents, given information by Erigor, follow a red haired Kin by the name of Rurose, rumored to be seeking ancient ruins dating back to the time of the Library of Infinity.
:After a briefing with Juraia back at the [[Soaring Heights]] guild hall, Agents were tasked with tracking the red-haired Kin by the name Rurose, rumored to be heading towards a small snow-covered town near the eastern border mountains, hoping to interrogate him about Ultear and Melody, whom they had learned were heading northwards towards a ruined city known to be the resting place of  a demon sealed away. Initially, the Agents had expected one as wicked as the group's prior acts had suggested, and when they found him within the snow town's inn, made an attempt to separate him from the crowds. In a chain sequence of decisive events, Hayate played the role of a prankster who perked the man's interest to give chase out of the bar, with Shinshi helping to speed the process by tossing him on out. Once there, Belle helped to calm the stirring patrons of the bar who were left in confusion, while Izumi posed as the town's police and gave the prankster 'chase' out into the city, who had since captured Rurose in a block of ice.
:Once thawed, the group proceeded to question the man of his motives and of his companions. Despite expectations, Rurose seemed an excitable and jovial sort, seemingly always interested in the story his surroundings were making. When questioned of the Kin, he revealed that they were creating a Super Mage with the intent of having them stop The Black Wizard Zeref, a figure long since turned myth who had ended the last age before him. Concerning the demon sealed in the north, Rurose claimed it to be named Deliora, once sealed away by the Ice Wizard Ul through a sacrificial spell known as Iced Shell, a magic said to be eternal. Despite this eternal claim, he also claimed the seal was melting - a clear sign of the Black Wizard's return, and that Ultear and Melody were heading to the demon not to unseal but to defeat its core.
:When the party remained skeptical of his intentions, Rurose made an offer to take them to the ruins he was searching for, claiming he was there to discover whatever more he could of Zeref and that they could see that proof themselves. Once in the mountains, Rurose revealed his power as a Kin. Fueled by his imagination, fate seemed to favor reality tilting towards his statements, in exchange for an excess of his stamina depending on the severity of the feat. By this power of imagination, the Agents managed to break into the ruins of Zeref they were seeking by way of Hayate punching through the illusionary barrier quite literally. On a remark of trials inside, the Agents traversed a number of themed puzzles to the likeness of imagery of Zeref on the walls - from a time of construction, a time of rule, and a time of downfall with the image of Zeref clasping his hands over his face.
:Within that room of depicted destruction, the temple's final guardian challenged them without word. Through their own vigor and Rurose's weave of words the Agents were able to band together to overcome the massive golem, which had been actively fueling from a series of mana bits spread throughout the wall, which had also detached as weapons. With the golem defeated the true clue to Zeref was opened up before them - a tome radiating with a strange fragmented yet potent presence. Rurose held true to his promise that in recompense for the crimes of the Kin, the tome would be the Agent's without question. They allowed him to go free of his own desires, where he promised that he was returning back to the Kin with hopes of making the situation better, and revealed their base to be upon Magnolia Island. He asked that once they'd handled Ultear and Melody and any other affairs, to come to the island to put a decisive finish to the Kin's affairs for better or worse.
===Operation #260: Core of the Etherious===
*'''Description:''' Ultear and Melody of the Kin of Grimoire head off to confront the unsealing of Deliora.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action/Drama
*'''Location:''' Dallurn (Ethion)
*'''Client:''' [[Juraia Nexus]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
** [[Luca Sparda]]
** [[Seiya Sumeragi]]
** [[Saelina Sunstriker]]
** [[Asuka]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
*'''Synopsis''': Rurose informed [[PARADIGM]] in mission 259 that Deliora will emerge from its seal regardless of Ultear and Melody's intervention, and the Agents have a stake in seeing the matter through to its end!
:Agents arrived in the snow covered ruins of the town of Freesia, the city destroyed by a gargantuan demon by the name of Deliora well over a decade before. History told that Deliora had been sealed away by the powerful Ice Mage Ul. using a legendary spell called Iced Shell, known to create an unmelting ice at the cost of the caster's own life. Despite this claim of the spell's power, the Kin of Grimoire had taken note that the ice WAS melting, a sign that the tampering of the Black Wizard Zeref was in the air, signifying that his return was near. Because of this, Ultear and Melody were on their way to confront the demon and destroy it at its core.
:Despite this supposed intention, [[PARADIGM]] had already seen the pair attempt to steal away Argente, the Astral Tome of Magic, and knew that Melody had prior given their operative Erigor such a fueled rage that he nearly killed surrounding children in his attempted assassination of Emilia Reika. Because of this, the agents opted to give no ground in any means of cooperation, and pressed the attack on the pair when they came across them in the village. Through clever recognition of Melody's sense of strong emotions, the siblings Ayame and Kamen made distractions and act that knocked Melody out from the fight completely, leaving Ultear to become overwhelmed despite an enraged struggle. What came next, however, became a staggering moment as one of Melody's enchantments was discovered tying Ultear and Melody together. In the throbs of Ultear's anger and subsequently, near-death experience, Melody was shocked awake and poured out her fears and confusions over the battle in sensational force of desperation. In her own desperation, Genevieve cast a sleep through the enchantment binding the pair, that ultimately fueled then into the agents themselves, putting the entire party to slumber.
