Grimoire Spells

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Spells located in various Grimoires. It is important to note that most Grimoires do not have access to ALL these spells, especially the spells referring to specific Elder Deities and otherworldly creatures. Several Grimoires are very specifically devoted to one or two particular Old Ones, and do not speak of others within their pages. Assume knowledge of all these spells is at least referenced, but the Grimoire may not have the capacity to cast all of them.

Grimoires also have categories of spells they may contain, but these are usually more specific on the Elder and Outer Things discussed within each individual Grimoire.

Spell List A to H

General Spells, separated by alphabetical order. These are all-purpose spells, and likely to be found in many Grimoires.

A Spells

ALTER WEATHER: moderates or exacerbates any weather condition. Large groups may cast the spell to achieve great meteorological effects. The keeper establishes the base conditions. Every ten magic points sacrificed effects one level of change (see further below). The caster may expend as many magic points as he or she is able, as can any participant who knows the spell. Those ignorant of the spell can contribute 1 magic point only. Casting the spell costs every participant 1 current Sanity point, and requires a song-like chant to be uttered for three minutes per level of weather change. The effective radius of the base spell is two miles; this area can be widened for a cost of ten magic points for each additional mile. The change in the weather lasts thirty minutes for every ten magic points of the total contributed, but violent weather such as a tornado lasts a much shorter time.
Five weather components can be changed, in varying levels of effect. One level costs 10 magic points to change: thus to change the two levels from partly cloudy to heavy clouds takes 20 magic points to change. For snow to fall, the temperature must be 30°F or lower, otherwise the precipitation is rain, not snow.

  • Cloud Cover Levels: (1) clear, (2) foggy, (3) partly cloudy, (4) cloudy, (5) heavy clouds.
  • Wind Direction Levels, the eight compass points: (1) north, (2) northeast, (3) east, (4) southeast, (5) south, (6) southwest, (7) west, (8) northwest.
  • Wind Speed Levels: (1) calm, (2) breezy, (3) gusty, (4) strong steady wind, (5) gale, (6) local hurricane, (7) tornado.
  • Temperature Levels: one level raises or lowers the temperature in the area of effect by five degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Precipitation Levels: (1) dry, (2) drizzle or mist, (3) rain [snow], (4) hail [snow], (5) heavy rain [heavy snow], (6) thunderstorm [blizzard].

APPORTION KA: the caster can place a portion of his life essence, or ka, into one or more of his vital organs. This done, the wizard can then remove the enchanted organ from his or her body. The organ continues to live and sustain the caster's identity. Having one's own insides removed costs 2D10 SAN and the permanent loss of 1 POW per organ removed. This spell was first used by followers of the Dark Pharaoh, Nephren-Ka, who would remove vital organs and lock them away in safe places. This would make the caster virtually impossible to kill, if not for the spell's one weakness. The brain is the seat of the spell's power and, as such, could not be removed. If the brain was destroyed the other organs would lose their magical properties and the caster would die. (Other spells no doubt supplied the priests with means for seeing, touching, and so on.)
The priests of Nephren-Ka could not transplant themselves into other people. With transplant technology, today's sorcerer can. Even while disembodied, the caster is able to sense where the other parts are, and subtly guide the bodies toward each other. When two bodies are as close as a block or two, the caster regains full consciousness, with access to all memories, knowledge, and spells. The caster also takes command of these proximal bodies, and they all become of one mind. POW is his or her own, but the magic points are the sum of those he or she controls as well as owns. His or her own magic points regenerate, but the rest are one-time use only, and only as long as the caster maintains sway.

ATTRACT FISH: a fisherman's aid, to be cast over salt or fresh water. The cost is 2 magic points and no Sanity. Bait must be placed in the water and a simple sing-song chant uttered for two minutes. In 1D6 minutes, D100 local fish congregate in the area.

AUGUR: grants portents of the future if the caster is clever enough to understand them. Augur costs 4 magic points and 1D2 SAN to cast. Media varies, from animal entrails to tea leaves to the casting of stalks. The chance of understanding an augury is equal to or less than the augurer's POW x5. A portent may be vague, subtle, dream-like, or in a cryptic verse; if the future were easy to know, everyone would know it.

AWAKE ABHOTH: this spell wakens the sleeping god Abhoth to begin the great feast for which it waits and hungers. The spell costs 12 magic points, 1D10+2 Sanity points, and long rituals that prove the caster's faithfulness to the god.

B Spells

BAIT HUMANS: causes the image of a fabulously large and beautifully cut diamond to float in the air before the target. The spell costs the caster 1 magic point per casting, lasts for five minutes, and can be repeated indefinitely. Approximate range of the spell is one mile. As a target approaches the illusion, the diamond recedes at approximately the same speed, in the direction the caster wills, presumably to where the hungry chthonian waits. As in sport fishing, the target decides whether or not to take the bait. Only chthonians have this spell. A variation, Bait Sand Dwellers, exchanges the image of a floating diamond for that of a tender human haunch, dripping flesh blood.

BALK BROOD: calls forth the Brood of Eihort from a victim. The spell requires three rounds to intone and costs 1D3 Sanity points per participant. The caster and other people who know the spell can expend as many magic points as desired. Those who touch the caster while the spell is intoned can add 1 magic point per person, though the Sanity cost remains at 1D3 points each. Learning the spell requires a roll of INT x2 or less on D100 and 15-INT days of study.
Using the Resistance Table, match the total of the magic points expended against the number of days elapsed since the injection of the Brood. If the spell succeeds, the Brood infesting the victim promptly cascade out of the victim's orifices, costing him or her 1D3 Sanity points for pain and embarrassment. The victim also loses 1 hit point for each day of infestation. The infestation may already have caused the victim great harm, which their presence keeps from being obvious. Removing the Brood actually may kill the victim, but he or she is doomed in any case. At each casting of this spell, the participants risk the appearance of Eihort: the chance accumulates at 10 percentiles per cast. Eihort will attack the caster first.

BANEFUL DUST OF HERMES TRISMEGISTUS: similar to the Dust of Suleiman, it only affects creatures of nonterrestrial origin (that excludes humans, deep ones, ghouls, servants of Glaaki, sand dwellers, serpent people, and chthonians, but not flying polyps, elder things, mi-go, star-spawn of Cthulhu, or shoggoths). It costs 4 magic points and no Sanity to cast the creation spell; thereafter anyone may use the gold-colored dust created. Only the most fearsome entities continue to fight after an application of this powerful dust.
To apply the dust requires that the target be within reasonable Throw range. With a successful Throw roll, the dust burns the extraterrestrial creature for 2D6 points of damage. Armor does not protect against the dust. Each successful Throw of the dust does the same damage. If Thrown and missed, the nimbus of the dust still does 1 hit point of damage. The creature escapes damage only if the Throw roll is fumbled.
The dust's effects are horrible, and cost sensitive observers 0/1D3 Sanity points to see. The creature flinches and flails, and sometimes screams. Its body smokes and burns as if eaten by powerful acid.
The formula for the dust requires common chemicals and ingredients in a proportion of combined weight about equal to two pounds. Two ounces of this concoction is enough for one dose. Sixteen doses would be made each time the formula is followed. A successful Chemistry or Pharmacy roll is required for a batch to work; the keeper should make this roll, for the caster should have no idea if a batch will be effective.

BANISHMENT OF YDE ETAD: It sends home most transdimensional human or human-like intelligences that are under their own volition. It is not effective against servitors, hirelings, thralls, or any creature commanded by another intelligence. Correctly performed, the banishment is permanent and irrevocable. Each banishment is of an individual, not of a class. At least three people must participate in the spell. All participants must know the spell. More participants add to the effectiveness. The total number of participants must be divisible by three. Each participant donates 1D4+3 magic points and loses 1D4 Sanity points. Learning this spell requires twelve hours of time, a roll of INT x4 or less, and 1D3 Sanity points. This banishment works by destroying with ritual flames a sigil representing the target. The target's personal sigil is best, but a substitute can be prepared according to a formula described with the spell.
The spell must be performed in the open air in the middle of the night, ideally in a place of power associated with the subject. The target's known haunts, its last known location, or its point of entry into this dimension are all suitable sites. The spell casters must divide their numbers: one third remain outside a protective circle and the rest stand within. Using a mixture of ground silicon dioxide, lime, or magnesium silicate, combined with dried and ground henbane or garlic, the larger group of spell casters inscribes a circle on the ground around them, one large enough to accommodate the group as well as leaving room for a fire in the center. As the circle is made, the casters must recite a complicated verse. Then more of the compound is used to trace a series of complicated symbols, accompanied at all times by the chanting of verses read aloud or declaimed from memory.
The spell casters outside the circle then trace a second larger circle of the compound, surrounding all. The casters in the central circle place their personal sigils (a sigil can be a handwritten signature, or something equally characteristic) at evenly spaced intervals around the inside perimeter of the inner circle. As the sigil is placed, that participant must speak his or her name aloud to the heavens. These personal sigils must remain in place until the ritual is completed. The protective circles complete, the casters in the inner circle build a ritual fire upon a grate suspended two to six inches above the ground. The fire must be of moderate size, with plainly visible flame. As the ritual fire is lit, all casters repeat yet another complicated verse. The fire must burn steadily from this time until the sigil is utterly consumed. If the fire flags or dies, the banishment fails, so the inner circle also must contain plenty of fuel. Once the fire is burning steadily, the casters within the inner circle throw locks of their own hair and nail clippings into the flames, accompanied by more chanting. As the smoke rises from the clippings, the casters within the inner circle place the sigil of the intended target on the fire so that it is clearly visible to all the spell casters, and it must remain visible until utterly consumed. At that point the image of the thing to be banished appears, howls in fiery agony, and gradually returns to its own plane of existence. As it burns, the casters within the circle repeat a final verse, then remain silent until the fire dies, an additional 3D10 game minutes. The casters then may destroy the circles and freely move about.

BAT FORM: lets the caster assume the form and capabilities of a flying fox, while retaining his or her intelligence and intentions. The spell costs 12 magic points to cast; assuming the form of a bat costs 1D8 Sanity points. The spell must be cast while the sun is down, and its effects last only until the sun rises. Capabilities of a bat include those of flight and of acute hearing.

BECOME SPECTRAL HUNTER: turns the target into a monster which can attack while invisible. The spell requires 2 POW from the caster (who also may be the recipient), a small specially made figurine, the blood of several animals, and the loss of all Sanity points by the target of the spell. The target must be a knowledgeable volunteer. If the caster is not also the recipient, he or she loses 3D6 Sanity points in performing the ritual. The target transforms into a spectral hunter, a hideous humanoid described in the 1982 supplement Shadows of YogSothoth.
The new spectral hunter is psychically linked to the figurine which holds its soul. If this figurine is destroyed, the spectral hunter is injured or killed.

BIND ENEMY: either by physical attack or magical attack, the spell renders the target unable to harm the caster for the next seven days. A variable number of magic points are sacrificed into a small effigy of the target, and then matched against the target's POW on the Resistance Table. If the target wins, the spell fails. No Sanity points are expended. It takes about a day to gather the materials, construct the effigy, and chant the ritual that seals the magic points into the effigy. The effigy must contain a few hairs or nail clippings from the target, or something else of a personal nature. The spell is broken if the caster attacks the target or if the effigy is destroyed.

