Astral Tomes

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For other notable groups in Dallurn, see the subsection in Dallurn's entry.


The Astral Tomes are powerful magical constructs housed in specialized lacrima far far at the top of the Library of Infinity. Those who have spoken with them have been told that they know next to little of their creation, origin, or their intended purpose. At the present, however, they guard the library from those who would seek to abuse the idea of knowledge. It's said that those who enter for the first time must pass a trial in which they lay their claim bear of their intent and are judged by the tomes to decide whether it is a worthy pursuit of knowledge or not. Several of the Agents of PARADIGM have gotten around this, however, by aiding the tomes under a recent assault from an unknown party, granting them access to the library for their aid with the Tome's trust gained.


  • Elanore - Tome of Knights, she has a stern attitude and wields potent weapon-crafting magics. It is said she focuses on the knowledge of humanity's loyalties and reasons for conflict.
  • Desirae - Tome of Empathy, she hasn't been shown to use any particular magics. It is said she focuses on the knowledge of human beauty, poetry, and passion.
  • Astrid - Tome of Heroes, he has been shown to have a keen analytic nature in combat despite his odd attitude. It is said he focuses on the stories and tales of human triumph that give people hope.
  • Argente - Tome of Magic, she wields magic as another limb, controlling ambience around her, fashioning tangible constructs and magic circles, and can transform spells from one shape to another with ease. It is said she focuses on the knowledge of human evolution, particularly as it comes to great magics, and is likely one of the more studied theorists on the entire continent.