:When PARADIGM's forces awoke, they found that Ultear was still in their custody, but the Melody had made trudging escape out into the winter. What was worse was that Melody's powers seemed to hasten the already-unsealing demon's escape, spurring him to struggle within his icy prison from which he then burst forth. Awakening to this event, despite all her prior rage, Ultear did beg Genevieve to rummage her possessions to pull forth a lacrima enchanted to teleport those chosen INSIDE the creature's core, claiming that they needed to defeat both its physical body, and its spiritual half in order to do away with it for good. Because of this escalation, a specialist team was called in to deal with the creature's exterior form consisting of Spardas, ninjas, paladins, and riders! In the meantime, those still combat ready of the initial team teleported inside to confront the spiritual half.
:What ensued outside was a titanic clash that rocked the terrain as the agents fought Deliora's exterior shell. Buildings were trashed, chunks of terrain lifted, and craters formed from the combat until the agents finally prevailed. Within on the spiritual side, Deliora's core stood as a devilish looking humanoid figure who claimed to be created for the sole purpose of destroying Zeref, despite being one of his creations, and welcomed the challenge of the agents inside to best him to prove that they stood a better chance than he at doing so. When defeated on both halves, his presence vanished, leaving only a magical tome similar to the one found in the ruins Rurose had led PARADIGM to in mission 259. Ultear and the tome were both taken to PARADIGM HQ for arrest and safe keeping respectively.
===Operation #261: I'm Taking my Toys Home===
*'''Description:''' Talented enchanter and toymaker Daihara Mancer has asked PARADIGM to help him collect a number of his old works, which have since scattered to new hands.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Adventure/Comedy/'''Side Quests'''
*'''Location:''' Dallurn (Ethion)
*'''Client:''' [[Daihara Mancer]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
*'''Synopsis''': After admitting he used to work for the Magic Council, Daihara expressed regrets that his old works have seen some unintended use, and sent small groups on small tasks to have them returned.
:Ayame Hokage visited Emilia Reika, asking for the harp she carried that turned out to match the description of one of Daihara's replacements. In an effort to help remember her true identity, Emilia offered to give it up in exchange for an ADVENTURE, and she an Ayame went investigating Emilia's past. At a strangely perfect, smooth crater, the pair discovered a cracked sword belonging to Emilia, a robotic hand.. and a wyvern eager to get them out of the mountains! The pair defeated it together, and Emilia realized an unconscious stir she had for fighting, claiming she knew she had to be a traveling adventurer.
:Coming to a town lead by a young noble Lord by the name of Velin, Genevieve and Crono were asked to retrieve one of Daihara's works from Velin, having been old friends. A pocket mirror which showed inner insights. But when the mirror showed Velin's fiance to be a woman of snakes in her hair, the pair decided to investigate further, unraveling a mystery of a bold theft turned into a fake ransom in an effort for the woman to retrieve her own ransom and abandon the Lord in his vulnerable time. After proving her misdeeds, Velin gratefully offered them the pocket mirror in turn, and another of Daihara's works was returned to him.
:Another pair of agents, Miki and Crono, visited Balsam village on word from Daihara that another of his toys was there. A strange pair of boxing gloves in the hands of a retired champion, James 'Lights Out' Jackson. When they arrived at the town, they discovered that he was regarded as a lost cause by many of his prior fans, and that he hadn't retired out of a lapse of success, but that he was entirely undefeated. They met his biggest fan and famous announcer, Leopold DeShawn, begging at the man's doorstep for help in bringing back the fighter's old fire. Sure enough, Miki as the mysterious challenger Kamen Rider Faiz was up to the task. In an astounding match of hard-hitting blows, Faiz came out victorious, and came out with the prize of the enchanted gloves they'd been hoping to retrieve.
===Operation #262: Polite where it Matters===
*'''Description:''' Juraia has requested that PARADIGM move in on the Magic and Misc Imports before chasing the Kin any further.
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy/A Foe Most Wicked
*'''Location:''' Dallurn (Ethion)
*'''Client:''' [[Juraia Nexus]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Miki Amagi]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Ellyana Strauss]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': Between information from Erigor, Rurose, and Ayame spotting Mother Mae with a business card of the company when she left Clover Town, Juraia has recevied permission for a full scale investigation of Magic and Misc Imports in hopes of tracking down the Kin of Grimoire's lacrima smuggling ring. There they found Mother Mae, whom they VERY POLITELY defeated.
