Sutter Cane

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Sutter Cane
A.K.A. Oh wouldn't you like to know.
Age Unknown. Appears 20 at most.
Voice Actor Hikaru Midorikawa
Relatives Secret
Series Secret
Player Sparda
  • Name: Sutter Cane
  • Age: 20ish
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Adventure. Action.
  • Dislikes: Boredom. Orders.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 145lbs
  • Eyes: Blue and gold
  • Hair: Black


Detached looking man with a slim physique but obviously very healthy. Muscles toned and wiry, unnaturally pretty and chilling to be around.


Aloof. Authoritative. Active. Amoral.


  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Occult: Amazing (+1)
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Leadership: Very Good


Sorcerer: Sutter Cane is a top level sorcerer, living and breathing magic from his very essence. He is highly gifted in most styles of magics, from esoteric off world all purpose spells, to elemental manipulation, to more eldritch lore. There is very little he cannot do with magic, from summoning, to sealing, to displacement. His specialties, however, are empowering himself and the use of raw, pure magical energy as a source of power and attack.

  • Abra Hadabra: Sutter's signature attack spell. He generates pure magical energy, amplifies it, then releases it in a blast. It is non-elemental and causes whatever he hits to take rather impressive amounts of damage, exploding on impact and attempting to destroy his opponent. The true power of this spell is that its power varies depending on how much magic Sutter puts in it. A small amount will lead to a simpler blast, but a large pool of mana expended into the spell may destroy entire towns.

Grimoire: Sutter Cane is partly written up as a character in the Pnakotic Manuscripts. This allows him to turn his body into pages, letting him avoid restraints or damage, and teleport more or less at will. More importantly, any spell written in this somber tome is available for him to cast. The REAL power however, is that he can make the spells cast themselves, often several at a time, from various 'pages' as parts of his body, letting him cast an enchantment, a curse, an attack and a barrier, all at the same time, making Sutter Cane practically unbeatable at casting spells, due to not needing any setup time at all, being able to 'make it up' as he goes.


Several tomes and spellbooks, though taking them from him is not exactly... likely.


Elder Sign: Using the Elder Sign against him will function rather well, though he knows the spell himself, and how to counter it.
Omnicidal Nihilist: Sutter Cane holds life as less valuable than actual possessions or even rocks. He is not very sociable and will not generally ally with others, and certainly not save them if he meets them.
Anti-Magic Methods: Sutter Cane is likely able to be shut down if he can be prevented from casting spells.