Daihara Mancer

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Daihara Mancer
Daihara Mancer
A.K.A. The Toymaker
Age Appears in late Twenties
Voice Actor Shin-ichiro Miki
Relatives ???
Series Dallurn(FT Inspired)
Player Crono
  • Name: Daihara Mancer
  • Age: Late-20s
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: The smiles of children
  • Dislikes: Uninspired Research

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight: 152 lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Dirty Blonde


Thin and covered man with a mop top of dirty blond hair, almost always wearing a strange green/white barred hat with wide brim.


Friendly and generous, Daihara loves nothing more than finding out exactly what it is those around him desire, and attempting to give it to them. Sometimes this overlooks the point of actual thoughtfulness or patience.


  • Occult: Amazing
  • Leadership: Abysmal


Prior under the employ of the Magic Council by another name, Daihara has since retired at an exceptionally early age to pursue his passion of toymaking, but still maintain the following abilities.

Animation: Through use of magic, Daihara can animate mundane objects around him. Generally used for making his toy store appear alive to children when their parents aren't looking.

Master Enchanter: Daihara is a master craftsmen when it comes to enchantments of the world of Ethion. This ranges from themed items of specific powers, to enchanted lacrima for storing different magics or magic bodies (such as Argente's current container). The strength from his enchantments powers from childish passions, meaning he sometimes creates unintentionally powerful but silly items, while on the flipside he would be hard pressed to create anything resembling real weapons by virtue of his lacking enthusiasm for such things.


Toymaker's Apparatus: His store itself, Daihara's Toys and Treats, is enchanted with an ambience that 'discovers' the favorite toys of any customer's past. This is a karmic magic that does not involve mind reading directly, and does not nor can it be made to discover anything else. His store resides in Acalypha.

