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= Powers & Merits =
= Powers & Merits =
Morder is a psychic and a novice magical apprentice.<br>
==Psychic Powers==
'''Psychometry''': Morder has the ability to touch an object and read what has happened around it. The more intense the situation, and the more linked the object was, the more likely he is to get a better reading. This allows him to get flashes of insight on situations, and sometimes even an idea of the thoughts going through the minds of the people involved with it. Morder gets one image from any use of Psychometry.  
'''Psychometry''': Morder has the ability to touch an object and read what has happened around it. The more intense the situation, and the more linked the object was, the more likely he is to get a better reading. This allows him to get flashes of insight on situations, and sometimes even an idea of the thoughts going through the minds of the people involved with it. Morder gets one image from any use of Psychometry.  
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''Telekinesis - Alpha Strike'': Focusing the full scale of his telekinesis, Morder can launch an all out attack, which drains much of his psychic resolve, but can be devastating. The strike will cause ripples as it focuses, allowing for quick enemies to dodge it. However, if it hits, the strike will go through the enemy, shoving them back with insane force and physically going 'through' them, causing both external and likely, internal damage. This power ignores armor or any physical defense (magic and psychic defenses against physical attacks still apply, however, like the 'Protect' spell). After this ability, Morder is psychically drained and can no longer use his powers. Somewhat his ultimate attack. He needs to focus rage and all his psychic might to do this, so he cannot open a fight with it, unless there is GM approbation (you killed my mother, prepare to die, etc.) Morder will be rekt after this, and require some rest and likely some healing to be able to keep going, and even spell casting will be a drain on his resources, even if his mana and his psychic strength are separate.  
''Telekinesis - Alpha Strike'': Focusing the full scale of his telekinesis, Morder can launch an all out attack, which drains much of his psychic resolve, but can be devastating. The strike will cause ripples as it focuses, allowing for quick enemies to dodge it. However, if it hits, the strike will go through the enemy, shoving them back with insane force and physically going 'through' them, causing both external and likely, internal damage. This power ignores armor or any physical defense (magic and psychic defenses against physical attacks still apply, however, like the 'Protect' spell). After this ability, Morder is psychically drained and can no longer use his powers. Somewhat his ultimate attack. He needs to focus rage and all his psychic might to do this, so he cannot open a fight with it, unless there is GM approbation (you killed my mother, prepare to die, etc.) Morder will be rekt after this, and require some rest and likely some healing to be able to keep going, and even spell casting will be a drain on his resources, even if his mana and his psychic strength are separate.  
'''Magic Sense''':  
==Magical Powers==
'''Magic Sense''': Morder uses his ESP along with his understanding of magic to be an incredible magical tracker/detector. With some focus, he can sense, analyze, and track magical signatures, and generally be able to tell what 'type' they are, provided he's familiar with them. This allows him to see supernatural entities and other invisible-to-muggle magical beings. Note that this applies to potent and constant magical signatures. Spiritual and subdued magical powers may not have much for him to decipher (Onmyoujutsu, etc). He can also sense magical power levels of anyone he encounters is.<br>

Revision as of 04:05, 1 January 2016

A.K.A. Hiko Yuzaki
Age 18
Voice Actor Mamoru Miyano
Relatives Seijou Yuzaki, Father; Yukishiro Yuzaki, Mother; Alice Yuzaki, Sister.
Series Gen 3
Player Sparda
  • Name: Morder
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: June 19th
  • Parents: Seijou Yuzaki and Yukishiro Yuzaki
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, japan.
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies:
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: University Graduate
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height:
    • Weight:
    • Eyes:
    • Hair:
    • Special:


Athletic youth, well proportioned, amazingly pretty and rather striking. Usually dresses to gain attention, but always stylish.


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Morder was born as the first son of Seijou and Yukishiro Yuzaki. He was well loved, and raised by his parents to be as clever and well behaved as they were. They had a good life, at least until his father died young. That was incredibly hard on his mother, and to ensure he wasn't a burden, Morder started to live more on his own, and trying to learn outside the purview of school, as much as in it. It was during this time that he came across of various tomes and notes that his father had researched, as well as others that were unrelated to him, and the boy began learning about these sorcerous ways. Deciding to make a name for himself in this world, he took the name Morder, and began intensively researching demonology and other darkness, intending to unlock the secrets of this kind of power.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Stealth: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Streetwise: Very Good
  • Intimidation: Good
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Expression: Good
  • Etiquette: Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Amazing
  • Investigation: Amazing
  • Law: Incredible
  • Occult: Incredible
  • Politics: Good
  • Science: Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good
  • Survival: Novice
  • Empathy: Incredible

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
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Powers & Merits

Morder is a psychic and a novice magical apprentice.