:After a lengthy discussion with the recently captured Ultear, agents were able to confirm the identity of the leader of the Kin of Grimoire, Alistair Gaebolg, a man said to 'dance with magic'. She shared that his final base of operations was on Magnolia Island, as Rurose had prior confirmed, but more specifically within the island city's guild keep. Knowing that they were finally chipping away at the Kin's true infrastructure, Juraia insisted that the agents make the effort to stop their flow of smuggled lacrima to the island and shut down the Magic and Misc Imports warehouse that they were confident was part of the operation.
:The agents made haste there, and while the workers were quick to evacuate the site for investigation, the warehouse's manager was quickly into nervous sweating while trying to assure them that nothing at all was wrong. Under questioning, however, he broke down and begged to flee the area, leaving them to investigate the warehouse's sealed back room, which appeared to be some form of kitchen-laboratory, strewn with confection and lacrima alike. To their gritting surprise, the familiar face of Mother Mae was within the laboratory, stewing up a strange experiment when the agents confronted her.
:When confronted, Mother Mae was shown to have become twisted by some experiment herself, green to the face and full of magical prowess. She quickly began to overwhelm PARADIGM within her own domain, controlling rules of mother's permission, denying them access to their spells, weapons, and more. Noticing Mae's odd tendencies of motherly insistence and politeness, however, Genevieve was able to discover the enchanting field's weakness - Asking Permission! With their powers back in grasp, the agents turned the tables on the strange combat and very politely overcame Mother Mae and took her into custody, securing the warehouse in the process.
===Operation #263: The Crone's Cover ===
*'''Description:''' A merchant asks the group to find a mysterious object of particular value
*'''Rank:''' D
*'''Genre:''' webcomic
*'''Location:''' The Four Kingdoms and beyond
*'''Client:''' Pallo
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Bellheather]]
** [[Nyx]]
** [[Saelina Sunstriker]]
** [[Michelle Mishina]]
** [[Dominic Lalance]]
** [[Toji Umezawa]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': The Ghost Merchant Pallo tasked the group to go to Whitemarche to retrieve the old woman's incomplete blanket!
:The group followed their map and wits to Whitemarche. Dominic sparkled like Twilight. They retrieved the blanket from the old woman's hut upon the path that must always be followed, before The Blued Eyed Beeazlebub Barocco confronted them. After some parley, they managed to avoid troubles, and told Pallo that they had told Barocco that they agreed to tell Pallo that he had a buyer because that's how this works, and gave Pallo the blanket after narrowly regaining their pay.
:I don't even Erin halp.
===Operation #265: Outlaws of the Marsh===
*'''Description:''' A highly capable band of brigands calling themselves the Gallant Fraternity has entrenched themselves on a mountain within a remote marsh.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Comedy
*'''Location:''' Saillune
*'''Client:''' Philionel El Di Saillune
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Hayate Uzumaki]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Saelina Sunstriker]]
** [[Atticus Fullbuster]]
** [[Letty Carmichael]]
** [[Ellyana Strauss]]
*'''Synopsis''': After a cunning plan to get themselves captured turned into an even more cunning plan to pretend to be nobility, PARADIGM confronted the Gallant Fraternity at the summit of their stronghold.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #267: The True Face Of Terror===
*'''Description:''' A hamlet close to a popular shipping port reports demon attack, possibly undead.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action/Fantasy
*'''Location:''' Kingsport, Sanctuary
*'''Client:''' Lyndon
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Talic Greymist]]
** [[Aurora]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Seiya Sumeragi]]
** [[Saelina Sunstriker]]
** [[Ellyana Strauss]]
** [[Shaila]]
*'''Synopsis''': Not even death will save you from me.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #268: His Castle, Her World===
*'''Description:''' PARADIGM's planned visit to Magnolia Island escalates quickly, and agents are forced to defend the Lord's castle!
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy/Drama
*'''Location:''' Magnolia Island (Ethion)
*'''Client:''' [[Damian Milkovich]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Evelyn Shirogane]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': After getting Magnolia's Lord Milkovich behind them, Rurose came rushing to the castle to tell PARADIGM Alistair had gone off the deep end, and Melody had been transformed!
:After syncing loose ends with Juraia at the [[Soaring Heights]] guild hall, PARADIGM became determined to put an end to the Kin's criminal actions once as for all. They went to Magnolia Island, where they had prior learned the Kin of Grimoire were holing up posing as the city's local guild, beyond the usual purview of Dallurn and its Magic Council. Knowing that conflict in the midst of a city could quickly turn sour, they opted to reach out to the island's Lord for cooperation in both arrest and evacuation, presenting sealed and signed testimony of the crimes the Kin were responsible for on the mainland. The Lord, Damian Milkovich, was disappointed in the news, but ultimately trusting, taking PARADIGM into his faith.
