Hideyoshi Fuminori

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Hideyoshi Fuminori
A.K.A. The Peace Freak; Gaijin-Lover.
Age 23
Voice Actor
Relatives Sally, Wife; Mother.
Series Original
Player Sparda
  • Name: Hideyoshi Fuminori
  • Age: 23
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Peace, Debate.
  • Dislikes: Needless violence, Intolerence

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 145lbs
  • Eyes: Green
  • Hair: Brown


A pretty young man, usually dressed comfortably and modern.. for the era. He usually has a peaceful air about him.


Friendly. Helpful. Pacifistic. Visionary.


  • Politics: Amazing
  • Expression: Amazing
  • Empathy: Amazing
  • Alertness: Very Good


Samurai: Hideyoshi comes from a samurai family, and was raised to know how to fight. He is apparently quite skilled, but he isn't known for drawing his blade. His skill level is of much debate among people, but it's clear he can fight.


Traditional Samurai Gear.


Sally: Hideyoshi's young, gaijin wife. She is the lynchpin of hatred against him and his country, and he is duty bound to protect her. She may be his only weak spot.
Pacifist: Hideyoshi will try all attempts to settle a situation amicably and calmly, willing to compromise a lot to prevent the loss of life, sometimes even to the point of silliness.