BIND LOUP-GAROU (Cage of Kind): Removes a werecreature's desire to control his or her shape-changing, quickly condemning him or her to the life of whatever animal the character's animal alternate is. Bind Loup-Garou needs 14 magic points per targeted loup-garou. It consumes 2D4 Sanity points per ceremony, no matter how many loups-garous are involved. A loup-garou so bound sheds its human side in a number of game days equal to its POW. Once the spell is cast, the target loup-garou steadily loses his or her ability to choose when to shape-change. More and more he or she becomes the animal alternate when primal emotions such as rage, fear, lust, or hunger become strong. The shape-change is more and more triggered, and not a choice. The effect strengthens over time. After 1/2 POW days, the target spends half its time in its animal form. After POW days, the human side is utterly unattractive and tedious. The loup-garou then lives out the remainder of its life as an animal in the wild. To perform this spell, the caster needs a bowl of solid silver or gold. The bowl must be inscribed with the incantations of the spell on its inner surface. The caster must also carve a circular talisman into the surface of the area where the spell is to be cast. Six candles are placed and lit clockwise around this talisman. Once the candles are lit, the caster may not leave the circle, or he or she must repeat the ceremony from the beginning. At least six drops of uncoagulated human blood must be added to the bowl. To target an individual, place some of his or her body hair, fingernail clippings, personal possessions, etc., in the bowl. More than one person may be targeted at a time. Incantations must be chanted without interruption for an hour. If all goes well, the bowl briefly glows and the spell begins its work. After the spell is cast, the targeted loup-garou experiences growing fears and desires based on the need of its animal side. For instance, if the loup-garou is half mountain lion, then while on the human side the loup-garou becomes increasingly aloof, predatory, and territorial with rivals. The affected loupgarou loses no Sanity unless it understands what has happened to it; then the Sanity loss is 1D3+1 SAN per day, until POW days have passed. Then it loses all remaining SAN and as a human is permanently insane.

BIND SOUL: allows the caster to imprison a human soul and thereby control or murder the body from which the soul came. Cost to cast the spell is 10 magic points and 3 Sanity points. The caster must be able to find the soul before it can be imprisoned; see Snare Dreamer for one way to achieve that. See Compel Flesh for a way to control the body. The caster must defeat the target soul by matching POW vs. POW on the Resistance Table. If the soul is trapped, the victim's body begins to die, at the rate of 2 CON per day. When CON reaches zero, the body dies and the soul is released. If the soul is not trapped, the magic points and Sanity points are lost without effect.
A special vessel for the soul must have been prepared. That ritual takes three days. Anything that can be closed (a jar, a box, a bottle, etc.) will do as a vessel. The soul can be released by opening or breaking the vessel, if the vessel can be found. The powder of Ibn-Ghazi and similar magic can trace the link between body and soul: the location of the vessel can be calculated by triangulation or by expending onsiderable powder and simply following the spider-web-like link left tangible by the powder.

BLACK BINDING: offers a way to create an ordinary zombie, at a cost of 16 magic points and 1D6 Sanity points. A ritual liquid must be poured over a corpse, or into the grave in which a corpse lies. The keeper determines the ingredients of the liquid: at least one part should be difficult to obtain legally. The corpse is left to mature. At the end of a week, the caster comes to the grave and intones the Black Binding. At the end of the half-hour ritual, the corpse claws its way from the grave, and thereafter does the caster's will. A zombie made this way continues to rot after it has risen. A replacement must be created periodically.

BLESS BLADE: creates a blade capable of damaging or killing entities which cannot be harmed by ordinary weapons. Requires the blood sacrifice of an animal of at least SIZ 10, a point of POW, and 1D4 Sanity points from the creator. The blade of the knife must be of an elemental metal such as iron or silver. The blade may be of any size, but larger blades do greater damage; see the weapons table (p. 58) for sample damages. If the blade is broken, melted, or otherwise damaged, it permanently loses this ability, but it will not be harmed in attacks against supernatural entities.

BLIGHT / BLESS CROP: as the caster chooses, the spell causes one acre of vegetation to wither and die slowly, as if parched, or to blossom and grow with vigor. The spell in either version costs 6 magic points and as Blight Crop an additional 1D6 SAN to cast. "Blooding" the caster (striking the face hard enough to draw blood) breaks the spell.

BODY WARPING OF GORGOROTH: allows the caster to change his or her physical form. The caster must invoke Nyarlathotep and repeat the phrases of the spell for 1D6+4 minutes while expending 6 magic points and an additional magic point for each point of SIZ to be gained or lost in the body warping. This spell also costs 2D6 Sanity points and 1 point of POW each time cast. Only one alteration per casting is possible, and the effect is permanent until the spell is recast to change back again. This spell cannot be cast on another being.
The sorcerer can change to any shape and appearance, though retaining personal abilities. The form must be fleshly, thought it can appear to be of stone, wood, a rug, etc. Once changed into a new shape, the caster has the mobility of that shape. The caster's STR, CON, 1NT, POW, and DEX never change. If emulating a person, the sorcerer's APP becomes that of the individual emulated. The caster can take on only the form of what he knows.

BREATH OF THE DEEP: his or her lungs fill with sea water, drowning the target. The caster must be able to see the target. After mentally intoning the spell for a round, the caster sacrifices 8 magic points and 1D6 Sanity. Match POWs on the Resistance Table. If the caster wins, consult the drowning rules in the Game System chapter. D100 rolls begin at CON x5, then CON x4, etc., and the target must make them for 1D6 rounds. Each missed CON roll costs the target 1D8 hit points.

BREW DREAM DRUG: creates a drug which facilitates group entry into a world of dream. Casting the spell and making the drug takes about five hours and costs 4 magic points and 2 Sanity points to cast. After the first, each additional draught made at the same time costs one additional magic point—to make five draughts, for instance, would cost a total of 8 magic points and 2 Sanity points.
The drinker of a draught falls asleep very quickly, for about four hours. The subjective length of the dream may be long or short, and memories of the dream may be distorted. All who drink of the same drug ogether are together in the dream. By the origin and proportion of the ingredients (and by arrangement with the keeper), the caster may guide dream entry into a specific area correlative to the Waking World, such as a specific city or to some special place or other dimension.
A large number of herbs are required, some commonplace, others mystical and difficult to find. The result is a thin brown liquid. A mild narcotic effect relaxes the drinker and inclines him or her toward dreams.

BREW SPACE-MEAD: a wonderfully golden liquid, which he kept in a carafe in his desk and served in tiny Belgian liqueur glasses in such small amounts that it seemed futile even to raise it to one's lips—and yet its bouquet and its taste ... outdid even the oldest Chianti and the best Chateau Yquem to such an extent that to mention them in the same breath was to do injustice to the professor's brew. Fiery though it was, it had the additional effect of making me drowsy . . . —August Derleth, "The House on Curwen Street."
This spell creates a magical drink that allows a human to withstand journeys through the vacuum and vicissitudes of space. For all such journeys, the effectiveness of space-mead also requires the expenditure of an equal number of magic points and current Sanity points, each equal to the log to base 10 of the journey's distance in light years (see the Space-Mead Effectiveness Table nearby). Brewing the drink and taking the journey represent separate stages for the caster/user. Different types of space-mead exist, each with the same effects but all of them requiring different ingredients.
Brewing space-mead requires five special ingredients to be chosen by the keeper, and requires at least a week of brewing time. Once the mead is foaming and bubbling, the caster must sacrifice 20 magic points per dose into the brew. These magic points may be sacrificed over several or many days; the more points, the more doses. Each dose allows a person to withstand one journey through space of varying distance and time. Once the space-mead has been enchanted, the traveler must find a mount: among others, the spell Summon/Bind Byakhee can provide an interstellar steed. The traveler then drinks a dose (presumably bringing a return dose along), climbs on and commands the mount, and the journey begins. While in space, the traveler is in mental and physical stasis, nearly insensible to surroundings. Upon arrival at the destination, the effects of the brew conclude.

BRING HABOOB (Sandstorm): The caster focuses strong swirling winds. In a desert or among coastal dunes, this produces a sandstorm. The cost of the spell is 20 magic points, it takes an hour to cast, and also requires 1D4 Sanity points. This very cost-effective spell produces a whirling storm roughly 20 miles across with winds averaging 30 mph and gusts of roughly twice that. See Alter Weather for a more systematic spell of greater extremes.

BRING PESTILENCE: Dreamlands. This foul spell infests its victims with dreadful diseases. Casting the spell costs 10 magic points and 1D10 Sanity points. The target must be touched by the caster and the target can resist the spell by matching POW against the caster's POW. A bit of decayed human flesh is required as a material component. The first symptoms of the disease show up in 1D10 rounds. Symptoms of the illness vary, but its game effect is always the daily loss of 1D3 CON until the victim is cured or dead. Victims also suffer a daily cumulative 5-point loss from each skill. The victim may be cured with a successful Medicine roll, and cured dreamers regenerate all lost CON points in 2D6 hours. Should an infected dreamer wake before perishing, he or she is saved. On the next visit to the Dreamlands no sign of the sickness exists. This spell may be cast only in the Dreamlands.

C Spells

CANDLE COMMUNICATION: allows two sentient beings to communicate magically by voice at a distance, without other apparatus. This requires two casters, and costs each 5 magic points and 1 Sanity point. At a pre-arranged time, each participant lights a candle and speaks the words of the spell over and over until the other's voice can be heard. This spell works clearly at up to ten miles; for each additional hundred miles or fraction thereof, the spell costs an additional magic point and is 10% less likely to be understood. Maximum range is one thousand miles. A blown-out candle flame breaks communication. The spell can be recast by both parties.

CAST OUT DEVIL: frees the target of possession by alien entities. This elaborate spell takes a full day to cast, requiring many components of African tribal magic. It costs no Sanity points. After a contribution of 10 magic points to energize the spell, match the POW of the exorcist against the POW of the foe possessing the victim. Willing assistants who also know the spell may add half of their POW (round fractions down) to the effort, and this spell is seldom attempted without such help. It might be used against many foes—to help a person possessed by Y'golonac, perhaps, or by a mind from the Great Race of Yith.

CAST OUT SHAN: expels a shan (insect from Shaggai) from any living host standing within a five-foot-wide pentagram drawn with the herb arnica. The caster performs a ritual which takes one hour and costs 10 magic points, as well as 1 POW from the caster and each victim. (The caster could perform it on himself or herself for 2 POW.) After the ceremony, the pentagram is proof against a new shan intrusion for the next twelve hours. The spell does not destroy the shan, but has that effect if performed in direct sunlight.

CAUSE / CURE BLINDNESS: the target suffers complete and permanent blindness, as if by a stroke. The same spell can reverse blindness if the eyes and optic nerves are essentially intact. The spell costs 8 magic points for either version, and an additional 2D6 Sanity points for Cause Blindness. A day of ritual and a successful POW vs. POW match on the Resistance Table are also needed.

CAUSE DISEASE: afflicts the target victim with a feverish illness resembling cholera, malaria, pneumonia, etc. The caster may invest as many magic points as he or she can; match them against the target's POW on the Resistance Table. Casting time is five game rounds. If the target wins, there is no effect. If the caster wins, symptoms such as high fever, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and loss of concentration follow. The victim loses 2D6 STR, CON, and DEX (roll separately for each), at the rate of one point daily for each. If the victim survives, he or she regains these points. If any of the characteristics reach zero, the victim dies. To cast the spell, the attacker obtains some personal item of the target, especially something that has touched the mouth. The object is buried in a deep hole with shreds of poisonous plants or bamboo. The hole is filled and a specially carved stone place on top. A short chant follows, and the spell is cast. Bed rest is the only treatment that seems to maintain clarity of mind. Only curative magic truly helps. Retrieving the buried object breaks the spell, otherwise the spell runs its course.

CHANT OF THOTH: may increase the caster's chance to solve a particular intellectual problem. To cast it requires 30 minutes of time and 1D4 Sanity points. For every magic point spent in the chant, the caster adds 2 percentiles to his or her chance to gain knowledge, learn a spell, translate a passage, deduce the meaning of a symbol, etc. If the user's chance is less than 10%, the Chant of Thoth cannot help: thus for it to aid in translating a passage in Latin, the caster must know at least Latin 10%.