:Just as they were preparing to move out onto the guild, however, all planning was thrown into chaos. Rurose came rushing to the castle grounds in outright panic, revealing that Alistair - in Ultear's absence, had grown desperate and impatient, and had gone through with an attempt to create The Ultimate Wizard once more despite his lacking preparations. This time, his target was Melody, and worse, it seems he had some measure of success in the process. Infused of the Kin's various touches of magics, in space, time, imagination, emotion (and more?), she became powerful enough to start invoking a territory on the island itself, shaping reality to her own worldscape. It became colored in pastel, and strange creatures began to force their way to the castle proper.
:Thankfully, under the creation of Noble Rokaiser's Blooming World, the castle itself became a safe haven under the world's shifting, and the team squared off against waves of strange invaders and, ultimately, bizzaro-versions of themselves created in Melody's worldscape. After their defeat, Alistair himself made a brief appearance to goad the agents into attacking beyond the barrier, but ultimately took his leave back to the guild hall, the final area of challenge.
===Operation #269: The Kin of Grimoire===
*'''Description:''' PARADIGM must find a way to safely breach into Melody's worldscape that's taken over Magnolia Island, and put a stop to Alistair's twisted ambitions.
*'''Rank:''' A
*'''Genre:''' Action/Drama
*'''Location:''' Dallurn (Ethion)
*'''Client:''' [[Juraia Nexus]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
** [[Evelyn Shirogane]]
** [[Genevieve May Nadia Saillune]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents made way into Melody's strange worldscape, where they defeated Alistair and say Magnolia's return to normality with Melody recovered.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #270: Come on Vogue===
*'''Description:''' An alternate Tokyo has been taken over by a growing empire of Fashion Moguls who call themselves the Fashionistas. The Fashionistas have taken over the fashion capital within Tokyo, Harajuku, and have built a factory that's producing mass quantities of battle gear. Please stop them!
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action/Comedy/Drama
*'''Location:''' Tokyo/Japan
*'''Client:''' Ken "Buck Naked" Ichimonji
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Hanako Uchiha]]
** [[Shannon Moore]]
** [[Seiya Sumeragi]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Hien Hayaboshi]]
** [[Hikaru Yuta]]
** [[Ella Spartin]]
** [[Nyx]]
** [[Zephyr]]
*'''Synopsis''': TBD.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #271: Shadow Warrior Mayhem===
*'''Description:''' "Okay, so, uh, yeah. This weird amulet showed up one day and our boss got a hold of it, y'know?! Now he's actin way loco and the balance of New York is goin' loco, too!! Please do somethin' about it!"
*'''Rank:''' Rank C
*'''Genre:''' Beat-Em Up (Double Dragon Stylez)
*'''Location:''' New York
*'''Client:''' Ratfink
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Hanako Uchiha]]
** [[Keiko]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Ayame Hokage]]
** [[Shannon Moore]]
** [[Evelyn Shirogane]]
*'''Synopsis''': NO!! THEY GOT CAUGHT.
:The group met up with their contact, Ratfink, and he briefed the agents about the situation with his old boss of the Shadow Warrior Gang, Skullmageddon. Apparently, a strange item had appeared through a rip in space made by something that the agents recognized being associated with the 'Chronovore'. The item was picked up by the gang leader and now had given him strange, supernatural powers that honestly freaked out Ratfink into quitting his gang. Ratfink also explained that his boss was going to throw a birthday party at the '''Shadow Hotel''' and urged the agents to go there and get the item (which he called an amulet) off of him. He also mentioned that Skullmageddon keeps the amulet in his chest pocket.
:After being given directions, the crew continued through some rival gang turfs (through some alleyways and across a bridge) and came across many foes. Either by having a whip-off, by beating them over the head with a soda bottle, or by flaming arrows.. the agents made their way to the Shadow Hotel where they encountered Skullmageddon himself. ...then uh, something happened. Crono was found and retrieved by Ran, but the others...? WHERE ARE YOUUUU.
===Operation #272: It was the Shadow Boss... NO!!===
*'''Description:''' LET'S GET OUR BROS BACK. This Skullmageddon jerk took our [[Characters|agents]] and are HOLDING THEM CAPTIVE! Let's do this.
*'''Rank:''' Rank C
*'''Genre:''' Beat-em Up! Double Dragon Stylez. Marian pls!!!
*'''Location:''' New York
*'''Client:''' Ran (though the contact is still Ratfink)
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Elias Jerico]]
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Hibari Sumeragi]]
** [[Ellyana Strauss]]
** [[Suzumura Riki]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
*'''Synopsis''': We rescued our friends from SPACE.
:The group arrived back in New York in a location very close to the Shadow Hotel. They were able to find Ratfink there too, digging around in the garbage cans. He then told the group the situation (their friends have been taken to Skullmageddon's Space Station to be sacrificed and open the gates of Hell on New York). Agents asked what to do and how to get into space and Ratfink answered that the best way to do that was with a Rocket ship located inside of the Shadow Hotel. After fighting a Killocopter and some goons, the agents made their way deeper into the Shadow Hotel to find the Rocket ship. They boarded and were space bound.
:The Rocket ship did not seem to be in perfect working condition, though. Every so often a faulty door would open and start to suck the agents out into space. And to top it off, the side doors in the area the agents were located kept opening to unleash more goons and ninja witches on them. The agents fought the goons valiantly (though [[Hibari Sumeragi|Hibari]] and [[Suzumura Riki|Riki]] kinda got sucked out into space for a second, BUT IT WAS OKAY) and then they made it to Skullmageddon's Space Pagoda.
