Elemental Four

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For other notable groups in Dallurn, see the subsection in Dallurn's entry.


The Elemental Four were members of a guild called Phantom Lord, and were among its strongest. When the guild master was caught for criminal activities, the Magic Council forced the entire guild to disband as a result. Begrudged by the Council's decision, the Elemental specialist of wind, Erigor, veered the four from pursuing any new guilds and instead ushered them into their own life of criminal activity. They lead a group of bandits in a large number of heists focusing almost entirely on lacrima theft - magical 'batteries' used for any number of applications. PARADIGM was hired on to investigate and put a stop to the thefts, first catching up to a caravan where the caught they Fire Elementalist Totomaru. In talking to him after, they learned the locations of a prior-abandoned castle that the others were using as a base of operations. There, they confronted Erigor and the remaining three, asking them to stand down and turn over a new leaf. While Trisabelle and Sol agreed, Erigor insisted he'd had enough of guilds, and promptly took his retreat to the skies.

Presently, the three cooperative members (Totomaru, Trisabelle, and Sol) are in the custody of Soaring Heights, where they are serving light sentence under house arrest there and acting as around-the-guild-hall members helping out in day to day tasks until their debts for prior thefts are repaid.


  • Totomaru - Fire Specialist, known abilities include varying 'flavors' of fire. Purple Fire - sticky and burning. Blue Fire - Chilling like ice cubes down your back. Orange Fire - fire that smells like a mop soaked in three week old milk. Red Fire - Fire. He's also extremely versed in Psychokinesis, able to exert physical force and direction on any manifested fire. Resisting it is a matter of magical muscle, in the case of other fire practitioners.
  • Trisabelle - Water Specialist, a very emotional girl prone to sudden outbursts. She has a body of water that's impervious to most physical attacks and can use that fact in many attacks of her own. Her tears seem to make the skies rain, and when strong enough, are enough to form even tidal waves across the battlefield. Don't make her sad please.
  • Sol - Earth Specialist, his exact capabilities are unknown.
  • Erigor - Wind Specialist, and the only member not to stay with the other three when they went to Soaring Heights, Erigor was seen capable of harnessing an armor of wind around himself, and fly.