CHARM ANIMAL: causes the target animal to treat the caster as a friend. The spell costs 1 magic point for every SIZ point of the animal, and lasts for 24 hours. When it expires, the animal remembers nothing of its previous friendliness. No communication occurs. The animal friend cannot be used to run errands or engage in combat, but all will share their warmth during sleep, and a predator will share some of the game that it has killed.

CHIME OF TEZCHAPTL: with it, the caster can enchant a small bell or chime made of a pure metal such as gold or iron. Silver gives the best tone. The ritual takes six hours, and costs 1D6 Sanity points and the sacrifice of 2 POW. For each 100 feet above sea level, the effectiveness of the created chime increases by one percentile: made at 5500 feet, a chime works 55% of the time it is rung. Additionally, the caster must enact the Unspeakable Promise (in this chapter), imperiling his or her sanity and life. The resulting chime defends against many spells which require song or music instruments in their casting—Free Hastur, Song of Hastur, Dampen Light, and Soul Singing are four examples. Rung softly, the chime absorbs the spell or spells if a D100 roll equals or is less than the chime's percentile rating. As the chime absorbs magic, its metal takes on a peculiar sheen and the chime's tone alters in timbre. Once it has absorbed a spell, the chime retains the spell's essence for 2D6 minutes. During that interval, if the holder of the chime rings it loudly, the spell energy in it is released violently back at the caster who sang the spell, costing the target 1D6 hit points for each 2 magic points or point of POW the chime absorbed. A target's blood vessels erupt, and he or she bleeds from every pore. With the loss of more than half his or her total hit points, the eyeballs burst, inflicting total blindness. Using the chime in this fashion costs no magic points and no Sanity points. Witnessing the reflection of spell energy may cost Sanity.

CIRCLE OF NAUSEA: creates a powerful protective circle around the caster that will cause nausea and pain in anyone approaching it. Creating the circle costs 4 magic points, 2 points of Sanity, and 5 game minutes. The caster must inscribe a circle on the ground, then fortify the circle with four enchanted stones— one at each of the four cardinal points of the compass. Enchanting the stones in this case requires the previous sacrifice of 4 magic points into each. Breaching the circle requires a successful resistance struggle matching the character's POW against the magical STR of the circle (equal to the POW of the caster). Anyone who touches the circle but fails the POW struggle vomits for the next five minutes, or until he or she retreats at least 100 yards away. If anyone successfully breaches the circle, the spell collapses.

CLOAK OF FIRE: at the cost of great pain to the caster, this spell increases the caster's movement and augments his or her combat defense. Cloak of Fire costs 12 magic points and 1D10 Sanity to cast. Only the caster can benefit from the spell. It takes one round to cast, and its effect lasts 4D4 rounds. Viewing the Cloak in action costs 1/1D3 Sanity points. The spell wreathes the caster in weaving, glittering points of light, each spark dragging a luminous trail and flickering whitehot. Sealed within the Cloak, the caster rises several inches off the floor so that his feet no longer touch. Nonetheless, body movements are precise. The nimbus of the Cloak is agonizing, costing 1D6 Sanity points to feel during the first cast. No hit points are lost because of the pain, however, and if the caster has not touched anyone, the pain stops when the spell does. While the spell is in effect, double the caster's MOV and DEX. Decrease all chances for attack against the caster by 20 percentiles. All weapon attacks do minimum damage. Anyone attacking with Fist/Punch, Kick, etc., suffers exactly the damage done to the caster. If the caster touches someone, treat it as a Fist/Punch attack doing 1D8 hit points of damage: each time this happens, the caster also suffers half of that rolled damage (round down) as his or her skin and flesh flash away to feed the Cloak's magical surface. Thus it is possible that this spell could lower the caster's hit points to zero, and cause death.

CLOUD MEMORY: blocks the target's ability to remember consciously a particular event. The spell costs 1D6 magic points and 1D2 Sanity points. The spell takes effect immediately. The caster must be able to see the target, and the target must be able to receive the caster's instructions. If the caster's magic points overcome the target's on the Resistance Table, the target's mind is mentally blocked with respect to one specified incident. If the incident was terrifying, the victim may thereafter still have nightmares vaguely relating to it. If the spell fails, the event in question becomes vivid in the target's mind. The caster must know the specific event to be blocked. The caster cannot command something vague like "Forget what you did yesterday." Instead, he or she must cite a certain event, such as "Forget you were assaulted by a monster." This spell cannot block knowledge of spells or of the Cthulhu Mythos unless the knowledge is firmly tied to a specific event, nor can it undo a Sanity loss, or undo insanity.

CLUTCH OF NYOGTHA: a hideous attack spell costing 1D20 Sanity points. The caster must spend 1 magic point to start the spell, and the target must be within a conversational distance. If the caster overcomes the target's magic points with his or her own on the Resistance Table, the target feels as though a large hand is crushing his or her heart, and loses 1D3 hit points for each combat round that the spell is in effect. While under such attack, the target is temporarily paralyzed, as though having a heart attack. In the round that the target's hit points fall to zero or less, the target's chest ruptures and bursts, and the target's smoking heart appears in the hand of the caster. Each round the spell lasts, the caster must spend magic points equal to twice the number of hit points in damage actually done. The caster must concentrate on the spell each round that it is to remain in effect, and the caster must overcome the target's magic points each round that he or she concentrates. If the caster is distracted or if the target successfully resists, the spell ends. Any damage already done remains.

COMMAND ANIMAL SPELLS: causes a specific animal or insect to swarm to obey a specific command. Published spells include ones for Driver Ant Column, Green Mamba, Leopard, and Spider Monkey. Though each such spell must be learned separately, all require 1 magic point each and no Sanity points. The command is answered naturally (the animal or insects moving by natural means to the caster). One does not want to call on some sort of creature which must take months to reach the caster. Command spells for any natural animal may exist, known by witch doctors or shamans somewhere. Reaching the caster, the creature is able to comprehend and perform a command appropriate to it. To instruct a snake to "fly to Mexico" has no meaning to it, and the order to "bite Jonathan Kingsley" baffles a tarantula, since it has no way to identify the target. On the other hand, the command to "bite all humans in front of you" could be attempted by a creature of minimal intelligence.

COMMAND DHOLE: the spell must be chanted together by a large group of people, each of whom must know the spell, though not necessarily the intent. Each contributes 1 magic point to the summoning. The chant leader loses 1D6 magic points and 1D3 Sanity points. The chant lasts hours, until the dhole appears. The chant leader can attempt to overcome the magic points of the summoned dhole with his own and, if successful, he commands the dhole when it appears. It remains controlled until the caster frees it, either voluntarily or by losing his concentration, falling asleep, etc., and at that point it disappears. If the command roll fails, the dhole attempts to eat everyone, then disappears. At present this spell does not exist in any earthly writing.

COMMAND GHOST: compels a ghost to come forth to answer specific questions. Casting the spell costs 10 magic points and 1D3 Sanity points. The casting must be performed at night. A mammal's blood is poured upon the grave or ashes of the dead person whom the caster wishes to contact. The spirit will refuse to re-enter this world, so the caster must overcome its magic points with his or her own on the Resistance Table, forcing it to appear. Sanity loss for viewing the ghost varies with the ghost, which appears in its form at death. The ghost summoned by this spell responds to questions about events occurring while the spirit lived. Each question costs the caster one magic point and another Resistance Table struggle. When the spirit is victorious, or when a game hour elapses, it departs.

COMMAND SHARK / PORPOISE: for committing a human sacrifice to the gods of the sea. The spells originated in the South Pacific. Each casting costs 1 magic point; for each additional point, the chance of successfully bringing the creature rises by ten percentiles. The spell must be cast over salt water. To bring a shark, splash blood into the sea; for a porpoise, drop in small live fish. The creature follows the shouted commands of the caster. With a successful Luck roll, a second shark or porpoise accompanies the one called for, but the second one is not subject to magical control.

COMPEL FLESH: a person becomes a living zombie, capable only of following simple, understandable, spoken instructions. Compel Flesh costs 3 Sanity points and 5 magic points to cast plus an additional magic point for every ten game rounds that the spell is to remain in effect. First the soul of the target must be bound; see Bind Soul above. Then the caster can use this spell to force the body of the target to perform actions. The body will follow instructions until a task is completed, or the body is killed, or the spell ends.

CONJURE GLASS OF MORTLAN: creates a way to view scenes from the past. Costs the caster 1D8 Sanity points and each viewer 1D6 Sanity points, plus any Sanity loss for what is viewed. A crystal ball and an enchanted brazier are required as well. Let the light from a candle shine through the crystal ball onto smoke from the brazier: a vision forms. The caster expends 6 magic points per spell attempt, with a chance for success equal to his or her Cthulhu Mythos skill. The Voorish Sign can help. The vision is of the past. Unless the vision comes under the sway of a Great Old One (20% chance), the scene viewed is of the caster's choice. A Great Old One might cause visions to appear that were pertinent to itself or some artifact, instead of what was desired by the caster.

CONSUME LIKENESS: the caster can assume the living likeness of a person freshly dead, as seen by eye, video camera, X-ray, etc. The victim may be no more than 3 SIZ points different from the caster. For the next few days the caster consumes the victim and works the spell, expending 10 magic points every six hours, and permanently sacrificing 1 POW point. The caster could consume several likenesses, and thereby take on several guises. When a victim is consumed, the caster loses 1D20 Sanity points. This spell is known by many serpent people. Once the spell is complete, the caster takes on the appearance of the victim at will, for as long as desired. The shadow of the caster remains as original. Similarly, the caster's skills and memories remain intact-the victim's are foregone. Upon losing one or more hit points, the caster must revert to original form and rest 1D3 hours. To go from an assumed form to the original form takes 20 seconds. The original form must be reverted to before another form can be assumed. To go from the original to an assumed form takes 1D3 minutes.

CONTROL SKIN: Brothers of the Skin. For purposes of disguise, the caster may meld, bend, and alter the skin of one general body area per casting. The spell costs 5 magic points and 1D6 Sanity to cast, and then the caster must overcome the target's magic points on the Resistance Table unless the target is willing. A spell for a single body area would take about thirty minutes to prepare and enact. The effect lasts 15 minutes to an hour. For permanent change, 1 POW per general body area is also needed. A second casting of Control Skin can undo the change, of course. General body areas are head, torso, right arm, left arm, right leg and left leg. For 30 magic points, the entire body can be changed, with a corresponding cost of 6D6 Sanity.

D Spells

DAMPEN LIGHT: music from enchanted pipes or a flute creates a zone of darkness. The caster must be able to play the pan pipes or flute, and the instrument itself must be already enchanted. Casting the spell requires music from the pipes or flute, sacrifice of 1 or more magic points, and 1D8 Sanity points. Each magic point expended gives the zone of darkness 1 yard more of radius, centered on the musician and moving with him or her. The music must be played continuously for the spell's duration. The effect takes place three rounds after the music begins. All the light around the caster is drained away, blinding everyone nearby including the caster.

DEATH SPELL: causes the bewildered victim to burst into flame. It costs 24 magic points and 3D10 Sanity points. The target must be within ten yards of the caster, who must overcome the target's magic points with his or her own during each round of concentration. After 1D3 rounds of concentration, the victim's skin forms large blisters and he or she loses 1D3 hit points. In the next round, the victim loses 1D6 more hit points. On the third round, the victim bursts into flames, losing 1D10 hit points then and each round thereafter. The stench of burning hair and flesh is overwhelming. It is impossible to render aid, since the horrified victim burns from the inside out.

DEFLECT HARM: allows the caster to negate various physical attacks. The spell costs 1 magic point and 1 Sanity point. The caster invokes the names of the Outer Gods, then stretches out a hand toward an attacker. Until dropping the hand, the caster may deflect successive attacks by expending magic points equal to the rolled damage for each attack. If an attack would have missed, no magic points are expended. Upon dropping of the hand, the spell ends. The spell may be recast. The caster may deflect any number of attacks until out of magic points. He or she may choose which attacks to deflect and from which attacks to take damage, but must choose before knowing what the damage will be. Lacking the magic points to stop a particular attack, the spell ends, and the blow or missile hits or misses as it would in ordinary circumstances.