:The Space Pagoda had a lava pit where the agents friends were being dangled over it by a chain. [[Miyabi Uzumaki|Miyabi]] went to try to untie them down while everyone else went to beat the hell out of Skullmageddon and his ninja witches. [[Sachiko]] cut hers down to size, [[Miki Amagi|Kamen Rider Faiz]] drill kicked hers into oblivion, [[Elias Jerico|Elias]] spinning kicked his foe into hell, [[Suzumura Riki|Silver Fang Zero]] roasted his in the face with makai flames, meanwhile [[Kamen Hokage|Kamen]], [[Crono Arinborn|Crono]], [[Hibari Sumeragi|Hibari]] and [[Ellyana Strauss|Ellyana]] focus fired on Skullmageddon until all the agents were able to team up and beat him right out of his armor. They retrieved a suspicious <font color=red>Amulet</font> from him and then returned back to the Inn. Oh, and Hibari asked Siri to not blow the space station up. Good move.
===Operation #273: Campaign: Kamen Rider Decade===
*'''Description:''' Dai-Shocker is invading numerous heroes' timelines! Agents, rush to save Kamen Rider history!
*'''Rank:''' A (may increase later)
*'''Genre:''' Action/Tokusatsu
*'''Location:''' Alternate Universe World of Faiz
*'''Client:''' Kamen Rider Decade
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Miki Amagi]]
** [[Aaron Weber]]
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Suzumura Riki]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Akio Minamino]]
** [[Clementine]]
** [[Hikari Kouda]]
*'''Synopsis''': Agents enter various worlds and time lines of other Kamen Riders to save their universes from destruction and subjugation!
:Episode 1 - Agito's Shade. Agents were tasked by Kamen Riders Agito and Gills to rescue their companion Detective Hikawa, aka Kamen Rider G3-X from the clutches of the mysterious Another Agito, who claimed to have allied himself with Dai-Shocker. This turned out to be a ruse when Another Agito was betrayed and nearly killed by the El of Water, one of this world's most menacing monsters. It left before agents could engage, leaving them to do battle with the Aligator Orphnoch and four SmartBrain Riotroopers. After a tough battle, the orphnochs were defeated, the day was saved and the time stabilization device was activated without mishap. The El of Water and potentially other Lords have left to join the ranks of Dai-Shocker.
:Episode 2 - A Driven Heart. Agents met up with Kamen Riders Drive, Mach and Chaser, from whom they learned about the Shocker controlled Roidmudes. The group decided to contact the Roidmudes' de facto leader Heart, and offer to help him free his Roidmude brethren instead of destroying them. While he refused to do battle with his kind, he gave us the secret on how to do it ourselves. Agents assaulted the roidmudes and freed four of them before the remaining to evolved into the Volt Roidmude and the Judge Roidmude, putting up a much stronger fight! Eventually, however, agents won.
:Episode 3 - A Monster, A Bersker and A Lord. Agents reported to an interesting restaurant where the local Kamen Rider, known as OOO, worked a part time job. He and his counterpart Ankh reported that Dai-Shocker had unleashed an artificial Greeed on the world. When agents confronted it, they were waylaid by another Greeed known as Uva, forcing agents to fight him instead of aiding OOO. As we backed Uva into a corner, another greed named Cazali interrupted, stealing a Core Medal that Uva had dropped. Cazali also broke off to steal the Shocker Greeed's Core Medal, declaring his intentions to join Dai-Shocker himself and disappearing. Finally, we were met with Dai-Shocker's leader Shadow Moon. After a brief confrontation, Shadow Moon gloated and left the field.
:Episode 4 - Climax Shocker. Dai-Shocker forces had reportedly attempted to assassinate Fuuki, aka Kamen Rider Den-O. Agents investigated the cause, leading to the Imajin World, where Den-O's time train dwells. There we, along with Den-O and her allies, did battle with a small army of Shocker forces, headed by a Lucky Clover member wielding the power of Kamen Rider Orga. After a short but climactic battle, Orga was defeated and our heroes took the Orga Belt for their own, leaving Fuuki and her friends safe from Dai-Shocker.
:Episode 5 - Horoscope Double Cross. Agents enter Amanogawa High School and are immediately greeted by the sounds of violence. Rushing to the scene, they aid local Kamen Riders Fourze and Meteor to remove the threat; mook monsters called Dustards. Once the fight ended, agents split from the Riders and went to the auditorium where they were confronted by Shadow Moon and two of the Horoscope Zodiarts; Libra and Cancer. Before agents could act, the rest of the Horoscopes appeared, asking PARADIGM to punish the traitors while they dealt with the interloper from Dai-Shocker. In the ensuing fight, Cancer and Libra were defeated, forced back into their human guises and left for the other Horoscopes to deal with.
:Episode 6 - Crescendo: Sins of the Father. Agents arrive on scene during a battle between riders Kiva and IXA and a trio of Rat Fangires. Agents dispatch one of the Rats, before being assaulted by the Lion Fangire, also known as Rook of the Checkmate Four. Rook put up a terrific fight but ran away when Kiva and IXA joined the fray. We were in the middle of introductions when suddenly Kiva vanished and an army of Fangires appeared! Thanks to the timely intervention of Decade, we learned that Kiva's father was assassinated in the past by King of the Checkmate Four, the Bat Fangire and lord of all Fangires. Using a portal provided by Decade, we jumped back to 1986 at the moment of King's attack, finding Kiva's father in the IXA gear, laying prone at the feet of King in his Dark Kiva form. After a ferocious battle, Dark Kiva was pacified and we were whisked back to the present where Kiva had returned.