Psychic Powers

Psychometry: Morder has the ability to touch an object and read what has happened around it. The more intense the situation, and the more linked the object was, the more likely he is to get a better reading. This allows him to get flashes of insight on situations, and sometimes even an idea of the thoughts going through the minds of the people involved with it. Morder gets one image from any use of Psychometry.

Telepathy: Morder is a telepath. This allows him to read thoughts, easily for surface thoughts or those he plants there ('Don't think of where she's hiding'), but requiring effort and possible contests of wills against his targets if he intends to dig in deep for buried memories or other such things. This allows him to read the mood and the actual minds of anyone in his vicinity, but he needs to focus on a single person to get a good read. Passively, he just gets an idea of people's moods, unless one person literally sticks out. This also allows him to have an open communication to his allies.

Telepathy - Obfuscation: Morder can focus his telepathy inward, making it so that no one notices him as he walks through a room. He is essentially invisible to any person vulnerable to the telepathy, so long as he does nothing to bring attention to himself. He can pull other people in this cloak of shadows with him, but he cannot block their actual presence. Talking, running, or generally doing anything to draw attention will make people notice them. While Morder can use this for a surprise attack, when he starts planning it, the cloak will drop, so he still needs to get behind the person and strike immediately. No magic or other psychic powers can be used while obfuscated. The more crowded the room, the less likely Morder is of getting noticed, as this power is more a passive 'IGNORE ME!!!' field than invisibility. THIS POWER HAS NO EFFECT ON CAMERAS OR MECHANICAL SENSORS, and if they would notice them and warn people, they might break through the cloak. This said, a person looking through a cellphone camera may see them later, but not at the time of the filming.

Telepathy - Networking: Morder can use group telepathy. He can speak with many people in his immediate vicinity, and he can quickly coordinate with them. This is used to communicate silently while in possibly dire straits, come up with group strategies, and learn information and share it immediately. This is a mind-like allowing his whole group to speak mentally to one another, and not have to make noise or reveal themselves. This having been said, the working range is around 500 yards, making it good for group efforts but not to send people off and split up.

Telekinesis: Morder is a telekine. He can use his mind to lift objects (and himself), up to 300 lbs. He can lift, toss, and manipulate them like this. He is adept at fine manipulation, able to type with his mind like he was using his fingers. He can flip switches, grab and throw people, and generally use his telekinesis rather well offensively, but the closer he gets to this weight limit, the harder it is for him to focus and apply skill and/or force. When in flight, Morder cannot do anything else. The more weight he carries, the more he struggles, as if he were physically lifting it.

Telekinesis - Alpha Strike: Focusing the full scale of his telekinesis, Morder can launch an all out attack, which drains much of his psychic resolve, but can be devastating. The strike will cause ripples as it focuses, allowing for quick enemies to dodge it. However, if it hits, the strike will go through the enemy, shoving them back with insane force and physically going 'through' them, causing both external and likely, internal damage. This power ignores armor or any physical defense (magic and psychic defenses against physical attacks still apply, however, like the 'Protect' spell). After this ability, Morder is psychically drained and can no longer use his powers. Somewhat his ultimate attack. He needs to focus rage and all his psychic might to do this, so he cannot open a fight with it, unless there is GM approbation (you killed my mother, prepare to die, etc.) Morder will be rekt after this, and require some rest and likely some healing to be able to keep going, and even spell casting will be a drain on his resources, even if his mana and his psychic strength are separate.

Magical Powers

Magic Sense: Morder uses his ESP along with his understanding of magic to be an incredible magical tracker/detector. With some focus, he can sense, analyze, and track magical signatures, and generally be able to tell what 'type' they are, provided he's familiar with them. This allows him to see supernatural entities and other invisible-to-muggle magical beings. Note that this applies to potent and constant magical signatures. Spiritual and subdued magical powers may not have much for him to decipher (Onmyoujutsu, etc). He can also sense magical power levels of anyone he encounters is.


Unique Items

Assassin's Blade: A hidden blade in his sleeve, this is Morder's actual hand to hand weapon. This was used by an ancient order of assassins, and Morder has mastered its use with practice and psychometry.

Items Of Note

Riced Out Laptop: Morder has a top of the line laptop, which surpasses most top-of-the-line PCs in his world. He can use it to run several decryption codes and security bypasses at once, as well as basically do anything computer-related, with different connecting features, such as forced-physical access cable links. He can also access this via his cellphone.
Riced Out Cellphone: Morder's phone is built to interact with his laptop. He can use it to access almost everything on his laptop when it's active, and can do much more with it than a normal person would with just the phone and apps. This allows him a fair amount of access to different systems, provided his laptop can provide a 'hub' for him to do this. Think Watch Underscore Dogs.
Forge Nationale Five Seven Handgun: A handgun with high penetration, along with a suppressor.
Throwing Knives: Used for throwing.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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