DETECT ENCHANTMENT: allows the caster to detect the baleful glow of curses, Evil Eyes, and other harmful enchantments that have been cast on humans, animals, or crops. It costs 6 magic points but no Sanity points.

DETRANSFERENCE: Brothers of the Skin. This spell reverses Transfer Body Part (see later in this list). It costs 10 magic points and 2 POW to cast. It takes five rounds to complete. Match the caster's magic points against those of the target on the Resistance Table. If the caster succeeds, then the borrowed organs and members appear in the caster's hands, sodden and rotting. Bereft of something vital, the target dies quickly. The spell costs no Sanity unless it succeeds, in which case the rotting parts appear in the caster's hands. That costs 1D10 Sanity points unless the caster has had medical experience, or experience as a butcher.

DOMINATE: bends the will of the target to the caster's will. Dominate costs 1 magic point and 1 Sanity point. Match caster and target POW on the Resistance Table: with a success, the target obeys the commands of the caster until the next combat round concludes. The spell affects one individual at a time, and has a maximum range of 10 yards. Obviously the command or commands must be intelligible to the target, and the spell may be broken if a command contradicts the target's basic nature. Dominate can be cast and recast as many times as the caster finds possible, allowing a target to be controlled without interruption for several minutes. Each cast of the spell has the same costs and limits. Recasting is almost instantaneous: Dominate can be cast once per round.

DREAD CURSE OF AZATHOTH: can drain POW from victim. It costs 4 magic points and 1D6 Sanity points to cast. By repeating the secret Name of Azathoth, one can generate respect and fear in any being conversant with the Mythos, for to know the Name implies that one knows the secret Last Syllable. Said alone, the Last Syllable may be directed against a foe. Match magic points on the Resistance Table. With a success, the target loses 1D3 POW.

DREAM VISION: causes the caster or a chosen target to experience a dream portending something about the future. The spell costs 3 magic points to cast. It may cost Sanity as well, depending on the content of the dream.

DUST OF SULEIMAN: this gray-green powder has the ability to harm unnatural beings from other planes. The powder requires the dust from an Egyptian mummy at least 2,000 years old, and each such mummy suffices for three doses of the magic dust. Also required are frankincense, sulfur, and saltpeter. An incantation must be said over the dust while it is being sprinkled. No Sanity points are needed to make or use this dust. Sprinkled over an other-plane being, the entity loses 1D20 hit points per dose. It takes one round to apply a dose. The powder works only on beings for which a Summon/Bind or Call spell exists in this grimoire. Thus the powder would harm a nightgaunt, a byakhee, or Azathoth, but is useless against a shoggoth, Cthulhu, or a sand-dweller.

E Spells

EIBON'S WHEEL OF MIST: evokes a whirling cylinder within which one or more persons can hide from select Mythos creatures. Each foot of height for the cylinder costs 1 magic point. The spell costs only 1 Sanity point. A small bronze disk etched with a strange symbol resembling a three-legged swastika is needed. The caster lays the disk on the floor, stands atop it, intones the words of the spell, and expends the magic points and Sanity point. This generates a 5-foot-diameter wheel of spinning blue mist around the caster.
Everything within the wheeling cylinder of mist is totally obscured. The desired wheel takes 1D3 minutes to form completely, and lasts for 1D20+10 minutes, then dissolves. The mist hides people from creatures summoned by Nyarlathotep or in the name of Nyarlathotep. Such a creature acts as if the mist and those obscured by it are not present. The creature will not move through the wheel's position, even by accident. If the wheel blocks a path, the creature stops where it is or goes backward without knowing why. The wheel only affects his summoned minions, never Nyarlathotep.
As many people as can crowd into the mist can be obscured by the wheel, but if one's feet, head, etc., stick out then the illusion is ruined. To hide a group of normal-height investigators, 7 magic points are needed, unless players specifically indicate that they are crouching, bending, etc. Creatures present before the wheel of mist is cast, or creatures called up by power other than that of Nyarlathotep, can see the wheel and move into it. The wheel can be stepped out of, but this ruins the illusion if the stepper is spotted, as does passing anything through the mist, such as a bullet or a sword.
Anything passing from the outside of the wheel to the inside immediately gives away the illusion. Once the creature's attention is caught, and it realizes that an illusion might be in progress, the protection of the spell is lost.

ELDER SIGN: Its decoration. . . was, rather, in the rough shape of a star, in the center of which there appeared to be a caricature of a single giant eye; but it was not an eye, rather a broken lozenge in shape with certain lines suggestive of flames or perhaps a solitary pillar of flame.—August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft, "The Lurker at the Threshold".
The spell activates a previously drawn Elder Sign. Each active Elder Sign takes a sacrifice of 2 POW to create, but costs no Sanity points. An Elder Sign may be formed into a leaden seal, carved in rock, forged in steel, etc. When made active beside an opening or Gate, it makes that path unusable to minions of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, as well as to those greater beings themselves. Without the spell, the symbol itself means nothing and has no effect.
The writings of certain scribes apart, the Elder Sign is worthless in personal defense if the monster or minion can evade the Sign—worn around the neck, for instance, an Elder Sign might protect a few square inches of flesh but the rest of the wearer's body would be completely vulnerable.

ENTHRALL VICTIM: entrances the target. The spell costs the caster 1D6 Sanity points and 2 magic points. The caster must be able to speak calmly with the target before the spell can take effect. After a round or so of talking, the caster matches his magic points against the target's on the Resistance Table. If overcome, the victim stands struck, numb and dumb, until relieved from the trance by physical assault or some similarly shocking event. If the caster fails to overcome the target, he or she may try the spell the following round.

EVIL EYE: causes a victim to suffer from bad luck. The spell costs 10 magic points and 1D4 Sanity points to cast. The target must be within sight of the caster. The victim will not necessarily sense the Evil Eye, but feels an odd chill or unease when the Evil Eye is cast. The victim's chance for a Luck roll is halved. His or her chance for a DEX roll is halved. His or her guns jam on every roll of 75% or higher. The chances for Summon / Bind spells are halved. The effects continue until sunrise, until the caster removes the spell, until the caster is found and blooded (hit hard enough to bleed), or until the victim dies.

EXILE EIHORT: forces Eihort, a Great Old One, to remain in his English labyrinth for a year and a day. Learning the spell requires a roll of INT x2 or less on D100 and 25-INT days of study. The spell requires 3 rounds to intone and costs 1D4 Sanity points per participant. The caster and other people who know the spell can expend as many magic points as desired. Additional participants who touch the caster can add 1 magic point per person, though the Sanity cost per participant remains 1D4. Using the Resistance Table, match the total against Eihort's POW 30. They'll need at least POW 21 to have a 5% chance.

EXTEND: grants immortality to the caster. It costs 3 POW, 3D6 Sanity points, and 100 magic points. During the spell the caster builds a great fire and summons an ancient nameless being which costs 1D6/1D20 SAN to see. The ritual then creates a pact between the caster and the being, in which the being ages instead of the caster. If the caster dies somehow, the being replaces the caster on Earth, while the caster's corpse is magically sent to the dimension from which the being came.

EYE OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS: weakens many Mythos" agents and servants. This powerful spell requires very large sacrifices of POW, but of varying amount for each time the spell is cast. A great sigil of the Eye is worked into a hard natural substance such as granite, and then placed on a high place in the area to be warded. The Eye must be created in the afternoon before the full moon rises. At moonrise, the blood of an innocent (that is, someone without Cthulhu Mythos knowledge) must be used to fill the pupil of the Eye once per hour until the moon sets. Thus only a few ounces of blood are needed. A number of participants must chant together as the first blood is given, repeating aloud sa-ma, sa-ma, te-yo, sa-ma and so on till the moon sets. When the moon next rises, the pupil of the Eye is activated and begins to glow. Once activated, the symbol disappears within the substance into which it has been chiseled or inscribed, and cannot then be removed by physical or ordinary magical agent or spell. When nearby, those who created it (and only they) always can see the dim nimbus emanate from the Eye. The ward requires 100 POW from the people chanting for the spell, not necessarily given with their knowledge. Each hour of the chant, the Eye randomly leeches 1D4 POW from each chanter until exactly 100 POW or slightly more have been absorbed. A character losing all Power drops dead. If 100 POW or more is not accumulated before moonset, the activation of the ward fails, all leeched Power is lost, and the procedure must be started again from scratch if the ward is to be created. An Eye of Light And Darkness is powerful. It weakens agents, monsters, and minions of the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones who enter the area it protects, damaging them at the rate of 1 magic point per hour. If such a servant remains within the Eye's effect until its magic points reach 0, it disinte- grates. Contact, Call, and Summon/Bind spells may not be cast within the reach of the Eye. The effect of the Eye extends in a 10-mile radius from it, but it does not penetrate more than 20 feet of rock or metal. If placed on a mountainside, for instance, the Eye would protect only that side of the mountain. To destroy an Eye requires a spell unique to that Eye, the characteristics of which may take years to deduce.

EYES OF THE ZOMBIE: allows the caster to take direct control of a specially prepared zombie, and thereafter to perceive events from the zombie's viewpoint until the spell expires. Each cast costs 3 magic points and 15 Sanity points, and is effective for 1D3 months. The eyes of the zombie are removed and placed in a special chemical bath. The caster's eyes are similarly removed as part of the ritual, and stored away for safety. Then the zombie's eyes are inserted into the caster's empty sockets, and a short phrase murmured. Then the caster can move, perceive, and react as though actually in the zombie body. Replacing the eyeballs requires a similar spell cast.

F Spells

FIND GATE: makes apparent to the caster any Gate to or from another world or plane, if it is within the caster's vision. The spell costs 1 magic point and 1D3 Sanity points. This spell locates: it does not empower anyone to open, close, create, or pass through any Gate.

FIST OF YOG-SOTHOTH: hits the target with an invisible blow of varying intensity. This spell costs a varying amount of magic points as well as 1D6 Sanity points. The caster must be able to see the target. The spell takes effect instantaneously. It affects a single target. Each magic point included in the spell yields 1D6 STR of force. For every 30 feet of distance that the caster stands from the target, the STR of the blow decreases by 1D6. When the target is struck, match the rolled STR of the blow against the target's CON+STR on the Resistance Table. If the blow overcomes the target, then the target is knocked unconscious. Whether or not the target is left unconscious, the target always is pushed away from the caster for a distance in feet equal to the rolled STR of the blow minus the target's SIZ. The spell can be used against the STR of inanimate objects such as doors or walls. Results may be obvious, but sometimes keepers will have to determine these cases, perhaps by the result actually rolled.

FLESH WARD: grants protection against physical attack. The spell costs 1D4 Sanity points and a varying amount of magic points. Each magic point spent gives the caster (or the chosen target) 1D6 points of armor against nonmagical attacks. This protection wears off as it blocks damage. If a character had 12 points of Flesh Ward as armor, and was hit for 8 points of damage, his Flesh Ward would be reduced to 4 points, but he or she would take no damage. The spell takes five rounds to cast, and lasts 24 hours or until the protection is used up. Once cast, the spell may not be reinforced with further magic points, nor recast until the old spell's protection has been used up.

FOOD OF LIFE: cruelly and unnaturally extends the life span of an individual cultist. The spell costs 10 magic points and 1D8+1 Sanity points to cast. An unholy feast of several days' duration is key to the ritual. The cultist cannibal adds one month of life for every SIZ point of human flesh therein consumed.