===Operation #274: Again. This time with feeling.===
*'''Description:''' A strange phenomena has occurred in a small European-like town where everyone has been breaking into song. Some say it is a curse. A curse from a witch!!! PLEASE. Please help!
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Fantasy/Musical
*'''Location:''' Swan Lake village. Located in the outskirts of the Kingdom of Clubs
*'''Client:''' Lady Crumpet
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Jach Swiftblade]]
** [[Miki Amagi]]
** [[Hayate Uzumaki]]
** [[Hien Hayaboshi]]
*'''Synopsis''': Fin Fang Foom got rocked.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #275: Home Is Where the Heart Is===
*'''Description:''' Heart is demanding help rescuing his comrades
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Alternate Universe World of Faiz
*'''Client:''' Kamen Rider Decade/Heart
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font>
** [[Kamen Hokage]]
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Aaron Weber]]
*'''Synopsis''': Decade requested we help an unwanted guest in her hideout so that he would leave her alone. This guest was none other than the Roidmude leader, Heart.
:Heart informed us that he had found the two special Roidmudes that had been kidnapped to reprogram the others of their kind. He led us to a warehouse in the same world as Decade's home base (World of Faiz), where he revealed to us his true, monstrous form and forced entry into the facility. Inside, agents found waiting for them a hoard of Dai-Shocker's Combatmen, disposable cyborg fighters, and a young man with a Rider belt similar to Faiz! He seemed to be expecting us, transforming immediately into the formidable Kamen Rider Psyga as the Combatmen attacked.
:Agents had, even without Heart's considerable strength, not much trouble defeating the waves of mooks and were soon able to concentrate their efforts on Psyga, who was unable to withstand the full onslaught of three Sentai powered PARADIGM agents fighting in perfect harmony. After the battle, the captured Roidmude Brain informed agents of a captured Kamen Rider deeper into the facility. Investigating this, they found Kamen Rider Black, a hero from the late 1980s who was Shadow Moon's original arch nemesis! Shadow Moon had hooked him up to a machine to syphon Black's power and join it with his own. Agents liberated Black from this nefarious device and left the facility behind.
===Operation #276: Metal Crusher===
*'''Description:''' The End has become infused with all manner of dimensional instability, pulling in one thing from all over every dimension: robots.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' The End
*'''Client:''' Dylan Copeland
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Izumi Saotome]]
** [[Hanako Uchiha]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
** [[Crono Arinborn]]
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #278: Sewer Surfin'===
*'''Description:''' Something very important - one of a few - has gone missing in the Kero Sewers. PARADIGM needs to get it, or else wishes won't be granted!
*'''Rank:''' C
*'''Genre:''' Comedy
*'''Location:''' Kero Sewers
*'''Client:''' Frogfucius
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Izumi]]
** [[Elias Jerico]]
** [[Hayate]]
** [[Ayame]]
** [[Oratorio]]
*'''Synopsis''': It was Mario, actually.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #280: Diggin' Trees===
*'''Description:''' The adventures to fix the Star Road continue; this time, a piece has been sighted in the Moleville Mines!
*'''Rank:''' D
*'''Genre:''' Comedy
*'''Location:''' Moleville
*'''Client:''' Frogfucius
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Miyabi Uzumaki]]
** [[Hayate Uzumaki]]
** [[Clementine]]
** [[Farrah]]
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #281: F'edPS===
*'''Description:''' A peacekeeping organization is under siege, and trying to launch a prove at the same time; they require a rout and information.
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Action
*'''Location:''' Watchpoint: Gibraltar
*'''Client:''' Soldier: 76
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Black Mamba]]
** [[Makoto Jigen]]
** [[Carmilla]]
** [[Maya Brea]]
** [[Isaac Ashford]]
** [[Clementine]]
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
===Operation #282: Trigger Finger at Despair===
*'''Description:''' "A Prestigious School named Hope's Peak Academy has been scouting students... and they have an orientation happening tomorrow. So, where we come in... is ah, basically, PARADIGM sources note that something peculiar is going on at this school and that there is good reason to believe that the presence of a Chronovore Piece exists in this 'world'. This means, no doubt, that there will be some temporal and dimensional tamperment. We.. might see people we know or see things that are distorted from the reality we see here. Dimensional Duplicates.. or people dragged from different timelines." -- ''[[Leben]]'' ((<font color=red>OOC NOTE:</font> '''Campaign meets Wednesdays every week at 9PM PST sharp.''' (Up to 15 weeks)))
*'''Rank:''' B
*'''Genre:''' Survival/Investigation
*'''Location:''' Hope's Peak Academy
*'''Client:''' [[Ran]]
*'''Status:''' <font color=green>Closed</font>
** [[Hayate Uzumaki]]
** [[Seijou Yuzaki]]
** [[Jach Swiftblade]]
** [[Aaron Weber]]
** [[Sachiko Uchiha]]
** [[Aimi Utada]]
** [[Clementine]]
** [[Tobias]]
** [[Hien Hayaboshi]]
** [[Oratorio]]
*'''Synopsis''': Survive plz.
:Mission Paragraph TBD.
:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.

