Kazuma Mishima

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Kazuma Mishima
Age 23
Voice Actor
Relatives Kasumi, Mother;
Kazuya Mishima, Father;
Shen Kazama, Nephew;
Tatsumi, Masseuse.
Series Tekken and Dead or Alive
Player Frank
  • Name: Kazuma Mishima
  • Age: 23
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Alpha-237
  • Dislikes: Kazuya Mishima

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 250lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Name: Kazuma Mishima
  • Age: 23 (born 2009)
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: March 30
  • Parents: Kazuya Mishima and Alpha-237 (Kasumi)
    • Place of Birth: Mugen-Tenshin Village.
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Can pick up any song on the guitar.
    • Hobbies: Training, Hiking.
    • Likes: Alpha-237, winning a fight, Tatsumi.
    • Dislikes: Kazuya Mishima, Jin Kazama, Shen Kazama, the Mishima Zaibatsu.
    • Favorite Food: Yogurt
    • Least Favorite Food: None
    • Favorite Music: Electric Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer
    • Most Valuable Possessions: None
    • Level of Education: College-level business training.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hiroshi Kamiya
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2"
    • Weight: 250lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Tattoos on each arm.


Kazuma is a very muscular, in-shape man in his early twenties. He has a massive frame and an incredibly imposing presence. His hair is a bit wild and oddly presented, but always looks styled when he's out in public. He usually wears expensive suits and silk shirts when he's being social, such as it is, and comfortable and high-end training equipment when in battle or working out.
On his left arm is a Mugen Tenshin Clan Symbol, mark of where he grew up and his honoring of that part of his life. On his right arm, however, is a Tattoo of the Devil Gene, more like a mark which can pass off as that, shared with his brother Jin Kazama.


Kazuma is a cold and confrontational ass. Through no excusable reason, he used to be much more polite and kind, but his life has made him rather bitter and jaded towards how other people are. He is arrogant and condescending, and incredibly pragmatic. He usually hides his disdain with an aloofness and normally talks AT people instead of TO them. Kazuma is not the type to make friends easily, but he also has no problem talking to people, until they become boorish.


A long time ago, during a Mishima Zaibatsu/DOATec collaboration tournament, the Mugen Tenshin ninja Kasumi came into conflict with the head of G Corporation, Kazuya Mishima. He was an evil, dangerous man, and her duty, to her brother, to her sister and to her friends, was to make sure this man never got his hands on any of them or DOATec's information about the Mugen Tenshin Ninja Clan. She stalked him to his rental office and attacked him. At which point Kazuya proceeded to destroy her. Brutally. She had underestimated this man and now she was paying for it. When she woke up, she was trapped by Kazuya, and for the following weeks, he had his way with her.
Eventually, Kasumi's allies and friends broke her free of Kazuya and forced him to back away from his plans. However, the damage had been done, and Kasumi was with child. Due to extenuating circumstances, Hayate made the clan accept her back.. which was considerably easier after what she'd done. She gave birth to Kazuma, and eventually moved on with her life, raising her son as one of the ninja of Mugen Tenshin. In the early years of his life, Kazuma had no problems. He trained alongside Tatsumi, and other ninja of the village. While some had questions about his father, it was a little hard to tell the nephew of the village leader much of anything.. and with Ayane's history, not a lot of that was going to be allowed anymore.
When Kazuma was a teenager, his existence became known to the G Corporation, and Kazuya Mishima had reasons to want a son by now. The G Corp troops attacked the village, and Kazuya sought out his son's power. Kazuma did everything in his power to fight off Kazuya, but it was like trying to punch a waterfall. Kazuya simply crushed Kazuma and told him he could either come back with him and be with his father, or he could die with everyone in the village. Kazuma made the choice to go with his father, and was followed by Tatsumi, who didn't want to be separated from her childhood friend.
From there, Kazuma was told about the story of the Mishima Family, and was mercilessly trained by his father in the Mishima Style Karate. He was chosen to replace Jin as Kazuya's actual heir, but the real reason he was there was to have a different control group for the Devil Gene testing, other than Kazuya himself. Kazuma grew to resent his father.. but he was shocked by his personal assistant, a woman called only Alpha-237. She looked.. talked.. and act almost exactly like Kazuma's mother, which broke down his defenses and eventually had him open up to her.. which of course, just led to him being more easily kept under his father's thumb.
He also forcefully learned a lot about business and corporate takeovers, ownership and other such things, so much so that when he got old enough, one of his tasks was to take over a series of smaller companies. Kazuma did that mercilessly, through intimidation, bribery and straight forward presence, which led him to be rewarded as head of Acquisitions of the G Corporation.


