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= Special Abilities =
= Special Abilities =
*Wrestling Moves
==Wrestling Moves==
**Suplex City - Basically a series of nonstop suplexes.
*Suplex City - Basically a series of nonstop suplexes.
**Clothes Line from Hell - A super strong clothesline.
*Clothes Line from Hell - A super strong clothesline.
**F5 - Lift the opponent above your head, then you spin then as you grab their head and smash into the ground with them following. https://youtu.be/vSk6CvpqLzA?t=34
*F5 - Lift the opponent above your head, then you spin then as you grab their head and smash into the ground with them following. https://youtu.be/vSk6CvpqLzA?t=34
**Tombstone Piledriver - Holding the opponent upsidedown, crossing your arms around them, then dropping down onto your knees and hitting their head onto the ground.
*Tombstone Piledriver - Holding the opponent upsidedown, crossing your arms around them, then dropping down onto your knees and hitting their head onto the ground.
**Phoenix Splash - Getting to a high ground, launching yourself at the opponent and landing on them as they lay prone on the ground. The movement is very close to how a phoenix would rise from the ashes.
*Phoenix Splash - Getting to a high ground, launching yourself at the opponent and landing on them as they lay prone on the ground. The movement is very close to how a phoenix would rise from the ashes.
**Sweet Chin Music - Super KICK to the chin.
*Sweet Chin Music - Super KICK to the chin.
**RKO - Interupting an opponent's move, wrapping your arms around their head and bringing them down face-first into the ground.
*RKO - Interupting an opponent's move, wrapping your arms around their head and bringing them down face-first into the ground.
**Pedigree - Kicking the opponent in the gut. As they keel over, Beatrix holds both of her opponent's arms behind their back to hold them in place with their head between her knees. She then drops her knees to the ground with their head following suit. Bam.
*Pedigree - Kicking the opponent in the gut. As they keel over, Beatrix holds both of her opponent's arms behind their back to hold them in place with their head between her knees. She then drops her knees to the ground with their head following suit. Bam.
**Giant Swing - Grabbing the opponents feet and then spinning them around and around, then letting them go.
*Giant Swing - Grabbing the opponents feet and then spinning them around and around, then letting them go.
*Beatrix no Kick - A devestating move thought up by Miyabi herself. She swiftly kicks for the attackers groin or their head, ..WITH FLARE.
*Beatrix no Kick - A devestating move thought up by Miyabi herself. She swiftly kicks for the attackers groin or their head, ..WITH FLARE.

Revision as of 04:52, 1 January 2016

Beatrix Moore
A.K.A. Trish-chan
Age 17
Voice Actor
Relatives Miyabi Uzumaki - Mother
Shannon Moore - Father
Kris Moore - Brother
Ryu Jerico - Cousin.
Series Naruto/Original
Player Cinnie
  • Name: Beatrix 'Trish' Moore
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: March 17th
  • Parents: Miyabi Uzumaki and Shannon Moore
    • Place of Birth: Konoha
    • Nationality: Konohaese and The-End-Ese and Ylisstolese
    • Specialty: Ninjutsu and Wrestling
    • Hobbies: Having tea parties, Socializing, Strategizing
    • Likes: Lollipops
    • Dislikes: Futility
    • Favorite Food: Lollipops
    • Least Favorite Food: Green Beans or also known as Haricots Verts
    • Favorite Music: Hip Hop
    • Favorite Sport: Wrestling
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her rose ring
    • Level of Education: Chuunin Level
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Ami Koshimizu
  • Physical Stats
  • Height: 5'6
  • Weight: 130 lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Teal
    • Special: Slash like markings on her cheeks like her mother.


Candy is d-licious.

At a first glance, Beatrix looks very refined and dainty.. but once you look some more, she carries herself with an air of boisterous confidence. She likes to wear light, floral colored Lolita-fashioned dresses and always has a lollipop or some other candy in hand.


Loud. Passionate. Determined.




Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Incredible
  • Athletics - Amazing
  • Stealth - Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Incredible
  • Streetwise - Very Good
  • Intimidation - Very Good
  • Leadership - Amazing
  • Expression - Good
  • Etiquette - Very Good
  • Performance - Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation - Good
  • Law - Good
  • Politics - Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Good
  • Survival - Good
  • Animal Ken - Good

Special Abilities

Wrestling Moves

  • Suplex City - Basically a series of nonstop suplexes.
  • Clothes Line from Hell - A super strong clothesline.
  • F5 - Lift the opponent above your head, then you spin then as you grab their head and smash into the ground with them following. https://youtu.be/vSk6CvpqLzA?t=34
  • Tombstone Piledriver - Holding the opponent upsidedown, crossing your arms around them, then dropping down onto your knees and hitting their head onto the ground.
  • Phoenix Splash - Getting to a high ground, launching yourself at the opponent and landing on them as they lay prone on the ground. The movement is very close to how a phoenix would rise from the ashes.
  • Sweet Chin Music - Super KICK to the chin.
  • RKO - Interupting an opponent's move, wrapping your arms around their head and bringing them down face-first into the ground.
  • Pedigree - Kicking the opponent in the gut. As they keel over, Beatrix holds both of her opponent's arms behind their back to hold them in place with their head between her knees. She then drops her knees to the ground with their head following suit. Bam.
  • Giant Swing - Grabbing the opponents feet and then spinning them around and around, then letting them go.