FREE HASTUR: in conjunction with the nine stone monoliths required for the Call Hastur spell, this chant permits Hastur to enter and to remain freely within the area bounded by the monoliths. Only the leader of the chant needs to know the chant. Everyone else involved in the chant loses 1 POW For every 10 such points sacrificed, 1-POW-worth of Hastur or his creatures gain access to Earth. Thus 350 chanters would be needed to bring Hastur, and 210 chanters needed to bring the average star-spawn of Cthulhu. Once Hastur can freely remain, he need not return to the sky at sunrise and can remain active all year round. Hasturconnected spells are usable day or night within the bounded region. That region may be millions of square miles.

G Spells

GLASS FROM LENG: a great round window of a most curious clouded glass, of which [Wilbur] said only that it was a work of great antiquity, which he had discovered and acquired in the course of his travels in Asia. He referred to it at one time as "the glass from Leng " and at another as "possibly Hyadean in origin ", neither of which enlightened me in the slightest. August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft, "The Gable Window." An enchantment. This magical glass allows the possessor to see in it random visions of other places. The previous owner would inscribe a pentagram in red chalk (presumably for protection), recite a brief verse, and then the glass would show a scene of beings from the Cthulhu Mythos. Unfortunately, such beings could also see through the glass to the user's side.

GRAFT FLESH: Brothers of the Skin. Allows the caster to graft enchanted flesh to his or her body, and have the flesh and its armoring effects last forever. The spell costs 10 magic points and 2D6 Sanity points to cast. The lengthy ritual involves hours of chanting and prayer to Nyarlathotep or another significant Mythos deity. The caster must also remove from his or her own body a corresponding area of flesh (costing 1D4 hit points and 2D6 Sanity points) before the enchanted flesh can be Grafted. After the spell has been completed, the properties of enchanted flesh are immediately available. See the spell the Enchanted Flesh.

GRASP OF CTHULHU: immobilizes one or more targets with crushing pressure, temporarily robbing STR as well. The charm costs 2D6 magic points per game minute, and 1D6 Sanity points for the cast. It can be extended for as many minutes as the caster's magic points can buy without additional Sanity point cost, but the caster must concentrate on the spell during that time. The spell's range is ten yards. Cast, the spell's effect begins immediately, and can affect more than one person at a time, but each additional target costs an additional 2D6 magic points per game minute. Resolve this spell on the Resistance Table, separately matching the POW of the caster against the POW of each target. If the caster wins, the victim feels great pressure and is unable to move, as though wrapped by the mighty tentacles of Great Cthulhu. If there are multiple targets, one target may be attacked successfully while another target fends off the attack. For each minute the spell lasts, the target temporarily loses 1D10 STR points. If the target's STR drops to zero or less, he or she falls unconscious.

GRAY BINDING: a way to form an uncontrolled zombie. A ritual liquid must be poured over a corpse. The keeper determines the ingredients of the liquid. At least one part is costly or illegal. grates. Contact, Call, and Summon/Bind spells may not be cast within the reach of the Eye. The effect of the Eye extends in a 10-mile radius from it, but it does not penetrate more than 20 feet of rock or metal. If placed on a mountainside, for instance, the Eye would protect only that side of the mountain. To destroy an Eye requires a spell unique to that Eye, the characteristics of which may take years to deduce.

H Spells

HANDS OF COLUBRA: turns the hands of the caster into the foreparts of venomous snakes. The spell costs 12 magic points and 1D10 Sanity points. It can be used only on the caster, and takes a full round to cast. The effect lasts 1D3+3 combat rounds. The transformed snakes can bite targets up to 8 feet distant. Each snake has the caster's DEX x5 chance to hit, each bite does 1D3 damage by itself, and each hit injects a venom of potency equal to the current magic point total of the caster. Match the potency of the venom against the target's CON on the Resistance Table. If the venom attack succeeds, the victim loses 1D10 hit points per round until the hit points lost equal the venom's potency. At that point the poison is neutralized and does no further damage, but a second bite starts a second, new attack. Sanity loss is 0/1D6 for witnessing the use of Hands of Colubra.

HEAL: maximizes the healing rate possible: with it the natural rate is 3 hit points per week, with First Aid it can be 6 hit points the first week, and with Medicine it can be 9 hit points the first week. The spell costs 3 magic points and no Sanity points. It takes 25 game rounds to cast. The recipient must be touched by the caster or the spell cannot take effect, and the spell must be reapplied each week to have effect for that week.

HEALING: after 2D6 game rounds, it can immediately heal 2D6 hit points lost to injury, disease, or poison. Ignore hit points restored in excess of normal. The spell cannot bring back the dead to life. Each cast costs 12 magic points and 1 Sanity point.

HEART'S COURAGE: a protective spell against those who know spells of any sort. It costs 1 POW and 4 Sanity points to cast. Those knowing no spells are unaffected. The caster must be a worshiper of Chaugnar Faugn, though the god may have other names than that. The caster carves certain runes into the wall or floor of the area to be protected, then prays to Chaugnar Faugn and sacrifices POW. From time to time, such a ward may need a new sacrifice of POW, but there is no automatic expiration. When a target nears the runes, he or she must intone the god's name to be let past. Failing that, the target's player may attempt POW x3 or less on D100. With a success, the investigator keeps on walking and the spell has no effect. With a failure, the target finds himself or herself paralyzed and frozen in place. The body otherwise functions normally. The target can speak and see. With a result of 96-00, the target falls before going rigid. If left at the warding runes or carried past them, paralysis continues indefinitely, and the target may die in two or three days. If carried back away from the runes, the paralysis ends after the target's POW in game rounds. A character who was frozen by the ward can attempt to pass it again after his or her POW in game rounds has passed.

Spell List I to P

I Spells

IDENTIFY SPIRIT: this spell creates a magical powder which temporarily exposes any alien entity inhabiting the target's mind or body. Making it costs 12 magic points and 2Sanity points. Anyone can use this powder. When sprinkled over a human and a word of power is spoken, the powder then reveals the possessing entity for a game round. The powder requires glass ground from a mirror at least 100 years old, a handful of gold dust, and two special ingredients of the keeper's choice. The caster then meditates for a day and a night in a silent cave or other lightless place. Once his or her mind is clear, the caster combines the ingredients, adds the blood of a mammal, sacrifices 12 magic points and 2 Sanity points, and utters a short incantation. If the vessel's contents burst into flame, the spell has succeeded. If not, the magic points are lost, and the ritual may be begun anew. The chance for success is the caster's POW x5 or less, rolled on D100. The result is a fine gray-blue powder as soft as fresh wood ash. It keeps indefinitely. A pinch or two is enough. Sprinkled, blown, or thrown over a possible victim, the form of any existing foreign entity becomes visible as a life-size shadow superimposed over the host; the shadow vanishes at the end of the game round. Sanity losses are half normal, since only a shadow is revealed. Y'golonac, a Great Race member, or an insect from Shaggai would be revealed. Serpent people using Cast Illusion would not be revealed by this spell, nor would people of ghoulish tendency, nor vampires or shape-changers. A wraith would be revealed.

IMPECCABLE THROW: reciting a short verse allows the caster to throw objects and have them land exactly where he or she desires, for a period of the caster's POW in game rounds. The spell costs 3 magic points and 1 hit point (for the effort), but no Sanity is lost. The spell guides a thrown object to a trajectory that will hit the target. The spell will adjust aim, but there must be sufficient force in the throw.

IMPLANT FEAR: grips the target with soul-chilling dread. It costs the caster 12 magic points and 1D6 Sanity points. The sudden unnerving costs the target 0/1D6 Sanity points and causes him or her to stop work or end concentration.

IMPLANT SUGGESTION: Dreamlands. This rare spell of compulsion is effective only against creatures with some human blood in them—Lengites, deep one hybrids, ghoul changelings, Little People, etc. Magic point and Sanity point costs for the spell vary. The range is 10 yards or less, and the target must be able to hear and understand the caster. The caster needs two rounds to intone the spell and to relate the suggestion to the target. When the spell is cast, the caster must overcome the target's POW with his or her own on the Resistance Table; extreme suggestions involving death or great harm require a second successful Resistance Table roll just before the suggestion is implemented. The cost for the spell varies with the suggestion. For ordinary unthreatening suggestions (drop your sword, hand over your money and leave, etc.), the cost is 5 magic points and 1D3 Sanity points. Riskier suggestions, but not ones antithetical to the target (go to Inquanok, set fire to a building, etc.), cost 10 magic points and 2D3 Sanity. Dangerous or suicidal suggestions (kill a companion, kidnap King Kuranes, etc.) cost 15 magic points and 3D3+1 Sanity. Immediately after, the caster intones the spell, spending 8 magic points and 1D6 Sanity points. The ritual takes five minutes, after which the corpse rouses. It is nearly mindless, and is not under the control of its creator. The thing continues to rot after its creation, and so eventually decays into incapacity. The risen corpse is otherwise identical to the zombie on p. 186.

IMPRISON MIND: destroys the ability of an entity to move magically or naturally from mind to mind, possess other beings, or leave in any other way the body in which it is currently. The cost per participant is 10 magic points and 1D6 Sanity points. The spell may be cast by an individual or a group. Once cast, match the casters' POW against the target's on the Resistance table. (The target is always the possessing mind.) If the target is overcome, it is forever trapped in its current body. If used against a Great Old One, Outer God, Elder God, or avatar, the spell traps the being for only 100-POW minutes. Y'golonac, for example, would be trapped for 72 minutes.

J-K-L Spells

JOURNEY TO THE OTHER SIDE: self-entranced, the caster sends his or her spirit to another plane as desired, conceivably even to the location of a Cthulhu Mythos deity. This spell costs 15 magic points to cast, and a day-long ritual to achieve. The trance lasts 1D6+3 game hours. Unknown but possibly large Sanity losses result from the particular experiences.

KEENNESS OF TWO ALIKE: to a level which seems appropriate to the keeper, this spell heightens mental clarity, concentration, and retention for a period of 1D4+4 hours. It requires two casters of blood relation. Costs to each caster are 4 magic points and 0/1 Sanity point. Conclusions understood or perceived during the spell's effect are remembered when the spell ends, though the derivations of such conclusions may become mysterious. Each casting takes one hour. The spell may be recast when a casting concludes. Two casters must participate following an elaborate ritual, one necessarily blood-incestuous. One caster receives the temporary intellectual enhancement, nominally equivalent to an extra 6 INT. Ritual and spell are from lefthand or black Tantra, and are not Mythos-connected.

LAME / HEAL ANIMAL: causes one animal, usually a farm animal like a horse or cow, to suffer painful inflammation of its tendons and ligaments or to become extraordinarily healthy and vigorous, as the caster chooses. The spell costs 4 magic points for either version, and 1D4 Sanity points to cast Lame Animal.

LAMP OF ALHAZRED: The lamp of Alhazred was unusual in its appearance. It was meant for burning oil, and seemed to be of gold. It had the shape of a small oblong pot, with a handle curved up from one side, and a spout for wick and flame on the other. Many curious drawings decorated it, together with letters and pictures arranged into words in a language unfamiliar.—August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft, "The Lamp of Alhazred." An enchantment. When lit, this lamp gives forth vapors that sends the minds of those who inhale the vapors into ecstasies of vision. These revelations are of the strange and weird landscapes of Mythos places and dimensions, and the ways of the entities there. If this lamp was actually used by alHazred, the author of the Al Azif, some of the breadth of his knowledge would be explained.

LEVITATE: causes the caster or a chosen target to float slowly through the air. Levitate requires 1 magic point per SIZ of the thing levitated, and 1D6 Sanity points. The caster must be able to see the levitation. The effect lasts several minutes. The spell levitates the target 3-5 feet off the ground or floor. If falling from a height, the target falls in slow motion and halts several feet off the ground. Each extra magic point expended after the spell is cast allows the user to move the target one yard horizontally or vertically. (If the target is a living being who is unwilling to be levitated, the caster must first overcome the target's magic points with his or her own.) The target floats as the caster wills, helpless to stop moving except by grabbing a tree limb or similar brace. In that case match target STR against the caster's magic points (both in the spell and those still unexpended). If the target wins, the spell is broken. The target falls, of course.

