Spiral Dragon Pirates

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Spiral Dragon Pirates
Also Known As PARADIGM's Pirates
Organization Type Privateers
Leadership Elias Jerico
Membership Izumi Saotome; Hayate Uzumaki; Sachiko Uchiha, Others.
Associated With Pirate World Marines; Black Hurricane.
Related To The Dread Pirates; Los Quatros Fabulosos.

The Spiral Dragon Pirates is the name of the Privateer crew formed by PARADIGM agents in order to hunt down Orochimaru II and travel in the world without standing out to the Marines.


After having been contacted by Fleet Admiral Smoker of the Marines, PARADIGM agents realized that to hunt down Orochimaru II in this world, they would need to move the way she did, and formed their own pirate crew. Getting hints from the Straw Hat Pirates, as well as a ship built by their shipwright, Franky, a sister ship of sorts to the Thousand Sunny, dubbed by Izumi and Hayate as the Victorious Secret, after their team name in the King of the Iron Fist Tournament.
The crew traveled the Grand Line along with Black Hurricane, hunting down and often clashing with Orochimaru and her allies, The Dread Pirates. After their final confrontation, out of the Grand Line, at Loguetown, the Spiral Dragon Pirates defeated the Dread Pirates and Orochimaru II, and when they were about to get a counterattack, they were stopped hard by the Straw Hat Pirates. When Captain Havoc recovered, the King of Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy, invited both crews to party with them. All three crews parted on good terms, though the Spiral Dragon Pirates left a mark on the Marines.


To operate freely in a world of piracy and Marines, PARADIGM agents operate as privateers on the open seas. Having made friends with the Straw Hat Pirates, they are better received as pirates and buccaneers than as agents. This also allows them to move about somewhat freely, as the Epoch cannot simply travel from place to place without the coordinates. While it is a hindrance for lawmen and agents to have a reputation as pirates, this world operates under a different set of social norms, allowing them to do as they will and as their mission dictates, with SOME leeway accorded by the Marines in this process.

Known Members

Unassigned Crewmembers: The following have no defined role aboard the Victorious Secret.


Victorious Secret, the ship of the Spiral Dragon Pirates.

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