Errant Knights

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The Errant Knights
Also Known As Cecilia's Party; The Gaijin Knights.
Organization Type Adventuring Party
Leadership Cecilia
Membership Malak; Corneille
Associated With Sanagi Nation, Hideyoshi Fuminori
Related To Rankai Lands

The Errant Knights are beings from another land, shunned in the Rankai Lands, who made their home in Sanagi Nation.


The Errant Knights were an adventuring party from another realm. There, they underwent many adventures, tragedy, drama, and bonds that would not break. However, that part of this history hardly matters.
In the last year, the Errant Knights appeared in the Rankai Lands. Attempts to get along were not met with much success, as the people of Rankai have a very dim view of gaijin. Until they contacted the lord of Sanagi Nation, Hideyoshi Fuminori, to request his help, willing to pledge their loyalty to him. Unfortunately, keeping them around for no reason would have been seen as a major breach of protocol, so the young lord took the young Sally, Cecilia's sister, as his wife. After the marriage was completed, his people, although unnerved by this, accepted the group among them, for the most part.
Several small rebellions started, outraged over a gaijin being their lord's wife, some fairly fierce and dangerous, but the strength of the Errant Knights, and Cecilia in particular, cut down all attempts at uprisings. The nations of Shiden and Kaen also attempted to use the unrest to attack, but their armies, mostly raiding forces, were also cut down by Cecilia and her group, granting her a reputation, and the position of General in Sanagi's army.. to some disapproval, but not much, due to her proven strength.
The other nations of the Rankai Lands do not approve of his marriage, his appointing of a gaijin woman to a position of power, and worst, Sanagi's purported invincibility due to it.


The Errant Knights are Sanagi Nation's first line of defense against bandits, raiders, invaders and rebels. Their combined skills and powers make them a match for almost any military force. They are the strongest warriors in Sanagi by far, and are the vanguard of the military forces there.

Known Members

  • Cecilia: The leader of the Errant Knights, and a Holy Knight of her Dragon Gods. Her power on the field is apparently unmatched.
  • Malak: A powerful elementalist, and a jack of all trades. Strategically better than Cecilia, but not as powerful physically.
  • Corneille: A black mage of no small power, Corneille is the most modest, but most destructive man in the party.
  • Sally: Cecilia's little sister, and wife of Hideyoshi Fuminori.


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