LOOK TO THE FUTURE: hurls a willing target a varying number of years into the future. After a group chant for a game hour, all participants in the ceremony lose 1 POW each, except the caster of the spell, who loses 2D6 Sanity points instead. Upon completion of the chant, the chosen volunteer (who need not himself chant) is then physically hurled into the future. One year passes for each point of POW expended during the ceremony. The spell is imprecise: subtract 1D10 years from the desired target date. If the result is a trip into the past instead, the target disappears from existence (one preferably wants at least eleven contributors of POW therefore). After a number of game hours elapse equal to the volunteer's POW, he or she snaps back to the present. To witnesses, the volunteer disappears, then reappears a round or two later. Depending on what it achieves, this spell can provoke important historical paradoxes. In keeping with the tradition of the Cthulhu Mythos, a major paradox should lead swiftly, grimly, and immediately to the madness and death of the person initiating it. This powerful spell is known by Nyarlathotep, who may or may not teach it to a worshiper.

M-N Spells

MELT FLESH: Brothers of the Skin. It heats dead flesh to its melting point in one round, requiring 1 magic point to melt 3 SIZ of flesh. This takes 5 rounds and costs 1D4 Sanity points to cast. If used on animate flesh, the cost changes, to 1 POW per 3 SIZ, and the attacker and target magic points first must be matched on the Resistance Table. Seeing human flesh melt off human bones costs 1/1D6 Sanity.

MENTAL SUGGESTION: causes the target to be controlled by the caster for one round, and to do exactly what is commanded. The spell costs 8 magic points and 1D8 Sanity points, and takes 3 rounds to cast. The sorcerer can cast it on any target visible to the unaided eye. Match the caster's magic points against the target's on the Resistance Table. Success is total, and can include the command to attempt suicide or make a murderous assault on a friend. The spell can be recast, as the sorcerer is able.

MESMERIZE: the user can command any being with human blood in its veins. The caster loses 1D6 Sanity points, but no magic points, and must have at least 50% Occult and 50% Cthulhu Mythos. The spell takes a DEX rank to cast. Match caster and target POW on the Resistance Table. If successful, the target stops and accepts commands spoken by the caster. The target must be close enough to see the caster's eyes, which seem to glow while the spell operates. Mesmerization lasts for 5 rounds for each point of INT the caster possesses. If the INT of the target is higher than that of the caster, a successful POW vs. POW Resistance Table roll must be made every 10 rounds, or the spell is broken. A single target is affected. The victim's physical action skills are halved. The victim carries out all that is commanded by the caster, even to self-destruction. The spell also works against modern serpent folk and deep ones who have interbred with humans, but doesn't work on nonhuman entities such as shantaks or dimensional shamblers.

MI-GO HYPNOSIS: Mi-Go. By introducing ultrahigh and ultralow frequency tones into its buzzing, the mi-go can put one or many humans listening to it into a trance state. An investigator within forty feet of a buzzing mi-go must receive a successful Resistance Table roll of POW vs. POW or become incapable of action. Thoughts and commands can then be given to a specific human via the Contact Human spell.

MINDBLAST: the victim of this spell loses 5 Sanity points and goes temporarily insane for at least one hour. The spell costs the caster 1D3 Sanity points and 10 magic points. To succeed, the caster must successfully match magic points with the target on the Resistance Table. The target is affected for 1D10 x10 game hours, after which he or she recovers. The concept of the insane insight would not apply to this induced temporary insanity.

MIND EXCHANGE: allows the caster to trade minds with another individual. The caster loses 1D3 Sanity points and must expend magic points equal to the target's POW the first time the spell is cast. Thereafter, the cost goes down 1 magic point per casting until it reaches 1, where it remains. The Sanity point cost does not increase. The target must know the spell-caster and love or strongly favor him or her. If that affection is somehow lost before the spell's cost is reduced to 1, the exchange can no longer occur. Fresh affection renews the chance. The target loses Sanity points upon finding arriving in another's body, 1/1D3 Sanity points at minimum. Temporary insanity is a possible reaction. This spell can be cast at any range. The caster must overcome the target's magic points with his or her own each time the spell is cast, until the cost for casting the spell has been reduced to 1, when he or she no longer needs to do so and can transfer at will, using only a strong mental effort. The spell caster cannot initially stay more than a few minutes inside the target's body, but progressively is able to longer and longer. Once the cost for transfer is 1 magic point, he or she can stay there indefinitely.

MIND TRANSFER: allows the caster permanently to trade minds with the target, perhaps to attain longer life at the target's expense. The spell requires 10 magic points to cast, and also takes a successful magic-points match on the Resistance Table. With success, the caster loses 1D10 Sanity points, and the victim loses 1D20 Sanity points. If the exchange fails, the caster must immediately cast the spell again (lose 10 more magic points) or his or her soul dissipates into eternity. Running out of magic points has the same result. Once the transfer is begun, it cannot be broken off.

MIRROR OF TARKHUN ATEP: as harassment or warning, the caster is able to project his image onto the surface of a mirror or mirroring surface that is being gazed into by the caster's intended victim. This spell costs 5 magic points and 1 Sanity point. The victim can be anywhere on Earth. The caster needs a mirror large enough to see his or her head and neck. Gazing within it and keeping an image of the target in mind, he or she utters the short incantation, makes the sacrifice of Sanity and magic points, and waits. When the target looks into a darkened window, a mirror, or any other mir- roring surface, an image of the caster begins to form. If the caster tires before the target looks into a mirror, that loss of attention breaks the spell. Sometimes the mirror image of the caster is looking directly into the eyes of the victim. At other times the caster is seen standing directly behind the victim in the reflection. If the victim wears glasses, images reflected from the lenses may even be resolved. Words and short phrases which the target can hear can be uttered by the caster. The caster can see through his or her mirror as well, and see the target and the target's surroundings.

NIGHTMARE: causes the target to experience a horrible nightmare, awake screaming, and lose 1D3 Sanity points. The spell costs 8 magic points and 1 Sanity point to cast. It affects a single sleeping individual, whose name must be known to the caster. The spell can take effect at any range. The shaken victim awakes in a cold sweat, but cannot remember the contents of the dream unless benefiting from a successful Psychoanalysis roll. The dream's content is chosen by the keeper, not the caster, and must be closely related to the life and habits of the caster.

P Spells

PARTING SANDS: ancient Egyptian sorcery used to part nonliving obstacles (walls, doors, rivers, and so forth). The spell costs 2 magic points and 0/1D4 SAN to cast. Ordinary desert sand is enchanted. For each point of SIZ above the first two points, the spell costs an additional magic point. One could use this spell to part the Red Sea, but that would take a lot of magic points. To apply, spread a line of sand in the direction desired, and sacrifice the necessary points. The way that opens is wide enough and tall enough for men and horses. The spell takes about ten rounds to complete.

PERFECTION: given the permission of a god, the caster may convert points of Power into points of other characteristics with this spell, either for the caster or for his or her designated target. The god designates any costs involved—usually one for one in characteristic points. There is no Sanity charge per se, but contact with an Outer God or Great Old One is necessary, so the Sanity loss involved may be substantial.

PIPES OF MADNESS: drives hearers insane. This spell must be cast with the enchanted owl-bone pipes made by the ritual in the spell Create Curse Whistle. The caster plays a specific weird melody on the pipes and expends 5 magic points every 5 rounds of playing. It costs 1D6 Sanity points to cast the spell. Call for Sanity rolls for all within earshot. Whoever receives a failure loses 5 Sanity points and immediately goes temporarily insane; roll on the longer duration table. With a successful Sanity roll, the listener loses 1D3 Sanity points and ordinarily does not go insane. Repeat the Sanity rolls every 5 rounds that the pipes are played and heard.

PLUTONIAN DRUG: "I have here five pellets of the drug Liao. It was used by the Chinese philosopher Lao Tze, and while under its influence he visioned Too. Too is the most mysterious force in the world; it surrounds and pervades all things " — Frank Belknap Long, "The Hounds of Tindalos." An enchantment. This drug has the ability to send the user's mind back in time. In the story, it sometimes sent back users so far that they encountered the hounds of Tindalos, entities capable of traveling up and down time via its "corners." The hounds are attracted by such intrusion and soon appear to devour the interloper. The drug can appear in liquid or tablet form.

POSE MUNDANE (MASK): the spell makes a creature or object totally unremarkable in the minds of viewers. The caster must sacrifice magic points equal to the SIZ of the creature or object, plus one magic point per round to maintain the effect. An inanimate object can be masked indefinitely by the sacrifice instead of 1 POW during the casting. People fail to notice the strange appearance, though frequent contact with the masked item allows a person to perceive that something about the object or creature is very unusual.

POWDER OF IBN-GHAZI: Those without the telescope saw only an instant's flash of grey cloud—a cloud about the size of a moderately large building—near the top of the mountain. Curtis, who held the instrument, dropped it with a piercing shriek into the ankle-deep mud of the road. He reeled, and would have crumpled to the ground had not two or three others seized and steadied him. All he could do was moan half inaudibly. — H. P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror." The spell makes visible magically invisible things by blowing the powder against the invisible thing. The powder must be compounded carefully, according to exacting instructions, and involves three special ingredients and the sacrifice of 1 magic point per dose. A dose is one application of the powder. The keeper determines the special ingredients. The powder is either blown from a tube or thrown over the target. The thing which is dusted stays visible for no more than ten heartbeats. That which could be made visible includes the magical lines extending from a place enchanted for the Calling of a Mythos deity, the aura around a Gate, and a normally invisible creature such as a star vampire. Using the powder costs no Sanity points, but seeing what it exposes may.

POWER DRAIN: drains magic points from the target. The spell costs 1D8 Sanity points. Match the caster's magic points against the target's. If the caster wins, then the target loses 1D6 magic points, and the caster gains them. If the caster fails to overcome the target, the caster loses 6 magic points to the target.

POWER OF NYAMBE: grants the caster additional magic points perhaps useful in an emergency. The caster performs a ritual which requires many components of African tribal magic, and sacrifices 1 point of POW but no Sanity points. In return, the caster receives 2D6 extra magic points usable for any purpose. These points do not regenerate, and the POW does not return.

PRINN'S CRUXANSATA: the spell creates an ankh which can temporarily or permanently banish individual Mythos creatures. The cost of enchantment is 5 POW and 1D6 Sanity. The object must be an ankh (looped cross) made of an unalloyed metal— pure copper, iron, silver, gold, or lead would be the easiest metals to find and to form. For 20-INT days the caster performs episodic rites and sacrifices, and then sacrifices 5 POW and 1D6 Sanity to enchant the ankh. It is ready to use. To combat the Mythos, the caster intones a chant for three rounds, and expends any number of magic points to be matched against those of the target on the Resistance Table. Companions to the caster may contribute 1 magic point each; in token of the 5 POW, the caster adds 5 free magic points as well. Any person who knows the chant may wield the ankh and attempt to banish a creature, but does not get the 5-magicpoint bonus granted to the original caster. If the ankh-wielder and companions overcome the creature, it is dispelled to its home plane. If they fail to dispel the thing, it attacks the ankhwielder first before turning its attention to others present.

Spells R-Z

R Spells

RAISE NIGHT FOG: draws up a dense ground fog from a body of water. Casting it costs 3 magic points and 1D2 Sanity points. The ritual takes about twenty game rounds to complete and involves a bowl or cup for water, filled from the body of water where the fog is to form, then blowing softly across the surface of the container. The fog forms suddenly; if there is wind, it drifts with the wind. The spell can be cast only at night. The fog dissipates with the rising sun.

