The Sirens

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The Sirens
Also Known As The Witches
Organization Type Mystical Coven
Leadership None
Membership Claire; Aria, Beauty of Annihilation; Karin; Others
Associated With Anticross
Related To Inspiratio Unum

The Sirens are the (mostly female) remnants of what was Dexter Curwen's Anticross. They moved to another casle and have been gathering their forces and power together.


Anticross (逆十字) were the seven powerful sorcerers of the Black Lodge, they answered directly to Master Therion, but in order to achieve their personal goals. They were defeated long ago by Kurou Daijuuji. Many years later, Dexter Curwen had associated with the other mystics and magicians of Inspiratio Unum, and when that organization folded, they renamed themselves Anticross, and moved towards the acquiring of magical power for themselves. Their first big break came from their capturing the, tomes of ancient knowledge and power. With these, they achieved various ends by themselves and together, eventually attempting to summon Xel'lotath to this plain of existence, only to be stopped by PARADIGM agents, their allies, and some of their enemies. Dexter Curwen and Xel'lotath's pawn, Anatole Lambach the lich, were seemingly killed.
Those who stayed behind after the failure of summoning Xel'lotath moved from their current base to a new remote castle, in another world, after having moved the Cross Gate technology, despite not especially needing it anymore. Now at least as magi-centric as Anticross was, with Willet and Guildenstern having left the group, the newly christened (if that word can be used..) Sirens, mostly female now, have moved to other, as of yet undisclosed purposes.


The goal of the organization in detail.

Known Members

A list of noteworthy people in the organization's history and present as well as their role.


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