Les Amis Noirs

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Les Amis Noirs
Also Known As The Black Sabbath
Organization Type Worldwide, Criminal
Leadership Cardinals
Membership Archbishop, Priscus, Bishop, Paladin, Priest
Associated With Erluchtet
Related To Rozenkreuz

Les Amis Noirs exist as a social club of billionaires who amuse themselves by watching and forcing humans to do hard choices for money of for their lives. They have been hiring killers and deviants to film their exploits and use them for sales among similar like minded individuals.


Les Amis Noirs was founded as a response to the dismantling of the Black Book Club. After KIRA was recognized as dead, rich and jaded individuals got together to start an ancient Roman-like organization dedicated to perversion and the pursuit of human frailties. In recent years, some have taken up leadership positions, each named after the Catholic church's clergy titles, and have organized such activities as slave trading, human feasts and black market organ and child sales world-wide, only recently expanding into the Asian markets.


To associate like-minded individuals and provide for their perverse needs. Of course, once they know what makes a man tick, they are likely to use the information as blackmail to force them into compromising decisions and hasty sales, but the core of the organization, those with actual titles among the group, are high-society's brightest and the elite of the business world. They have also recently made it a point to locate and hire specialist individuals for work outside of the group's primary interests, but only at the request of the Cardinal.

Known Members

  • Cardinal: The top rank of the organization, as informal as it is. Cardinal is a rank held by two people of equal influence among the group. The Cardinal is the one who accepts all new members and personally interviews all new Specialists the organization locates. The current holders of the Cardinal title are one of the primary financial backers of all the groups' activities, explaining the power he holds among a group of the social elite.
  • Archbishop: The primary member of a particular region, either geographic or economic, the Archbishops are the moves and shakers of the organization. Les Amis Noirs establishes contacts from the Archbishops' encounters with other members of the social spheres, and gain new members, clients and ideas from their activities. They are the most likely to participate.. even if only by watching.. in the 'events' run by Les Amis Noirs, and have the most contact with outsiders.
  • Priscus: The Priscus are represenatives of the Archbishop. While they carry technically no power, they are envoys for them (and in one case, a Cardinal) and are authorized to stand in for them at social events, and make decisions on their patron's behalf. However, the Prisci are mostly people with political and transport power in various region. While they are important to the organization, they are not expected to try to move up, and are considered a necessary evil, as well as one more step for Bishops who wish to move up in rank.
  • Bishop: The general members of Les Amis Noirs. Those who organize local events and attempt to up their status in the organization. These are the ones who are aware of the local delicacies and are expected to show visitors a good time, as well as handle business in their sector, usually geo-political. Several politicians and police officials are members at this level.
  • Paladin: Field agents and bodyguards of Les Amis Noirs. The Paladins act as arrangers and fixers. They handle security, secrecy, payoffs and other dirty work. They are either lone operatives, or members of local or international law or military organizations as well as members, to maintain their contacts. A Paladin is expected to be able to defend themselves and their assigned individual, or be exceptional at finding the local 'entertainment' and getting their job done.
  • Priest: New members of the organization. These are newly-inducted members of Les Amis Noirs, who mostly just participate and purchase entertainment from the group. Those who enjoy the company tend to remain as this or become Bishops, and those who do not are often ruined and forced to do horrible things to keep their names and reputations intact, to make sure they cannot blackmail anyone else.


  • The group is based on the X-Men's Hellfire Club, rich and powerful individuals who indulge in depravity and use special forces individuals to achieve their goals.
  • The titles and basic name of Les Amis Noirs comes from the Old World of Darkness's Sabbat (for the Titles), and Clan Lasombra (for their look and name).
  • The canceled project 'Velvet Under World' is the inspiration for 'Les Ombres', and you can find videos that inspired The Sculptor here[1] and The Judge here[2]