REACH: allows the caster to reach through intervening surfaces and volumes, to the physical extent of his or her arms or tentacles, and adjust things, implant new elements, or withdraw existing ones. Cost of the spell varies: match the number of magic points sacrificed against the STR of the surface or surfaces to be passed through. The spell also costs 5 points of Sanity.

RED SIGN OF SHUDDE M'ELL: causes one or several victims to die horribly. This spell takes 1 combat round, 3 magic points, and 1D8 Sanity points to cast. When formed correctly, a dull red symbol glows in the air as the caster's finger describes it. The sign's malevolent effects manifest the round after its creation. Once formed, the sign must be maintained by concentration, and the expenditure of 3 more magic points each additional round. All those within 10 yards of the sign lose 1D3 hit points per round as their bodies quake and spasm, and their internal organs and blood vessels convulse. Those further than 10 yards but nearer than 30 yards lose one hit point each round. Those further than 30 yards take no damage. It is possible to escape the sign's effect by crawling behind a wall or other opaque barrier. The caster must stand next to the sign and concentrate. The caster loses 1 hit point each round because of proximity.

REMORTIFICATION: forces the appearance of the ghost of one whom the caster has personally killed. The spell takes 1 round to cast, and costs 1D6+1 Sanity points. The spirit reenacts movements made just before its death. The spirit is immaterial. Objects pass right through it. It cannot physically harm anyone or anything, but may cost Sanity to see.

RESURRECTION: He turned from the inscriptions to face the room with its bizarre contents, and saw that the kylix on the floor, in which the ominous efflorescent powder had lain, was giving forth a cloud of thick, greenish-black vapour of surprising volume and opacity.—H. P. Lovecraft, "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward." The spell reduces a corpse to its essential salts and compounds, a bluish-gray powder, or reverses the process to yield ultimately the form and soul of the deceased. A complete corpse is necessary. Either version of this rare, misleadingly named spell costs the caster 3 magic points and 1D10 Sanity points, for casting it is an unholy thing to do. Being Resurrected in this manner costs the victim 1D20 Sanity points. If only part of the ashy powder is available for the spell, the sorcerer gets "onlie the liveliest awfullness" from what's then made flesh. But the successfully resurrected need not be all in one piece —as long as the coffin is intact and sufficient care is taken to scrape together all the fragments and dust within, the spell succeeds. Reciting the spell backward returns the resurrected entity to dust. It can be retained or thrown away. In this process, the cast- er matches magic points against the resurrected's on the Resistance Table. If the caster wins, the victim returns to dust. If the victim wins, it may try to prevent the caster from reciting the spell again. Reciting the spell backward takes two rounds. In "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward", many of those resurrected were interrogated and tortured to reveal secrets of the past.

RIVER GOD'S CURSE: Dreamlands. This spell can be cast only by the River God Oukranos, after the target has earned his enmity. A devastating thirst plagues the target. In the Dreamlands, this curse takes effect every 1D3 days and lasts for 1D3 hours. In the Waking World, the afflicted cannot drink enough water ever to slake thirst. The target loses 1 CON daily, until death occurs or until he or she returns to the Dreamlands and fulfills some obligation. Once the River God is satisfied, the cursed recover 1 point of lost CON per week.

S Spells

SEAL OF ISIS: protects inanimate objects against magical attack within a 50-foot cube. This warding spell requires 1 hour, 1 Sanity point, and as many magic points as the caster thinks useful. Spells cast at items in the warded area are resisted by the magic points sacrificed to the warding. Match the points on the Resistance Table. Seal of Isis does not defend people, and is not a physical barrier against intruders.

SEEK HEART: quickens and implants the will within a corpse to pursue and acquire a fresh heart to replace the one that has been taken from it. A cast of the spell costs six Sanity points and 8 magic points. The caster must be within a hundred yards of the corpse, and must be able to see the corpse to activate it. When the spell is cast, the corpse searches for the first human target it can find. It attacks, striving to rip open the victim's belly and reach up and scoop out the victim's living heart. Insertion of the living heart within the attacker fulfills the seeking corpse, which enjoys a few fleeting game rounds of ecstasy. Shortly thereafter, the seeker collapses and begins to decay. It has been drawing upon latent energies in existing cells and muscles; once those energies have been drained, dissolution of the corpse is speedy. The effect of the spell lasts for the corpse's former STR plus CON plus POW, in minutes. If by that amount of time the corpse has not taken a new heart, it emits profound lamentations, falls to earth, and putrefies. Seek Heart can be cast only upon a corpse, and then only once. Each cast of the spell requires a relatively fresh corpse, one without significant putrefaction. The blood of the corpse must be drained, and the corpse's heart somehow removed. Preparation of the corpse and the casting of the spell take 1D3 hours.

SEKHMENKENHEP'S WORDS: the caster creates an intense bond with a large group of listeners. The spell costs 3 magic points and 1D6 Sanity points to cast, and an additional 3 magic points sacrificed at the end of each ten game minutes that the spell lasts. The caster then must speak extemporaneously and seemingly from the heart, and maintain the audience's attention. Each ten minutes therefore the caster also needs a successful communication roll as the keeper thinks appropriate (Bargain, Credit Rating, Fast Talk, or Persuade), or the speech ends indecisively and in confusion. At the end of a successful speech, the audience believes what has been said for 1D3 days.

SEND DREAMING: can be cast only during the dark of the moon, and only by one who possesses Alcheringa Dream Lore. The caster sacrifices 1 POW into a fire. The fire burns yellow, then white, then blue as the night wears on. The caster then entrances himself and sends Dreamtime visions to the sleeping target, plunging that person's imagination into the Dreamtime without preparation or knowledge. If the dream is horrifying, the target can wake with a successful INT x 1 roll as it begins, or by a successful POW x 1 roll at the end of each hour. A dream costs caster and target alike 1D6 Sanity points, and lasts for six hours. Once such a dream is underway, the target cannot be awakened by someone else. The same dream might be sent to two targets in one night for twice the cost of one.

SEND DREAMS: subjects the target to dreams specified by the caster. The spell costs a varying number of magic points, and 1D3 Sanity points. The caster must use a special bowl made of "the copper from above", an alien metal. Such a bowl is etched with certain runes, and filled with specified herbs and a dram of blood from the caster. The herbs are set afire. As weird greenish smoke rises, the caster concentrates and casts magic points into the spell. The magic points energizing the spell are matched against the magic points of the target, and a Resistance Table roll determines the winner. The spell lasts • two minutes for every magic point put into it. The target must be asleep and within 20 miles of the caster. The dreams may be anything the caster desires, but one usual use of the spell is to send visions of Mythos entities to lower the Sanity of the target. Sanity losses from such visions are one-tenth normal (round up fractions). A dream-vision of Azathoth, for instance, costs 1 Sanity point if the Sanity roll succeeded, and 1D10 Sanity points if it failed. The caster cannot send a vision of any entity whom he or she has not seen. The spell cannot transmit orders or wishes, nor hypnotize the dreamer, who knows only that he or she is having strange dreams.

SENDING OF THE DEAD: Voodoo. Causes significant harm or death to the target. It costs 10 magic points and 1D6 Sanity points from the caster and supplicant. The caster uses Contact Loa for Baron Samedi, who demands that the supplicant bring specific symbols to his vè-vè at midnight, as well as several handsful of earth. There the caster performs the spell. The supplicant must now lay the earth where the target will walk on it. When the victim does, the dead enter his or her body. Match the caster's POW against the victim's POW. If the caster wins, roll 1D8: 1-4 Victim immediately loses 1D10 SAN. 5-7 Illness costs victim 1D6 STR and 1D6 HP. 8 Victim falls into a coma and dies in 1D6 days unless the dead are expelled.

SENSE LIFE: allows the caster to detect the general nature of life in a particular area. Casting this spell costs 1 magic point and 1 Sanity point. The target is an area equivalent to an average house. It must be within sight of the caster. The spell allows the caster to distinguish species (such as a dog or a person), but not to recognize specific individuals.

SHINING TRAPEZOHEDRON: [it was] a nearly black, redstriated polyhedron with many irregular flat surfaces; either a very remarkable crystal of some sort, or an artificial object of carved and highly polished mineral matter. It did not touch the bottom of the box, but was held suspended by means of a metal band around its center, with seven queerly-designed supports extending horizontally to angles of the box's inner wall near the top .... exposed, [Blake] could scarcely tear his eyes from it, and as he looked at its glistening surfaces he almost fancied it was transparent, with half-formed worlds of wonder within. — H. P. Lovecraft, "The Haunter of the Dark."
An enchantment. In the story, Robert Blake finds a peculiar metal box in which is mounted a stone about four inches thick. It rewards or damns those who look into it with visions of other worlds and dimensions—thus the stone shines with the interior light of things not of our world. The notes of a previous investigator refer to it as the Shining Trapezohedron, the correct description of the crystalline form. When the box is closed, a hideous avatar of Nyarlathotep comes, but one which either will not or dares not enter even the pale circles of light cast by street lamps. The stone exercises great command over human psyches. Getting rid of it proves too much for poor Blake, who perishes when the electric lights of Providence fail during a thunderstorm and the avatar emerges.

SHRIVELLING: a powerful spell of attack. Casting it costs a variable number of magic points and half that many Sanity points (round up any fraction). It takes two rounds to intone. To succeed, the caster must then use the Resistance Table to overcome the target's magic points with the remainder of his or her own. If successful, the spell blasts and blackens the target—subtract 1 hit point from the target for each magic point invested in the spell.

SIREN'S SONG: the caster sings the spell, which if successful causes the target to believe that the caster is all that his or her heart desires. The spell takes two rounds to cast. Casting the spell costs 1 magic point and 5 Sanity points. The spell lasts for 4D10 hours. The target may resist POW vs. POW on the Resistance Table and, if the target succeeds, the spell has no effect. Siren's Song affects as many people as can hear it.

SKIN OF THE SEDEFKAR: Brothers of the Skin. Magically defends the caster. Casting the spell costs 10 magic points and 1D3 Sanity points. For twenty-four hours, the caster is protected against all kinetic attacks by ten points of invisible magical armor. However, each attack reduces the stopping power of that armor by 1 hit point; e.g., after two bullets hit, the spell stops only the first 8 hit points of damage from the third, and only the first 7 from the fourth. Casting the spell takes approximately one uninterrupted hour of time.

SNARE DREAMER: allows the caster to attract a particular soul if it is currently out of body. The spell takes twenty minutes to cast, and costs 8 magic points and 1 Sanity point. The caster and target must be within five miles of each other, and the target's player may attempt a POW vs. POW match on the Resistance Table to escape. With a failure, the soul is drawn into the presence of the caster and is subject to such spells as Bind Soul. If the soul evades capture, it wanders off to participate in more dreams. The dreamer sees the caster and location, though he or she may not recognize the location, and remembers this as a particularly vivid dream.

SONG OF HASTUR: a magical attack, the song is a wailing ululation costing the caster 1D4 Sanity points and 1D4 magic points each round it is performed. Roll D100 equal to or less than POW + DEX x2 in order to sing properly the alien melody. The target must be visible to the caster. Though everyone can hear the song, the spell affects only the person chosen as target. This spell will not work except at night, and only if the star Aldebaran is visible. Successfully cast, this spell causes the skin and flesh of the chosen victim to bubble and fester into pestilent blobs, costing the target 1D6 hit points per round. After every two rounds, scarring reduces the victim's APP by 1D6. After every four rounds, internal ruptures lower the victim's CON by 1D6. When the victim's hit points or CON reach 0, the body swells up, then bursts with a sickening pop as steamy gore spills onto the floor. The song can be used defensively, to guard against another caster of this spell. Successful opposing castings neutralize each other.