File:Kazuma Mishima.jpg
Kazuma in a suit. Using 'Etiquette'.

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good (+3)
  • Streetwise: Incredible (+4)
  • Intimidation: Amazing (+5)
  • Leadership: Incredible (+4)
  • Expression: Good (+2)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4), However if his 'mother' isn't around, doesn't usually try, so +1 when in company.
  • Performance: Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal (-1)
  • Finance: Incredible (+4)
  • Law: Good (+2)
  • Politics: Very Good (+3)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good (+3)
  • Survival: Incredible (+4)
  • Empathy: Abysmal (-1)

Special Abilities

Mishima Style Fighting Karate - (三島 空手): Powerful karate style, developed to incorporate both quick strikes and powerful hits, using every part of the body as a complete weapon. The most powerful abilities of the Mishima Style Karate are the Mist Step, a sudden and water-like fluid movement which can lead into a powerful chain of attacks, or a simple three-hit combo from a power punch, then a double rising uppercut. Every part of the body is used in Mishima Style Karate, and to even begin to use it properly, one needs an exceedingly powerful body.
Mugen Tenshin Taijutsu - Tenjin Mon (霧幻天神流 - 体術): A style based almost entirely on quick strikes and rapid counters. Many acrobatic moves and fluid followups are used in this open handed style, focusing on quick series of hits, usually in three or four hit combos. Signature moves include counters which allow the user to blur behind the opponent after yanking them forward, karate chopping at their neck; a downward yank on the attacking arm and then bicycle kicking the opponent's leg, chest and head, into the ground; and a counter technique in which Kazuma rolls onto his back and double kicks up at the opponent's chest. Several grappling techniques are part of this style as well.
Mugen Tenshin Ninjutsu - (霧幻天神流 -忍術): Kazuma is trained in ninjutsu techniques, able to hide himself, trade places with objects and disappear from sight with just a few moments of concentration. Practiced larceny and meditation techniques are also part of Ninjutsu.

Powers & Merits

Devil Gene: Kazuma has the Devil Gene. Due to gene therapy treatments from the G Corporation and because of his ninjutsu meditative and illusion training, Kazuma is able to harness the power of the Devil occasionally, granting him the ability to generate spheres of devil energy at different ranges, as part of his Mist Step combination attacks. He also has the ability to dramatically increase his strength and endurance while releasing some of the Devil's power, or more than triple it when he loses control.
Devil Beam: The full power attack, after a fully powered four hit attack using the Devil Power, Kazuma leaps into the air, a 'third eye' appears in his forehead, and he fires a powerful laser-like beam of chi to smash through the opponent, with incredible force.


Unique Items

Mishima Style Fighting Gloves.

Mishima Fighting Gloves: Weighted and well made fighting gloves, with heavy metal bearings into the back of the fist, and strong wrist and forearm guards. Otherwise nothing special.

Items Of Note

Top Of the Line Cellphone
Personal Data Pad
G Corporation Limo
Rickenbaker Guitar

Weaknesses & Flaws

Overconfidence: Kazuma is dangerous overconfident of his abilities.
Devil Gene: Linked to the above, Kazuma is convinced he can control his Devil Gene, where in fact he is as likely to succumb to it as any other of his bloodline.
Manipulated: Kazuma will do anything Alpha-237 will tell him to do, which is why he is currently part of the G Corporation and not the Mugen-Tenshin Shinobi clan.
