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== Powers & Merits ==
== Powers & Merits ==
''(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)''<br>
'''Betelgeuse Star Power, Make Up!''': Lydia can access all her powers by transforming into Sailor Betelgeuse. She gets surrounded by a quick swirling wind, like a heat haze, and when it dies down, she has completed her transformation. This grants her the ability to fight various types of enemies, and the power to protect the [[Sagiko Tsukino|Princess]] as well. Transforming summons her weapon, Orion's Bow.<br>
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'''Celtic Frost''': <br>
'''Stormcast''': <br>
'''Winds of Change''': <br>
'''Raika Hurricane''': <br>
== Unique Items ==
== Unique Items ==

Revision as of 08:22, 10 February 2012

Lydia Aisumi Kazeda
Lydia Relaxing.
A.K.A. Aisumi, Sailor Betelgeuse, (Behind her back) Rich Bitch.
Age 16
Voice Actor Orisaka Ai
Relatives Shuuichi Kazeda, Father; Megumi Tenjou, Mother;
Series Sailor Moon
Player Frank
  • Name: Lydia Aisumi Kazeda
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: March 6th
  • Parents: Shuuichi Kazeda, Megumi Tenjou
    • Place of Birth: Crystal Tokyo
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Social butterfly.
    • Hobbies: Shopping, Archery, School President, Running, Swimming
    • Likes: Success, Nobility, Discipline
    • Dislikes: Laziness, people who don't know their place, rudeness
    • Favorite Food: Anything gourmet
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything greasy.
    • Favorite Music: J-Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Archery and Swimming.
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: High School, advanced classes.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Orisaka Ai
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 120lbs
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: White


Dresses in fancy but functional clothing, always has a prim and proper, socialite appearance. Is proud of her looks and will flaunt them but will not demean herself by wearing 'slutty' or otherwise overly revealing clothes. she carries herself with an aura of confidence and nobility. Otherwise, see picture.


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Lydia is the oldest daughter to the Kazeda household, an old money family descended from noblemen in the Saitama perfecture. She was raised with the discipline and pride in her family and station, as well as reared to take charge of the family when she gets older, in either politics or business. However, she developed early on an interest in the stars. She let her secret hobby be astrology, because she found that she was usually right to follow her own reading of her horoscope. She kept this to herself, due to the bad reputation this could give her in class.

To this end, Lydia's always made it a point to be at the top of her class, both in popularity and academics. Her social life was mostly spent entertaining with guests of the family and their children, as well as being made to excell at all she attempted in extra curricular activities. She has such developped an attitude where not living up to your potential makes you a wasteful.. and wasted.. person.

However, her true destiny was to be a guardian for one of her classmates, Sagiko Tsukino, as Sailor Betelgeuse. After a few events happened, everything came together. Her natural talent for leadership and archery. Her ability to see the future from signs in the stars, and eventually the power to become a Sailor Senshi, changed her future forever. Lydia may have wanted to do things for her family and herself, but she had her higher calling now, and as anyone of her station and breeding would, she had responsibilities to live up to.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Excellent
  • Intimidation: Very Good
  • Leadership: Excellent
  • Expression: Excellent
  • Etiquette: Amazing
  • Performance: Very Good (Piano)

Mental Skills:

  • Academics: Very Good
  • Computers: Abysmal
  • Finance: Excellent
  • Occult: Good. Amazing with Astrology.
  • Politics: Excellent

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good
  • Empathy: Very Good
  • Animal Ken: Abysmal
  • Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, German.

Special Abilities

Kyudo: Aisumi has spent several years practicing traditional Japanese archery, and has become quite proficient at it, able to go to national championships and score in the top 5. She can use a bow even in a fight, and is quite able to hold her own against any other long range fighter.

Powers & Merits

Betelgeuse Star Power, Make Up!: Lydia can access all her powers by transforming into Sailor Betelgeuse. She gets surrounded by a quick swirling wind, like a heat haze, and when it dies down, she has completed her transformation. This grants her the ability to fight various types of enemies, and the power to protect the Princess as well. Transforming summons her weapon, Orion's Bow.

Celtic Frost:
Winds of Change:
Raika Hurricane:

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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