Revision as of 21:55, 3 November 2022

Current Season Season One Season Two Season Three Season Four Season Five Season Six

This page explains the missions available to the members of the Inn, as well as how well they pay.
To know what else the PARADIGM Agents have discovered, refer to the Investigation Log.

Mission Rankings

PARADIGM ranks missions on a D to S system to signify the urgency and scale of the mission. The descriptions of the rankings are as follows.

D Rank Missions: Missions of a standard cleanup/containment nature. The danger is localized, the threat is of a relatively small scale, and the mission can be handled by roughly any agent worth their salt, albeit some might need help.
Payment: 1,000 dollars. (100,000 ¥)

C Rank Missions: Missions which are of a more serious threat level, actually requiring a bit more than standard action, which can have farther reaching consequences, such as affecting an entire city or area. The dangers involved in this type of mission can vary by the number or the nature of the threat, and are to be taken seriously by all but the strongest of agents.
Payment: 5,000 dollars. (500,000 ¥)

B Rank Missions: More serious missions, the kind which can have far-reaching consequences. Often a precursor to something larger and PARADIGM is taking preventative measures, or something of a small-scale disaster. Powerful single targets or organized groups qualify as B Rank missions, and agents are advised to come prepared for the worst.
Payment: 10,000 dollars. (1,000,000 ¥)