SOUL EXTRACTION: Voodoo. Allows a person's soul to be hidden, for purposes of protecting it, often within a clay pot. The elaborate ceremony costs 8 magic points to the caster. The target then lives a relatively normal life, and benefits from a Luck roll's chance of defeating any voodoo spell cast against him or her. If an enemy gains control of the soul's container, spells may be cast directly at it, with the effect that each spell does maximum damage.

SOUL SINGING: causes the target to see and hear only what the caster desires. The spell costs the caster 8 magic points and 1D4 Sanity points. The caster also must play the enchanted bone pipes (see Create Curse Whistle). The spell takes effect when the caster's magic points overcome the target's on the Resistance Table. Soul Singing is aimed at a single victim who, seeing what the piper wishes him to, is led entranced to some doom or destruction. The spell affects one target. Others present cannot hear the tune unless their players succeed in D100 rolls of POW x3 or less. Then they hear a faint, nondirectional piping of strange melodies.

SOUL-TRAP: allows the caster to trap the soul of a victim within a specially prepared talisman. Creating the talisman costs the caster 1 POW and 1D4 SAN points. The victim must be wearing it at his or her time of death, or the spell fails. If wearing the talisman, capture of the soul is automatic. Thereafter the victim's soul can be called forth by the caster with a few simple words. The summoned soul takes the physical form it possessed in life, including clothes and accessories like rings or watches. The spirit can be questioned or called upon to perform tasks, but if it refuses or is hostile, the caster needs a successful POW vs. POW roll on the Resistance Table to compel it. A failing roll frees the soul, which quickly disappears. Summoned, the soul remains apparent for the caster's POW in rounds, and may be summoned again following the same interval.

SPECTRAL RAZOR: creates the effect of an invisible blade which can be used to cut and slash victims. This immaterial weapon can be used at a range in yards equal to the caster's POW x3. Damage is 1D6 per round. The spell takes 2 rounds to cast and costs 2 Sanity points and 2 magic points. For each additional round of effect, the caster must pay another 2 magic points. A Spectral Razor target must be visible. If concealed or half hidden behind obstacles or obstructions, the damage is done to intervening objects until the keeper believes enough damage has been done that the target is visible and vulnerable.

STEAL LIFE: drains life from a victim to make the caster younger. This cruel spell costs 8 magic points and 1D20 Sanity points. To cast the spell, the target must be within sight and hearing of the sorcerer, who must overcome the target's magic points in a match with his or her own on the Resistance Table. With a success, the target begins to age and decay while yet alive, the innate life and vitality draining into the sorcerer. Each combat round after the spell is cast, the target loses 1 point each of STR, CON, DEX, POW, and APR. For each point of characteristic drained from the target, the caster becomes a week younger. For example, if the spell were cast upon a random derelict who had 8 points in each characteristic, the caster would become 40 (8 times 5) weeks younger. Meanwhile, the target withers, turns gray, and flakes away. At the end of the spell, the target has become a horrid dry husk which costs 0/1D6 Sanity points just to see. If this spell is not cast on the night of the full moon, the caster does not gain the benefits of restored youth, but the victim still dies. If the caster of the spell is slain before the victim dies, the spell cancels and the victim's lost characteristics return to him or her.

STOP HEART: causes the target to lose 4D6 hit points to a sudden massive heart attack. The spell costs 14 magic points and 2D6 Sanity to cast. An involved ritual occupies the caster for the day before the spell is cast. Once the ritual is ready, the casting takes only a round, though the target must be within sight of the caster. A POW vs. POW match on the Resistance Table must be won, or the heart attack does not occur.

T-U Spells

TRANSFER BODY PART: Brothers of the Skin. Allows the willful substitution of another hand, arm, etc. Casting the spell costs 1 POW, 1D10 magic points, and 1D10 Sanity points. If the donor is already dead, the transfer costs 2 POW. More complicated transfers cost more: the most expensive is 100 magic points for Transfer Head. Preparation for the spell takes about an hour, including the creation of the magical thread that provides the initial connection of body to part, plus the transfer taking game minutes equal to the magic points required. Since the procedure is often clumsy, the caster usually Transfers the part to a second Brother. The Brothers look for particularly prize pieces of anatomy—an athlete's legs, a boxer's fists, and so on. To return to an original body part, see the similar spell Detransference.

TRANSFER ORGAN: Brothers of the Skin. Replaces a human internal organ with its match from another human. Hearts cannot be moved or traded. The spell costs 63 magic points and 1 POW. Donor and receiver each lose 1D8 Sanity points. One of the participants can be the caster. The donor must be alive. The donor's agreement is not needed for the effect of the spell. A paste is made of blood from both participants, mixed with chameleon saliva. Donor, receiver, and caster are surrounded by a group who link hands and sing an ancient poem; the 63 magic points are drawn from them in equal or nearly equal amounts. This keeps both parties alive during the transfer. Using the paste, the caster draws the symbol of the organ to be transferred on the respective areas of the participants. After an hour of meditation and visualization, the caster delves his hands into the donor body where the symbol is. Pinching off major connections, the organ is lifted out and placed on a circular stone table. The process is repeated for the recipient, and then the parts are installed in their new bodies and sewn into place.

UNMASK DEMON: it destroys any magical disguise used by • a target, and costs a variable number of magic points and no Sanity points. The spell requires the participation of a group of at least three people who chant clearly and rhythmically while their leader breaks a raw unfertilized egg on which has been drawn an image of the target. To succeed, the casters must overcome the target's POW with their own combined magic points. Each participant may contribute as many as half his magic points to the spell. Sanity may be lost when the target's true form is revealed.

UNSPEAKABLE PROMISE: establishes a binding oath made to He Who Is Not To Be Named, and costs the caster 2D8 Sanity points. In return, Hastur grants the caster some benefit— a plausible gift would be an important ancient tome such as the R'lyeh Text or the yearly award of 3 POW for the rest of the recipient's life. Additionally, however, there is a non-cumulative chance of 2% per year that the caster transforms into a gruesome humanoid monster totally under Hastur's sway, one which the keeper may create afresh or draw statistics from the Unspeakable Possessor, in the Creature Companion.

V Spells

VANISH: causes the caster to disappear in a puff of smoke, to reappear instantly in a location beside a previously prepared box. The box takes 2 POW to prepare. Each casting of the spell takes about two seconds, and costs 5 magic points and 1 Sanity point. The location is defined by creating a charm made of a box containing components of the caster's body such as hair, teeth, or nails. The box is magically prepared, taking about a day, and the POW must be sacrificed. Then the Vanish spell may be cast any number of times. If the box is destroyed, or opened and its contents scattered, the POW points are lost. The box must be remade before the spell can work again. The location of the box might be as far as several hundred miles distant. More than one box might be prepared at the same time.

VIEW GATE: cast at a suspected Gate, this spell allows the caster and companions to see what, if anything, is on the other side of the Gate without going through it. The cost varies with the number of magic points needed to activate the Gate. It always costs 1 magic point and 1 Sanity point to cast the spell. Viewing is a variable cost, one tenth of the Gate cost (round up fractions). Thus a Gate costing 7 magic points to pass through requires 2 magic points and 2 Sanity points to view through. The view lasts 1D6+1 rounds. The spell may be cast as often as the caster's magic points and Sanity points allow. If there is something horrific to see, additional Sanity charges are in line for each viewer. If important to play, viewers may attempt appropriate skill rolls to learn where or when or what they are viewing.

VOICE OF RA: temporarily increases caster APP and certain related skills. The spell requires 5 magic points and 1 Sanity point. The ritual takes two hours to complete, and a variety of herbal components are burned during the casting. For 24 hours, the spell adds 1D10 APP to the caster, and increases by 20 percentiles each the caster's Bargain, Credit Rating, Fast Talk, Persuade, and Psychology skills.

VOID LIGHT: Mi-go. This spell subtly warps space, creating a sink from which photons will not emerge. The mi-go must spend one magic point for every cubic yard of blackness desired. No light can escape the affected area, making useful visual protection for these sometimes fragile aliens. Depending on how the spell is prepared, the darkness may be like a sheet or a spherical volume.

VOORISH SIGN: They from outside will help, but they cannot take body without human blood. That upstairs looks it will have the right cast. I can see it a little when I make the Voorish sign — H. P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror." These magical hand gestures aid in Mythos magic. Making the Voorish Sign costs the user 1 magic point and 1 Sanity point. The passes and hand movements take only a few seconds, but they increase the chance to cast successfully a Mythos spell by 5 percentiles, and in some cases seem to make visible the invisible. In the canon, this sign is never described.

W Spells

WANDERING SOUL: while he sleeps, this spell can send the caster's soul to some location, and thus scry out his enemies. The caster then wakes twelve hours later, having spent all but one magic point and sacrificed 1D4 SAN, and with a sense of exhaustion. The dream-like vision reveals information readily observable, but lamps cannot be lit, nor boxes and drawers opened, nor papers rifled. While it is so wandering, those of POW 20 or more can see and identify the scrying soul. Those of POW 15 or more have the feeling of being watched. Those asleep see the face of the scrying soul and can identify it, for the soul has always the appearance of the caster, and cannot be disguised.

WARDING: makes a warding arrangement. Costs 1 magic point per stone used in the ward, and costs no Sanity points. A number of ordinary white stones are required. They are placed on the ground as the caster pleases, except that each must be within a yard of each of the others. The spell takes about fifteen seconds to cast, during which a shimmering heat haze can be seen over the stones. Thereafter if any stone is moved, the caster will be aware of the fact, even if asleep until then. Once this has occurred, the spell is broken.

WARDING THE EYE: this spell protects completely against the Evil Eye spell. It costs 2 magic points and no Sanity points, and involves a number of complicated hand gestures which may be made prior to or at the same time as the Evil Eye. Like the Evil Eye, this spell expires at midnight.

WAVE OF OBLIVION: causes a powerful ocean wave to smash down at the caster's direction. The caster must be in or on the water himself. The spell costs 30 magic points and 1D8 Sanity points to cast. Sufficient quantities of salt water must be present to create the wave, and the caster must be able to see the target. The wave volume is 3,000 cubic feet, enough to swamp or capsize a small sloop. Were several or many spells cast at once, a large ship could be swamped. Needless to say, people swallowed up by such waves vanish forever below the surface. In another version, one sorcerer must know the spell and expend all but one of his or her magic points, but others can also contribute magic points to allow the creation of vast waves capable of sinking ocean liners, battleships, or Manhattan island. Those knowing the spell can contribute as many magic points as desired, and must expend 1D8 Sanity points. Those who do not know the spell can contribute 1 magic point each. The variant requires a minimum of 30 magic points, creating a wave ten feet long, ten feet wide, and thirty feet high. Each additional magic point adds a foot to the length and width of the wave.

WITHER LIMB: causes permanent damage to the target. The spell costs the caster 8 magic points and 1D6 Sanity points. It takes 1 round to cast and the target must be within 10 yards. Overcoming the target's magic points with his or her own on the Resistance Table, the caster causes the nominated arm or leg to wither and shrivel, leaving to the victim 1D8 hit points of damage and a permanent loss of 3 CON. The victim and any witnesses lose 0/1D3 Sanity points each.

WRACK: temporarily incapacitates a single target. It costs 3 magic points and one Sanity point to cast. The caster must be 10 yards or less distant. Match caster and target magic points with those of the target on the Resistance Table. Succeeding, the spell takes effect after one round of confusing hand gestures. Intense, wracking pains seize the target, the face and hands blister and drip fluid, and the eyes cloud with blood and become temporarily sightless. The effect lasts 1D6 rounds, after which sight returns. In 3D10 minutes, the target fully recovers and resumes normal activity. Traces of physical corruption fade quickly, and in 24 hours only faint blemishes can be seen on the skin. Each such experience costs the target 1/1D6+1 Sanity points.