  • Beatrix no Kick - A devestating move thought up by Miyabi herself. She swiftly kicks for the attackers groin or their head, ..WITH FLARE.
  • Houshou - A Taijutsu technique where the ninja palm strikes their enemy, hurling them away. With impressive strength, this technique could be quite devastating.
  • Trish Special Rendan - This technique involves Beatrix herself and four Mokuton clones. Three of them attack the opponent head on while the fourth clone picks Beatrix herself up and hurls her at the opponent. She tailored this after her grandfather and mother's move.


  • Rasengan (Spiral Blast) - A Ninjutsu technique incorporating the chakra control needed for both the tree climbing training and water walking training. With the type of chakra control needed for the tree climbing training, the ninja focuses a set amount of chakra into the palm of their hand. With the type of chakra control needed for the water walking training, the ninja continuously releases that set amount of chakra from the palm of their hand in the form of a constantly spinning ball. The chaotic power of this spinning ball of chakra comes from the ninja's chakra rotation. A person's chakra rotation can be determined by the rotation of their hairline. If their hairline swirls to the right, they have a right rotation, and if it swirls to the left, they have a left rotation. With the Rasengan, the ninja focuses their chakra in the opposite direction of their chakra rotation, creating a disruption in the chakra flow, which is where the force of the Rasengan comes from. Focusing chakra to spin in every direction is the first level of this technique. The second level of the Rasengan is power. This level of the technique forces the ninja to apply order to chaos to harness the power of this jutsu. By focusing their chakra into a single point on their palm, instead of their entire palm, they produce a stronger concentration of chakra to add to the maelstrom of their chakra flow. This creates the powerful outward force of the Rasengan, like a hurricane. Powerful, but uncontrollable, this is the second level of this technique. The third level of the Rasengan is control. The ninja has to be able to use one hundred percent of their spinning chakra and one hundred percent of their powering chakra and keep them firmly within the palm of their hand, creating the small and controlled ball the Rasengan is typically seen as. In this state, the Rasengan becomes more focused and powerful, and as it meets friction, it becomes faster, creating even more power as the attack is in motion. Controlling the maelstrom of spinning and flowing chakra is the third step of this technique. There are eight levels to the Rasengan that only its creator, Yondaime, knows how to accomplish. The last five have not been seen yet, but they most definitely become more powerful and more difficult to master as they go. This technique was created by Yondaime. First performed by Jiraiya in chapter one hundred and fifty. He spends the next few chapters teaching it to Naruto, until he finally reaches the third level in chapter one hundred and fifty-eight.
  • Doton: Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu - This ninjutsu isn't a widely used technique, since it is only used when surprising the enemy. After performing a series of hand seals and raising his chakra, the ninja is buried underground using his chakra. He can then move freely inside the ground, as if he was outside.
  • Suiton: Hahonryuu - Destruction Torrent - Suiton • Hahonryuu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. To use this technique Yamato will generate water to use against his opponent. This technique was seen in conjunction with Naruto's Wind Element Rasengan. These two attacks combined together to form Gufuu Suika, a large rotating water and wind vortex.
  • Henge no Jutsu - Henge no Jutsu is the basic skill a ninja must know to become a Genin. It is a very useful and widely used skill in the series, as it has many uses. It's mostly used as a decoy, to confuse the opponent by transforming into somebody that's an ally with the enemy.
  • Bunshin no Jutsu - This technique must be mastered by any ninja who has graduated from the Academy at the Hidden Leaf Village. It's the most basic technique a Genin must know, since it can be a real lifesaver. This ninjutsu creates a shadow clone of the caster.
  • Kawarimi no Jutsu - The Body Substitute skill is a widely used and very famous skill among shinobis. Put simply, the user uses speed to his/her advantage, and grabs an item from the environment and places it on his/her current position while moving out of the way.
  • Harem no Jutsu - The combination of two Ninjutsu techniques: Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Technique) and Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique). Together, they create an army of beautiful naked women that can bring even the strongest perverted ninja to their knees.


  • Genjutsu - The art of illusion. Genjutsu is used to create mass illusions or even hypnotize opponents. Seemingly useful, it isn't seen much throughout the series, which would lead one to believe that it either isn't as useful as Ninjutsu or Taijutsu, or that it's very difficult to master. Beatrix, like her mother, uses this to add sparkles and spotlights and other FLARINGLY FUNKY effects to her ninja fighting power. Beatrix also uses this to bolster her Leadership speeches.
  • Genjutsu Kai - A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses their chakra and screams "kai" or "release." They can perform it on themselves or on others. It will effectively ward off most Genjutsu, unless extremely powerful or when used in conjunction with an advanced bloodline.
  • Nemuri - A Genjutsu technique where the ninja places their hand on their target's shoulder and forces them into a deep slumber. A useful technique when subterfuge is involved with a mission, but utterly useless in combat.

Powers & Merits

  • Mokuton Jutsus

Unique Items


Items Of Note

  • Kunai
  • Lollipops

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

Text goes here