A Rank Missions: Missions of this rank are of a deadly serious nature. An entire country or region is at risk, the danger is widespread or immediate, and things have to be handled decisively and with high risk. Incredibly powerful single opponents with dangerously organized groups or armies might be involved, or actual natural disasters on a country-wide scale. All agents are ordered to proceed with caution, and to end this ASAP.
Payment: 25,000 dollars. (2,500,000 ¥)

S Rank Missions: Missions for the strongest and most qualified of agents. S Rank missions are of a planetary scale, and the threats are numerous, widespread and incredibly dangerous both on a personal and organizational scale. Several high-ranking agents are required for these kinds of missions, and the urgency is directly proportionate to how widespread the danger is. These might be time and resource consuming missions, and all agents are ordered to be ready to be involved for an extended amount of time.
Payment: 50,000 dollars. (5,000,000 ¥)

SS and SSS Rank Missions: Missions of an S rank which are on a scale yet unseen. Possibly galactic or universal scale. Expect the apocalypse if a mission of this rank is ever attempted, and all agents are to participate. Note: Any mission which gains the SS rank means it was an S Rank that was not accomplished, so the dangers are doubled or tripled, at least, and all agents are to take up arms and participate.
Payment: 100,000 to 500,000 dollars. (10,000,000 to 50,000,000 ¥)

Mission Template

This is to help people figure out how to post their mission in an easy to read format.

===Operation #Number: Mission Name===
*'''Description:''' Simple description of the mission
*'''Rank:''' Rank Goes Here (SSS/SS/S/A/B/C/D)
*'''Genre:''' Type of Mission
*'''Location:''' Where mission takes place.
*'''Client:''' Contact Name
*'''Status:''' <font color=red>Open</font> or <font color=green>Closed</font>

** Participant 1
** Participant 2
** Participant 3
*'''Synopsis''': First short sentence for the mission description.
:Mission Paragraph 1

:Mission Paragraph 2, so on and so forth.
  • For Genre, it's pretty much what you feel the mission is. People have used Intel / Mytery / Political / Magical / Drama / Martial Arts / Adventure / Spiritual / Espionage / Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Action / Horror / Comedy / Survival / Mature / Supernatural so far.
  • The : indents the paragraph. Also, you do not need to use the BR or P codes for breaks and paragraphs. Just spacing with enter and using : at the beginning is enough.
  • Toggledisplay is finicky, so it has to be on its own line. If it's on a line with something else, it may cause issues. Toggledisplay is what hides the bulk of your synopsis to keep the page a bit more manageable.

Operation #247: Resurrection of O?

  • Description: A dimensional incursion has happened on the world from Mission 239. Agents are to investigate and get ready for a hard battle, as before.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Fighting
  • Location: Frieza Planet #384
  • Client: Trunks
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation #264: Bow down to the King

  • Description: An agent of an enemy has been active on a world known to some agents. Stop whatever he's doing. Dimensional Disturbance Detected.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Fantasy/Action
  • Location: Grave of the Ancient Dragons.
  • Client: Seeing Time
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation #266: It's all Fun until somebody gets Hurt

  • Description: Daihara's research into the location of his lost works has found one in a particular mysterious pinch, and he's sent request for a larger group to fetch it.
  • Rank: C
  • Genre: Action/Comedy
  • Location: Dallurn (Ethion)
  • Client: Daihara Mancer
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation #277: Mr.Bones Wild Ride

  • Description: Vampire Train is coming to town.
  • Rank: A
  • Genre: Wild West/Horror
  • Location: Deadlands
  • Client: Good Ol' Clementine
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

Operation #279: In a World we Must Defend

  • Description: A millionaire industrialist has taken over an essential system in a world previously visited by agents. They must regain the use of the computer system.
  • Rank: B
  • Genre: Pokémon
  • Location: Sinnoh Region
  • Client: Professor Rowan
  • Status: Open
  • Participants:
    • Participant 1
    • Participant 2
    • Participant 3
  • Synopsis: First short sentence for the mission description.
[show details]

In Progress

Missions which agents have begun but have not yet been completed. Used for long-term and particularly complicated missions.

Completed Missions

These are the missions already completed by the members of the Inn.

Season One - Missions Completed #1-50
Season Two - Missions Completed #51-100
Season Three - Missions Completed #101-150
Season Four - Missions Completed #151-200
Season Five - Missions Completed #201-250
Season Six - Missions Completed #251-300